Why would anyone wear camouflage while metal detecting?

Local metal detecting club ready to dig some holes.


Can't let go.

Exactly. Most people who feel the need to wear camo are harmless, but it can also be a warning sign that something's off. If you're wearing it for comfort or style, so be it. But if you're wearing it because you can't let go of your former military service (or wished you were in the military) then it can be a problem.

Tim..I've read the entire thread, and honestly, I believe you are
completely hyper-analyzing and over-thinking this whole deal about
someone who chooses to wear camo clothing on a given day, or
during any activity.

Camo clothing has actually become a fashion trend, of sorts, so
I wouldn't think it was the slightest bit unusual to see someone
(anywhere) in some type of camo garb. My daughter has several
pieces of camo clothing, and she's a nurse that's never been in the
military, and she doesn't hunt.

In short, what someone choose to wear really isn't mine, yours or
anyone else's business. To hyper-analyze something like this is a bit
paranoid, to be honest.

People wear what they want to wear, and life goes on.

Exactly. Most people who feel the need to wear camo are harmless, but it can also be a warning sign that something's off. If you're wearing it for comfort or style, so be it. But if you're wearing it because you can't let go of your former military service (or wished you were in the military) then it can be a problem.
"Can be a problem"? No offense, but don't understand why being a former military member, or desire to be one can be a problem.

I was discharged decades ago, and I have been wearing camo off and on ever since depending on the activity and circumstances, I have wore them fishing, hunting, camping, detecting, working out at gym, hiking, and visiting friends and family.

They are very durable and you don’t really notice most stains on them, even after washing.

They would have every right to do that. I do look like a serial killer and the Skynyrd skull tattoo doesn't help things! That's why I detect schools and ballfields when there's no one around. As soon as anyone shows up, I'm out of there.
A park I detect there would still be folks approaching you. l.o.l..
One guy said his uncle detected it but thought he'd be alright with my detecting it.
Then mentioned how long his uncle had been gone. Dead type gone...Umm. O.k..

Park and village employees from president (was at the time anyways) to whoever is lowest on the scale treated me great there when I hit it hard a couple years.
And I'm not the type (look) you'd ask to babysit for your first or fifth choice.

More tales of that site , but you'd not get run off for your looks.
Just for how your dress. l.o.l.. Wear a camo hat or bandanna or something!

Driving home today and saw a guy crossing the road in full camouflage and carrying a metal detector! He was headed for a pond that was recently lowered for dam repairs. It's a well known spot that's rumored to have colonial relics there. I've never found anything good there, but that's another story. My question is why would you wear camo to metal detect? And why wear camo to detect the shoreline of a pond that's wide open with no cover? Does he think he's keeping a low profile by wearing camo? To tell you the truth, it seemed kind of weird to me. What's your thoughts on this?
I would never wear camo clothes. If it were hunting season, I would not trust that someone would not shoot at rustling leaves. I have a strange story about wearing clothing that almost caused me some big trouble.

I hunt a large park that does not open until 7.30 am in the summer. This park also has a large boat ramp that is extremely busy during the warm months. The park has locked gates,but from the entrance to the ramp, you can see the park restrooms. The park employees all wear lime green shirts. Well, on this particular day, I wore a newly acquired lime green shirt from my wife's bank

I happened to be detecting around the locked restroom and was startled when a very desperate stocky man approached me yelling for me to open up the restrooms. I believe he was about to shit his pants and did not take kindly to me telling him I could not open the restroom.

He was threatening me bodily harm and I finally convinced him that it was bank tee shirt, not a park tee shirt. I never wore that shirt again detecting!

I'll post this article from Treasure Hunter's home state of Florida to show that I'm not the only one who views someone wearing camo with suspicion. It deals with red flags associated with school shootings. Let me also state that many schools do not allow students to wear camo, for the same negative view of camo.

https://intra.cbcs.usf.edu/common/file/TeachingResources/Red Flags.pdf

Can be a problem"? No offense, but don't understand why being a former military member, or desire to be one can be a problem.

It's a problem when you can't accept the fact that you're no longer in the military. You don't see cops or firefighters wearing their old uniforms after they retire, do you? I hope not! So why would you feel the need to try and appear to still be in the military when those days are long gone? Seems odd to me...

