Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

Rutherford and Bohr pretty much proved that chemical "transmutation" won't occur. . . ever (elements are elements). You need fisson or fusion to change then.

Even with a recipie. That disappeared.

We're gonna need a bigger pit pretty soon. Maybe the Peacock Throne, the five Avengers from Flight 19 and Jimmie Hoffa are down there, too.

It would be great if it was a vault of non-fiction historical documentaries like "The World At War", "Victory in the Pacific", "Woodstock", "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee", etc. so the History Channel could actually show some history for a change and stop trying to create pseudo-science klap-trap.

One thing I have Learned "Charlie" is that "Life is Stranger than Fiction"!

Believe It or Not Oak Island.gif

I presently have some "Ninja Alchemists" working on this recipe!

Hope to have it soon.

Have any "Lead Shoes" you want changed into "Gold"?

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"The philosophers' stone or stone of the philosophers (Latin: lapis philosophorum) is a legendary alchemical substance said to be capable of turning base metals such as lead into gold (chrysopoeia, from the Greek χρυσός khrusos, "gold," and ποιεῖν poiēin, "to make") or silver. It was also sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality; for many centuries, it was the most sought-after goal in alchemy."
"The philosophers' stone has been attributed with many mystical and magical properties. The most commonly mentioned properties are the ability to transmute base metals into gold or silver, and the ability to heal all forms of illness and prolong the life of any person who consumes a small part of the philosophers' stone.[16] Other mentioned properties include: creation of perpetually burning lamps,[16] transmutation of common crystals into precious stones and diamonds,[16] reviving of dead plants,[16] creation of flexible or malleable glass,[17] or the creation of a clone or homunculus."

Mystical attributes, fantastic stories, and centuries of fruitless searching. Am I talking about the Philospher's Stone or a treasure at Oak Island?

People will continue to argue about the nature of the treasure that hasn't and won't be found is, so why not a mythological object? That's actually quite sensible. Have you abandoned your previous theories about what might be there?

Mystical attributes, fantastic stories, and centuries of fruitless searching. Am I talking about the Philospher's Stone or a treasure at Oak Island?

People will continue to argue about the nature of the treasure that hasn't and won't be found is, so why not a mythological object? That's actually quite sensible. Have you abandoned your previous theories about what might be there?

Hi Dave

My Theory is still solid with the Freemasons accumulating their treasure in New America.

The Philosophers Stone was very much a part of this!

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It's amazing what one little space can accomplish.

A part - one component in a larger assemblage or group.

Apart - separate, separated from or removed.

The "Freemason's Buried Treasure" is in that same group with Merlin's wand, Thor's hammer, Santa's bag, and Senatorial ethics.

So, among the things not likely to have occurred this is included with.

If (big if) such treasure exists it would be like the Internet - spread out globally in small pieces. In fact, the Masons are very much like a network. Seems to be a core concept in their philosophies (as I understand them). Decentralized but common principles.

My Theory is still solid with the Freemasons accumulating their treasure in New America.

The Philosophers Stone was very much a part of this!

So you believe in the existance of the Philosopher's Stone, then?

So you believe in the existance of the Philosopher's Stone, then?

images (3).webp

The Jury is still out!

Once my "Ninja Alchemists" get through deciphering this, then maybe "Seeing will be Believing"

If they can change my lead pencil into a golden pen!

But, this may only turn out to be one terrific recipe for bread!

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Were there any greater "Fools" than those who may have mined "Fool's Gold"?

Fool's Gold.webp

Was "Gold" or better yet "Fool's Gold" mined on Oak Island?

I believe the History Channel did a grave injustice to the Oak Island legend when it introduced that prior mining had occurred and that these underground tunnels are still located there.

Are we now to believe in such information that comes from this network, without them having produced any documentation or proof to verify?

The best article I can locate which states why Gold mining would not have been practical or even attempted is by Chesterbound:

