Why would anyone wear camouflage while metal detecting?

Pa has the old what's yellow and sleeps 5. PennDOT truck.

I hunt and wear camo for hunting. I guess I'm a redneck for that according to some responses. lol. But I wear orange vest when hiking, outdoor activities, etc during all hunting seasons. When hunting and getting to my place to hunt...orange. Once close and settled...camo/orange per game laws.

I've stopped numerous times in between hunting locations driving to metal detect but in honesty...it's always permissible areas where it's okay or I know landowners. I wouldn't poke around public locations or areas not really permitted wearing all camo. Saying that...I tend to be an earth tone color guy and when out and about doing errands and stopping to metals detect while doing those tasks...I probably blend in more with my regular clothes than camo. Any activity or area of risk. I'm never alone or have my dog along and he always has a lightweight orange vest, or I wear bright colors to be visible. Wife always knows where I'm heading to hike or metal detect or explore. I use all trails (free app) and we have it set up that when I open it to run, it sends her an alert and update to where I'm at. Something cool for those interested.

me: *grabs a soft drink and sips and speaks "Hi, I'm Magua. I wear camo at times."
others: "Hi Magua"

Magua says:
"Got, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change like my natural skin color and inability to blend in, the courage to not wear conflicting camo patterns together, and the wisdom to know when I look like an ass wearing camo at the wrong times."

I am going to go ahead and wager they were wearing camouflage because they wanted to wear camouflage. Seems like you are upset with them for wearing camo for some reason?

I wear full camo while detecting . I got in this habit years ago while hunting civil war camps in the I-95 median strip and along other heavily traveled roads. how many of the thousands of cars had relic hunters in them ? I still wear them due to the comfortable fit and durability. I don't hunt parks or the beach , no one care what I wear on the privately owned forest lands I hunt.

Where I come from, people wear camo every day. If they wore some other clothing, I wouldn't recognize them. I've been to weddings where the bride and groom wore camo. Camo is not just for hunting, or trying to hide from people. I must be in the wrong too, as I wear camo while detecting.

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It’s really a personal choice. I’m pretty much a flatland hillbilly. I built my own smoker from cement blocks and an old BBQ grill. Our grocery store carries toothbrushes, but they aren’t in the aisle with mouthwash, soap, etc. They are back in “gun cleaning supplies”. I haven’t seen a need for mossy oak briefs; unless you lose your pants a lot and have green legs! Individuality makes the world go around.

Maybe he just likes wearing them.

I wear military camouflage pants a lot including detecting at times, I like having all the pockets and they are cheap since I buy them at thrift stores for $5-$6 a pair, plus I get 30% off vet discount every Wednesday at the one near my home.

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I know it's different there in the US. Where I am there is no animal that hunts you or one needs to hide from.
But, there are quite a number of people who look out for others detecting to take a spot. As I had yrs ago worked in the detecting industry I know its common. I heard of it a lot and saw others whilst I was detecting looking around with binoculars. Some may say, yeah they were just scoping areas and sometimes I did and do too now. But many were on the watch for others to watch if they put things in the pocket or container or didn't.
It is common here sadly. So yes, I wear blend in stuff. Dont need to buy full cammo, but I do wear cammo pants and a dark grey or green top. I see or hear, then stop, often they look and go. They're on the watch. I've been in the game long enough to know that here is exactly what they are doing most of the time. You can bet your bucks and guarantee if they are good enough to spot you they get in the 4wd or whatever, and make a beeline directly to you. Do they say "hi" or Aussie style "g'day mate how ya goin"!?
Nah, 99% of the time no way, its "what ya found mate?" "Found any Gold?"
Every time my answer is "hi mate how are you?"
99.99% of the time they repeat the question "Found any gold?"
Seriously, I hold on and say again "umm, yeah hi mate how are you?"
You know what most say? "Yeah I heard you, have you found any gold?"
Im not joking either. They are not there to be friendly or say hello as my line of replies shows. They are maggots that want to ride on the back of others doing the hard work. And, after working like I did for 25 yrs, that is how 90% of known finders here got the leg up.
100% true.
I now only have anything to do with just 2 people I know after all that time.
Used to hunt miami beaches and had to carry a homeless fold. many would come up and ask "whatchadoin?" then there were the aggressive ones that new the game and say "you find my ring, or necklace?" That is when i would throw the 3 one dollar bills folded in half on the ground and leave quickly for my truck and go hunt somewhere else cause one time the next thing he said was "show me". Dogged me all way to my vehicle" i want my ring back". Bux gave time to go.

