Basic signs and symbols you have found

Don;t forget to check out those rocks or stumps across the dry creek bed in the back ground there.

Springfield said:
treasurechest said:
.....once my Girlfriend pointed it out to me, .....

She may be a valuable asset. Get her a shovel for Christmas.

hahahahahahahahahahaha I just laughed so hard soda came out my nose, and I spit it all over my keyboard. That's hilarious. Thanks for the laugh ;D :icon_thumleft:

Here you go Rangler, I think this is Dog the th pic. If it's not, let me know, and I'll edit my post. Sorry if it was someone elses.


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I said this earlier...hunt_fish,

Sorry to say sometimes a boulder is just a boulder, no identifiable
marks or signs, here - but hey keep your eyes open and dont hesitate
to post what you may find, old dog, rocky and I will be happy to
help if you come up with some spanish marks...

the reason I said it, was the boulder is 99.9% natural, no animal carvings
no drill holes, those holes arent round folks, drilled means round..and the
natural cracks right at the holes shows that they are natural..

so i dismissed it....however old eagle eye treasure chest spotted the heart carved
on the boulder,
and it stopped in my tracks..cause it is a 'confirmed' heart..the
confirmation is the squared off right lobe of the group of the codemakers
use this as their personal logo, i guess..anyway this is enough to take the boulder
serious and the way to work it is to draw a line thru the heart old dog style and
now you only have to take that bearing and walk the line brother, walk the line..
sorry for the over sight, but i was ducking bullets the last week or so...reminds
me of the hehhe the way they hide in the shadows and take pop shots at
anything that moves in their where in the hell did i pack my tiger stripes
..and who moved my akay.....
still trying to prove that every good deed doesnt not get punished..hehehe

all solutions are written in the air

hello Ed T
welcome to tnet, I do see what your looking at, not so much the owl but the
rock incorporated pointer is pointing right to the heart....if I am looking at the
same thing you are...
thanks for another layer of confirmation of the heart

now in this pic you see the pointer that Ed was talking about [i think]
AND now when spending more time on the pic, I see a couple of things

1. a small '7' next to the heart, [circled in red] and that dang stump looking
rock to the right, it has been bugging me, it looks like a stump turned to rock...
turns out it is an attractor for the small plain animal face sitting at its base to
the right...that critter is looking right at an 'X' on the next rock over...that X when
you draw the line thru it, as I have shown before, is the SAME compass bearing as
the carved heart next natural to a confirmed and a reduntate
bearing all in a couple of days..thus is the roller coaster called marks and signs..

Notice the French Curve in the center of the red circle? This represents the Winrose or clock axle of a site and would be used as the center of attention being the symbol of their creed or brotherhood; A Temple or Monastery Site; The sword of Christ, the Sheep Herder's Staff and the right or rite angle.

So, I have been following this thread and a couple of others for a very long time now.

The only conclusion I can draw is that there is absolutely no natural rock formations anywhere in the entire world. Blatant carvings go ignored, and obscure cracks apparently make up endless conformation marks that all the other cracks are the real treasure deal. Holes (or hoyo's ifi'n you want to act like you speak Spanish) are everywhere. Owls and dogs are everywhere.

The only thing that apparently is not everywhere - is the alleged Treasure vaults that all these things point to.

I for one would think, that if there was a "code", and it had been "cracked", that the person who had cracked this code would be so busy hauling out lost and forgotten treasure they would have no time to spend here marking up everyone's photo's of cracks and outcroppings.

The Spanish were excellent record keepers. If something was left or lost, there would be records. And there are some. Not every rock in the SW is an Omega monument.

Oh well, I do appreciate the pictures you folks put up.

The only way one can discern a true monument from a natural one, is in the study of the surface wherein different scars on the stone reveal themselves according to the color of the oxidation. If it is a trail marker, there will be one single mark on it that is newer than any of the rest (even though it is somewhat oxidized in itself). It will be in a spot where there is no way in hell that a rolling stone could have caused it or even something haven fallen on it. They hide their portals the same way; with a fresh nugget sitting shoved up under or buried by time at the lower right hand side of the bolder in question. Just the mark will aim you in the direction of the spot where they disturbed the ground and created a similar sight to see where if one uses the natural features on the stone in the photo. Looks like a ledge near your possible dig bro.

If there are colors anywhere near, I would continue looking for the bread trail of out character type small stones ahead. Pen knife blades, vertical headstones, heart shaped stones, trowels standing or laying down and human head profiles laying together with a spear point shaped stone of the same out of character colors that should otherwise be native to that trail. Each trail marker will also have a single man made hammer mark upon them as well.

