Why did Travis Tumlinson Fake the Stone Maps as a Hoax?

Rather than look for the treasure on my original authentic "ground map" (came first?) I will make some stone maps that have a part of (connected/related to) the "ground map" on them and bury them and dig them up and report my discovery. Why? How can the two possibly be related? Why should they be? One invalidates the other and indites TT. Why create a partial truth? Doesn't make since.

MY $ is on the $ TT needed to further his dreams; the dreams, knowledge, and desires of/from the history of PLT.

I know I'm missing something here.

The maps may never come out, they're a family secret, and probably will stay that way, Even Clay Wurst had said that he is holding onto the final clues to the LDM, and that he has people looking in the mountains for it, It's their secret, Your on your own when looking for anything out there, Everyone holds their own secret,

The maps may never come out, they're a family secret, and probably will stay that way, Even Clay Wurst had said that he is holding onto the final clues to the LDM, and that he has people looking in the mountains for it, It's their secret, Your on your own when looking for anything out there, Everyone holds their own secret,

Nothing personal in any way towards you nobodie:

I don't care about the maps or what they reveal or any treasure (not a treasure hunter) simply here trying to understand human nature/peoples motivations for the actions they take. Whatever is held secret here by whomever is of no concern to me. Understanding why TT created the stone maps is all I am concerned with. Been wondering that ever since I found out that a well known LDM hunter said TT was trying to sell the maps as has also been reported here.

Nothing personal in any way towards you nobodie:

I don't care about the maps or what they reveal or any treasure (not a treasure hunter) simply here trying to understand human nature/peoples motivations for the actions they take. Whatever is held secret here by whomever is of no concern to me. Understanding why TT created the stone maps is all I am concerned with. Been wondering that ever since I found out that a well known LDM hunter said TT was trying to sell the maps as has also been reported here.

An, F.B.I. profiler could tell you that with in 60 minutes. Those guys could break these Treasure Legends down, lickley split.

Rather than look for the treasure on my original authentic "ground map" (came first?) I will make some stone maps that have a part of (connected/related to) the "ground map" on them and bury them and dig them up and report my discovery. Why? How can the two possibly be related? Why should they be? One invalidates the other and indites TT. Why create a partial truth? Doesn't make since.

MY $ is on the $ TT needed to further his dreams; the dreams, knowledge, and desires of/from the history of PLT.

I know I'm missing something here.

Just the YABADABADOO :laughing7:

Trying to understand human behavior in this situation, interesting. Most people like to be the center of attention, perhaps.

I say they try to pass it off as civil war era/ mexican american war era. .i mean if i couldnt find the first spot,i would think the civil war/mex-am war theory would be a good twist. you would have a bigger audience if ya wrote a book or made a movie. More history buffs than th's. Yup thats my take on this.cant blame em lol. As for me ive only been workin on this for 5 yrs.ya heard it here first.

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>One thing surprises me: the fact that we're hearing anything at all about the new material. If this was me and I obtained an alleged "authentic treasure map", I'd be in the hills, not producing media. <

You like Federally supplied bologna and cheese sandwiches and full time Federal housing with a security system?

Yeah, in good time. One step at a time (and in the right order) makes for a better plan.

Ponchos, I think it best we agree to disagree. Happy hunting and may your path be pleasant. Peace be with you.

By this I assume you're hinting that the Big Kahuna is "known" to be located within in the Wilderness zone, and therefore untouchable? Those who are familiar with this meme within the TH subculture will only be more interested in Pegleg, the true protagonist. The "golly, shucks" crowd will only be satisfied to "at least know where it is". I guess you're serving as the Public Information Officer for this Incident?

I think we can rightly assume its not in downtown Phoenix. <g>. Whether BLM or FS districts its all subject to permits before a shovel can be turned.

Rather than look for the treasure on my original authentic "ground map" (came first?) I will make some stone maps that have a part of (connected/related to) the "ground map" on them and bury them and dig them up and report my discovery. Why? How can the two possibly be related? Why should they be? One invalidates the other and indites TT. Why create a partial truth? Doesn't make since.

