in that case...


behold, my artistic masterpiece.
the sketch is laid out the same way i found it on the tree, on the south side of the trunk. three intersecting lines at eye level. 6 inches to a foot directly below it, under a mess of vines, was a bow and arrow with the bowstring cocked back. & 6 inches to a foot directly to the right of the bow and arrow was an X. it was indeed either a beech / holly. found in my home state of pennsylvania. i'll be able to make a trip up there in the next two weeks and get pictures. but for now, what are your thoughts on the symbols?

and i cant seem to find the signs/symbols forum on tnet if someone could post a link it'd be much appreciated.

in that case...

View attachment 1054724

behold, my artistic masterpiece.
the sketch is laid out the same way i found it on the tree, on the south side of the trunk. three intersecting lines at eye level. 6 inches to a foot directly below it, under a mess of vines, was a bow and arrow with the bowstring cocked back. & 6 inches to a foot directly to the right of the bow and arrow was an X. it was indeed either a beech / holly. found in my home state of pennsylvania. i'll be able to make a trip up there in the next two weeks and get pictures. but for now, what are your thoughts on the symbols?


I would also search all of the KGC threads.
There are some good posts, that may be
related, or helpful to figuring it out... :cross:

in that case...

View attachment 1054724

behold, my artistic masterpiece.
the sketch is laid out the same way i found it on the tree, on the south side of the trunk. three intersecting lines at eye level. 6 inches to a foot directly below it, under a mess of vines, was a bow and arrow with the bowstring cocked back. & 6 inches to a foot directly to the right of the bow and arrow was an X. it was indeed either a beech / holly. found in my home state of pennsylvania. i'll be able to make a trip up there in the next two weeks and get pictures. but for now, what are your thoughts on the symbols?

It could be telling you that what you seek is close...as far as you can shoot an arrow...and the sextile at the top could be refering you to 60 degrees from that position. Just a guess.

Sextile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Good stuff! L.C.

DYK...? The "sextile" is an OLD "Masonic" symbol w/o the "G" & "rounded" bottom; for Sea-farers, too. Later, Surveyors... for "Sun-reckoning".

DYK...? The "sextile" is an OLD "Masonic" symbol w/o the "G" & "rounded" bottom; for Sea-farers, too. Later, Surveyors... for "Sun-reckoning".

Rebel wasn't it you that have said that free masons are friends to pirates and corsairs. If so this would be spot on. This is something that we don't pay enough time or attention to. These builders needed and had the knowledge to figure out where on earth they were. Soldiers and sailors have needed to know where they were. The modern GPS systems of today were developed by the military. In the days we are interested in the West Pointers and sailors were taught and it was important even back then. That is one of the reasons for the elaborate signs and symbols to lead us to X marks the spot. Most of the " common " folks that maybe had a hand in hiding or burying treasure would not have the same skills as a trained military officer or even a accomplished seaman.

Senior Deacon

P.S. as a side note have fun reading about the Viking's Sunstone.

Bro, it is in the 3rd degree Lecture of a Master Mason... check it out!

Remember, there was THREE Degrees in KGC; The "workers" of the FIRST Degree dug up "space" & buried the "Treasure" or fought battles with ARMED "intent". Second Degree members were skilled at the "State-Level" to design & create "signs" of interest. Third Degree members created "Trestle-Boards" for the GRAND DESIGN; HQ was in NYC, composed of 3-7 WEALTHY WHITE MEN (357). After the THIRD Degree... OAK was an additional advancement, sorta like a MM can go into the York Rite or Scottish Rite. The York Rite of Degrees 1-7, with the Cryptic Degrees - REALLY important... YET! Scottish Rite is more ESOTERIC, VERY similar to KGC Knights

On another note, why would they bother carving cryptic messages into the trees if all you needed was a simple template to locate all of the caches? I would have to say, "Don't believe all that you read about". There is truth and fiction and speculations in almost every book you can buy no matter who wrote it.

Just our 4 cents, L.C.

That template is huge jOkE

:coffee2:8-)I am surprised, that the "Hard Evidence", supposedly is yet to be given, connecting Jesse directly to some of the secret activities he was thought to have been part of... That is, tangible evidence beyond any doubt... But then, could "they" have seen everything, as we can see through the benefit of pics, compressing and then magnifying? I'm sure one group could recognize some of what had been previously done, and may also choose the same spot, if it was convenient, desirable, or necessary, etc., ... ~: CDS :~

Logan Enyart was Jessie's connection in the Nebraska City castle. Enyart was called up to the First Missouri and was named Captain by his brother in-law Richard Chiles who resigned his commission and joined Louis Qauntrill at the beginning of the War. Enyart and his wife Lucy Chiles were visited regularly by Jessie and the gang in Nebraska City. To look further into their investments you can research Abner Enyart and what he did to prevent disclosing that information to Logan's second wife's son in law and lawyer a Mr. Black. from Nebraska City. Logan had a tunnel that connected his house to his stables about 100 yards away so anyone in the house could leave discreetly up the creek without being seen.

Roster of Quantrill's, Anderson's and Todd's Guerrillas who fought along the Missouri-Kansas border before and during the Civil War.

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LC Baker. I am fascinated by all of your postings. I am responding to on older post and was wondering if you have published these books. Would love to buy a copy of them. Keep it up.

LC Baker. I am fascinated by all of your postings. I am responding to on older post and was wondering if you have published these books. Would love to buy a copy of them. Keep it up.

Thank you for your interest in true history and in my books. If you click on the link at the bottom of this or any of my posts it will take you to VOL. I . Volume II is still on the table until a later date.

Thanks, L.C.:thumbsup:

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