Included is a similar trail stone from the Monarch. Here, two separate tunnels are portrayed; one belonging to the Crown and a second concealed entry belonging to the monks. This tell tale stone of the trail is one concealed entry in itself as it is a record or ledger in stone = stone ledge in these colors first clue from here and next main checkpoint ahead; a map made by the creator himself, an aerial if you will. -+ :coffee2:


  • TheKingandHisPreist.webp
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So, I have been following this thread and a couple of others for a very long time now.
remember this is not TV or an adventure you cant expect things to happen in you normal entertainment timelines...that you impose.
unrealisticly, as this is real life, stuff is, and stuff happens...

The only conclusion I can draw is that there is absolutely no natural rock formations anywhere in the entire world.

...listen..if you logged on to a website about championship dogs..and you are going to see dogs..
dude...then you complain theres no cats..

Blatant carvings go ignored, and obscure cracks apparently make up endless conformation marks that all the other cracks are the real treasure deal. Holes (or hoyo's ifi'n you want to act like you speak Spanish) are everywhere. Owls and dogs are everywhere.
blatant cavings as you put it are not part of the code...micheal angelo type carvings are not the norm..or even is the subtle and hidden in pareidolia - carvings that work for the king of spain for centuries, ? hmmmm?and dogs are one of the most common symbols, it means faithful and loyal...I can't tell you anymore of the code, I made promises to some people
not to reveal all that they taught me...heres one I found out about my self, and wil share so you get the ancient days amphora[large clay jugs held and ships most foods stuffs and oils all over the know world....valuable were buried in clay jugs, that shape became synonymous with treasure-then the jesuit codemakers, slightly modified the shape to an owl..very similar shape but now it was coded to some when we see an owl shaped carved into rock with other confirmation signs nearby and in context we see a treasure jar...

The only thing that apparently is not everywhere - is the alleged Treasure vaults that all these things point to.

if you tuned in to the daytona 500 and it was the first hour or so...then you crack wise about .....race huh, you must be joking, i dont see no checker flags coming down,,where is the winner circle the hot babe with the champagne ? see how your coming off..? see how your applying logic and timelines to the entertainment industry..we or i at least are not in that industry, we are not here to entertain you...and if your still watching this thread a few months or years from now and we or they make a recovery. you will never know about it...neither will anyone this is a very boring hobby if you just going to lurk...awesome one when you get off the couch and get in to the outback, far enough to be in over your head

I for one would think, that if there was a "code", and it had been "cracked", that the person who had cracked this code would be so busy hauling out lost and forgotten treasure they would have no time to spend here marking up everyone's photo's of cracks and outcroppings.

I am not indiana jones, I am a family man who knows his real treasure is my kids and my grandkids..and their lives...I also work for a living..this is a hobby not an occupation.

If you would have followed the thread 'all these years' you should have read that on 17th of June I announced that I could confirm that the code had been broken...kinda like you witness alexander gram bell invent the telegraph, like last month and now you demand to know where in the hell is my broadband and my 4G chit...see where this is going?

The Spanish were excellent record keepers. If something was left or lost, there would be records. And there are some.
Yea if this was csi or some thing, it would all be cut and dried a half hour
it was not so smooth...Spain had this country by the ass for centuries..then the mexicans kicked the spanish out..make them leave there stuff here...then we kicked the mexicans out..make them leave all their stuff look at all that stuff - 300 years of the greediest mf'rs in the world mining and stashing stuff everywhere..this aint no paper chase, this is a stone chase or sign carved on stone chase....

Not every rock in the SW is an Omega monument.
oh no sir , plenty of rock in the midwest be omegas too sir, yes sir and .... and 3 years ago, we found omegas in oregon for god sakes!and whats worse, I have a friend in colorado who has more omegas than you can shake a snake at ~!

in the monuments I marked up , It will tell you
it take a lots of real confirmed iconic signs to even point at an omega..then the omega has to have at least 5-7 iconic signs to be you have more understanding to you can appreciate the pics we mark up and post.

Oh well, I do appreciate the pictures you folks put up.

Oh well I do appreciate the posts that complain like they had a dog in the fight.
and yes tn, dog fanciers will send in pics of their a dog site and treasure hunters will send
in pictures of the signs they a treasure site.....see easy when you take the time to think about in real life..using plain ole logic and horse sense

Tnwoods said:
............................ the person who had cracked this code would be so busy hauling out lost and forgotten treasure they would have no time to spend here marking up everyone's photo's........................

Welllll, that IS an excellent point. I believe that those folks who have actually "cracked" the codes and used them to locate cache sites are not so dumb as to advertise that fact. But, be advised that you will never hear the full story from any hunters who HAVE that knowledge unless they know you and TRUST you. Some of your closest friends might be successful T-hunters, but you won't know it if they don't trust you. I've been around this activity for about 40 years, in one form or another, and I've seen that the biggest talkers are the biggest failures. The quieter hunters who give a little piece of info now and then, about specific codes or signs, are usually the real deal. They might "test" a person to see if they are trustworthy of more in-depth information, but you probably wouldn't realize it. On the entire TreasureNet Forum, there probably aren't more than about 15 real deal hunters. Several of those post in this section fairly regularly and you can tell who they are by the low key advise they give about SPECIFIC subjects of discussions without long-winded dissertations and high profiled comments.

