Banning guns keeps people safe huh?

Bush was spending at a much greater rate than any democrat / "leftist" that ever came before him - save maybe when FDR turned the country socialist with socialist security and Medicare. Do you really think there is absolutely any defense for Bush's actions and track record? Its because of the bush administration that i completely lost my faith in the so called Republican Party.

Compare the difference in the National Debt when Bush took office and when he left, and when Obama took office to date..................

Compare the difference in the National Debt when Bush took office and when he left, and when Obama took office to date..................

So that makes what bush did ok? He is the republican. He was suppose to be the one with "fiscal responsibility" right?? People don't vote in a democrats to be "fiscally responsible" - that's not their agenda. It should have been the bush agenda. Not handing out free drugs to old people creating another massive entitlement program. That is NOT what a republican is suppose to do. Don't you hold your own political party responsible for their actions?? I do. I didnt vote for Obama - his agenda is not mine. He is carrying out his agenda for better or worse. It's so funny how brainwashed some of your are by the republicans to blame the other party. Blame our party for being completely incompetent and useless.

It must be pretty frustrating seeing your hero finally being revealed for who he is....

I was really hoping Bush would get through the social insecurity reform.

It must be pretty frustrating seeing your hero finally being revealed for who he is....

Boy it must be frustrating when you can't engage in intelligent debate and this is all you can say. What's next - "I know you are but what am I"?? If I'm on ignore why do you keep responding?? Do you need help getting ignore function to work??

I was really hoping Bush would get through the social insecurity reform.

Don't hold your breath for anyone to tackle that issue. Come anywhere near that sacred cow and the AARP gets all the old folks riled up with lies. No politician will touch it until we are absolutely forced to - ie we go BUST!!

I know they aren't going to touch it until we are broke but I can wish right? :laughing7:
The aarp is just another arm of the democrat party.

I know they aren't going to touch it until we are broke but I can wish right? :laughing7:
The aarp is just another arm of the democrat party.

Yes they are! They pushed for and ran alot of commercials about how great life would be under bummer care. Wonder if any seniors will remember when full implementation goes into effect?

I know they aren't going to touch it until we are broke but I can wish right? :laughing7:
The aarp is just another arm of the democrat party.

Not at all. Actually I believe the last poll showed the AARP was majority republican. This is why bush threw them the free drug freebie.

AARP donated to Obama

Picker, you know as well as anyone polls reflect what you want them to...

That's right Ram, and statistics fit right into that theorem.

Mark Twain said this often.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Picker, I was only responding to his remarks about 18 hundreds thinking. The general tone of his post was how us as Americans are stuck in the past. We have the best country in the world, however if we don't change direction soon we will have the most oppressive govt around.

Well then you are wrong and you shoud check your tone reader ;-) My reference to the 1800hundreds is concerning people running around with guns on their hips and taking the law in their own hands. Its one thing when the nearest lawman is 2 days away, its something quite different when they are 2 minutes away or just down the street. Also when the lawmen are days away its also a sparcely populated area to say the least, now we have millions of people living on top of each other. Even 10% of them running around with guns is a scary thought.

Regarding the your next comment; "Their culture is one were the govt is the most important entity " it only makes it clear that you have have had none or very little interaction with people from these "other countries".

On a general note, you are talking about how the administration si moving the US towards a Leninistic/Marxistic/communistic/socialistic state. I can assure you from one that lives in a social democratic country (and happy with it, although I am surely not a labour party man), that you are very far from it, you are in fact not even in the same galaxy as others so just keep calm ;)


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Well then you are wrong and you shoud check your tone reader ;-) My reference to the 1800hundreds is concerning people running around with guns on their hips and taking the law in their own hands. Its one thing when the nearest lawman is 2 days away, its something quite different when they are 2 minutes away or just down the street. Also when the lawmen are days away its also a sparcely populated area to say the least, now we have millions of people living on top of each other. Even 10% of them running around with guns is a scary thought.

Regarding the your next comment; "Their culture is one were the govt is the most important entity " it only makes it clear that you have have had none or very little interaction with people from these "other countries".

Taz, I can assure you that I have had interactions with people from other countries including Britan. I think I see things differently from you because of where I live. If you lived here you would be more likely to see things from my point of view. One yhing is for sure us as Americans will never be disarmed...

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Well then you are wrong and you shoud check your tone reader ;-) My reference to the 1800hundreds is concerning people running around with guns on their hips and taking the law in their own hands. Its one thing when the nearest lawman is 2 days away, its something quite different when they are 2 minutes away or just down the street. Also when the lawmen are days away its also a sparcely populated area to say the least, now we have millions of people living on top of each other. Even 10% of them running around with guns is a scary thought.

