coazon de oro
Bronze Member
Howdy Bill,
This is my first post on your tread, and maybe my only one. I have quit posting much since everyone just seems to be fanning each others brain farts without any regards to facts, and history.
Travis did not fake the stone maps as a hoax. The originals that he found are still there in the museum. As I have said before, they speak for themselves. Garry's work only proves that Travis was incapable of creating the PSM's.
Travis's work "Challenge For Superstition Gold" is being butchered by assumptions, and false recollections from relatives that were to young to know what was going on, or what they saw.
Those involved in the story's "research", should pay attention to what Travis wrote instead of claiming to know what he was thinking. Travis said the stones he found "represent a map". He never claimed to be given a map to find the stones. The word "represent", means the stones "constitute, amount to, add up to, account for, form, make up, compose, establish, or create". Meaning that the four stones he found, together are a map of a certain area within the Superstitions.
Of course the so called "ground map" has things that are not on the PSM's. Travis was not going to carry the PSM's in his own search. The ground map can only be his rendition, or understanding of the PSM's, and leads to no gold since he could not understand the PSM's.
I ask anyone to prove me wrong, and show me one fact, just one that is not based on assumptions. The "Peralta Tesora Mappa" shows to have Robert Tumlinson's writing all over it. That is what he sold to Garman since he didn't have the PSM's.
I will bring up another thread to show that recollections are being made up.
Homar P. Olivarez
This is my first post on your tread, and maybe my only one. I have quit posting much since everyone just seems to be fanning each others brain farts without any regards to facts, and history.
Travis did not fake the stone maps as a hoax. The originals that he found are still there in the museum. As I have said before, they speak for themselves. Garry's work only proves that Travis was incapable of creating the PSM's.
Travis's work "Challenge For Superstition Gold" is being butchered by assumptions, and false recollections from relatives that were to young to know what was going on, or what they saw.
Those involved in the story's "research", should pay attention to what Travis wrote instead of claiming to know what he was thinking. Travis said the stones he found "represent a map". He never claimed to be given a map to find the stones. The word "represent", means the stones "constitute, amount to, add up to, account for, form, make up, compose, establish, or create". Meaning that the four stones he found, together are a map of a certain area within the Superstitions.
Of course the so called "ground map" has things that are not on the PSM's. Travis was not going to carry the PSM's in his own search. The ground map can only be his rendition, or understanding of the PSM's, and leads to no gold since he could not understand the PSM's.
I ask anyone to prove me wrong, and show me one fact, just one that is not based on assumptions. The "Peralta Tesora Mappa" shows to have Robert Tumlinson's writing all over it. That is what he sold to Garman since he didn't have the PSM's.
I will bring up another thread to show that recollections are being made up.
Homar P. Olivarez