Banning guns keeps people safe huh?

War is war civilain casualties are a sad part of that. Are you saying insted of war we should have let Hitler keep doing what he was doing?

Problem is when the "people willing to die" take a lot of the innocent down with them. Suicide bombers are willing to die for their cause and I find it disgusting. You want to die for your cause - fine, kill yourself. Violence has always caused far more harm than good.

According to your thinking we should have just negoated with Hitler and Tojo durring WWII.... Bowed down to England in 1776, gave America back in 1812, allowed Mexico to take Texas.....

Now I see why you never considered the military..... You see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act, and don't believe in fighting or possibly dying for a just cause...

According to your thinking we should have just negoated with Hitler and Tojo durring WWII.... Bowed down to England in 1776, gave America back in 1812, allowed Mexico to take Texas.....

Now I see why you never considered the military..... You see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act, and don't believe in fighting or possibly dying for a just cause...

Yes, I believe that all attempts at a peaceful solution should be exhausted before violence is used. If this makes me a bad person - so be it.

And again is there any reason to make personal comments? Do you think that helps to make your point somehow?

Telling someone they don't get it , or their head is in the sand is not an insult, telling someone they lack the basic skills to understand something or to convey an opinion on something is an insult.


Hi Stockpicker, I will say that there are things I agree with you on and others I do not. I was raised around guns, and in our family it was a tradition to get a bb gun at five years old! But with rules, and also, what a real gun can and will do to a person! By showing a youngster what a gun does to a watermelon is a very affirming thing to watch. My grandfather had a ranch, which he bought and sold livstock, always in cash, so he hid guns around his property, the rule was, "if you find a gun, cover it back up and leave it alone". My mother, who was a very petite woman, always had a pistol next to her. My father who was a very big man didn't very seldom worry about having a firearm, but on occasion did carry. Where I live and have my bussiness there is a lot of crime, with the cutbacks the police have made there is a long wait time. If I had to count on them, I could well be dead before they showed up, so I choose to carry, and do believe that if most law abiding citizens did also, and used this right to defend themselves, crime would go down. A criminal chooses his target by looking at how vulnerable they are. They will not go after somebody that looks like a bodybuilder, but if the " little old lady" shot some guy trying to rob her, it makes the rest of the criminals think twice about what they conceve to do.
Now, as far as children finding guns and playing with them. The supposed adults are at fault, plain and simple, they either were not raised right, and by that I mean without the proper respect for firearms, or they don't care. My parents and grandparents cared enough to make sure my brother and I had the respect for firearms.
To take away my firearms, is giving all the criminals the right to accost me without being able to defend myself. You have quated some statistics, well lets look at Australia, since collecting weapons there, home invasions has risen! Why? If a person no longer has the right to own and keep a firearm, then the criminals can go unmolested to do their dirty deeds. I for one do not want to go to a gunfight with a knife! I do believe ALL citizens that are armed should be proficient with their weapons, know how to take it apart, put it back together and also the utmost safety in handling and care. If laws were passed to the effect of taking guns away from the law abiding citizens, do you honestly feel that criminals will give theirs up? That my friend is the biggest question! Also, with the latest massacres, the individuals doing these horrendious deeds were not of the norm, they had problems. But to take my guns away because somebody with mental problems has done something this horrible, is down right stupid! There have been times mental people have used cars to run people over, used knives to cut and kill people, do we take every automobile away? Knifes? No! Why not? And to look at other statistics to equate with guns, how many doctors kill and mangle people by mistakes in hospitals? You see, it is subjective as to how you feel. Maybe we should license doctors! lol OH we already do, yet there are more people with injuries from doctors than there are from guns! There are more people killed from motor vehicle accidents than from guns! I had a teacher say once, " take the argument to it's ultimate postion, it will stand or fall there!" I have used that on almost everything, it seems to work. Bye for now, I will be looking forward to you reply. fuzz

Stock can't reply.

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you might want to check out GunFail XXIII.

see how guns kept those folks safe.

Nice try Dave but no cigar.....

You don't want a gun that's your right but the liberal left including the anti-constitution politicians in congress better keep their hands off our right to keep and bear arms.

We will not tolerate anyone trying to take our rights or guns away and we will not give anymore ground up, you think this country has problems now, see what happens if they try.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Ok Treasure Hunter, Why can he not reply? Do you know why, or him? just curious, as I am fairly new here and love to engage in intelligent debates. Oh, btw, love what you have on your posts!! Keep up the good work! HurraH!

