Why did Travis Tumlinson Fake the Stone Maps as a Hoax?

Frank showed his version of the stone maps on paper during the Legends show. If that was a real map and not some doodle. He also showed in an earlier post last year that same barn. We're seeing recycled information. Of course the provenance of the stone maps supports his theory why would it not? I think that they've become so attached at the hip with the whole thing this new undocumented / unsubstantiated leaked Legend will be a doozy.:laughing7:

With all this secrecy being created around the whole picture it becomes ripe for deceptions being tossed abound. With all the partial information that has to be presented in the course of telling these short incomplete stories it seems the Tumlinson's and others credibility will suffer badly. If you cry Wolf enough people tend to become deaf.

Now that we know TT made the maps himself and forged many copies for keepsakes & door stops it deflates the legend everyone has worked on so long. I know that many of us feel we can no longer believe anything at all the man or his family has to offer us besides a good campfire exaggeration. We keep hearing that the story when it comes out will smooth out all the wrinkles of deception and make it all good.

But the bad seed has been planted and this whole thing is becoming toxic for any decent type of production.

I suppose those involved will get the newly released information for their treasure hunting medicine bags as a complimentary prize while going out the door.

But the big surprise will be when they turn the family Barn Peg Leg Map over and read in small print:

"Made in China"

The Horse/Priest stone is directly related to the stone Crosses maps and the Latin stone heart map . The meaning of the word " COBOLLO " shows the place of the treasure in relation with the horse ..

Bill, you really want to go there? Really?

Lets talk about deceptions, and newly created false legends. Not 50 year old ones. Lets talk about 9 month old ones. Leaving aside desecration of grave sites and mortal remains. We won't even get into that.


Your "Travis Tumlinsons Circle Cross at Black Mountain Video 8" thread is still up. What exactly were you trying to accomplish with that? A false narrative??? At best, you were 100% dead wrong or..... something worse than using incorrect correlation. That little escapade had a life cycle of about 22 hours. And you are casting stones (pun intended) at me?

Truth, contrary to what some have said here, is not created. Truth isn't someone's assumptions that have been retold until they have become accepted truth. That's called theory. Real truth, that's what I'm looking for. It can only be told or found, not created. Seems to me there has been far too much creative truth making surrounding this story for far too long.

I'm listening to those closest to the source. Listening and fact checking to validate or eliminate. Somewhere in there is the "real" story. I'm doing the best I can to find it. And frankly, its far more fascinating than the story we have heard for eons. Just proves truth is stranger than fiction.

And now.......back to the bunker.

There is a map that I think you had, the one that looks like the stone trail maps but with extra trail markers. Do you know the history of it? Who made it, is a real map or something made up for t.v.? I believe it was on paper.


What began as a decent effort to tell a small part of history seems to be evolving into something more like a documented search effort with a great background story. Going public with this new search angle may initially seem like a good idea but, for myself and for others on this site, contributing to an active search effort might not be as attractive an idea as is being presumed. Add on top of that the effect of ladling out information, just enough to keep interest in the project, and you are correct. Its going to be an up hill battle. I am reading this weeks posts which tend to confirm this trend. A little sarcasm, some doubt, a little finger pointing, even some anger.

The bar for telling Superstition treasure stories has been set pretty low with Lust for Gold and more recent television disasters. Keeping focused on history (true history) and letting the Tumlinson's do their own thing (search wise) independent of the background story, seems like the only way to raise that bar a notch.

If uncovering, processing, and explaining true history is no longer the primary goal of "the" project, it makes one question you and your roll here on TNet as middleman/solicitor and why this information isn't being kept exclusive to the other site. I am not criticizing you only, I want you to be aware of how things are being perceived, generally, outside the loop. From your posts, I don't know that you are seeing it. It, may not even be important to you.

Just an opinion and I could be wrong.

There is a map that I think you had, the one that looks like the stone trail maps but with extra trail markers. Do you know the history of it? Who made it, is a real map or something made up for t.v.? I believe it was on paper.

The map was given to me by Tom Kollenborn. He received it from Bob Garman. Nothing was changed on the map for the TV show. I know the exact area the map represents. Using that map I found the heart stone.

The map was given to me by Tom Kollenborn. He received it from Bob Garman. Nothing was changed on the map for the TV show. I know the exact area the map represents. Using that map I found the heart stone.

Frank, I remember you mentioning that you suspected Garman acquired it from Peg Leg Tumlinson's collection of waybills. Were you ever able to substantiate that suspicion?

Also, was this before or after Garman ran into Tumlinson in Randolph canyon in 1955 (or 1952 according to Garman's book)?

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Does the map look like any of the other maps that the T. Family have?

So, where did Garman get this version ?....anyone know ?

And as I recall, Tom had said the PT Mapa was used by Al Morrow in his search.

Garmin 2.webp

The map was given to me by Tom Kollenborn. He received it from Bob Garman. Nothing was changed on the map for the TV show. I know the exact area the map represents. Using that map I found the heart stone.


As you must have figured out by now, I am less than enamored with this whole Texas/Stone Map thing. It seems the more we are told, the less convinced I am of it's importance.

Hope all is well with you.