I'll post this article from Treasure Hunter's home state of Florida to show that I'm not the only one who views someone wearing camo with suspicion. It deals with red flags associated with school shootings. Let me also state that many schools do not allow students to wear camo, for the same negative view of camo.

https://intra.cbcs.usf.edu/common/file/TeachingResources/Red Flags.pdf
So many of the so called signs fit majority of America, what percentage of American teen boys do you think play violent video games, it is a large percentage.

It's a problem when you can't accept the fact that you're no longer in the military. You don't see cops or firefighters wearing their old uniforms after they retire, do you? I hope not! So why would you feel the need to try and appear to still be in the military when those days are long gone? Seems odd to me...
Not trying to appear to still be in the military, I enjoy wearing them, they are extremely comfortable, durable, and cheap, the only pants that come close to compare are tactical pants which run about $40 and up a pair, camos run me about $5-$6.

Once a veteran always a veteran!

Thank you for letting me give my point of view on the subject, Treasure_Hunter. I don't want to make it political, so I'll give it a rest. I do see the other point of view, though. Next time I see the guy, I'll ask him if he found anything good. Probably a normal guy who just likes to wear camo.

I read this whole thread and even replied to it early on. I got to really thinking about it and came up with the reason people wear camo. They are hunting! And, anyone knows that camo provides you the best way to sneak up on your prey.:laughing7:

Thank you for letting me give my point of view on the subject, Treasure_Hunter. I don't want to make it political, so I'll give it a rest. I do see the other point of view, though. Next time I see the guy, I'll ask him if he found anything good. Probably a normal guy who just likes to wear camo.
We are good too👍....

It deals with red flags associated with school shootings. Let me also state that many schools do not allow students to wear camo, for the same negative view of camo.

That's an interesting list of "red flags", many of which, in and of themselves, are completely harmless.

For instance, under "Boasting and Practicing....", it lists martial arts
and sharpshooter training. Does that mean that anyone who has
trained in martial arts, or shoots groundhogs at 300 yds. is a potential
school shooter? No, of course not.

Under "Loner", well, hell...that describes me almost to a "T". I also often
wear a long sleeved camo shirt that I've had for 30 years, and I've been known to smoke a bowl (or 5) on not so rare occasions. I've now ticked off five of the boxes. If you met me in person, you'd find that I'm one of the most easy-going, non militant old dudes you've ever met.

Put it in context..other than being a loner/stoner, wouldn't you think
that these are also the qualities you'd want in someone going in to
a school shooter?

There are, indeed, things listed there that are, most definitely, red flags.

My point being, there's a lot of gray between black and white.

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Driving home today and saw a guy crossing the road in full camouflage and carrying a metal detector! He was headed for a pond that was recently lowered for dam repairs. It's a well known spot that's rumored to have colonial relics there. I've never found anything good there, but that's another story. My question is why would you wear camo to metal detect? And why wear camo to detect the shoreline of a pond that's wide open with no cover? Does he think he's keeping a low profile by wearing camo? To tell you the truth, it seemed kind of weird to me. What's
Pa has the old what's yellow and sleeps 5. PennDOT truck.

I hunt and wear camo for hunting. I guess I'm a redneck for that according to some responses. lol. But I wear orange vest when hiking, outdoor activities, etc during all hunting seasons. When hunting and getting to my place to hunt...orange. Once close and settled...camo/orange per game laws.

I've stopped numerous times in between hunting locations driving to metal detect but in honesty...it's always permissible areas where it's okay or I know landowners. I wouldn't poke around public locations or areas not really permitted wearing all camo. Saying that...I tend to be an earth tone color guy and when out and about doing errands and stopping to metals detect while doing those tasks...I probably blend in more with my regular clothes than camo. Any activity or area of risk. I'm never alone or have my dog along and he always has a lightweight orange vest, or I wear bright colors to be visible. Wife always knows where I'm heading to hike or metal detect or explore. I use all trails (free app) and we have it set up that when I open it to run, it sends her an alert and update to where I'm at. Something cool for those interested.

me: *grabs a soft drink and sips and speaks "Hi, I'm Magua. I wear camo at times."
others: "Hi Magua"

Magua says:
"Got, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change like my natural skin color and inability to blend in, the courage to not wear conflicting camo patterns together, and the wisdom to know when I look like an ass wearing camo at the wrong times."
I never wear condoms or camouflage when I’m out. Some people don’t. Some people do. Seems even more strange to wonder about anyone’s choice of clothing or lack there of than necessary. Stop being nosy and worrying about someone’s cloths. Whys everyone got to have their noses up everyone’s asses? Beats me.

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