Hi again Stockpicker! we are ralyy at odds on many fronts! When this Jidahdist killed that British soldier he in his mind was doing what he felt was right, now I believe we should Do much like what General Sherman did in the Philipenes, and that is when he found a bunch of muslims killing, ( what I understand is 50) , that he took 49, and then killed a pig, soaked the machine gun amo in it, and then shot 49, and then let the 1 go, and told him, go and tell ALL your brothers that is what awits them IF they do not stop killing anybody, mostly for riligious reasons! And it stopped, so if we took the same approach, all our bombs and ammo were to be soaked in pigs blood, would that change their attitude? Maybe, maybe not, but they would not according to their religion be able to enter their Heaven! Now what does that have to do with gu control, nothing specifically, except we enter into a conflict with "rules of engagement", and what are their rules? Just kill as many "gentiles" as they can! But let me ask you why the USa has never been invaded? Because we have an armed populace, they are the most dangerious kind, guerrilla warfare wins in every senerio, Gov statistics bear this out! So what do they( the jidhadist's) do? Terrorism, or what we would call guerilla warfare, so as a society, we must not only arm our selves, but do not allow anybody, drug dealers, cartel's or terrorists take our freedom, but take our streets back! I carry a 45 cliber Glock and every person I deal with knows it, and they also know how I have been as proficient with it, no robberies, no tries or nothing! Why, I will use it! But only if you make me, I was raised around guns, and I do believe if every citizen were thought to be armed, then alot of mayhem would cease! Fuzz