Silver Member
folks tired of the same ole ,same ole politics --voted for a black man thinking --well coming from the "down trodden" poor black class of folks -- he will change things for the better for the "working class" --surprise morons --he is just another stinking lying politican --who just happens to be black --sure he pumped out the --I 'm different , we will get real "change" once I'm in --but think about it isn't that the same crap all the politicans say -- the public however bought it hook ,line and sinker because he WAS black and they thought he really would "shake things up" now the truth has reared its ugly head --he's just "another politican".
I think he got a lot of votes because the other side did such a terrible job competing. Repubs have not had a winning platform for many years now. They need a major message refresh.