For those who closely follow my posts, likes, etc. here or elsewhere, I would like to make something perfectly clear, assuming that is even possible.
I don't personally think Travis' family in Texas are trying to foster another hoax on the Dutch Hunting Community. I know the breed from that part of the country, as my own family had deep roots there. My grandfather was named Sam Huston Stoker. For those of you who are familiar with Texas history, you will notice the connection.
I don't believe everything I am told here, or anywhere else. While I am still interested in the Stone Map Saga, I no longer have any faith in a story that was built on deceit. That does not reflect negatively on Ryan, the Tumlinson Family, Frank or any of my other friends who have been involved down in Texas.
I wish nothing but success for everyone involved. Until I see the evidence that has been gathered, I feel free to voice my own opinion (likes) on everything posted, even though those posts may be wrong. If I have offended anyone with my plain talk, I apologize.
I am the product of over fifty years of close association with the LDM legends and the Stone Map story. I neither believe, nor disbelieve the new evidence coming to light. As with everything, I'm suspicious.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo