Basic signs and symbols you have found

heartquest said:
I posted this first heart before... one wonderful heart rock hidden in the wash. Then we found another, the second prominent on the hillside about 100 yards from the first heart. Both are big, 7 and 9 feet. The second heart is tipped and points to this cool tomb shape up the hillside... these three things are in a line... if that means anything. We aren't treasure hunters... sometimes we feel we are looking at bread mold in the shape of Elvis... but... the shapes are compelling. Just don't know what to think...

Of the Hearts that I have run onto, one must draw an X on it like an old world battle practice target.

Knife to Heart means to complete your objective from one of four directions, or going in at least one of the four directions to win. Each mine has a decoy dig; even if it is natural or just somewhat adjusted by a simple hammer mark down at the lower threshold areas as one would mark a booby trapped tunnel with sign, just inside the entry way. It will be oxidized and could be rather difficult to make out on the thresholds surface. Perhaps pecked in the shape of the real entry.. The side of the Threshold that the mark is on (left or right), may also lead you to turn and walk aside in the direction you seek. From there one should find themselves walking across a lode disturbance running through the section; one to trace in light of a concealed portal such as a small bolder or mound with a hole or holes in it. (air vent) If you suspect a hidden location. Walk out in front of it a ways (80 feet or paces average) and see if you can find a stone laying on the ground that is shaped as a man's head or a spear point that resembles a torch flame or trowel. These are sure signs that the target is but a spear's throw away if the target were to be a man. One heart is true, and the other, well who knows?

I don't think your wiggly sign is a snake, rather a water sign.
directing you to the left and down hill.

awesome pictures by the way. very nice group of signs.

here your heart points to ....the number "7" , you might take this compass bearing follow the line see what you can see...

HeartRock2 heartquest rangler marked.webp
Set your heart towards the prepared way: jeremiah chapter31 verse 21

Hi Old Dog and Rangler,
Thanks for your replies.
Old Dog, that would be great because down the hill would send you past the giant second heart and put you in the wash where that first hidden heart is. The Giant heart is 9 feet tall and very prominent, and the heart in the wash is 7.5 feet tall and was completely hidden. It is the most beautiful and astonishing heart. We found it by accident and that is what started all this. We just thought is was a cool rock. I had photos of myself and my husband taken on it last Dec, and we sent it out to thousands on our mailing lists as a Christmas card. Some treasure hunters responded and sent us here to TreasureNet.

Rangler, I will get back up there with my camera and check that out, though when you stand by the heart itself and sight up it, it takes you up the hill to the tomb, as one of my previous photos shows.

Calvin Keys, author of Turtles to Treasure, was helping us. Then, Calvin went to heaven. :-( He will be missed very very much as he was a knowledgeable and humble spirit. I have many more photos of interesting things and I will attach some more and see what you think. In all this we're trying to decide if we have found a real treasure yard, as Calvin suggested we may have. These three photos of interesting stuff are all on a large solid rock shelf just above the heart in the wash.


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Here is another broken heart shape which is not on the rock shelf but up on the hillside higher and to the left of the tomb shape rock. This heart we call kneeling heart because it looks like a person kneeling in front of it.

The biggest problem with this site is that there are hundreds of thousands of rocks and since they are decomposing granite, they can take interesting shapes naturally. So, I am just attaching some of the more interesting stuff. But the site does lie along a historical trail, right next to the trail, actually, and this county does have historical record of visiting Spanish gold seekers in the 1700s. So as wild to us as all this seems, it is in the realm of the possible.


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Sorry to hear that Calvin Keys as passed lost a great helper there.


your tomb door , is appropriately named ...this is ancient pagan monument from the neolithic age, the oldest from appox 3000bc or at least the ones done in ireland and scotland say so. they are called dolmens...this one is very pagan in celebrating life and death.
and for want of a better translation they are 'stone tables' used since 30,000 bc world wide to mark the passing of someone important to them...not a burial of bodies per se...some have found cremated remains, or other human remains nearby..most just the highly precise placement of stones...some show the rays of the solstice sun, often elaborately carved and incised...
the spanish missed this it is perfectly intact. if you study these stones you will be amazed at what they carved - but it is well hidden from the normal focus and sight...........
the treasure of this one, is the dolmen itself[but that doesnt mean the spanish did not use the heart and other stuff to thier advantage and indeed hide some goodies here or nearby...

"Dolmens, properly called Portal Tombs, mark burial places in a very distinctive way, with large capstones elevated at an angle and held up by huge standing stones.
They were created between 3000 BC and 2000 BC and are generally held to be tombs, though they may also have had a ritual significance.
The stones we see now would have originally been covered in earthen mounds, with the area below the capstone forming an entrance leading to the tomb proper. Hence the correct name of Portal Tombs.
There are more than 100 dolmens scattered throughout Ireland, in various states of repair.
Quite how the people of the time manipulated the truly massive capstones into place is unknown, but the fact that so much of their work still stands some 4,500 years later is a testament to their evident skill."


[size=9pt]Set your heart towards the prepared way: jeremiah chapter31 verse 21

I too am sorry to hear of Calvins passing,
perhaps we can carry on in his spirit...

this heart might be the spanish one of the I think the heart that points to the dolmen is made by the ones who made the tomb...the spanish just added the "7" saving them a lot of time and this heart with the X has the flavor of the codemakers...notice the right lobe of the heart is thicker, larger, so it seems to me, and I cannot confirm this one, as
I have not seen a heart with an X on it before, but I do know they used pointers for their lines...and but just as old dog has said, this is a distance maker above all, so my guess roman
numeral for 10..master of the understatement there huh?lol
this seems to say follow the line of the X on the biggest side [lobe] of the heart, you might want to note this compass bearing, perhaps it is a cardinal point, which will confirm it..
good luck and nice find of this group of signs, a tantalizing mystery will unfold if you can decode the marks
XHeart rangler marked.webp
edit:distance is 30 yards [90ft] divided by X [ten] = 3 measurement units, so ponder me this
friend and foe alike, what measurement unit is equal, is it rods at 5.5 yards[165 ft]? nope,...
chain ? cordel , braza, yard, meter ,ect ...questions, no wonder they call it a quest~!!

its a quest of questions~!!...where is my calculator...or an app for one..hmm lol I wonder if they have an app for plotting shadows...


Oddrock... yes, it was sad and we miss his enthusiasm and advice. :-(

Rangler the photo of the dolman is amazing!

I don't know what you all think of the Kenworthy books, but there is a diagram in one of them of a Spanish made tomb which looks exactly like this one...and he mentioned that they would never put a bolt mark on the door itself but always on one of the walls on either side. I had seen that diagram before finding this tomb... so when I saw the giant heart, sighted up it, and found the tomb I was pretty amazed. The giant heart is like a billboard to the historical trail passing by the site. Our idea, though we are newbies and are not too sure of anything right now, is that the giant heart might mark the general site, but then point away from the wash to an obvious decoy, the tomb. You would have to leave the trail and come over to the heart to look up and see the tomb, which, because of the angle of the walls on either side of it, would be hidden from the trail. I will post a photo of the side of the giant heart... it does not look like a heart from this angle. The heart side faces south towards the trail, this side faces west. This face of the giant heart rock has lots of marks on it, although we don't know if they are just naturally occurring or not.


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....not too sure of anything right now, is that the giant heart might mark the general site, but then point away from the wash to an obvious decoy, the tomb.

here a couple of things you can be sure of.....
1.the heart rock was carved by the ones who left the tomb
2.the spanish came in behind them and carved the "7"
3.the tomb itself is the object of the heart
4.the spanish converted the tomb to an alpha monument

check out my mark up of your tomb dolmen on my ...diagnosed here thread.,169053.msg2960843.html#msg2960843
you will see how they converted it...

Well, this would explain why the giant heart is so prominent then. This is just fascinating. I am going to go take a photo of that 7 right now. By the way, would you mind explaining to a newbie what an alpha marker is and also omega... beginning and end?

