For those who think there is something sinister afoot, let me reinterate. I am not making one thin dime off of any of this. Not now, not in the future. In fact; its a major distraction from my company, which does put meat on my table. But; that's my fault because I'm having a ball being in the hunt.
Whatever is posted here is posted (as I've told you) because you guys played a role, (and some continue to play a role,) in bringing this story to the light of day. As limited as it is its a way to gave back to those that have helped along the way. Little or limited as it may be.
It is our hope and mission to present the story as factually as possible. What can be documented is being documented. When stories deviate from one another, and each has merit, it is our hope to present both (or more) with supporting evidence to each.
Due to forces beyond my control in this forum I'm acting as a go-between. The base of knowledge here is outstanding. The list is long and the contributions many, for which we are grateful and humbled. Many folks have been very generous with their time and knowledge. Just as sure as I begin to name names I will forget an important contributor and I don't mean to. Joe, Oro, Homar, Deducer, Hal, Matthew, Greg, Mike, CW, Garry, Larry, Somehiker, Marius, Don Jose, Relevant, those names quickly come to mind. Thank you. You have shared your knowledge here and some privately. Its appreciated.
What can be shared at this time, is being shared. Its limited, for that I apologize. It is what it is. Accept it for what it is. But; don't think for one second I am profit motivated. I find that quite insulting.
Last I knew, this forum was for entertainment and information sharing. If you find neither in my post hit the "next" button. No body is forcing you against your will to read anything.