heartquest said:
Today we found yet another heartish rock. It's about 5 feet tall and lays on the ground. It looks jagged on one side. Anyone ever see a heart like this or have any thoughts?
Heart death traps with lightning bolt
"They will bait you with items of temptations. Do not fall for these small distractions. For one, if there are such "baits", this only tells you that there is so much more waiting further on.
The "Heart" symbol, to a Spaniard, means gold. They would change the heart by either adding to or removing portions to change the overall meaning. Here are some examples:
#1 is a heart with a line or crack separating one of the lobes from the main body. changing the heart in this manner, tells us several messages. That there is a death trap. That your heart will be broken if you do not heed this warning.
#2 is a heart with a lightning bolt passing thru it. Major warning. The bolt direction may not indicate which side the trap(s) located. Use care throughout your search.
#3 is a heart with the bottom pointer separated from main body. This not only tells of a death trap, but the bottom point, points to the trap itself.
#4 is a heart with a crack down the center. This only gives you the warning that a trap is near, but no direction indication.
#5 is another heart symbol that tells of a trap but no direction indication.have no knowledge that the Spanish ever said in their writings, that if the point of the bolt or the cracked lobe was the side, in which the trap was located. This may have been an unspoken understanding of the overall message. Look for added s/s around the "Heart".
A small dot or small hole to one side might represent "nature's" death trap. Bad air, water, poison, poisonous snakes and scorpions. Oh yes, they would gather and introduce these territorial species into the area from very long distances. (I am presently working on a project that this information has some validity to it. I am not at liberty to talk about it at this time. But wait patiently, I think you will like it.)
These hearts may also be shown on maps. Telling the reader that there will be death traps awaiting them on their arrival. They will usually be found within a 200 ft. radius of the concealed entrance.
The "Lightning Bolt" symbol tells the aware treasure hunter, very valuable information:
1. This site is where large quantities of gold, silver or other treasures are stored.
2. "Death Traps" will be encountered along the way.
3. Miss any one of these symbols and you are assured of your demise.
Many times a "Death Trap" s/s will be given near the actual site. This is to distract the unwanted searcher away from the actual treasure site itself. You have to be on constant alert. Do not touch or remove anything, if you do not know what is going to happen next. Those who set these traps were devious people. They knew the greed of others, because they had it themselves. Too many people have had their dreams spoiled, with the thoughts of extreme wealth beyond their wildest imagination.
The first trap that should be discussed is what is called the "Grande Trap". This is a trap that is the type that is usually found within the 200 ft. radius of the concealed entrance. It is a very large boulder (30 to 40 tons) sitting on the slope of a hillside. On the boulder a carved heart with the pointer separated from the main body of the heart.
This trap could be classified as a "deception or deterrent" in the overall design. Many knew that the heart to a Spaniard, means gold. If the uninformed happen to miss the separated pointer message, and started digging where the pointer tells them, the disturbance of the ground beneath the boulder, would upset the balance, setting the trap in motion. If it didn?t kill you, the 30-40 ton boulder thundering down the hillside, might just scare you so bad, you might give up the search then and there.
If you come across one of these, do not waste your time looking under it. If you do there will be nothing under it, except you, when it starts crashing down the hillside.Another and common type of lightning bolt warning, in the field for a death trap, is on either side of a shaft or tunnel entrance. (The "bolt" will never be above the entrance) It will be cut, carved or chiseled into the bedrock, within 1 1/2 or 2 feet of the entrance itself. The opening or entrance to any of these will be covered or concealed. The entrances will be blocked by logs or rocks that have been caliched in place.Note: Make it a practice to expose at least two feet on either side of the entrance, to confirm if a death trap might be present. The position of the lightning bolt will show you where the trap(s) will be located. For example:
First: If the lightning bolt is on the left, the trap(s) will be found on this side, only after you have actually entered the mine. If the main passageway is long, stay to the right side of the passageway. If this passageway "Y's" , stay to the right. Remain on the right no matter how many times it "Y's", even though there might be a box or something of interest to tempt you into entering the other tunnel. It will more than likely be trapped. If a cross is carved on the opposite side of the entrance, this confirms that the "safe" passageways will be on the side of the cross.
Second: See where the point of the lightning bolt is pointing.
1. If the point is down then you will find floor traps only after you have entered.
2. If the point is towards the main entrance, then the trap is at the entrance itself. By breaking through the entrance, you will have set the trap in motion. Sand may be re- leased from a support rock(s), holding back a larger boulder further upslope from your position. It may not look like a dangerous situation, but believe me, one of my partners
almost lost his life to a trap of similar design.
3. If the point of the bolt is pointing up, then the trap(s) will be from above, only after you have entered the tunnel. Not at or above the entrance itself.
4. A heart that has a crack down the center, separating the two lobes in half. The crack is representing that your heart will be broken if you do not heed the warning. Be careful with this one. It does not tell you where the trap(s) are located or from what direction the death will be coming from.
5. Another variation type of trap warning is three crosses. Two to either side and below a larger cross. This message is from the three crosses, at Jesus' Crucifixion. Saying: Stay to the right. This is the position of the "Good Thief" that was with Jesus on the Mount at Calvary. A Mexican variation of this was used. Instead of two crosses below the larger cross, two skulls were used. This says follow the straight and narrow. Do not use any tunnel to either side of the cross.
6. Be aware and leery of any type of signs that are mentioned above or have connotations relating to death. They all relate to death by some means. It is quite possible that someone may have been more devious in their motives. The Royal or King's Spaniards had rules that were mandatory and "MUST" be followed to the letter. Others may not have held the same beliefs. This is why you must take this information seriously and be cautious with everything that you may do. "Safety is the prime directive!"