Having never had the urge to go to Texas and bother that family, I have no "homework" to believe. I am probably the reason that they are no longer posting, piecemeal, the information they are gathering. I received a call from RG which deteriorated into a verbal whipping over my posting "likes" and not being totally on board with that entire affair.
I was asked my opinion on how they were releasing the information and if they should just stop posting. I opined I thought they would be better off to just wait until they were ready to release the entire project.....book, film or whatever.
As I have mentioned before, I don't really have a dog in this fight and I'm more than willing to wait and see the story when it's finalized. I've also mentioned that I'm no fan of the story, as it's being presented. Having said that, I can see the reasoning that Ryan is doing it the way he is.
Once again, I wish Ryan, his team and the Tumlinson family all the luck in the world.
Take care,
Joe Ribaudo
I'm with you on wishing all luck.
As with anyone in a pursuit.
Homework as in finding your/my own facts if those findings of others are unacceptable is my reference to it.
Who tells all in their treasure hunting or even research ...even while ongoing? I don't , and so am not expecting others to.
Besides the creative artistic licence evident in most tales , there are occasions of backtracking , or new info changing previous conclusions making it easy to find fault in what had been thought accurate.
If I//We /Anyone just wants to harp criticisms.. why entertain such?
As to individuals temperaments...musicians and artists , treasure hunters , some anyway ; can make a long ride longer or a tent shrink fast in a long rain.
Depends what you want out of their association as to if it is worth it or not.
I don't hold you to the St. Louis trader Joe Ribaudo's personality and temperament, but recall reading of it on occasion when seeing it in your posts.
You should like what you like and be on what board you see fit.
Ain't what you say it's how you say it and you do fine.

In all it is just another group seeking answers.
A couple members of which have been very generous to me in my interests beyond the stones themselves. Yet because of the stones.
If they have anything to gain from that I have much more to gain.
Sarge's and co's integrity/credibility do not affect my interest in their conclusion should it eventually occur.
They're drivin and I'm just riding. No sand in my crack(s) and no spines stuck in me , or a contest for destination(s), maps , ect..
The movie the Revenent is out.
Based on Hugh Glass but mixed with hints of Jeremiah Johnson (John Liver eatin Johnston) ,and hints of the Heston -Kieth Mountain Men and possibly more films that don't come to mind ... that are loosely based on books that are possibly loosely based on....
Should I critique the films version as a deception , or accept it as the creative license taken by it's creators in it's telling that may inspire some interest in Hugh Glass that may otherwise be unknown to a new generation?
Heck it even hints of an era lost to modern lexicon almost.
I don't take the film as gospel as to Glass's story by any means but appreciate the interest it may inspire in others to look into another time and it's people and try to flesh out the facts as much as possible about characters.
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