Oak Island Gallery

"There are a number of areas within the province of Nova Scotia where considerable quantities of gold were once mined underground, and some where gold continues to be won. But could Oak Island have been the site of an underground gold mine as has been often suggested? Prior to the advent of the mechanical drill in the latter half of the nineteenth century, all underground metalliferous mines, virtually without exception, commenced with the discovery of outcrops of ore at ground surface. These outcrops were then followed underground. The richest goldfields in the world, those of the Witwatersrand of South Africa, began by working an outcrop discovered in 1852. Since then South Africa has produced half the world’s gold.As evidence of underground activity at the Money Pit was first noted in 1795, well before the invention of the mechanical drill, it may be supposed that any gold mining on Oak Island would have commenced with inclined shafts, or adits, driven from a rock outcrop. Unfortunately, there is an absence of any mention in the early historical records of derelict mining headgear existing on Oak Island in the vicinity of the Money Pit. The legendary tackle block suspended from the limb of the ancient oak, as reported by the boys who discovered the Money Pit, though suggestive of underground excavation, cannot be considered as headgear for a commercial mining enterprise. The inevitable adjuncts of such an operation would be piles of spoil and waste rock, and of these there is a total lack. Furthermore, the geological profile of the island, as determined by a deep borehole put down in 1983 (see Part IX), showed the soil overburden to consist of dense glacial till to a depth of 181 feet, which overlaid a 180 foot thick stratum of gypsum/anhydrite, which in turn was superimposed upon slate bedrock at a depth of 360 feet. The glacial till is most certainly devoid of any worthwhile gold in concentrated form, and in view of the geological processes involved in the deposition of gypsum/anhydrite, which are not conducive to gold deposition as this is an evaporite, any gold in the sequence of soil/rock strata beneath the Money Pit would be confined to the slate bedrock at considerably greater depths than that to which the Money Pit appears to have been excavated (210-230 feet). In view of the solubility of the gypsum/anhydrite bedrock any mining activity below sea level which penetrated into or through the gypsum/ anhydrite would be fraught with peril as we have seen (see Part IV). A brief comment may be made regarding exotic elements such as uranium and radium, as the suggestion is quite interesting. These are extremely reactive metals and never occur in their native states. It was not until the end of the nineteenth century that their existence was first suspected, and this eventually led to their isolation. Though both elements are widely distributed, they are also very minutely dispersed. The yield of radium from one metric ton of pitchblende is only 0.0001 gm. The isolation of both elements is a lengthy, expensive process even with modern technology."

It's amazing what one little space can accomplish.

The "Freemason's Buried Treasure" is in that same group with Merlin's wand, Thor's hammer, Santa's bag, and Senatorial ethics.

Naw we all know this is the Masonic Door with the Keyhole mentioned in these clues, the Yarmouth and Nolan's Cross Headstone rubbing are the carvings that were left there by the makers of the Pit.

the marks in the cave wall here are signifying this fact that whatever they found in the 1700's was then brought to Vermont for the Revolution.......

Whover came there to find something......they came around after the originals and left their own codes......

View attachment 1109051

the evidence is still there and we are going to find whatever is left behind for us this spring when thawed.......

We have the Poussin Code corresponding with Champlain, and the Masonic Codes set to prove they were here in Vermont through the same codes on Oak Island.

Such a twist to keep it all going the right way by following all the loose ends to see where they go......this one paid off and its right around the corner from my shop.

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Crazy Pirates are "Not to be Trusted"!

Crazy Pirate.webp

Just got back from this site!

Oak Island - The contrarian views thread! arrgggg! arrgggg!

That "Crazy Pirate" made me and others "Walk the Plank"

After I dry off I will be doing a "Post" on "the Bad and the Ugly" of "Oak Island Pirates"

View attachment 1110153

Just got back from this site!

Oak Island - The contrarian views thread! arrgggg! arrgggg!

That "Crazy Pirate" made me and others "Walk the Plank"

After I dry off I will be doing a "Post" on "the Bad and the Ugly" of "Oak Island Pirates"

One warning Robot !
Your welcome here as long as you follow the rules.

Since I don't know your exact intention by this post,
your's may be just friendly banter.

please Re-Read these terms

You may not.... Post, upload, send personal messages, transmit or otherwise make available any inappropriate, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, vulgar, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, or unlawful content.

You may not.... Abuse, defame, harass, threaten, stalk, or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others.

You may not.... Impersonate, imitate, pretend to be, or mock another member.

there may or may not be certain parts of the above that apply here. :dontknow:
I'll give you the benefit of the Doubt here for now.
but you don't want to give me reason to make you walk the plank :unhappysmiley:

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Could "Pirates" have been "Responsible" for the "Construction" of "Oak Island"?

Pirate treasure.webp
Although it is a romantic idea that Pirates were somehow responsible for the construction of Oak Island’s Shaft, Tunnels and Treasure Vault, Logic would dictate that this was probably not so!

With my theory I believe “Pirates” did "Not" play a part in the building of the Money Pit at Oak Island.

Pirates had little need to build a private bank such as Oak Island when there were more than enough Banks, Financial Houses and Merchants living in New York during this time period to accommodate them.

