Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!
Just to get some of you motivated....and I know there are some fabulous fibbers out there...I have decided to dig into my secret vaults and sweeten the pie with some new prizes.Because my wealth is so great and there are so many things to choose was hard deciding what to select. I have it narrowed down to three .
First ....I offer you the Solid Silver Garden Trowel...I found this beauty about 500 years ago in The Garden of Eden and if you look close you will see that it has Eve's name engraved on it. This was a relative easy find,at about 4 inches directly under theTree of Life. And for those of you who are wondering ...Yes I had permission.....Actually I double checked in THE RULE BOOK (Matthew 7:7) and it was clear as day...Ask,And it shall be given, Seek and you shall find.....I took that as a definite YES
Second....A Silver Plated Gold Horseshoe of four....worn by Llamrei ....gallant mare of King Arthur....This was a difficult find.....but worth the effort ....found the first one just outside the castle and the others ...well...Lets just say I had to dig deep...about 6 feet...
And last but definitely not least...I offer five silver Lincoln pennies.....These were minted in silver ,due to a shortage in copper.Many of you may have heard about this ....when the freezing snow storm in the 60's busted so many water pipes,causing a huge copper shortage and the government had to resort to using silver in place of copper.....Before these could be distributed tho...PVC pipe was the entire minted load of silver pennies was buried hastily under the Lincoln Memorial ......Lucky for me ....they didnt cover their holes well and I was able to find and dig these the same night....These pennies were minted with the purest of pure in fact that they literally drip it off when you pick them up...I have to keep them in a large vat