New Contest...........TNs Best Liar!!!

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Cold nights, blistering days, wind that pelts your dust ladden clothes, three days and water is running low, food takes the distinct flavor of dirt and my ration of batteries are exhausted. A lone, helpless, aimlessly wandering in circles, how many times will I pass that tree with the big X on it, and who has been digging all these holes? Pirates after me treasure????oh wait, never mind...thats how I got this lovely pull tab necklace, and bracelet, anklet, and oh yeah can't forget the beautiful 1 carrot bud light ring. Now who in their right mind would bury a perfectly mint beer can for anyone to just come along and dig it up....sheesh people. Oh well as they say " finders keepers loser weepers". Oh yeah, anyways, here I am lost thanks to the map I bought on ebay, when the listing said "lost map/ treasure hunter" how was I to know that the lost part would be me??? I mean here I paid good money to boot for the thing. .99cents on the bid plus $8.95 shipping, $2 handling, $25 for insurance. I mean how can people just scam you like that and where is that neon sign the map showed that says "buried treasure dig here?" Hummm, all I see is this same tree I keep passing with the huge X, and all these bottles laying around that are labeled "Ghost In A Jar". I'm hot, tired, hungry, and out of batteries, now which carrier has that slogan....what can brown do for you...well for starters he can deliver on time, stop increasing prices due to gas inflation, stop charging you next day by 10am, when at 10pm he knocks on my door. And when you call to chew them out they politely say...mam, we can't help it if we are short handed and had to put all deliveries on the day run truck, besides it says estimated time of 10am.
Oh look here is a brand new shinny piece of tin foil, I have to keep this!!! because my last piece is getting wore out from carrying it so long in my jean pocket, and to think I missed it my first 20 passes and its right next to this tree with the great big X on it. That's it I really need to get a pin pointer, otherwise I am going to be missing things right under my nose. I am about to drop from exhaustion, reality set in that I might actually die out here and no one would know where to look. What am I to do? I really think I am losing it now, cause I swear I keep hearing somesort of voice, its so muffled, I can't be sure. Some how this voice sounds vaguely familiar, and just a wee bit ticked off, dang if I could just make it out perhaps I could get myself out of this predicament. Oh yeah duhhh...take off headphones so you can hear better! Wait I know that voice, that is my dear dear husband screaming " Dang Dawn are you ever going to put up that blasted metal detector up and come in from the back yard?


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Re: Best Day Yet

Sorry thanks for all the replaies ill know more here in 2 to 3 days. Im closing on my house tommrow so i have alot going on. The area was an inlet its private property owned by a friend it used to be ocean just the ocean has been getting farther away from shore over the last 1000 years. still skeptical dream like to me but as soon as i know more you will.


Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!


Montana Jim, Rob in KS, Foiled Again, ronald99, jeff of pa, dave-enc, civilman1, Mike95inNJ, JT2, King-John, low xtreme, lobo, hasbeen, wep1956, WV Hillbilly, Oroblanco, ringfinder, treasure diver, papa, Old Tom, Mona Lisa, red, jere, 49er, sqzdog, Charlene, schramm, vic910, shootist, RealdeTayopa, the blindbowman, waseeker, ZoSo71, The Beep Goes On, wayne1956, Digginman, DDos, texan connection, duggr, cmschut, tinpan, halfdime, kieser sousa, SC_hunter, 72cheyenne, rosiemg, Skrimpy, Davidmw999, transplant, Iskuli, PURELUCK, lucky1777, Gadget, silverswede, Treasure-Hunter, NC Brad, tw656, jeffpa, Danimal, SWR, DOCC77, aarthrj3811, its_toby, mr.theman, mountainman 2,The Seeker, mojjax, Jeff K, macblastr, goldinmypan, Metalgear, Canadian Cossack, sonny0065, fishboymike, snappy, mmiller, aa battery, coinking123, Turborick, djui5, Chrisfindstreasure, slackjaw, Cladius, GMan00001, brnn53, n_sandler4, drygulch, garrettman64, PBK, geomorph, Don in S Jersey, naturalite, Tim Williams, noebody, GaBeaSwpr, Dig It, staceysallaboutu, semohiker, Johnny X, dadzilla, TheSleeper, ron in sc, allenb, justin75790, bill gent, larrybass, floyd428, Darren in NC, camb1,Paul is Dead, roswellborn, 3xflyfisher, Fritzer, RonNewbie, Chi Town Bruce, USTiger, kept1979, Fruitbat, bpasternak, coolcash2004, Aurum_, tmanfromtexas, DogGoneIt, Gold Seeker, JRLewis, gilmerman, lgadbois, MartyG, rescuedtreasures, Charles Hutson (E.Tn.), romeo-1, capt_t, Huntin' 59er, lejeuene, David Ritchie, HobBob, jsehoule, lumbercamp, EDDEKALB, Tony in SC, soldierman, On~Next1, Rusted_Iron, gregl01, eathabs, kiddrock33, ataribob, idigdirt, clump63, Kris, DEEPDIGGEREXPII, tojo, Bill(de), diggummup, cedarratt, Dell Winders, jerry065, Desert Detector, rk, Cheryl, NorCal 6er, viper771, TORRERO, coinlover, Clifford Powell, Gribnitz
SC_hunter, kenb, The Beep Goes On, too_deep, Jimi D Pirate, Abbey, TXTim, bookfisher, Digginman, Moonshadow, vwkyote, TreasureTales, rasrandy, Leon, ModernMiner, PBK, xactav, MartyG, jnut4, jerry065, misplacedrednek, alwayslookin, 1320, doyboy, arkhunter, DDos, Smithbrown, Thorndog, Stroover, Neil in West Jersey, GoldFever, halfdime, DigginItUp, Blue_dog22, ringfinder, Two Dogs, fieldtracker, Big Jeff, NH Bob, Jean310, free4dan, Ridley, gord, BIG61AL, Montana Jim, angel_09, stevesno, mojjax, warsawdaddy, liverpoolfc, pather, krichu, cosmic, ronald99, Dana in Fredericksburg Va, Don in S Jersey, Bili, Born2Dtect, tightlines, EDDEKALB, treasure_hunter, Canadian Cossack, Gonehunting, vt coin hunter, Wannabee Hunter, jeric2, Ponchosportal, BOHUNTZ, low xtreme, Cliff, Dallas, gmu4me, River Rat, blurr, its_toby, cadawg, Seabee, JT2, BobG, Fritzer, oldman, lowtones, pcolaboy, nahabit, potsy, Cornelius, BrushyMtnMan, Ant, schlooppy, 3xflyfisher, TonyinCT, jeff of pa, tojo, blaglezz, bonwor, maximushisp, Quix Ten, Amona, dewcon4414, lobo, rtde3, Trevor43, captinharry, Dave45, soldierman, COII Roadrunner, ernie, Calico Jack, Bavaria Mike, caratjuice, wright, King-John, wayne1956, kiddrock3
GypsyHeart,RickyD, Laheadhunter, semohiker, jeff of pa, Crosby, Stormtrooper154, Old Tom, xXx, nc-joe, fullercharles, stefen, hollowpointred, Sandman, treasurejack, JRLewis, Huntin' 59er, Jimi D Pirate, garrettman64, Dave45, skierbob, army82, ran-man, flip, idigdirt, civilman1, cosmic, Don in S Jersey, King-John, khouse,Seeker, staceysallaboutu, larrybass, rrbbtt, RealdeTayopa, tw656, Dudeman, Two Dogs, JeffInMass, DAVY JONES, SWR, River Rat, DDos, TORRERO, frozenfishy, Eddie B, n_sandler4, ridgely, slater guy, cnshtrdave, rtde3, mvSWAT, rasrandy, Ben_banned, Nitro 54, lucky1777, wolfmann, its_toby, krumb, Cubfan64, coinlover, Blue_dog22, fieldtracker, DFXKEV, timtreasure, Jeffro, AOSDC, silverfinder37, Historyhound, kevino1960, kippero, mmiller, Born2Dtect, Montana Jim, Monk, soldierman, diverlynn, ArizonaWren, sniper2be, cyberdan, Rich in Central PA, Eddy1H, MartyG, drink-7-up, Earthworks,Paul is Dead, xupz, SouthCarolinaTeacher, stoopstroop, curbsweeper, oldman, Chibuya, swingingmydfx, txkickergirl, silverswede, Fruitbat, NH Bob, dowser 501, aarthrj3811, tinpan, beale, Stroover, baseballbandits, seas1to2, stevemc, willie d, geomorph, ctex, herr, DOC in the C.S.A., trk5capt, aa battery, TammyNC123, dave wiseman, lejeuene, popeye75, JW, treasure_hunter, PBK, TreasureTales, Digginman, lgadbois, johnnyboy25, Ty, Mike95inNJ, free4dan, warsawdaddy, Rusted_Iron, OutBack Duo, Rumblebelly, tabfinder, Dharmacy, Canadian Cossack, SaintSea, kool007, Korban, cactusjumper, ZoSo71, TheSleeper, coolcash2004, diggndeep, karib2517, BobGC, Monty, skydiv, TonyinCT, blurr, felinepeachy, danny64, xplrer, Chi Town Bruce, treasurediver, krs, cptbil, EARL51, Missouri_John, Peg Leg, dieharddigger, kiddrock33, DEEPDIGGEREXPII, T Hunter, The Gemologist, djabend, Chris121801, DigginItUp, parker23, diggummup, Bill(de), barbox7, Comanche Todd,Mark
BIG61AL, N.J.THer, geomorph, ghostrider1775, flip, Jean310, ran-man, davitko, theloadroom, its_toby, Don in S Jersey, Nonsequitur, mrs.oroblanco, coolcash2004, deadheadwillie, willie d, sandwitch, EDDEKALB, Nate in Ohio, Max Digger, txkickergirl, DDos, Oroblanco, cactusjumper, DEEPDIGGEREXPII, fishandhunt_2005, David Ritchie, Monty, treasure_hunter, slow sweeper, warsawdaddy, kenb, trk5capt, silverswede, Jeff K, privateer, Farmercal, af1733, hobbyhunter, swingingmydfx, MPFISH, Hendrix, AOSDC, johnnyboy25, scottpt9, brnn53, bigcypresshunter, wrangler, packerbacker, Canadian Cossack, coinman66, rrbbtt, pather, doyboy, Eddy1H, jeff from east pa, gdaddyflex, bookfisher, Bill(de), COUNTRY GIRL, dvb288, capt_t, slanch, Born2Dtect, Chris121801, DOCC77, dugfinds, baseballbandits, Aurum_, jeff of pa, aa battery, OutBack Duo, europe, JT2, River Rat, Cornelius, pokerbear, Calworks, Bili, Edchato, DetectorBase, Davisdog, surfrat96, stevemc, Wabash, Rich in Central PA, gord, schlooppy, NC Brad, diamondjim, Darren in NC, Blackjack77, spez401, MaceHead, tightlines, funkman, Gonehunting, ron in sc, crapshooter, oldman, Rockfshr, search_and_find, mmiller, WV Hillbilly, bean man, allanw23, Buck, aarthrj3811, RealdeTayopa, trevmma, Fatboy, simonds, Dell Winders, jerry065, PBK, Kevenater, bonwor, wright, Wheezy, Janey, Hardy, ScubaFinder, ModernMiner, hed11877, AkDave, Danimal, Wetgreenie, mjaynes, Bob Z., timtreasure, ssrjunkie, roma6, Bill, Sonoma County Mike, TXTim, FritzX, bubbas, lgadbois, Jimi D Pirate, coinking123, Bergie, mwsvector, Peg Leg, da Hobo, Fritz, POPPA, SWR, DirtDiggler, Ant, MEAN OLD MAN
Kollector706, dogan-yener, Charlene, timtreasure, RedSpey, mojjax, hed11877, COUNTRY GIRL, rtde3, birdieparpar, MaceHead, goldlilly, treasure_hunter, Nana40, salvor 6, Danimal, silverswede, Ricardo_NY1, grizzly bare, pokerbear, jeric2, oldman, ModernMiner, Isayhello2u, PBK, Smithbrown, Arnold Ziffel, Rockfshr, netvisions, Jeff K, nitewizerd, DDos, bakergeol, garrettman64, crapshooter, patpall22, Paul(MA), David Ritchie, dogbeak, tojo, funkman, CODD COMMANDO, Chagy, papa, ScubaFinder, SWR, slow sweeper, craig101, Cornelius, MGaddy, Radon, SHERMANVILLE ILLINOIS, larrybass, cyberdan, geomorph, Smee, ghostrider1775, KenPa, potsy, felinepeachy, SouthCarolinaTeacher, krichu, NC Brad, Stacylee926, RealdeTayopa, DetectorBase, rjnail, boattow, warwagon72, stevemc, sendin, badski78, WessThompson, Dell Winders, Night Stalker, Don in S Jersey, sobrad, Stroover, galaxy51, Phillip_in_NM, packerbacker, Tbar, Boobydoo, OldBillinUT, enhh, diggndeep, too_deep, Dinkydick, tnredneck, USTiger, skyet, txkickergirl, Aurum_, Dallas, Eddie B, jeff of pa, stefen, af1733, N.J.THer, the blindbowman, wayne1956, AOgden, jeff from east pa, Comanche Todd, Tony in SC, Hendrix, 1171HP, tresorodechristo, DCMatt, greatdane, WolfmoonX, kenb, Johnny X, hunter45, bcs123, Arakronn, RevJoel, GoldFever, wreckdiver1715, Mainedigger, Devin, sonny0065, whitesid, Erin2309, willie2, Libralabsoldier, jlv956, cosmic, its_toby, l.cutler, Peg Leg, Eddy1H, POPPA, beck1, JT2, mmiller, gmu4me, Bassfish, jnut4, allanw23, cactusjumper, Spinnersdj,


