Basic signs and symbols you have found

Well I am no expert, in fact most of you have forgotten more than I know about this stuff, but I think it all is quite fascinating.

Further were I to actually find anything of realistic value....

Only an idiot would go around with photos, bragging and literally inviting the government to step in and seize your find. Think not have a look at some of the story's in such publications as Lost Treasure, Western Treasures, or Treasure found. Person finds something of value, be it gold, silver, something old or even a rock such as a meteorite, they go very public, government steps in and finds excuse to take.

Heck even the gal that messed up with the Gold (look in the treasure in the news section) coins her dad had. She is battling the government for their return, and the Feds have a very weak case at best, but she is presently embroiled in a one sided argument that the Feds refuse to loose, and they hold all the cards (unlimited legal counsel, the judges, time, and if they loose, will appeal until the family dies off)....

So as along as the photos keep coming in, and the story's told, nothing of import has been found, but when they go silent.... BINGO!

So although some of the stuff posted may look like mumbo jumbo to some like me, it is significant to them and may just lead to something of value, (if you don't look you will never find) so if they go silent....... :hello2:

So although some of the stuff posted may look like mumbo jumbo to some like me, it is significant to them and may just lead to something of value, (if you don't look you will never find) so if they go silent.......

:icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_sunny:

I can see the effect of a bragging angle in this, but the real skinny is simply an inner drive that has been with me and co. for quite some years. How someone could find such stuff and not share it would be beyond me. All of it is headed for a mining museum down the way........Maybe Spanish Fork, Utah. A fitting exhibit wherein others may contribute their finds for all to appreciate; kids love this stuff, especially city kids.

As far as the digs go, some of them belong to old folks who own patents on the area and it has been my experience on more than one occasion that a door will probably get slammed in your face if you go telling an old prospector and mine owner that there is something up there he missed and he says that he is to damn old to get out any more. Next you will hear the words "Make you deal on it!" (in the 6 digit range or more). "By the way, just where do you think it is anyway?"

And you see that's the beauty of going to work on B.L.M. land just the same; 2 to 4 million dollar bond sir, before you can break ground and if the mine is destroyed it's still your duty; clean it up and landscape now.

Some places are so far out there that one does not dare go out alone or with less than two vehicles. $$$$$$ every weekend? $$$$$$ It ain't free, any way you look at it. Let's see, a full days drive to get there, a day to get camp and gear into the location and do nothing but snack and rest up. Another day to back pack gear into second area from base camp, and however many days it takes to dig, pry, gouge and break rock strewn dirt and tree roots and what ever else nature is able to dream up not to mention pounding rains, lighting storms that hit the ground nearby, and quite an assortment of the general public thank you very much.

The reality is that I have studied my @#% of for many thousands of hours, tormented a wife for 6 years (she ain't around me anymore) and have learned from experience that through prayer and focus, there are some things out there that just have my name on them. Enclosed is a photo of such that was sitting there waiting for me beyond the last 150 years; It came with a Spanish Silver mine that is so craftily and well hidden that one can only sit there and look at it with awe, rather than rip the mountain a new @#% hole.

Two separate stones, plug two mines in an area where herds of yahoos run wild. After spending all of that cash to get there 5 times in a couple of months, one really doesn't look that far forward to returning right away what with all of those yahoos yahooing continuously. When I pop one of these lodes, you will hear about it, loud and clear, what with all of those dead presidents being such a threat.

Looking at a minimum of an all expense paid week of screwing off...........right? o.k. A book...Yes


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Not to hog the thread, but a few more snaps in the previous assembly; two angles describe to views of the canyon, mines and their colors....the hunter is required to find one of two concealed entries in order to sight across the area to another section of canyon to find the second tunnel or to search the other way around.

The first photo is a plate of which the following photos assemble on in order to sight across the area and scope out a tunnel beginning in a maze of rocks.

The small parrot on top, was found at an exact position near the maze of rocks wherein the search suddenly narrows down to a given section within the section. Then one is to go back to the grey slab and set of pointer stones and sights in his scope to reveal the mine and cache locations in the distance.

Last two photos, same thing different lode....always stored on the surface in a spot above the heart or main ore body as it opens up down below :coffee2:.........good for the theory


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wow, thanks twistedfork for the showing the photos and the info.i enjoyed reading theory on the subject.thanks for the info. dog.

I hear ya with the verses....Did a serious sit down with the guys upstairs years ago; This would appear to be a hunt they are in on.

Still wondering of the nature of the characters that these old world explorers lived from day to day; it might appear that blood was an obsessed part of their existence.

A Knight? An Executioner? A Don? A Priest of what order exactly? The reaper? in reference to a killing machine that one mad --deleted-- probably designed and could have waiting in the dark depths of the mine? The Horse of Santa Fe......A bone crusher? He appears to me to have been all about blades, blood and horses and some screwy parrot that keeps coming into the picture through it all, that is, after gathering so many references as such. "Beware of a corner, coming into the quartz" "Where one bows to pass" "Where all points meet inside" The Heart........ :coffee2:

Second pic, a repeat here but a bit better color and alignment. Thus one of the lost gun site mines..........