MY $ is on the $ TT needed to further his dreams; the dreams, knowledge, and desires of/from the history of PLT.

I know I'm missing something here.

What happens to a hide map that has been buried for 100 years?

What happens to a stone map that might have been buried for 100 years?

Why would you want the stone maps discovered as compared to a hide map?



Is for the deleted " I am the horse " post .

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I Am The Horse, we do not respond well to threats. You have started no threads and have total of 64 posts.....

Enjoy the ban......

Over load, dain bramage. I know a good doctor, he has helped me, I think. I don't see hearts, horses heads, numbers, upside down horseshoes, shadows, and X marks the spot any more, in the mountains. Wait, does that rock look like a face?

The maps may never come out, they're a family secret, and probably will stay that way, Even Clay Wurst had said that he is holding onto the final clues to the LDM, and that he has people looking in the mountains for it, It's their secret, Your on your own when looking for anything out there, Everyone holds their own secret,

Seems to me all this attention will only serve to make things more difficult for those with their little Treasure secrets. I located an object once. Attempted for fives years to secure and extraction. Extractions are big distractions from normal life and I don't recommend it for the faint of heart. More power to anyone that try's I say go for it.

Dangling the whole thing piece by piece on the other web site only serves to turn people off. I think they should have not released that information before the rest a bad move but maybe not a terrible one for the near future. It's in a relative novice's hands right now so you will see some hiccup's. Remember Ryan has only been doing his spiel for a few months now.

The Family may not be served well that way and may come to their collective senses one day and stop the whole thing. Family's can be weird that way especially when they see all they're really dealing with is other Treasure Hunters the same people they mistrust so adamantly. I can't see why they would be so down on the same types of people Travis spent his life with.

Unless they know it was a hoax to begin with or just a prank. Peg Leg aside I think this is the beginning of a circus act and we may soon be witnessing a total meltdown of epic proportions.
That's going to be the real Story!!

Maybe the issue is access to others information given the opportunity and not ferreting out the truth so much to a known falsehood. IDK :dontknow:

No Body, I think you mentioned human behavior somewhere in this thread. Interesting point and well made.

It is fascinating and does present itself here, I believe. Not unexpected, and nothing bad about it. Its the way be are and the way we are tuned to be. Rather than be mad about it, I accept that we are all human and bring all that human baggage with us into this subject, as well as others in our daily lives. Its hard not to defend and hold on to long held beliefs.

Before any of us throws out the baby with the bath water it might be well to analyze all the emotions this subject brings to the surface. Take a little time and do a little reading on the below subjects. Its enlightening. Its just a part of the human condition. If we all (and I think we do) genuinely seek truth, we (including me) have to know that sometimes its our own built in defenses that blind us when its staring us in the face.

Confirmation bias
Attitude polarization
Cognitive dissonance
Belief perseverance
Illusory correlation

I won't bother you further. I fear the up hill battle is just starting. If you want updates, you know where to find them. I do however reserve the right to post and question information I know to be inaccurate. Just saying........


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I see now we're all on a great big couch together.

I never knew it. We're all an experiment for the "Human condition".

I don't believe we need Psychoanalysis therapy for judging Maps fabricated by a known Huckster. We can all see it with our own eyes. What I see is a bunch of Treasure Hunters giddy with information they'll be getting as they investigate for their own purposes from the family of his offspring. Just another fake map or two. I guess they'll be hunting a lot out there at least it'll keep them busy for a while looking for the Holy Grail.

They'd better check their backside's though because their Bias is showing.

If they're the Map Makers I'm the Key Master. Apparently, they think they have the keys but they don't. I've taken it upon myself too guard those stone keys I fabricated for the fake stone maps and buried by Queen Creek Bridge. If they ever need them I can make a map to guide um all there. You see, I'm a map maker too! Just call me a"Chiseler".