OH YA and also............I typed this whole list up.... AND...............................



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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I dont see my name on that list so............WE HAVE A WINNER!!! :D At least we would if i was judging! Sorry Bob!

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Bob, I was flattered not to have been included in that list. Even given my circumstances I don't think I would have taken part in this type of thing. Don't get me wrong, it seems like fun, if you enjoy roll-playing and all that... it's just not "me".

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

DesPlaines_IL_SilverBob said:

Montana Jim, Rob in KS, Foiled Again, ronald99, jeff of pa, dave-enc, civilman1, Mike95inNJ, JT2, King-John, low xtreme, lobo, hasbeen, wep1956, WV Hillbilly, Oroblanco, ringfinder, treasure diver, papa, Old Tom, Mona Lisa, etc...


Why the heck am I first on the list!?!?!?! LMAO ;D :D :) :( :-[ :'( Damn...

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I've been detecting the O'Neill farm, site of a UFO crash. Here are a few of my best finds:


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Re: Best Day Yet

Incredible find!!! I have to agree with 1liquigirl, they do look like Mayan, Incan, or Aztec disign. Please keep us posted.


Re: Best Day Yet

The find of a lifetime, what we all dream about. Congrats. I'm only taking a guess, and this is going to be a far-flung theory because of the location where you found these, but some of those look to be of a distincly North-African/Moorish design. It is a possibility that the Spanish were trading these with the Native American/Mexican peoples and this cache indicates a trading site of some sort. I'll be interested to hear what the appraiser has to say.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I don't have to lie, my finds are genuine and speak for themselves. See picture for proof. (Ouch! my nose just grew an inch)


Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

It all started a long time ago….

I was a young whipper snapper, back when cars still had chrome bumpers, and you could actually return something at walmart without a receipt. I was an enthusiastic treasure hunter, and was always outdoors crawling under an old house, or tromping through some old abandoned building.

It was a chilly, overcast day. School was out for the weekend, and I found myself deep in the Georgia woods on an old forgotten plantation . I found the old main house. It was decrepit, overgrown with vines, and crowded in by the big old oaks and hanging Spanish moss. I made my way inside, dodging rotten boards and scattered debris. I found a hidden passage in an old closet on the first floor. I opened the door, and stared into the darkness ahead. Trying to muster the courage to enter, I shuddered at the thought. I went back outside, and caught some fireflies, and pinched their little glowing butts off and stuck them to my forehead to make a makeshift “headlight”. I began to proceed.

The staircase was abrupt…just a few feet into the passage. It was steep, and slippery with the slime and mold that grows on rotting wood. I began to descend…taking each step very deliberately, walking on my hands so that if I began to slip, I could hold on better. I reached the bottom after the long descent, and I rested. I was hungry by now, so nibbled on some of the firefly butts.

The room I was in was dark, and cold. The sound of water dripping echoed across the room, which looked to be more like catacombs. I suddenly began to hear this thundering noise, like the footsteps of a giant running towards me from a distance. Then the wailing scream began. The monster was singing “JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDT…HIS NAME IS MY NAME TOO…” at the top of his lungs. I tried to scream, but no sound came out…so I ate some more firefly butts instead. Then it hit me….I should RUN! And run I did. But I couldn’t see! I ate my headlights! I ran anyway, and something in the darkness snagged my shirt and ripped it off. Suddenly, I could see again. My belly was glowing. The fireflies were still lighting my way!