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Twisted, I think i have a place later this year where just maybe, I can look for things similar. It will be interesting and i am looking froward to it.

I'm finding a lot of oddballs, like a pegasus that might mean spring for example, or something darker. Doubt it was Spanish that did that though.

I decided it was not mat 7 7 but..john 6 7... Hard to tell.


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Twisted Fork said:
Still the same basic format of Man, fish, bird, boat and the blade...Booty hidden somewhere in his view. Some of these pieces were sticking up out of little dirt piles at 18 paces away from each other; barely noticeable. All one really has to do is to get focused in the basic thought process or code that existed within their circle. Watch the legend come to life; the old West is still alive and well. :coffee2:

What am I looking at here. I recognize some of the symbols and would like to know more.

Twisted Fork said:
Still the same basic format of Man, fish, bird, boat and the blade...Booty hidden somewhere in his view. Some of these pieces were sticking up out of little dirt piles at 18 paces away from each other; barely noticeable. All one really has to do is to get focused in the basic thought process or code that existed within their circle. Watch the legend come to life; the old West is still alive and well. :coffee2:

Is this a real map? Did you draw the "X" on it? and if so, why?

I would take each "T" and square them


Hard to draw this out but then measure distance between the "T"'s Also run 60 degree angles thru these T's and see if other
things line up .

The leaning stone in this photo is completely different from the "drop" stone in the last photo.


Shortstack said:
The leaning stone in this photo is completely different from the "drop" stone in the last photo.
Hi Shortstack... it's a matter of photo/angle. The stone your arrow points to is way back on the hillside, but if you approach the heart and look from the point through the lobes, it does point up to that tomb thing... I apologize if I didn't understand your reply. I am pretty much a newbee... (what is a "drop" stone?) Anyway, I think I have a photo of them lined up, which I will dig for now.

OK, here is looking from the point of the heart right up to the "tomb". The tomb looks close in this photo but it is a considerable hike up to it. Also, the actual point of the heart is hard to identify in the photo, since it is from a different angle, so I outlined it and drew a line.


  • Heart2andTomb.webp
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That leaning stone might not be in line with the heartline, but it sure needs a closer investigation; as do those large, black pictograph-looking figures on the face of the cliff below.
A "drop stone" is one that is set to drop onto something or someone if they move the wrong thing. That last photo above has a stone bridging the doorway / slot. Move the wrong stone, and it drops. This one is pretty obvious. Another name would be "death trap".

Shortstack said:
That leaning stone might not be in line with the heartline, but it sure needs a closer investigation; as do those large, black pictograph-looking figures on the face of the cliff below.
A "drop stone" is one that is set to drop onto something or someone if they move the wrong thing. That last photo above has a stone bridging the doorway / slot. Move the wrong stone, and it drops. This one is pretty obvious. Another name would be "death trap".
Ah, ok. Yes, there is even something which could be made out to be a lightening bolt on a wall by the door under that drop stone. The black stuff is streaked all over the mountain and appears wherever water is shed during a rain. It never occurred to us to look for shapes in it, but if we did, we'd have quite a job because it's everywhere. I will take a closer look at the leaning stone. Thank you Shortstack. :-)

I've circled the figures I was talking about. Those black areas over on the right look more like seepages, but those figures in my circle look like animal shapes similar to Indian pictorgraphs I've seen elsewhere.


HI Heartquest,

First of all don't dig
If what you said is right - Yes, there is even something which could be made out to be a lightening bolt
on a wall by the door under that drop stone.

If this is a death trap - then its there last effort to stop you from the real marker the Omega
According to the Spanish, you are getting to close for their comfort
Don't be fooled by what you see - but stick to the messages they have given you
by moving on following the Hoyo Marker, where ever it may take you
before moving on - Read my thread Journey along the Royal Trial

once you reach the Omega
Ask Rangler for advice, on locating the mine or treasure that mite be hidden

Stay safe and take lots of photos

Lost Horse
El Vigilante de los Corazones Espanoles

Lost Horse said:
HI Heartquest,

First of all don't dig
If what you said is right - Yes, there is even something which could be made out to be a lightening bolt
on a wall by the door under that drop stone.

If this is a death trap - then its there last effort to stop you from the real marker the Omega
According to the Spanish, you are getting to close for their comfort

Lost Horse
El Vigilante de los Corazones Espanoles

Thanks for your reply Lost Horse. Well, like I said, we're not fact... what exactly IS an omega marker? Anyway... when I saw this tomb thing, I hiked up there with my camera to look for something looking like a lightening bolt on one of the two walls on either side of the door. And dang, this ziggzag thing was there. It is on the left wall as you face the tomb shaped rock. Does this look like anything to you? :icon_scratch:


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