Ok Treasure Hunter, Why can he not reply? Do you know why, or him? just curious, as I am fairly new here and love to engage in intelligent debates. Oh, btw, love what you have on your posts!! Keep up the good work! HurraH!

Not to answer for TH but stockpicker was banned.

you might want to check out GunFail XXIII.

see how guns kept those folks safe.

Does that talk about how after baning firearms the U.K. became the violent crime capital of Europe, and has 5x the violent cime rate as the US?

Hi again Stockpicker! we are ralyy at odds on many fronts! When this Jidahdist killed that British soldier he in his mind was doing what he felt was right, now I believe we should Do much like what General Sherman did in the Philipenes, and that is when he found a bunch of muslims killing, ( what I understand is 50) , that he took 49, and then killed a pig, soaked the machine gun amo in it, and then shot 49, and then let the 1 go, and told him, go and tell ALL your brothers that is what awits them IF they do not stop killing anybody, mostly for riligious reasons! And it stopped, so if we took the same approach, all our bombs and ammo were to be soaked in pigs blood, would that change their attitude? Maybe, maybe not, but they would not according to their religion be able to enter their Heaven! Now what does that have to do with gu control, nothing specifically, except we enter into a conflict with "rules of engagement", and what are their rules? Just kill as many "gentiles" as they can! But let me ask you why the USa has never been invaded? Because we have an armed populace, they are the most dangerious kind, guerrilla warfare wins in every senerio, Gov statistics bear this out! So what do they( the jidhadist's) do? Terrorism, or what we would call guerilla warfare, so as a society, we must not only arm our selves, but do not allow anybody, drug dealers, cartel's or terrorists take our freedom, but take our streets back! I carry a 45 cliber Glock and every person I deal with knows it, and they also know how I have been as proficient with it, no robberies, no tries or nothing! Why, I will use it! But only if you make me, I was raised around guns, and I do believe if every citizen were thought to be armed, then alot of mayhem would cease! Fuzz

Hi again Stockpicker! we are ralyy at odds on many fronts! When this Jidahdist killed that British soldier he in his mind was doing what he felt was right, now I believe we should Do much like what General Sherman did in the Philipenes, and that is when he found a bunch of muslims killing, ( what I understand is 50) , that he took 49, and then killed a pig, soaked the machine gun amo in it, and then shot 49, and then let the 1 go, and told him, go and tell ALL your brothers that is what awits them IF they do not stop killing anybody, mostly for riligious reasons! And it stopped, so if we took the same approach, all our bombs and ammo were to be soaked in pigs blood, would that change their attitude? Maybe, maybe not, but they would not according to their religion be able to enter their Heaven! Now what does that have to do with gu control, nothing specifically, except we enter into a conflict with "rules of engagement", and what are their rules? Just kill as many "gentiles" as they can! But let me ask you why the USa has never been invaded? Because we have an armed populace, they are the most dangerious kind, guerrilla warfare wins in every senerio, Gov statistics bear this out! So what do they( the jidhadist's) do? Terrorism, or what we would call guerilla warfare, so as a society, we must not only arm our selves, but do not allow anybody, drug dealers, cartel's or terrorists take our freedom, but take our streets back! I carry a 45 cliber Glock and every person I deal with knows it, and they also know how I have been as proficient with it, no robberies, no tries or nothing! Why, I will use it! But only if you make me, I was raised around guns, and I do believe if every citizen were thought to be armed, then alot of mayhem would cease! Fuzz

general Sherman in the philipenes? really? a year? when did this happen?

Blackjack Pershing?

The crime are still at the same level and you can't control over the crime after you have a ban on gun.Because if you have a ban on gun they find any other way to use for these crime.All you need is to find best policies that you implement to increase the performance of your police department to control over all these crimes.

Sorry Jeff Gordon, apparently it did not happen, at least not by any historians, but General Sherman was in the Philipines during several years, but specifically 1911.

Sorry Jeff Gordon, apparently it did not happen, at least not by any historians, but General Sherman was in the Philipines during several years, but specifically 1911.

There is so much HIDDEN History!

Sorry Jeff Gordon, apparently it did not happen, at least not by any historians, but General Sherman was in the Philipines during several years, but specifically 1911.

Gen William T. Sherman died Feb 14, 1891 so if he was in the Phillipines in 1911 it was as a ghost.

You must be thinking about Gen Pershing who was in Phillipines at that time, Gen William T. Sherman was never in the Philippines.

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