Banning guns keeps people safe huh?

But ivan salis,
We've gotten real change its just that it is so bad and getting worse by the minute that the country could crumble and likely soon. Wait for the first armed protest and O's goons will come out in force and slay all who disagree and then the country will be locked down and will fail. Just IMO.

Oh, I'm all for ousting him from his position BUT who will take his place AND heal the harm he's done? Who will take the challenge and return this country to what a Democracy should be honest, civil, productive, good citizens not a bunch of criminals, moral, when will we stop hiding from each other as Fear is not our friend and yet it is used every day to cripple us?. And when will the citizens actually get involved in their country again and take care of it with the respect it seserves? Why do illegal imigrants still want to break into the USA, because they see hope here for a better life but they've become part of the problem not a part of the solution. Quite a few of our legal citizens are also a part of the problem!....................63bkpkr

They are is no such thing as an honest government. All governments, are by very definition and by design going to be corrupt. It is hard enough to find one man above the temptation of power and the ability to abuse it; yet alone, an entire group of people.

Most of us would make terrible politicians. We speak our minds, mean what we say, and follow through on our word. Lets face the facts. Honest men/women are not politicians.

Picker, WHAT are you talking about? Exactly which devices do you speak of?

The safety features that are already on the new firearms now.... Indicator that tells you you have a shell in the chamber, additional safties. My pistols will not fire if dropped, they have safety feature that prevents that. Both have indicators that tell you there is shell loaded in the chamber. Most new pistols are coming out with these features already on them and have been on them for awhile, My Springfield XD .45 is over 2 years old and came with these features already........

The safety features that are already on the new firearms now.... Indicator that tells you you have a shell in the chamber, additional safties. My pistols will not fire if dropped, they have safety feature that prevents that. Both have indicators that tell you there is shell loaded in the chamber. Most new pistols are coming out with these features already on them and have been on them for awhile, My Springfield XD .45 is over 2 years old and came with these features already........
I know this TH, however does Picker? Or is he simply speaking of trigger locks?:dontknow:

I know this TH, however does Picker? Or is he simply speaking of trigger locks?:dontknow:

Must not or would not be saying the NRA is fighting it when these features have been out for several years.......I dont think a lot of liberals know it either......

Must not or would not be saying the NRA is fighting it when these features have been out for several years.......I dont think a lot of liberals know it either......

I guess a lot of people don't know these same features have been in existence for decades and decades but that big gun and the NRA fought tooth and nail from them being required on weapons. I think you left that little fact out. But then again I wouldn't expect one to. Lets just call the spade the spade and have an honest conversation.

LOL, do you know how you can tell if a politician is lying? His lips move!! Now on a serious note, I also hoped (didn't vote for him) that maybe he would change some things, but as almost always he didn't. OUR second amendment rights are now being assailed like never before, because of people like jerrod Loughner, and the guy in Col. , we have to defend our rights! These are only some of the people we need to defend against. I live in sothern az, and you can not go to the southern desert without seeing signs about the danger's of drug smugglers being there. I rather go and take my weapons and reclaim MY desert, than allow them to keep me off." I dont scratch unless it itches, I don't dance unless there is music, and I will not be intimidated" Coach Boone, Remember the titans. I love that uate, and live by it. Jesus never backed down and neither will I! If it is soviegn U.S. land, then I should be within my rights to shoot to defend! And I will, I am seldom outgunnedand can hit what I shoot at. Remember! Gun control IS hitting your target!

LOL, do you know how you can tell if a politician is lying? His lips move!! Now on a serious note, I also hoped (didn't vote for him) that maybe he would change some things, but as almost always he didn't. OUR second amendment rights are now being assailed like never before, because of people like jerrod Loughner, and the guy in Col. , we have to defend our rights! These are only some of the people we need to defend against. I live in sothern az, and you can not go to the southern desert without seeing signs about the danger's of drug smugglers being there. I rather go and take my weapons and reclaim MY desert, than allow them to keep me off." I dont scratch unless it itches, I don't dance unless there is music, and I will not be intimidated" Coach Boone, Remember the titans. I love that uate, and live by it. Jesus never backed down and neither will I! If it is soviegn U.S. land, then I should be within my rights to shoot to defend! And I will, I am seldom outgunnedand can hit what I shoot at. Remember! Gun control IS hitting your target!

Well said Fuzz! And welcome to the forum!!:wave:

My opinion.

I do want to add something to the conversation, I do not think guns are the problem but I think that violence in movies, t.v., rap, and video games do contribute to violence in real life. That is what needs to be changed. Network tv used to wait til 9 or 10 to show more mature content but now they show it at all hours of the day and then you have cable which has a never ending supply of it. It is difficult to find anything to watch as a family anymore and then if you do find something that is supposed to be family programming it ends up having some mature content in it also. Of course kids should not be seeing this stuff but the fact is that a lot of parents don't care, they want to be a friend instead of a parent. This is another problem partly caused by left wingers since parents can't discipline their children anymore, neither can teachers. So if we want to solve a problem we have to fix underlining causes. And the second amendment is not a cause of the problem. /End rant.

What ever makes you feel better about yourself. I guess I would wonder if you actually believe all that "stuff" why you feel the need to justify. I don't know too many folks justifying the first amendment??