No Body, I think you mentioned human behavior somewhere in this thread. Interesting point and well made.

It is fascinating and does present itself here, I believe. Not unexpected, and nothing bad about it. Its the way be are and the way we are tuned to be. Rather than be mad about it, I accept that we are all human and bring all that human baggage with us into this subject, as well as others in our daily lives. Its hard not to defend and hold on to long held beliefs.

Before any of us throws out the baby with the bath water it might be well to analyze all the emotions this subject brings to the surface. Take a little time and do a little reading on the below subjects. Its enlightening. Its just a part of the human condition. If we all (and I think we do) genuinely seek truth, we (including me) have to know that sometimes its our own built in defenses that blind us when its staring us in the face.

Confirmation bias
Attitude polarization
Cognitive dissonance
Belief perseverance
Illusory correlation

I won't bother you further. I fear the up hill battle is just starting. If you want updates, you know where to find them. I do however reserve the right to post and question information I know to be inaccurate. Just saying........


Why, Lynda, this may be the best post you've made. These five topics and others define irrational belief. An understanding of our hard-wired human nature - and our vulnerability for manipulation - is the sharpest tool in a truth seeker's bag.

Hello Old:

A while back I posted the following:

"i believe what we are seeing is the birth of a new legend not the birth of truth.

First you control the information flow, next you discredit anyone who does not buy into the new reality, and you hold out the promise of complete disclosure. That is after the gold is found, the book is published, and the movie is in the theaters. By then everyone will have forgotten what the truth is and be celebrating the new heroes of the Superstitions. Barry Storm has been reborn.

I would imagine that getting the right to dig in the SWA will add at least 2 years to the drama.

Should be a great ride, a lot of money will be made and nothing will be solved. Everyone involved will get their 15 minutes of fame or perhaps more".

This is all about theater and not really good theater at that. Before this is over Travis will probably be credited with carving the stone found in the Bat Cave".

Now that we have that out of the way when might we expect a photo of the 500lb rattlesnake that was on display at the Gulf Station. I understand the snake was protecting the barn map when a box of shadow maps fell on his head and killed him.

Seriously though this is not about the quality of your customers this is about the quality of the product you are producing.

And what is sad is there is a great, great history of the Superstitions that the maps point to. That history is not in Texas. It never has been. I suspect the Tumlinson`s are doing the best they can but it is what it is. After all the map with the greek forget that. I really don`t know what is in that barn.

You should not retreat to the bunker.

I really do wish you well. Good luck.


Hello Old:

A while back I posted the following:

"i believe what we are seeing is the birth of a new legend not the birth of truth.

First you control the information flow, next you discredit anyone who does not buy into the new reality, and you hold out the promise of complete disclosure. That is after the gold is found, the book is published, and the movie is in the theaters. By then everyone will have forgotten what the truth is and be celebrating the new heroes of the Superstitions. Barry Storm has been reborn.

I would imagine that getting the right to dig in the SWA will add at least 2 years to the drama.

Should be a great ride, a lot of money will be made and nothing will be solved. Everyone involved will get their 15 minutes of fame or perhaps more".

This is all about theater and not really good theater at that. Before this is over Travis will probably be credited with carving the stone found in the Bat Cave".

Now that we have that out of the way when might we expect a photo of the 500lb rattlesnake that was on display at the Gulf Station. I understand the snake was protecting the barn map when a box of shadow maps fell on his head and killed him.

Seriously though this is not about the quality of your customers this is about the quality of the product you are producing.

And what is sad is there is a great, great history of the Superstitions that the maps point to. That history is not in Texas. It never has been. I suspect the Tumlinson`s are doing the best they can but it is what it is. After all the map with the greek forget that. I really don`t know what is in that barn.

You should not retreat to the bunker.

I really do wish you well. Good luck.



I have tried to get into that bunker for years now. Problem is, Ben is the only one with a key, and he won't open the door.......for anyone.:BangHead:

Where, exactly, can we find "That history"?:dontknow: OZ......Calalus?

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

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