Alpha monument, or master monument, starts the trail to the mine and or the cache...
it leads to the Omega if you decode Distance and Direction as told by the alpha...
the omega will also tell you D&D to the final is time to start reading all you can...start with old dogs posts...then mine,[marks and signs 101] and others...get an understanding of what
this is all when you get the solution you know what to do with it...
recepción a la vida la vida loca del tesoro
assyrian with knight templar cross.webp
this panel found in europe...if you got 'square bearded guys at your site, here is the templar connection...note the templar cross....

Blatant carvings go ignored, and obscure cracks apparently make up endless conformation marks that all the other cracks are the real treasure deal. Holes (or hoyo's ifi'n you want to act like you speak Spanish) are everywhere. Owls and dogs are everywhere.
blatant cavings as you put it are not part of the code...micheal angelo type carvings are not the norm..or even is the subtle and hidden in pareidolia - carvings that work for the king of spain for centuries, ? hmmmm?and dogs are one of the most common symbols, it means faithful and loyal...I can't tell you anymore of the code, I made promises to some people
not to reveal all that they taught me...heres one I found out about my self, and wil share so you get the ancient days amphora[large clay jugs held and ships most foods stuffs and oils all over the know world....valuable were buried in clay jugs, that shape became synonymous with treasure-then the jesuit codemakers, slightly modified the shape to an owl..very similar shape but now it was coded to some when we see an owl shaped carved into rock with other confirmation signs nearby and in context we see a treasure jar...

:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:
why don't you just say you don't know what they mean?
oh i forgot you still have me on ignore :laughing9:
get him TN , you should read the stuff he wrote about us ....

And there is STILL no confirmation as to who the heck left those "Micheal Angelo" carvings.

Shortstack said:
And there is STILL no confirmation as to who the heck left those "Micheal Angelo" carvings.
the list of possible authors is long, and even with the list that Springfield provided, i probably don't know all of them. and to quote a friend of mine , the learning curve is very steep.
if you consolidate the list to include only the best possible candidates for treasure , mined or other wise , it still is tons more interesting than this secret code stuff. typing the author is one of the hardest things to get right . IMO
sorry not one blanket answer /white dog black dog , give me a freaking break dog.
the black dog was Anubis BTW and thats just one possibility .
to quote another very knowledgeable Friend the monuments are or they aren't , period///// answer that question first then look for the hidden stuff .
if you would like confirmation that would require pictures , knowing full well , what kinda of hell that would bring with it .
hmmmmmm sorry no pictures of the inside yet , maybe one day

sorry in advance Short stack this post is not aimed at you,

LOL. No problem at all, kanabite. I already knew that every photo posted here is NOT a Spanish treasure monument and I was waaaaaay PAST being irritated by being called names for finding things that were NOT Spanish in origin. Hell, it seemed that at least one person's mind was LOCKED in on Spanish stuff and totally ignored the Ancient stuff. I have seen more Ancient carvings than Spanish in many photos.

Rangler the photo of the dolman is amazing!

I don't know what you all think of the Kenworthy books, but there is a diagram in one of them of a Spanish made tomb which looks exactly like this one...and he mentioned that they would never put a bolt mark on the door itself but always on one of the walls on either side. I had seen that diagram before finding this tomb... so when I saw the giant heart, sighted up it, and found the tomb I was pretty amazed.

great going...the thrill of the hunt is better than the carcass in a tree or goods in a pit lol
I didnt know about that pic in kenworthy, but nice to see some paralell events continuing
with mr chuck and my humble self..I only bought one of his books..the sun,shadow,signs ect

too busy breaking the codes on my own...but we all need mentors and teachers, and I find mine where ever I can, even if it is just a carved boulder. I must say that the monuments
themselves have taught me the breaks in the code.
have fun on your continued adventure

Shortstack said:
I have seen more Ancient carvings than Spanish in many photos.
The idea, which is new to me as of today, that many of these things may be ancient, is amazing.
The idea that the site may be historical in ways we hadn't guessed is electrifying.

The learning curve just went sky high though. :icon_scratch:

Just my thought
If your going to follow written data
then lets look at Kenworthy book -
"Treasure Signs, Symbols, Shadow and Sun Signs" - Page 21

Let take a look at what we have in front of us
The Left Lobe is Larger giving Direction
The X means to go to the left side of this Heart Marker
And the Heart - Conformation
And all three messages gives it credibility

Lost Horse


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