Regarding the your next comment; "Their culture is one were the govt is the most important entity " it only makes it clear that you have have had none or very little interaction with people from these "other countries".

Taz, problem is a policeman is NOT 2 mins away, the average response time to a 911 call is about 10 mins, can be 4 mins and can be as long as 1 hour or more...... Many cities have response time of 20 mins or more..... A lot can happen in 10 mins which is the average..... Response time on my weapons is thousands of feet per second.......

Look at Detroit....Average response time there as reported by Detroit police department is 24 mins for priority call and 52 mins for non priority call......The "no need for a gun there is a policeman right around the cornor" is not true and can get you or a family member raped, robbed and or killed.

And in that I believe you, the only question is what you sacrifice on the way..

And in that I believe you, the only question is what you sacrifice on the way..

Sacrificing guns means sacrificing freedom.

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

And in that I believe you, the only question is what you sacrifice on the way..

Not sure what your saying. Bottom line is I have a God given right guaranteed by 2nd Amendment to be able to protect my family, myself and any human life threatened with bodily injury or death from another person.

I am sacrificing nothing on the way. Evil will always be just around the corner in one form or another...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

You are absolutely 100 percent wrong TH, there are plenty of sacrifices every year ... But then again every right entails sacrifice. But lets just be honest about it.

Gun Accidents Kill 500 Kids a Year

This week, a toddler fatally shot himself after finding a gun in his parent's car. According to Jackson, Miss., authorities, the 3-year-old was sitting in the car at a gas station when he found the gun in the front seat and shot himself in the face. Police questioned the boy's parents, but no charges have been filed.
But these aren't freak accidents. More than 500 children die annually from accidental gunshots. Some shoot themselves, while others kill friends or siblings after discovering a gun.
Here are more scary stats: Americans own 200 million firearms, and 35 percent of homes contain at least one gun. Last year, a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found more than 1.7 million children live in homes with loaded and unlocked guns.
And if you do own a gun and think your kid won't get to it, listen to this: A recent study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found 39 percent of kids knew where their parent's guns were stored, while 22 percent said they had handled the weapons despite adult's warnings to stay away. What's more, age was not a factor in whether children had played with the guns -- 5-year-olds were just as likely to report doing so as
Here are just a few heartbreaking cases:
-On July 19, 4-year-old Dylan Jackson shot himself to death after finding a loaded gun at a friend's home during a birthday party.

- A 3-year-old Southeast Washington boy shot himself in the foot and grazed his hand while playing with his father's gun -- which he found lying on the floor.
- A 2-year-old Tampa boy shot himself in the chest with a loaded 9 mm he found in his parent's couch while playing.
- Last February, a 13-year-old boy shot himself with a semiautomatic handgun in the home of his guardian, a Maryland police officer.
- The 10-year-old son of a New York City police officer died after shooting himself in the face with his father's loaded revolver. The boy found the weapon on a shelf in the basement while looking for a ball his mom had hidden.
Is there a way to stop these senseless deaths?
The NRA (National Rifle Association) sponsors classes that teach children if they find a gun to leave the area and inform an adult, but studies show kids who take these classes are no less likely to play with guns than kids who don't attend class.
"The biggest mistake parents make is assuming their child doesn't know where the gun in the house is," says Matthew Miller, associate director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center. "Kids are smart and if they know there's a firearm in the house, they'll probably figure out a way to get to it."
"We can't expect children to act like adults," he adds. "Parents monitor their kid's diet, curfew, and social life but when it comes to guns, parents often just say, 'Respect the gun, it's off limits' or 'Guns are dangerous.' That type of parenting just doesn't work."
So should parents not tell kids if there's a gun in the home? "First, you have to weigh whether or not you really need a weapon," says Miller. "Do the benefits outweigh the risks? If the answer is yes, you must take safety precautions."
"Be honest with your children," says Miller. "Tell them there is a firearm in the home but explicitly explain that guns are fatal, no matter how children handle them. Don't keep the gun loaded and store the ammunition in a locked safe and carry the key with you at all times. Also, don't hide the combination and don't give it an obvious numerical password."
"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends pediatricians ask parents about guns in their home in an effort called 'Anticipatory Guidance' which attempts to keep children safe in cars, on bikes, and around swimming pools," says Miller. "It's rare that doctors initiate this conversation, but they should."
"Also, ask the parents of your children's friends if they keep guns at home and if kids will be playing where they're stored," added Miller. "Don't worry about appearing intrusive. It's better to seem pushy and be safe."
Do you think parents should keep guns in their home with children present?

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