Why did Travis Tumlinson Fake the Stone Maps as a Hoax?

Does the heart stone mean that there is treasure under it, around it, or does it point to a direction to go?

Noboie, Hearts designate Royal Trails and the "X" shows an inbound trail to a campsite, storage site, mine or Treasure Trove. Normally you would follow the "X" looking to the left for the next "X" until it hits an obstacle or drop off. Once there you would not see anything unless it was the right time of year and day. If on a walkers discrete royal trail you look for where "X's" and Crosses come together. That would be the first "X" of the chain. These would look like natural formations shaped loosely like a sideways egg. Under the egg at the right time of day and year you would see a sun made stacked pointer that morphs from a stacked sign "X", Heart, Door Symbol into the pointer as you're traveling and walking. Those signs mean following the "X's" until you see the last one to the left. Go to the top of the rock outcrop (They used only rock for leaving the Walkers Trail as that way no footprints could be seen.) and look for the next timed stacked sun and shadow made symbolical panel. Just like the one I posted that was behind the skull shaped rock you will see instructions for whatever type of chamber it may be. After you see it dig where it points or instructs you to dig and your in the storage vault.

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Travis have not forged any stone tablets except the Chest stone . He found the tablets in the fields incidentally , first the H/P stone and after an year the trail stones with the stone heart .
Nobody has facts how Travis carved the stone tablets . Only words in the wind .

If Travis found the original stones ( the whites and smaller ) using a map , then I would like to see that map . But I know how I will never see it because don't exist .

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I personally believe that we should wait and see the tv show and the book for more information, before we criticize everything without knowing what the family has to say. In the past they were afraid of treasure hunters and hid everything. So let's not make them go back into hiding again, we have a chance to hear something that we have never heard of before. After it all comes out and you don't like it, then jump on it like white on rice. But give it a chance,

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To see the Tv show and to read the book is what really they want . Why then and why not now ? The truth is truth all over the time . If they are not interested in MONEY , then I can't see why to wait for the book .

And why to be afraid of treasure hunters ? Is more dangerous to claim how you have the real maps than you show them to the people . Anyway nobody will could decipher them , like with the " fake " maps . This maps are for certain people who know where to apply them .

I'm sorry, I didn't know that I couldn't just use his name.

Just about every book that you have read on the LDM and other treasures were written to make money. New books come out and we buy them. So why can't the family make some money? I believe we are not being patient, it's not give me, give me, give me. I want the information as bad as everyone else, but I have to wait.

And suddenly Frank and Ryan care to make money the family ? What good guys !

I don't care if Frank and what's his name( can't use a banned persons name ) make money, or what ever the reason they are helping. It's the information that counts. I can't post any more for now have to go to work to make money.

Just about every book that you have read on the LDM and other treasures were written to make money. New books come out and we buy them. So why can't the family make some money? I believe we are not being patient, it's not give me, give me, give me. I want the information as bad as everyone else, but I have to wait.

How about them Panthers........yeah! All joking aside. There are/were some people who were offended by intermittent and partial releases of information. You have been very patient and understanding. Its appreciated. Wasn't our wish to go quiet, it was more than suggested that we do. Its a catch 22 situation.

There are no bad guys (currently) just a difference of opinion with some factions (not directly involved) on how to get the project done.

How about them Panthers........yeah! All joking aside. There are/were some people who were offended by intermittent and partial releases of information. You have been very patient and understanding. Its appreciated. Wasn't our wish to go quiet, it was more than suggested that we do. Its a catch 22 situation.

There are no bad guys (currently) just a difference of opinion with some factions (not directly involved) on how to get the project done.

"So, they were ordered to go quiet because, after so many months, the higher ups suddenly realize that they were handling things in a way that was unpopular?"

Honestly, I have never seen anything quite like it before.


"So, they were ordered to go quiet because, after so many months, the higher ups suddenly realize that they were handling things in a way that was unpopular?"

Honestly, I have never seen anything quite like it before.

Ever walked with broken blisters on your feet?
Makes you want to avoid the annoyance after a while , and nothing good comes from further walking with them..

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I would like to send a like but I don't know how.

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If Travis found the original stones
( the whites and smaller ) using a map

we were thinking and talking about the idea why bury
stone maps today, here is a short story from that talk
today about that
a 7yr old heard us talking about this, and he had
a sort of simple explanation,once we just let him
talk and stopped asking why every few sentences.
i know it almost reads like a movie script
here is a short version, as he was getting into
the telling, with minute details LOL
(6) small white stones,with maps carved into them
are buried (when?), and found 1940s/50s with a skin
barn map. but who buried them and why

well we will call him Mr.x he had a map that led
to treasure,he found the treasure, but to much for
mr.x to move,so he reburies it,in 6 dif spots, but
not enough paper or skins,to draw maps to where he
reburied the treasure,so he carves the cache spots
in stone,buries the stones,and makes a map to where
he buried the 6 stone maps, of the 6 caches.
why cant anyone find the caches, because the finder
of the 6 white stone maps,did find the treasures but
reburied the treasure too, to much to carry then he
made a lot more rock and paper maps,to hide what he
buried,but he died b4 he could go back and get the
rest of the treasure, and didnt say which maps were
the right maps to the treasure.

Six small stone maps.....
Six zero's on the back of the broken heart.
Coincidence ?

There seems to be alot of emotional controversy over these stone tablets, they don't seem to have led to the unearthing of any treasure. Why does everyone get so worked up over them?

There seems to be alot of emotional controversy over these stone tablets, they don't seem to have led to the unearthing of any treasure. Why does everyone get so worked up over them?

Because it's a "whodunnit" mystery like so many others that people find very interesting.
We know something happened, and we have a list of suspects, but we don't have a body yet.
Find the body, and we'll have something which will satisfy the "Best Evidence" rule of law.

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