Why would anyone wear camouflage while metal detecting?

I usually wear earth colored clothes for everything, but I hunt and most of my heavy winter/water proof outdoor clothes are camo. So I normally wouldn’t wear camo detecting but if it was pretty cold and threatening rain I might throw on my insulated camo jacket/overalls. Not really worried about getting them muddy or torn by branches vs nice costlier winter gear.

...I would like to see just ONE news clip showing that a camo-clad detectorist got shot during hunting season. I like facts, not FEELINGS. Prove me wrong...

Not wearing camo, but in clothing that potentially made him inconspicuous... and in Belgium, not the USA (about two months ago):

"In Tongeren, Belgium, a twenty-minute drive from Maastricht, a 31-year-old Belgian was shot dead by a hunter last Sunday. The shooter was arrested on Wednesday. The victim, who was walking around with a metal detector at the time of the incident, did not know the hunter. ,,I have lost a friend for life”, says a good friend of the deceased Ken Moons, who regularly went into the field with him.

The hunter, an elderly man, is fully cooperating with the investigation, says his lawyer Philip Daeninck, who does not provide any further information. What exactly happened is not clear, but everything points to a fatal accident. The paths of the retired hunter and Moons would have crossed by chance, near a field in Rutten near Tongeren.

The two men did not know each other. Possibly the hunter thought Moons, who was looking for old coins, was a wild animal and shot the young thirty-something. Moons wore a black hood and was dressed in dark clothes. The scenario where a stray bullet hit the thirty-something’s body is also possible."

I don't care what you're wearing if you get shot by someone hunting (notice did not use the word "hunter") then you are a victim of an idiot. People wearing orange or whatever get shot by idiots all the time. I read about a guy that was sitting on a rock smoking a cigarette that got shot. Most bears I know don't smoke. So I will wear what is comfortable no matter the color and keep my head on a well-oiled swivel.

Australia is home to 20 of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world.
Gee I'm jealous actually you have a program non the telly that says it all.
" 72 dangerous animals Australia"
We have a passive bunch of critters over here, heck most sleep all winter as it's so boring. :laughing7:
I'll take my chances against most of our rather than one of those monstrous grizzlys.
I'll tell you something, something is seriously going wrong here where I am.
It's like 90% of reptiles have dissapearerd off of the face of the earth and about 70% of other things! I used to see all sorts all the time in our warmer months. I'm seeing nothing now. I used to love taking pictures, just for fun with my phone and small sony digital pocket camera to show people, reptiles, small marsupials stuff like that. I can go out a dozen times and take a picture of nothing. Been like this for easy 3 years. Going on 4 now id say. Its not from bushfires either as quite a number of these places haven't seen a fire in years. Plenty of birds though and kangaroos, just the reptiles and small ground dwellers have exited stage right for some reason. 🤔

I usually wear earth colored clothes for everything,
Good point. I have blue jeans but pretty much everything else I wear is in boring earth tones except a few T-shirts. Wonder what that says about me?

Maybe I should go out to detect with a pink feather boa and sequin shirts? Turn up my detecting a notch. FABULOUS!

I dress in my usual casual slacks and shirts and tennis shoes. Going stealthy just makes me think the busy bees will notice you a lot more, even the cops also maybe. I hunt public areas mostly though.

I see this in our area a lot. I think many of the guys invest in camo for turkey hunting and whitetail bow season. They then wear it for all purposes. It’s some kind of redneck “secret handshake “ whereby one may know another at a glance. I try to where hi-vis when in my own timber. Don’t want shot by tresspassers.
That is ridiculous. A "red neck hand shake" is what you think? I do not know how many times I have hunted the morn in camo and detected in the afternoon. Am I going to change clothes and maybe wear my Jr Explorers club outfit or Indiana Jones ?
I think not. I have to say that with my camo on and boots I am probaly wearing $350 worth of clothing. Just like the rest of the red necks. LOL
I do hunt one tract in the mountains on my property also and always wear camo to not be seen by neighbors. Great site.

Mom d
Driving home today and saw a guy crossing the road in full camouflage and carrying a metal detector! He was headed for a pond that was recently lowered for dam repairs. It's a well known spot that's rumored to have colonial relics there. I've never found anything good there, but that's another story. My question is why would you wear camo to metal detect? And why wear camo to detect the shoreline of a pond that's wide open with no cover? Does he think he's keeping a low profile by wearing camo? To tell you the truth, it seemed kind of weird to me. What's your thoughts on this?
Mom didn’t have his big boy clothes dry yet, so he had to wear the cammo jammies to go play! Maybe, you just thought you seen him, but he was so cammo’d out, that you really wasn’t sure what you seen, and that thought then commingled with the day dreaming you were also doing at the time about metal detecting this upcoming weekend. The end result was, you observed a tree swaying in the wind with a MD stuck in the branches, because some guy like me didn’t have enough patience to read the instructions or watch a 10 min YT video on how to operate it properly, so he threw it in the tree!

Too far?