Again lets just say its a constitutional right for better or worse but lets not try and justify it with BS. Just makes for a foolish conversation. Best.

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Well said krazyace! I agree you can not be your kids friend, they need parents!

The next day Obuma goes on in a speech about the war on terror is over. While a British Jet from Pakistan is escorted by RAF Jets to a airport and 2 men are arrested on terror charges,and another man was arrested yesterd in the UK on more terror charges. He can say what ever he wants and so many just fall and worship the BS that spills from his hole.

The next day Obuma goes on in a speech about the war on terror is over. While a British Jet from Pakistan is escorted by RAF Jets to a airport and 2 men are arrested on terror charges,and another man was arrested yesterd in the UK on more terror charges. He can say what ever he wants and so many just fall and worship the BS that spills from his hole.

I guess I missed anyone saying the war on terror was over. You sure you heard that one right?

I guess a lot of people don't know these same features have been in existence for decades and decades but that big gun and the NRA fought tooth and nail from them being required on weapons. I think you left that little fact out. But then again I wouldn't expect one to. Lets just call the spade the spade and have an honest conversation.


Picker, I heard hin say the war on terror is over as well. Obama is so much a pansy that he cant even admit terrorism is strong and going. I bet Obama even cries for mommy when he passes a hard dry pooh!:eek:

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Picker, I heard hin say the war on terror is over as well. Obama is so much a pansy that he cant even admit terrorism is strong and going. I bet Obama even cries for mommy when he passes a hard dry pooh!:eek:

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Diesel your a smart thinking individual. Always seek out the FULL first hand account. A phrase taken out of context is basically the same as a lie. And yes both side do it. You can read exactly what Obama said in his full speech.

"We must define our effort not as a boundless 'Global War on Terror,' but rather as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America,"

Meaning becomes a little diff when one looks at the entire statement - dont you think. I actually believe this is a good way to view our struggle. I was never a big fan of the blanket statement - "war on terrorism". Way too ambiguous - dont you think??

Picker, ambiguous it is however that is what it was supposed to be. If we take Obama's new statement at face value, then it means we only worry about terror directed at the US. Doesn't this include all terrorists as they are on the world stage?

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Picker, ambiguous it is however that is what it was supposed to be. If we take Obama's new statement at face value, then it means we only worry about terror directed at the US. Doesn't this include all terrorists as they are on the world stage?

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My best friend is spec ops officer at the pentagon. his favorite saying (I'm sure he didnt invent it) is that one mans terrorist is another man freedom fighter. Given the complexities and ever changing nature of world politics I think it is wrong to throw blanket terms like "terrorist" around. I believe it puts us in a corner when trying to execute foreign policy. I think you identify specific enemies of the state and deal with them over a specific time frame. As we have learned time and time again an ally can quickly become an enemy and an enemy an ally. Just my opinion.

You do make a good point about the enemies into allies. We for sure need to get a lot more serious about dealing with these terrorists though.

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You do make a good point about the enemies into allies. We for sure need to get a lot more serious about dealing with these terrorists though.

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I'm sure many will disagree but frankly for a democrat I think Obama has done a pretty good job using drones and spec ops guys to bring the fight to the enemy. I'm 100 percent for this. I believe this is the right strategy as opposed to massive troop usage. Limits US casualties and allows us to strike where troops could not be used. Frankly we need to fight terror / guerrilla tactics with the same not with conventional tactics.

I'm sure many will disagree but frankly for a democrat I think Obama has done a pretty good job using drones and spec ops guys to bring the fight to the enemy. I'm 100 percent for this. I believe this is the right strategy as opposed to massive troop usage. Limits US casualties and allows us to strike where troops could not be used. Frankly we need to fight terror / guerrilla tactics with the same not with conventional tactics.

Obama is ordering the killing American citizens with out due process of law and who are not an immediate threat to anyone....

I don't think Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a 16-year-old American citizen killed by a drone would agree. He was not a terrorist, he was not on any terrrorist list, but he was killed by our drone...... What was he guility of, other than the sins of his father, nothing at all....

What was the Official Obama response to his death?

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

"I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children. I don't think becoming an al Qaeda jihadist terrorist is the best way to go about doing your business."

Again, note that this kid wasn't killed in the same drone strike as his father. He was hit by a drone strike elsewhere, and by the time he was killed, his father had already been dead for two weeks. Gibbs nevertheless defends the strike, not by arguing that the kid was a threat, or that killing him was an accident, but by saying that his late father irresponsibly joined al Qaeda terrorists. Killing an American citizen without due process on that logic ought to be grounds for impeachment. Is that the real answer? Or would the Obama Administration like to clarify its reasoning? Any Congress that respected its oversight responsibilities would get to the bottom of this.

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

They are is no such thing as an honest government. All governments, are by very definition and by design going to be corrupt. It is hard enough to find one man above the temptation of power and the ability to abuse it; yet alone, an entire group of people.

Most of us would make terrible politicians. We speak our minds, mean what we say, and follow through on our word. Lets face the facts. Honest men/women are not politicians.

(The Constitution was written for Honest/Moral people,it is suitable for NO other!) Speaks volumes doesn't it.

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