Bill, I gotta say you are one of the most interesting posters here.
Close down debate?? Nay, Not so. Anyone with two grains of sense can see what happened. It speaks for itself. You got carried away with the discussion and posted copyright material you shouldn't have and were asked to remove it. You were invited to repost where it Wouldn't violate the copyright terms. That option is still open to you. Simple and straight forward.
What is getting your, and a small group of other's, goat is that (collective) you laid down a "my way or the highway" ultimatum. The material you seek doesn't belong to me or anyone else you are belittling. So those you belittle had to opt for the highway....... We have seen all manner of hissy fit, childish temper tantrums thrown by those who laid out the terms. Those "offended" can't have it both ways. At this time.......its either talked about in general terms or not talked about at all. Simple.
The poor lady's picture that was posted to taunt is a prime example of childish behavior. I'm sure she was a fine looking lady in her day. Even today she has a better hair do than I. She has beautiful eyes that I'm sure has seen a lot. And; could tell you a lot. I wonder if the poster's mother, grandmother, maternal figure, would be proud of their prodigy's inference. Time is every man's enemy. I hope that poster remembers this event 30 years from now. I doubt it will be as entertaining when father time knocks on their door. I just chalk it up to the ignorance and arrogance of youth.
But; back to your comments. We got on this bus by your earlier comments that Travis was a hoaxster and con artist. I'm not nominating him for sainthood, but I don't see that. I see no evidence whatsoever he did any of that. Evidence of that is what I have asked you to show me. Still haven't seen any. What I HAVE seen is a whole bunch of people who fell all over themselves to possess a dead man's tools that had no clue what they were or what they meant or the history behind them.
Do you not have an assortment of maps, diagrams, charts that YOU have created around or about your house? I suspect you do. I also suspect they are taken from other material you have found or seen coupled with your personal search. If you suffered the "big one" this evening and your wife sold them and they passed from hand to hand would that make YOU a hoaxster or con artist?
Yes, we have a working theory that's coming together quite nicely that Travis had material that predated the stones you see today. Yes, we feel the museum stones are a second or third generation of a part of that material which included both drawn maps and carved stones. Its part of, but by no means the totality, of what we are looking into. Its no more mystical than that.