The eerie squawking giant was nearing, singing “WHENEVER WE GO OUT, THE PEOPLE LIKE TO SHOUT…JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDT…NANA NANA NANANA”. I feared for my life, and looked around for a weapon. I saw what looked like a pipe, and went to pick it up when I saw it was an albino black snake. It was black, but I could tell it was an albino because it had blue eyes. I grabbed it by the toe, and began to swing it wildly above my head. I ran toward the impending vocally challenged giant, and we met in the hall. We both stopped in our tracks, wide-eyed at the sight of each other. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was terrified of albino black snakes. So, I threw it at him and ran toward the staircase from which I entered. I noticed there was still something in my hand from when I held the albino black snake by the toe. I gripped it tightly. Back out into the open I ran, and ran, without looking back until I got home. I ran into my room, shut the door, and pushed my bed against the door.

After I calmed down, I realized I was still clenching that “thing” in my hand. I had to pry my clenched hand open to reveal what I had gripped so tightly before. To my amazement, I had still found treasure that day. In the midst of the terror and chaos that had unfolded that day, I still accomplished my mission to find treasure. Off the toe of the blue-eyed albino black snake, I found this.

This is the only picture I have of this treasure. It was taken by my motion activated surveillance camera as this demonic hamster stole it from me. Now, I am deep in the jungles of New Guinea, home of the demon hamsters, tracking down my treasure. This post is brought to you via satellite from there. But, that’s another story. Until next time….

PS: I wanted to send Gypsy a bribe trinket, but the UPS store here is run by monkeys. Maybe when I get back to civilization.


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Hey all,

This has nothing to do with the liar contest. But since it is a very interesting subject I knew it would get a great deal of views.

First off thank you all for your prayers. I am very lucky I had them, otherwise I believe I would be dead. Been lots going on here, currently both wrists are torn now from an accident so no MDing for a bit. In fact had to get someone to type this message for me.

Anyways, just wanted to let you all know that I am not dead is all.

Good luck to you all. Bet some whoppers will fly.

Oh some good news on my front. I don't currently have to worry about fighting with my last company and getting that job atm. After all what can you do with both hands busted well enough that you cannot grip a ziplock to open it LOL.

GL all,


BTW some of you all have had some fantastic finds I have seen. And at Christmas time 2 special members sent 2 great gifts to my daughter. I was unable to be here at Christmas due to the accident. I wanted to get pics and post them for those fantastic members. Anyways my daughter loves them. I will elaborate more to all of you in a few weeks, months. As soon as I am healed up more. You guys are awesome.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Postal, good to see you back. I missed any info about an accident, and am sorry to hear about it. Glad to know you're still with us though. Wow. I want to ask what happened, but I know you can't type so I'll see if I can find a thread about it on here?? Was there a thread here?

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Hi all, Well just got show what i found in the Wood-Chips today.That only half the story.Well in found a WW 2 airplane and in the back seat i found the Welcome Stranger Gold Nugget  :o :o :o

Also was this early old pic of a gal with this kooky hat on holding up a sign and it sure does looks like some-one from T.N and if i don,t win Gypsy i,m going to post that pic. hahahahahahh

                                tinpan ;D ;D ;D


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I finally got a chance to get out & do some huntin. I made sure I took my camera along this time.

I went to a freshly plowed field I've been wanting to hunt for awhile now.

It is right beside a field full of lovely green plants.

I took a picture.

I swing for awhile & find nothing. I suddenly hear sirens & the cops show up.

They let me know that I can't MD here.

I took a picture.

So off I go to another spot in the woods that I believe I'll be allright.

Swinging around for a few hours & all of a sudden my headphones almost blow my ears off.

I dig down about 25" and I find what I believe is the world's largest gold coin.

I took another pic.

After this find I decide to keep going well into the night.

Suddenly I hear a strange noise behind me and look over my shoulder in complete shock.

I quickly took a pic.

I grab my gear & the coin and start running through the woods as fast as I can.

I get to the road & flag down the first car that passes.

She picks me & my stuff up & tries to tell me she's famous. I believe she said her name was Carmen.

Since I had my camera I went ahead & took her picture.

Its soo late she ask me to stay the night with her. I oblige.

I wake up the next morning and can't believe how yesterday went. Oh well that's all for now. Happy Huntin.

P.S. I've posted the pics at bottom.


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Re: Best Day Yet

Dang, if that isn't the most jewelry i have ever seen in a hole, especially that old


Re: Best Day Yet

Wow!!!,,, I don't even have anything to say, I'm speechless... Congratulations!!!

Can I have some... ;D

Na, I hope it all works out for you. That truely is a once in a lifetime find...
I bet that is a site to see...

Canadian Cossack said:
I think your deserve certain recognition from MAP!

What is "MAP"?

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