Good luck,


Hal, I appreciate your insight. For whatever reason I've been the recipient of more than what I think is my fair share of suspicion and second guessing my motivations. From the day I first posted here I've been suspected of being everything from the reincarnation of banned members from long years past (in drag no less) to a Federal Agent hell bent on busting up the LDM cartel, and many masquerading character sorts in between. My life is far more mundane, trust me.

Why the questions? I'm told; because I knew to much. Well; wonder where I heard it. Its all here (and in other like forums) to read, with supporting documents, to any one who wants to spend the time to absorb it. I took that time and I did learn from good teachers. Not to put me on par with those that have lived it, but I did learn. There are new things I learn everyday. I realize that there is far more that I don't know then those things that I do. On my own I have bought books, made FOIA requests and talked with folks far and wide. Nice little accumulation of "stuff".

Is there anyone among us who doesn't have a pet theory on where the gold or treasure may be? I think we all do. That's what makes it all so darn interesting. I'm not coming after it, on that you can rest assured. Others may, and I wish them the very best of luck. For me tomorrow marks another birthday added to a pretty hefty stack I've already accumulated. I can hardly climb my back steps let alone the lofts of the Superstition Mountains. Wish that I could. There was a day for that but its far in my rear view mirror.

I have told everyone that asked the truth. Sometimes I really wondered why I needed to supply far more personal information about me, my background and why I was interested. But; I really can't think of anything I need to hide. I haven't lied to you or to anyone else. When you don't lie you don't have to worry about slip ups. I am not infallible. Far from it. I can misjudge something just like everyone else. I may be hard headed but I do listen. I have from time to time had to protect sources. Not for my sake, but for theirs. I do honor things told in confidence.

So far as whatever projects may be ongoing, you (collective you) will have to deal with that on whatever level makes you all comfortable. But; you will not stop it. That train has already left the station, with you or without you. Its high time that portion of the story was told. And told it will be. Regardless of whose feathers it ruffles. I (and others) have tried to be inclusive with what can be shared. Rather than enjoying being included you think that's some sort of trick. That's very sad. On that subject I am and will be hence forth radio silent. I do feel its like the student showing their teacher the science project and for whatever the reason the teacher feels threatened. Its a spoiled moment for all involved. Very Sad. Where I do draw the line is that when things are posted that I know to be total hogwash its going to get a rebuttal from me. Just don't dare ask me for sources.

A bit premature but , Many Happy Returns Of The Day to ya tomorrow.:occasion13:

I cannot comment further on that without betraying a trust.ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1454213372.685816.webp

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Hal, I appreciate your insight. For whatever reason I've been the recipient of more than what I think is my fair share of suspicion and second guessing my motivations. From the day I first posted here I've been suspected of being everything from the reincarnation of banned members from long years past (in drag no less) to a Federal Agent hell bent on busting up the LDM cartel, and many masquerading character sorts in between. My life is far more mundane, trust me.

Why the questions? I'm told; because I knew to much. Well; wonder where I heard it. Its all here (and in other like forums) to read, with supporting documents, to any one who wants to spend the time to absorb it. I took that time and I did learn from good teachers. Not to put me on par with those that have lived it, but I did learn. There are new things I learn everyday. I realize that there is far more that I don't know then those things that I do. On my own I have bought books, made FOIA requests and talked with folks far and wide. Nice little accumulation of "stuff".

Is there anyone among us who doesn't have a pet theory on where the gold or treasure may be? I think we all do. That's what makes it all so darn interesting. I'm not coming after it, on that you can rest assured. Others may, and I wish them the very best of luck. For me tomorrow marks another birthday added to a pretty hefty stack I've already accumulated. I can hardly climb my back steps let alone the lofts of the Superstition Mountains. Wish that I could. There was a day for that but its far in my rear view mirror.

I have told everyone that asked the truth. Sometimes I really wondered why I needed to supply far more personal information about me, my background and why I was interested. But; I really can't think of anything I need to hide. I haven't lied to you or to anyone else. When you don't lie you don't have to worry about slip ups. I am not infallible. Far from it. I can misjudge something just like everyone else. I may be hard headed but I do listen. I have from time to time had to protect sources. Not for my sake, but for theirs. I do honor things told in confidence.

So far as whatever projects may be ongoing, you (collective you) will have to deal with that on whatever level makes you all comfortable. But; you will not stop it. That train has already left the station, with you or without you. Its high time that portion of the story was told. And told it will be. Regardless of whose feathers it ruffles. I (and others) have tried to be inclusive with what can be shared. Rather than enjoying being included you think that's some sort of trick. That's very sad. On that subject I am and will be hence forth radio silent. I do feel its like the student showing their teacher the science project and for whatever the reason the teacher feels threatened. Its a spoiled moment for all involved. Very Sad. Where I do draw the line is that when things are posted that I know to be total hogwash its going to get a rebuttal from me. Just don't dare ask me for sources.



I understand, just being curious.

Indeed it does CN,
And it makes me wonder why Garman used the other version, without the " squiggles", in his book, rather than the one labeled "Peralta Tesora Mappa" ??
The similarities are intriguing but I find the differences even more so.

View attachment 1266776 View attachment 1266777

You have me on the edge of my seat. Would you please write more about the differences and why they intrigue you?
Thank You.

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