Pa has the old what's yellow and sleeps 5. PennDOT truck.
I hunt and wear camo for hunting. I guess I'm a redneck for that according to some responses. lol. But I wear orange vest when hiking, outdoor activities, etc during all hunting seasons. When hunting and getting to my place to Once close and settled...camo/orange per game laws.
I've stopped numerous times in between hunting locations driving to metal detect but in's always permissible areas where it's okay or I know landowners. I wouldn't poke around public locations or areas not really permitted wearing all camo. Saying that...I tend to be an earth tone color guy and when out and about doing errands and stopping to metals detect while doing those tasks...I probably blend in more with my regular clothes than camo. Any activity or area of risk. I'm never alone or have my dog along and he always has a lightweight orange vest, or I wear bright colors to be visible. Wife always knows where I'm heading to hike or metal detect or explore. I use all trails (free app) and we have it set up that when I open it to run, it sends her an alert and update to where I'm at. Something cool for those interested.
me: *grabs a soft drink and sips and speaks "Hi, I'm Magua. I wear camo at times."
others: "Hi Magua"
Magua says:
"Got, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change like my natural skin color and inability to blend in, the courage to not wear conflicting camo patterns together, and the wisdom to know when I look like an ass wearing camo at the wrong times."
I hunt and wear camo for hunting. I guess I'm a redneck for that according to some responses. lol. But I wear orange vest when hiking, outdoor activities, etc during all hunting seasons. When hunting and getting to my place to Once close and settled...camo/orange per game laws.
I've stopped numerous times in between hunting locations driving to metal detect but in's always permissible areas where it's okay or I know landowners. I wouldn't poke around public locations or areas not really permitted wearing all camo. Saying that...I tend to be an earth tone color guy and when out and about doing errands and stopping to metals detect while doing those tasks...I probably blend in more with my regular clothes than camo. Any activity or area of risk. I'm never alone or have my dog along and he always has a lightweight orange vest, or I wear bright colors to be visible. Wife always knows where I'm heading to hike or metal detect or explore. I use all trails (free app) and we have it set up that when I open it to run, it sends her an alert and update to where I'm at. Something cool for those interested.
me: *grabs a soft drink and sips and speaks "Hi, I'm Magua. I wear camo at times."
others: "Hi Magua"
Magua says:
"Got, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change like my natural skin color and inability to blend in, the courage to not wear conflicting camo patterns together, and the wisdom to know when I look like an ass wearing camo at the wrong times."