End of briefing. :coffee2:

I am not indiana jones, I am a family man who knows his real treasure is my kids and my grandkids..and their lives...I also work for a living..this is a hobby not an occupation.

So do you not live anywhere near any of these trails and treasure vaults? I would think a pile of gold would improve anyone's family tree.

If I had the expertise that you apparently do, I think I could find a weekend or two to go out and retrieve some of the vast Spanish Treasure apparently hidden out there.

I don't think the Mexicans kicked the Spanish out. I think Spain let go of Mexico as it wasn't profitable anymore and they had other more pressing concerns closer to home. Of course I could have been steered wrong by all the Meso America history classes I took in college.

If you would have followed the thread 'all these years' you should have read that on 17th of June I announced that I could confirm that the code had been broken...

Was that this past June 17, 2011? I could have sworn some one at the old ALT forum claimed to have broken the code years ago. What that also you? I guess I could look it up in my archives.

Sometimes my friend...a rock is just a rock.

The Spanish were excellent record keepers. If something was left or lost, there would be records. And there are some.
Yea if this was csi or some thing, it would all be cut and dried a half hour
it was not so smooth...Spain had this country by the ass for centuries..then the mexicans kicked the spanish out..make them leave there stuff here...then we kicked the mexicans out..make them leave all their stuff look at all that stuff - 300 years of the greediest mf'rs in the world mining and stashing stuff everywhere..this aint no paper chase, this is a stone chase or sign carved on stone chase....

Instant gratification is going to kill us all someday. (where's the two cents smiley?) ;D

cough cough, is someone new here that's not new cough?

thanks for posting that pic # 1 borderland, I am not sure what it means..I see a letter C and a dash...roman number 100 perhaps a distance in varas - this might be a corner ..try to plot all your finds on a you can see any
patterns...anyone else have any ideas?

the second one , almost looks broken, ?I do see a white dog in the background
this could have been an owl , is now in two pieces in a marks on the pic are to try to imagine how it might have looked in one piece..
Close Pointer  borderland rangler marked.webp

the third pic , looks like a stone fence posts I have seen in parts of the midwest,mid atlantic states..a close up might find some good signs carved there - it would help

the fourth one looks like a chair, which have shown up before...tried and true
sit in it and take a pic of what you see..

you have found an amazing set of monuments and pointers
thanks for posting them.


  • AST63.webp
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Your site may be a mock up of a mine site in the distance; different scale over all, but still proportionate to the right angles or Number 7 shape in your trails from marker to marker position. Seek the colors and bread trail of mineral stones that seem out of character with their surroundings; just along or just off the trail near forks or changes in strata or foliage.

Enclosed are such stones arranged by a Don from a later period as first shown. Same color pieces, just a base stone of his design of which one can approach the group assembly from another angle. Yes folks, it's ok to be an arm chair hunter. I get out a couple of times a year if possible; Study the stone heart, study the stone map right? You might know where to find them one day as some of us already have. Seek the trails that lead to your colors.


  • Another Don\'s base stone and color format.webp
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  • Another Don\'s base stone and color format.webp
    Another Don\'s base stone and color format.webp
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Still the same basic format of Man, fish, bird, boat and the blade...Booty hidden somewhere in his view. Some of these pieces were sticking up out of little dirt piles at 18 paces away from each other; barely noticeable. All one really has to do is to get focused in the basic thought process or code that existed within their circle. Watch the legend come to life; the old West is still alive and well. :coffee2:


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  • Sacred Mines of the Blessed Holy Spirit..UTAH.webp
    Sacred Mines of the Blessed Holy Spirit..UTAH.webp
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The marker string in this canyon, leads straight to this dig which back in the day was beyond out in the middle of nowhere. There is more than a mile of rough marker-less trail after this point and then suddenly a doctored up old Christmas tree size of pine, one stunted by a man's blade in it's early life giving it cause to grow into a bewitching, decrepit form. As you go, a scarce marker set lingers on the backside of just a few trees off the dense forest trail. Color and quartz begins to appear in occasional fragments until the natural framework of a massive hydrothermal lode and it's onetime explosion in birth now surrounds you; you are now caught up in the labyrinth of the Heart.


  • Fake Decoy Dig.webp
    Fake Decoy Dig.webp
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I hope you are writing a book or at least a research paper about your trails so you can teach others what you've discovered. That would be a great thing to do AFTER you decide to retire from the trails. :coffee2:

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