Pirates such as Every, Morgan, Tew and the famous Captain Kidd bribed New York’s governors for protection and used these Financial Houses to launder their treasure. Captain Every was so prolific at this that he was one of the few pirates to retire back to an estate in England with benefits.

Pirate Captains did not take the whole treasure but only 2 shares of a prize

• ARTICLE X under “The Pirate’s Code of Conduct” - The captain and the quartermaster shall each receive two shares of a prize, the master gunner and boatswain, one and one half shares, all other officers one and one quarter, and private gentlemen of fortune one share each.

Many of the men we call pirates today were legal privateers acting with the full blessings of England.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”
It was only if they attacked British ships or after England signed peace treaties with their enemies were these privateers labeled again as pirates.

During the Golden Age of Piracy many of these famous pirates chose to live in New York while Edward Hyde, 3rd Earl of Clarendon was appointed as colonial governor (1701 – 1708).
Governor Hyde’s flamboyant manner of dressing was only surpassed by his reputation as the worst corrupt governor Britain ever appointed to an American colony.

Captain Kidd lived in a mansion in New York and was also involved with the construction of Trinity Church.

It was only later when England proceeded to rid their colonies of this corruption and pirating that many moved on.

England encouraged loyalist merchants and privateers to move to Nova Scotia as part of their reaction against the growing revolution in the American colonies and these colonies’ willing acceptance to trade with France and Spain against British embargoes.

Many British privateers operating out of Lunenburg Nova Scotia attacked these ships and used Halifax merchants similar to those operating in New York to exchange their booty with.

It would have been an illogical choice for any Pirate Captain to have chosen Oak Island in Mahone Bay.
The Royal Navy was based just north of this bay and would have found any Pirate’s Ship easy prey in this enclosed bay as was shown to the Privateer Ship “The Young Teaser”.
A Pirate Captain storing his treasure on Oak Island would equate to a Bank Robber knocking on the door of Fort Knox requesting if he could bury his loot on their property.

Oak Island was only accessible in the warmer Spring, Summer to early Fall and no Pirate would want to wait 6 months to make a withdraw.

No single Captain could have expended the necessary work to dig the shaft, tunnels and vault for his use only and involving his crew would compromise his treasure.
There was very little “Honor Amongst Thieves” when it came to Pirates.

Pirates lived more by the motto “Easy Come Easy Go” and “A Fool and his Money are Soon Parted”.

Oak Island is off the Trade Wind Routes and would make the journey to it even more difficult.

The area around Oak Island would have an indigenous population of First Nations, Homesteaders, and Fishermen to contend with.

The ideal of Pirates having built Oak Island is very remote as it would have been more practical for them to have picked some uninhabited Island in the Caribbean or an Atoll in the Pacific Ocean as Hollywood likes to portray.

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That is interesting info Robot thank you.

I recently read up on the information about Kydd being exonerated Post Mortem, and also into his movements while being accused of Piracy, AND murder for the death of a mutinous sailor by bucket to the head....it was clearly not him in the area.......and his men went on to surrender their ship.......

I didnt hear anything about him being near the area in Nova Scotia, and all of his men where accounted for.......except a couple of mutineers

What is remarkably strange is the tale of the Impossible Walk of David Ingram, English Explorer.

He was known to have been Pirating in 1588 under charter for England, and was off the coast of Mexico, Tampico Bay, he was faced with starvation so his men went ashore. A few went south fleeing native attack and fell into Spanish captivity, returning some 10-25 years later, and the rest either were killed by natives, or traveled north on a 3000 mile journey.

What is not only remarkable, is the walk they made, having had made a pacce at over 8 miles per day for 11 months straight, with all of their packs, AND the treasures they had been looting, BUT then to be picked up off the coast of Cape Breton by a French Sailor, M. Champaigne....

.......not Samuel Champlain, who came later to then "Christen the Lake".

What is stranger than all that, is the descriptions of animals and cities they passed, matching the coast, and how they were able to SURVIVE all this w/ the Natives helping them along.....

This only can be attributed to the trade they had made of their gold and silver, and jewels, for food, along the way that was shown to them to travel to the next town through the Native American Trails they walked.

This tale of a harrowing journey left only 5 men to make it to NOVA SCOTIA of all places

Then when home it becomes an incredible journey fabricated when they return. They comments by the regents of the times who were looking for info, hearing about this trip's failure under Charter were searching in England for Ingram and were not able to find him for 13 years..........and when finally questioned, they noted "as if he was lying, and exaggerating the story of his trip, to overlook the guilt of his tales."