The only camo I wear are a pair of tough as nails military looking pants, I got in an Army/Navy store. They have pockets on the knees to insert knee pads. but even here in parts of NYC I wear an orange hat when the leaves are on the trees because of poachers. It's not unheard of to find a primitive tree stand or blind in the woods. you're probably not going to hear a gunshot, but I find enough broad head arrows to make you think.

I purchased some camo pants via Amazon. They are intended for air-soft/paint-ball gaming. They have built-in removable foam/plastic knee pads which work great. I no longer need to wear strap-on knee pads and don't notice the pads even on miles-long hikes. The pants have many pockets which hold my pin pointer, plastic scoop, test targets and concealed carry if needed. My second choice are some brown german made heavy cotton hiking pants that are thorn resistant. I also have a surplus army field jacket. I've found the combination effective for cross-country hikes to remote detecting locations through the Arizona desert. It is comfortable, cool and thorn resistant. If deer hunting season is open I'll also wear an orange safety vest. Surplus military gear is designed to be effective for field operations.

I do not care to be seen doing my detecting. I feel there is already to many people detecting. I also believe if you can't be seen you can't be shot. Way to many weird shootings going on now also. But i guess i am weird
Yes, and also those folks cruising by with a cell phone that has the Po Po on speed dial, eager to rain on someone's parade.

Maybe his suit was at the cleaners?

Maybe he is a Veteran?

Maybe he was wearing camo?

I've a hand tailored camo shirtjack.
I stuffed it in a bag of clothing for 10 cents at the fire department fundraiser years ago.
I appreciate someone made it special for someone.
Have worn it fishing and hunting and it held it's luck mushrooming quite a while.

Detecting it depends on the weather and temp what I wear. Not on what color or fashion of the day might be best to impress others.
Nailpouch ,pinpointer, Lesche and revolver and I'm mostly ready. Extra shirt , coat or jacket.

Do have a service company windbreaker if wanting to confuse people.
People confuse themselves enough though.

Most us around here are fairly drab colored in detecting. Not wanting to contrast greatly.
Bright attention grabbing colors? No. Lest a target for Karens and others.

Mushrooming you can rest assured I'll be blending into the background.
And why would I want to attract attention detecting anymore than in non park settings? So others notice?
" Hey , c'mon over. I got detecting going on over here!"

Used to hunt miami beaches and had to carry a homeless fold. many would come up and ask "whatchadoin?" then there were the aggressive ones that new the game and say "you find my ring, or necklace?" That is when i would throw the 3 one dollar bills folded in half on the ground and leave quickly for my truck and go hunt somewhere else cause one time the next thing he said was "show me". Dogged me all way to my vehicle" i want my ring back". Bux gave time to go.

I am armed evertime I hunt land, if I am at the beach and not going in water past my thighs I am still armed, wearing a chest high piece.

At night at the beach I am armed 100% of the time, I am armed 99.9% of the time every day.

Last time someone one told me he wanted his wife's ring back I had just found I knew he was lying, his wife was by him, weighed 300 lbs if a pound with sausage fingers and the gold ring he saw me take out of scoop was a small ring, wouldn't fit my pinky finger past first knuckle.

I took a gold color kid's junk ring from my pouch and threw it in the surf and told him there is your ring and detected on down the beach.


I guess they think it makes them look cool. No clue. I don't do any work anymore where I have a need for camo, but some of my clothes have a camo pattern and many don't. I wear what's appropriate for the weather conditions. In hunting season, best to have some blaze orange on or just not go in the woods. I'm still trying to figure out why some people wear shorts and flipflops or go barefoot in rattlesnake country.

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