Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!
Ok...I'm gonna play this one 'till it wins, seein's how it didn't work on the last one, hehe!
Ok, here's one:
My detecting buddy (Roy) and I went out to treasure hunting one afternoon. We got to talking about the different types of tokens, and wished we could find some out-of-the-ordinary ones. I decided it would be neat to fine a worlds fair token. Roy thought he'd like to find a KKK token. So, with a mission in place, we wondered how we could set out to find these tokens. We read about dowsing rods, and how you can find just what you're looking for with them. We tried map dowsing, but couldn't get the maps to stick out straight enough...So, we raided the closet and tore up a bunch of good hangers making dowsing rods, and sat in the living room and began our quest for "special tokens". Our rods pointed east...his and mine, although we were looking for different types of tokens. So, since we would both be heading in the same direction, we decided to travel together.
We hopped in his truck, and headed east. We kept checking our rods after a few miles, and both of ours were still pointing the same direction. I steered his truck while he checked his rods so he wouldn't have to pull over. There's a poor guy on a bicycle out there somewhere who will always have a fear of Ford explorers, I'm sure. Anyway, after crossing over the river, and a ditch or two by accident, our rods began to vibrate violently. As we were swerving down the road, our rods suddenly pointed to the right, and before we could slow down, our rods pointed back towards us. He hit the brakes, and as I was pulling my dowsing rod out of my left eye, he put it in reverse. The rods went back to the right (or at least my right rod did...the left rod was pretty blurry by now).
We pulled up into a driveway and the rods started swinging around violently, and began to burn our hands. I threw mine in the ditch where we parked which started a fire and turned the Ford explorer into a Ford EXPLODER. Luckily, Roy had the foresight to remove our detectors before it went up. So, with nothing else to do, we decided to detect the area that was making our rods go so crazy. Well, after finding 47 large cents, and a bunch of crappy morgan dollars, half dimes, 2 cent pieces, and copper 1943 pennies, we bumped our detectors together over the same spot, and they made a sweet beep. So, he dug one half of the hole, and I dug the other half. At about 34 inches down, we simultaneously held this nice little token. It was the token I was looking for...and the token he was looking for! So we decided to take a picture of it before we cut it in half so we could share it. The first pic is the side showing it's a token from the world's fair in Philadelphia (sesqui-centennial exposition). The second picture shows the other side, which is a KKK insignia (AKIA meaning A Klansman I Am). This was given to members and people who signed up at the KKK booth at the world's fair. No kidding!
Ok, maybe I exaggerated a little in the story. I found it under a bush in front of an old dairy house while trying to find one more wheat penny. But that wasn't very interesting, was it?