Make this into the scene we have found here....he's under commission, and fails to report the death of his men, and disappears for over a decade hiding under their noses

The Charter was able to turn over 100 men.........into a five man crew that only the Captain and his closest men, are found having camped 60 leagues west of Cape Britton, HMMMMMMMMM, and had just come from the west making their FIRST DISCOVERY OF A RESCUE VESSEL in over 3000 miles??

60 leagues from the peninsula they were found on is 180 miles...........EXACTLY where Oak Island is.....and where the English Burton Block is hung there to remind them?

This is completely obvious who these Pirates were, and why they were there, having set a second trove there as well, where one of the descendents of these men later handed a early 1900's searcher a tale.......of seeing a map of another location some leagues away that these same pirates had left......

.....the Captain and his first officers were the only left
? and where were the rest of the labor he had taken to Pirate......

Dead he says.....??

So now we have another Pirate tale to add of "Dead Sailors" in the area, men who could have easily been there for that entire time digging their own Money Pit, having stolen their booty from the others and fled back there to use as a leap point closer to England, while continuing their racket in the ports.

These were Englishmen, who set out in 1598 to Pirate..... and they were found having been camping out there with little of nothing to leave behind??....a few coins dropped in memory is my theory, like a wishing well in the swamp............

The newest find these days is the Pirate Camps they found in the area on Cape Breton, further around the coast from where they were found......and there were that many men rumored to be there camping as Pirates, according to the size of the area they found recently. They said there is a whole nother area to be looked at for troves, as these men lived and died there.......building an artificial pier and docking ramp....

and here comes the kicker.......these were the men who stayed behind to settle there, having been secretly preparing to Pirate the same year as the Spanish Armada was invading England, and they had decided to become rogue Pirates against whoever that came by.

Under the French command that would have rescued the Captain David Ingram and his 4 men, they would have reported this to their French Naval leaders....M. Champaign would have told his superiors about their rescue of Pirates. This sets up the original tales of Piracy that were in violation of these Naval Laws and Territorial laws, that led to the original conflicts concerning these Naval Wars,

and after they started this English Piracy Policy, they went into the wars with the French and Spanish till they

a perfect cover to Dupe everyone into thinking that this trove would be some Pirate Coins in a ditch.........

......The troves they stole might be buried there, up in the hills of Annapolis, or even in the other area, some feet away from the pit.....close to the shore....,

In the early and mid 1590's, Samuel Champlain is on his journey, mapping the areas all the way to Central America, with the Spanish

Champlain was on his journey mapping when he was actually ordered to return shortly after 1598, when David Irving was rescued. This is the same year that Champlain was then sent out on the "Special Mission for the King".......under the guise of a Pirate Treasure there on Oak Island, they crafted something to relate to the area, having found the Trove and adding to a few hidden Pirate clues, planting their actual troves elsewhere, while landscaping the areas to appear like someone was there, and while adding other clues to the other Islands....

Like the buried Nolan Cross Stones, and other stones with scale references.......the Birds Head Rock and the Cornerstone, The Drilled Stones as well.

The Pirate clues are all there........as are the others around them.....

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Eldo - Excellent!... account of David Ingram, English Explorer

Logic dictates that if I were a "Privateer or Pirate" noted for attacking Spanish Ships and Marooned in Spanish Waters, I too would high tail it to the nearest British port.

My questions would be:

If he and 100 followers were marooned as stated, would Captn John Hawkins have allowed him to take any treasure with them?

How much weight of Gold would have been possible for the 5 remaining men to have carried to Nova Scotia?
A gold bar weighs 12.5 kg. The volume of a bar is 0.65 litres.1 litre of gold weighs 19.3 kg, which roughly corresponds to the weight of a 5-year old child.

The answer is that he stole tons of gold in numerous adventures, scuttles the ship, hiked a small distance with his men intact.

They said they were waiting for some time till the ships were seen. They were on OAK and buried it 60 leagues west of Cape Breton where he was said to have been camping, 180 miles west, is right at Oak Island the EXACT distance from where they were picked up. They even left a Burton Block.

His 100 service men disappear, and only the commander and officers are left? that is suspect he killed them or they mutinied, but they could have just gone rogue under the understanding of how rich the area was in Spanish and French trade.

men were known to have then parked near Annapolis Bay, in an encampment, and on the other side of the Breton peninsula, there was a second camp there found with an entire mooring dock, just like what was found on OAK.

