Basic signs and symbols you have found

Seems to me the longer the threads,....the less info some point one must start anew :help:

Hi all, Greetings from here.

I was watching this video on youtube and noticed some markings and a pointer rock so I thought I should put it up on treasurenet to share with you all and see what you think.

The rubble at the mouth of the cave may at one time have concealed the entrance ... Looks beautiful there.

I think with all the running and scurrying along this guy was doing we are lucky to see what we do in the video.

The only bright side of this is, he saw something, looked odd, and thought of this site and our postings here might not seem like much now, but this kind of conciseness raising will help in general in the long run so i say thanks seaside for posting but it would be better if you took clear concise photos during the correct time of day with your back to the sun, and then we 'tesoro lobos' could have some carne colorado to chew on...thanks
oro obliquely

In reference to my Round Hill post, the land is BLM and no cattle runnin on it. What caught my eye was how clean and shiny the vehicle was. Roads were pretty muddy that day. After takin rough measurements between the rocks on the arrow, I did walk in a straight line to the SW. I came upon a very prominent quartz outcropping, the only one around. I didn't walk it backwards, which might be an idea. It doesn't point to Round Hill, but a few degrees off to the left. I can't confirm there's gold buried on the hill, but from the evidence I saw, lots of folks believed so, or maybe even found it. I saw a lot of things up there that looked like markers, and sure enough there would be a hole dug nearby. It was great to go to a prominent treasure tale location and get a first hand look. I will go there again before the snow flies.

Old Dog said:
RGINN said:
A vehicle showed up within 15 minutes of my arrival in the area and stopped while I was gettin ready to photograph the pointer. I acted like I was adjustin the camera and then took some shots of the mountains. He moved on and checked out my vehicle and eased on out. I just had a bad feelin about that and probably comes from readin Hillbilly Bob too much, you think? Nothin else happened, so probably nothin to that.

I have had similar stuff happen...
They sure take off quick when you start making an obvious photography session of them and their vehicle ... license plates, good facial shots etc, LOL.

Um I got video lol.

There are a few quite interesting legends and mysteries regarding devil's lake and i thank you much for posting that seaside. This is the time of year to go hike there too..if you are in the area.

In general, wisconsin has some surprising things indeed.

Hi Rginn,

I like looking at the old sites even if they have been picked over.

I came across a sealed hole for lack of better words. I made a small opening around the cover stone, and put a camera on a stick to make a video and take pictures. It was empty and seem to go no where inside. But if you looked over the cover stone, as it was vertical, it appeared a large area has been removed from the mountain behind it.

I felt like I was in a choke point for a cave that had a high ceiling. It appears someone did a little fill work, and put the large stone in the way. As much as I want to know whats behind the cap stone over the top of it. I felt it best to walk away from this one.

Are you failure with anything like this in your travels?

It did have a crude diamond carved into the cap stone. I also notice a faded drawing of a panther below and at the entrance. The entrance was roughly 4 foot niche back into the cap stone between two large stone boulders, going up 30 feet or more. There was no real good place to stand to work and getting would be easy, getting back down would probably have required search and rescue.

If any one has any experience with some thing like this I would be glad to post a few pictures of what I could get.

That sounds a LITTLE bit like a DT situation described by Mr. Keyes in his book.

Hello Again,

My real question is how far would someone go to bury something? Im trying to understand Spanish construction and identify camp grounds and work areas out side the mines and Cache points. I believe they may have left a little laying around for me to come by with a detector and pick up.

Most of the recent finds here are in open areas near the trail. But I have seen holes everywhere lol.

Another question is why anyone would leave instructions on how to get around the trap? I have pictures of the inside of the hole and there appears yet another set of instructions in the hole, and a small square beamed entrance.

The amount of work and trouble took to get such heavy stones in place seems overdone for a death trap.

I am thinking the the area behind the cap stobe was where they worked the ore as this is a hard rock mine and there is little below to suggest a site was here at all. This particular hole has a twin also. Maybe on a slow day I will run back up and get some pictures behind the cap stone.

Is there any reference of fake death traps? I have in the past noticed examples of what Im to look for at the top of a mountain, to trek back down to the bottom and find what Im to find. Un fortunately I have found no instructions on how to remove the cap stone, just get around it.

Got another question. The Robbers "Y". I have em everywhere. Some have balls on the ends and some dont. Where I find them is another question for later. Is that instructions for what to do once in the hole?

Mr. Keyes tells of two different DTs that were built into decoy vaults / mine shafts. He said in one, the mine ended just beyond a wall of small boulders that were the trigger rocks for the DT. The man's book is only about 70 pages, but it has all meat and no potatoes.

Casca said:
My real question is how far would someone go to bury something? Im trying to understand Spanish construction and identify camp grounds and work areas out side the mines and Cache points. .....

Some folks have gone to incredible lengths to cache valuables and leave cryptic clues behind. No doubt about it - there are plenty of clues to be found. Just to be sure, every 40 years or so, 'an old Mexican with a map' shows up to excite the locals so that the carvings are relocated by a new generation.

Spanish miners? Ask yourself, 'why would Spanish miners leave gold behind in the uncharted wilderness instead of taking it back to Mexico with them?' Would you? If you really take the time to flesh out that question, and the history of mining beyond the Northern Frontier, then you may think about all those carvings you're finding in a different light. People back then were not stupid, and you're not stupid either.

true trackers,
understand - the truth is -quite simple really, they did take the gold with them , they took their gold - the 80% they were permitted under the accord
with the King of Spain, they only left a pittance... the 20% that was for the tax and the permission to carry the lions share
out of new spain, the facts speak, logic dictates, history implies....
oro for sure

the other part of the equation is the coded markers, that they were required to leave for the kings men to come an spend the time
and effort to collect the tax. simple again, no one can deny the one thousand monuments that just Kenworthy junior visited, let alone the many hundreds his father visited and the estimated by junior that 10's of thousand are left all over north and south, america [new spain] myself I guess that it is much
more than that, 100's of thousands, just based on the tiny bit of geography I have personally covered and the amount that there seems to be.

I have 7-8 [that I found so far] monuments in just a 100 mile radius of my cabin...add the 100's I have decoded for folks here and other is a one
[well no rational person] can deny the monuments, the amount, what they mean and how long [300 years] that spain was able to cherry pick some of the richest mining areas on the planet... remember the 49ers were the johnny-come-lately's to the gold rush party.....
someone one may try to tell you that this is not true, but I think if you consider the source, and then the real facts you can see for yourself
what the truth of the matter is...your smart enough to do your own research and come to your own conclusions..that IS a fact~!!
oro for all

rangler said: one [well no rational person] can deny the monuments, the amount, what they mean and how long [300 years] that spain was able to cherry pick some of the richest mining areas on the planet... remember the 49ers were the johnny-come-lately's to the gold rush party.....
This has been a valuable discussion for us. And as always, thank you Rangler for the perspective. It obliterates the history book concepts we were raised with, but it is completely sensible. Mankind has been around a long time and gold has been exceedingly valuable for thousands of years... it is more than reasonable that they would have come here and picked over every inch of this land long ago. In our Colorado county it is actually recorded that the Spanish were here searching for gold in the 1700s. The one historical article I could find about it online states, "if they found anything, they left no traces". Well we see traces everywhere.

Always refreshing to hear from sane, responsible people who can think for themselves and are not afraid to say so..thank you for your kind words
and support, this subject is always polarizing because of the agenda setters deny - while the adults use common sense and their ability to think
clearly and use logic and research.
heartfelt thanks to you heartquest

"p16 seek knowledge rather than silver, understanding rather than gold."

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