Hi all. This sounds very interesting. Where can i find a basic story or book on it? I assume from what little i have read here it is i thr Ozarks. I have read a little on the Knights circle.
You could start with REBEL GOLD by Bob Brewer.
Good luck I hope you get it done.Dr. Roy William Roush, Ph. D. is your best source for anything on the KGC's history, signs and some treasures that have been recovered. Go to his webpage Knights of the Golden Circle.
My partner and I will be publishing a book this Spring on our tree codes and the Knight's of the Golden Circle. Our history of the KGC start with West Florida their National Flag the Bonnie Blue Flag and we give history of the KGC from 1810 up to the present and also our findings of carvings on trees that have lead us to the locations of 58 KGC Depositories with thousands of tons of gold and silver. The book is finished, we are holding out trying desperately to convince our government of the need to recover the documents and maps to where all these KGC Depositories are located. We only know of the general locations of eight of the 58 depositories. These eight depositories contain upwards of $150 Billion Dollars in bullion value alone with numismatic upwards of $400 Billion. The other 50 depositories are even larger. The CSA you might say and even the Civil War was planned and funded by the KGC. Also the acquisition of Texas and California.
Dr Roush and I have talked on the phone. It has been a few years back. He for one is a man of great integrity and I have nothing but great respect for him. I dont believe that his experience with the KGC is first hand. But more from research. If so...he has not printed it in his books. Dr Roush told me at one time to find some certain clues and the "loot would be buried exactly in the middle of it" this has not worked out for me in my neck of the woods...Steve PS Franklin...I would like to be the first to purchase your book. Let me know when it is available. I have never figured out he blaze thing...havent put that much time into it because I look for other clues that put me at the cache location. Is is length times width...or something like that?Dr. Roy William Roush, Ph. D. is your best source for anything on the KGC's history, signs and some treasures that have been recovered. Go to his webpage Knights of the Golden Circle.
My partner and I will be publishing a book this Spring on our tree codes and the Knight's of the Golden Circle. Our history of the KGC start with West Florida their National Flag the Bonnie Blue Flag and we give history of the KGC from 1810 up to the present and also our findings of carvings on trees that have lead us to the locations of 58 KGC Depositories with thousands of tons of gold and silver. The book is finished, we are holding out trying desperately to convince our government of the need to recover the documents and maps to where all these KGC Depositories are located. We only know of the general locations of eight of the 58 depositories. These eight depositories contain upwards of $150 Billion Dollars in bullion value alone with numismatic upwards of $400 Billion. The other 50 depositories are even larger. The CSA you might say and even the Civil War was planned and funded by the KGC. Also the acquisition of Texas and California.
Dr Roush and I have talked on the phone. It has been a few years back. He for one is a man of great integrity and I have nothing but great respect for him. I dont believe that his experience with the KGC is first hand. But more from research. If so...he has not printed it in his books. Dr Roush told me at one time to find some certain clues and the "loot would be buried exactly in the middle of it" this has not worked out for me in my neck of the woods...Steve
Dr. Roy William Roush, Ph. D. is your best source for anything on the KGC's history, signs and some treasures that have been recovered. Go to his webpage Knights of the Golden Circle.
My partner and I will be publishing a book this Spring on our tree codes and the Knight's of the Golden Circle. Our history of the KGC start with West Florida their National Flag the Bonnie Blue Flag and we give history of the KGC from 1810 up to the present and also our findings of carvings on trees that have lead us to the locations of 58 KGC Depositories with thousands of tons of gold and silver. The book is finished, we are holding out trying desperately to convince our government of the need to recover the documents and maps to where all these KGC Depositories are located. We only know of the general locations of eight of the 58 depositories. These eight depositories contain upwards of $150 Billion Dollars in bullion value alone with numismatic upwards of $400 Billion. The other 50 depositories are even larger. The CSA you might say and even the Civil War was planned and funded by the KGC. Also the acquisition of Texas and California.
"Secrets of the Lost Confederate Gold"
"As told by the Talking Trees"
Only what is written on the trees about each one. There are three depositories with maps that belong to John C. Breckenridge-----these maps are in two different grave locations well actually three counting the master grave. There are ten depositories with maps belonging to President Jefferson Davis---These maps are in one grave location---actually two graves counting the master grave.
PS We have one depository that is 38 feet by 38 feet--------no treasure is mentioned. We believe this depository contains all of the documents of all branches of government of the CSA:? But of course we will not know until excavation.
No, we only know where the maps are located. The US of A won't let us touch them.
First time I've posted on this forum. This is an interesting topic ya'll are discussing. Do you know the organization
that the KGC developed into is still operating
today? It can be dangerous to get too close to any of the depositories. They are still being watched. So be cautious when nosing around cemeteries where the coded maps are hidden.
First time I've posted on this forum. This is an interesting topic ya'll are discussing. Do you know the organization that the KGC developed into is still operating today? It can be dangerous to get too close to any of the depositories. They are still being watched. So be cautious when nosing around cemeteries where the coded maps are hidden.
I'm glad that you brought this up stillcounting, over the past 35 years or so I have visited hundreds of cemeteries with my Father, starting when I was only 7 years old. I was always taught that a cemetery is a sacred place by my Dad. He would not allow any horse play what so ever, and always taught me to pull weeds around the stones and clean the bird **** off of them and pick up any trash i found. That has stuck with me all of my adult life. I always try to leave the cemetery in better shape than it was when i got there. Now days people have no respect. They destroy head stones and party in unkept cemeteries. I can't tell you how many times I have had to pick up empty beer cans and dirty rubbers out of a cemetery, it sickens me to mention it.
I also talk to the dead while I am there. In fact I probably have visited people over the last 35 years, more than their own families have. Considering that most of them I go to see have been dead for over 100 years, that is a safe assumption. I have hacked trees and over grown shrubbery off of forgotten graves and left them looking like a cemetery should with flowers marking their stone. It is all about the approach and the way that one carries their self with tact and respect when you are there. It is a duel purpose endeavor, and should always be handled as such.
lastly, I feel that the K.G.C. coded their stuff so good, that if you are able to find any of it, you will have made yourself worthy through the education you will have received by the time you figure out the codes, ciphers, and symbols. It was not theirs to worry about who reaped what they sewed for future generations, It was only theirs to make sure that who ever reaped it, was worthy of it.
just my two cents, L.C. Baker