They said they were patrolling the African Coast, and Mexico

But they were THE pirates that were feared in the area for years afterwards.

There is another guy here online. who thinks they moved the treasures to Annapolis Bay, and there is proof of this settlement made by arcane tools, and made by men said to be of an unruly character when seen from a far later on.

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There is another guy here online. who thinks they moved the treasures to Annapolis Bay, and there is proof of this settlement made by arcane tools, and made by men said to be of an unruly character when seen from a far later on.

That's Mister Guy to you. lol

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Some "Sites" have done Oak Island a Grave Injustice to claim Martin Frobisher Mined

View attachment 1107471

Was "Gold" or better yet "Fool's Gold" mined on Oak Island?

I believe the History Channel did a grave injustice to the Oak Island legend when it introduced that prior mining had occurred and that these underground tunnels are still located there.

Are we now to believe in such information that comes from this network, without them having produced any documentation or proof to verify?

The best article I can locate which states why Gold mining would not have been practical or even attempted is by Chesterbound:

Oak Island Gallery

"There are a number of areas within the province of Nova Scotia where considerable quantities of gold were once mined underground, and some where gold continues to be won. But could Oak Island have been the site of an underground gold mine as has been often suggested? Prior to the advent of the mechanical drill in the latter half of the nineteenth century, all underground metalliferous mines, virtually without exception, commenced with the discovery of outcrops of ore at ground surface. These outcrops were then followed underground. The richest goldfields in the world, those of the Witwatersrand of South Africa, began by working an outcrop discovered in 1852. Since then South Africa has produced half the world’s gold.As evidence of underground activity at the Money Pit was first noted in 1795, well before the invention of the mechanical drill, it may be supposed that any gold mining on Oak Island would have commenced with inclined shafts, or adits, driven from a rock outcrop. Unfortunately, there is an absence of any mention in the early historical records of derelict mining headgear existing on Oak Island in the vicinity of the Money Pit. The legendary tackle block suspended from the limb of the ancient oak, as reported by the boys who discovered the Money Pit, though suggestive of underground excavation, cannot be considered as headgear for a commercial mining enterprise. The inevitable adjuncts of such an operation would be piles of spoil and waste rock, and of these there is a total lack. Furthermore, the geological profile of the island, as determined by a deep borehole put down in 1983 (see Part IX), showed the soil overburden to consist of dense glacial till to a depth of 181 feet, which overlaid a 180 foot thick stratum of gypsum/anhydrite, which in turn was superimposed upon slate bedrock at a depth of 360 feet. The glacial till is most certainly devoid of any worthwhile gold in concentrated form, and in view of the geological processes involved in the deposition of gypsum/anhydrite, which are not conducive to gold deposition as this is an evaporite, any gold in the sequence of soil/rock strata beneath the Money Pit would be confined to the slate bedrock at considerably greater depths than that to which the Money Pit appears to have been excavated (210-230 feet). In view of the solubility of the gypsum/anhydrite bedrock any mining activity below sea level which penetrated into or through the gypsum/ anhydrite would be fraught with peril as we have seen (see Part IV). A brief comment may be made regarding exotic elements such as uranium and radium, as the suggestion is quite interesting. These are extremely reactive metals and never occur in their native states. It was not until the end of the nineteenth century that their existence was first suspected, and this eventually led to their isolation. Though both elements are widely distributed, they are also very minutely dispersed. The yield of radium from one metric ton of pitchblende is only 0.0001 gm. The isolation of both elements is a lengthy, expensive process even with modern technology."

Martin Frobisher did mine Iron Pyrite better known as "Fools Gold" but this was in Nunavut, 3000 kilometers from Oak Island.

Martin Frobisher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It rates right up there with claims of Cortez finding Aztec Gold here or that Columbus discovered Oak Island.

This has to be one of the most "Bizzare Stories" circulating on some "Sites", with very little research having gone into it!


Pyrite or Fool's Gold was mined at Oak island
"1577: Captain Frobisher's Second Voyage.
The purpose of the first voyage was to explore for a northwest passage to the riches of the Far East. This purpose, in the second voyage, was subordinated to the Queen's order that Captain Frobisher secure and exploit the new found gold mine in Meta Incognita, and then return to England with 100 tons of gold ore for further testing and refining in Bristol Castle and the Tower of London. Wisely, Queen Elizabeth had requested the Duke of Saxony to send someone to London who was a metallurgist and experienced in mining operations. The man sent was Jonas Schutz and that summer he had supervision over the mining operation and the construction of dry docks for loading the gold ore at Oak Island. His management resulted in 160 tons of ore being shipped to London for refining and testing. Frobisher's charter also enabled him to continue his search for the passage to Cathay, but that goal was less important than securing and exploiting the Meta Incognita mine."