Mom d

Mom didn’t have his big boy clothes dry yet, so he had to wear the cammo jammies to go play! Maybe, you just thought you seen him, but he was so cammo’d out, that you really wasn’t sure what you seen, and that thought then commingled with the day dreaming you were also doing at the time about metal detecting this upcoming weekend. The end result was, you observed a tree swaying in the wind with a MD stuck in the branches, because some guy like me didn’t have enough patience to read the instructions or watch a 10 min YT video on how to operate it properly, so he threw it in the tree!

Too far?

Or another possibility, the “pond” is public, however, the property that shares a fence line as the boundary to a private property where the Spaniards or Jesuit Franciscan Priest buried 239.5 gold bars at 5.3’ deep in 6 sides of an 8 sided Spanish cross! So, he got all incognito’d out to do some slippery shady Under the covers detection so no one would know what he was doing. Stranger things have happened!
Or, he told his wife he was going MD’n and he snuck over to Darrel’s Garage to watch Football!
Or, he is a secret super spy, you just blew his cover!

I’ll stop, I sound like an idiot! Wait, what day was this, I was wearing cammo, walking to the pond, to get to my covert office under the pond for my spy job last Tuesday! Was that you in the white Corolla?

That is ridiculous. A "red neck hand shake" is what you think? I do not know how many times I have hunted the morn in camo and detected in the afternoon. Am I going to change clothes and maybe wear my Jr Explorers club outfit or Indiana Jones ?
I think not. I have to say that with my camo on and boots I am probaly wearing $350 worth of clothing. Just like the rest of the red necks. LOL
I do hunt one tract in the mountains on my property also and always wear camo to not be seen by neighbors. Great site.
No it’s not what I think. It’s a joke about where I live. People from surrounding areas make comments like these about me and many other rural dwellers because we do wear camo a lot, and shoot a lot and coyote hunt, etc. I’m always hearing someone joking about Dueling Banjos, Deliverance, moonshining, etc. After a while, I just joke about it too. I figure they’re jealous of how I live. I won’t joke anymore. I seriously did not intend to offend. I guess this old red neck messed up, and for that I sincerely apologize.

We should all chip in and buy FreeBirdTim a complete camo outfit, from hat to boots. This summer we will have a picnic get together, all of us wearing our camo, FBT will be there too. We will discuss, we are not weird or odd or have mental issues. We don't wear camo to blend in so no one will see us detecting. I mean, it would be extremely difficult to blend in while detecting, wearing camo, in a wide open field while swinging a bright yellow Garrett detector.

I normally wear these. Just these. With socks and sandals.


People often remark that I have a body like Brad Pitt... if he shaped up a bit.

I worked for years in a environment where I was expected to be politically correct so that none of the sensitive employees would get upset. No humor was allowed, if it’s funny, in management’s opinion, it’s because it makes fun of some group, team, etc. and cannot be tolerated. I respected everyone but 100% PC is too tender for me. I lived that way for a paycheck and insurance, but I can’t see living that way on T Net. I plan to read and not post for a while. If that’s allowed. So many good folks on these forums. I want to close by saying I am soooo sorry for trying to kid around with self-abasing humor. If allowed to post in the future, I will try to be a better member. Again, so sorry for ever joking about us camo owners. Shane on me.😔

We should all chip in and buy FreeBirdTim a complete camo outfit, from hat to boots. This summer we will have a picnic get together, all of us wearing our camo, FBT will be there too. We will discuss, we are not weird or odd or have mental issues. We don't wear camo to blend in so no one will see us detecting. I mean, it would be extremely difficult to blend in while detecting, wearing camo, in a wide open field while swinging a bright yellow Garrett detector.
I don't know......we'd probably have the F.B.I. Banging on our doors.

Driving home today and saw a guy crossing the road in full camouflage and carrying a metal detector! He was headed for a pond that was recently lowered for dam repairs. It's a well known spot that's rumored to have colonial relics there. I've never found anything good there, but that's another story. My question is why would you wear camo to metal detect? And why wear camo to detect the shoreline of a pond that's wide open with no cover? Does he think he's keeping a low profile by wearing camo? To tell you the truth, it seemed kind of weird to me. What's your thoughts on this?
I don't always wear camo when out detecting but almost always something drab, especially in town or close to. I Don't like the stage fright feeling along a busy road and want to stand out as little as possible. However, it would be the exact opposite if I was in the brush/timber during hunting season.

I don't always wear camo when out detecting but almost always something drab, especially in town or close to. I Don't like the stage fright feeling along a busy road and want to stand out as little as possible. However, it would be the exact opposite if I was in the brush/timber during hunting season.
I will be wearing camo in April when I go up north for a week of detecting. However, I will be including turkey hunting during the mornings. Here in Michigan I normally wouldn't think twice about seeing someone wearing camo when detecting. With that being said there are areas in southern Michigan that I wouldn't consider going out detecting in between November 15-30 without wearing ample blaze orange for fear of getting lead poisoning.

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