Fools & Gold.
"So it is reported the 1,100 tons of ore, turned out to be worthless, causing many investors to go bankrupt thus Frobisher's reputation was ruined.

Shortly after all this, Frobisher returned to piracy and along with Francis Drake, Frobisher is said to have begun raiding Spanish ships and settlements in the Caribbean. 'Pirates' - you wouldn't believe it! Soon after that he returned to England with 60,000 pounds of pure gold [960000 ounces @1250 US$1,200,000,000] when much of the [most] share went to the Queen."

"Edward de Vere: Crossed the Queen and the Earl lost out big time, over the timeline rumours suggest that over 20-30,000 pounds (weight) of gold went missing and the family thought the Queen pinched it all.
Interestingly the 17th Earl and his numerous Vere Sons and Cousins all together funded these expeditions with dual purposes to seek out profit and find a northwest passage - trade route. Interestingly the Earl may have been on one of these trips as he went missing for 7 years.

The connections between missing Gold, what happened to the Oxford family, issues surrounding Nova Scotia, pirating and lost treasures, accounts of Oxfords missing of 2 million pounds or 32000000oz of Gold are all now emerging out of the shadows of history."
Treasure Pit Vinland Viking Gold Oak Island - Crown Heist of Gold Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere

Capt. Kidd link?
"Excavations continued through the early 1900s. In 1931, excavator William Chappell uncovered an axe, an anchor
fluke, and a pick. Because the area had been littered by equipment from the previous excavation attempts, it is
unknown who these artifacts belonged to. In 1928, Gilbert Hedden, a steel fabricating operator, had learned of the
island and became fascinated. After much research, he believed he found a link between Oak Island and a map found in
Harold T. Wilkins,’ book: Captain Kidd and His Skeleton Island. Hedden ultimately purchased the southeast end of the
island, and began digging in 1935, although his efforts were unsuccessful."

The Lost Treasure of Oak Island and the Centuries-Old Quest to Find It | Ancient Origins

Mystery stone at 90 feet
"It was not until the 1860s that an academic was able to examine the symbols and provide a credible translation. Although this fact, like many involving Oak Island, remains disputed, many believe that Dalhousie University Professor of Languages James Leitchi successfully decoded the tablet's inscription.
"Forty Feet below two million pounds are buried."

Oak Island Money Pit - The Last Great Unsolved Mystery

So to recap this:
Edward de Vere funded Martin Frobisher's expeditions in search of the Northwest Passage and fortune.

'Frobisher set sail in 1578 with 15 ships, 300 Cornish miners and enough Oak lumber to build a colony. It was the largest Arctic expedition in history.'

Captain Frobisher mined tons of Fool's Gold from oak island. This created the underground caverns - mining caverns.

Frobisher returned to piracy and returned to England with 60,000 pounds of pure gold! Did he stash some for himself
and Edward de Vere? He already knew about oak island and the caverns from mining.

Edward de Vere - Crossed the Queen and 20-30,000 pounds (weight) of gold went missing, and on one of his trips he could have been missing for 7 years! Where was he?

Now at this point it is interesting to note that the Oak Timber used in the Money Pit has been C-14 carbon dated around 1575.

Mystery stone found at 90 feet below surface translated to "Forty Feet below two million pounds are buried."

Are all these things mere coincidences?


Another possible theory - The Mayans had the engineering skills to build a booby trapped Oak Island Treasure Vault. I remember seeing long ago that a turtle rock was found on Oak Island. Turtle rocks were used by the Mayans. They were also used by the Spanish to mark where they thought a gold mind existed or did actually exist.

"Inca or Maya treasure - during the conquering of the Americas by the Europeans in the 17th and 18th centuries, much of the wealth of the Incas and Mayas disappeared. Usually rumored to have been buried or sunken at the bottom of lakes, some researchers believe that it's possible that a group of Incas or Mayas, possible with the help of sympathetic Europeans, stole away with the wealth and buried on Oak Island out of the reach of the conquerors."


The Secret Treasure of Oak island by D'Arcy O'Conner (p189) discusses gold mining on Oak Island. Unfortunately
the link that Charlie P. (NY) provided in his post was lost, when my original thread with this title was
deleted. Anyway, it mentions Fool's Gold being mined on Oak Island. This seems like a rather large piece of
this puzzle.

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