Yes Rebel may be we can get Gov. Jesse to go a round with Vince Mc Mahon. Vince Mc Mahon's Net Worth Vince McMahon Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth Jesse Ventura's Net Worth Jesse Ventura Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth Best two out of three falls maybe a ladders and chairs match. Read about jesse's lawsuit with Chris Kyle yes Jesse "The Wessel " Ventura.

Senior Deacon

LOL! Gov. Jesse as "The Weasel"...

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Strange Pinwheel, I don't know you as a treasure hunter in the area where you reside. I am acquainted with most JJ/KGC hunters in NW AR and NE OK. You must run in tight company.
You question is fair and a good one at that. Problem is it can't be answered in a public discussion. I just made a statement here so those seeking knowledge will keep researching till they discover the truth about what we call KGC. The knowledge is out there and not all that difficult to find. It takes plenty of reading and being able to retain what is read in order to tie hints together. Don't expect much useful info on a treasure forum. Most there are fishing and nobody with what they seek will ever talk.
I know some posting on this thread. The smoke is coming from them and not I.
Pinwheel I could send you to a real KGC depository likely within 25 miles of where you live. Problem is the "watchers" would greet you there in about 15 minutes. They don't take kindly to anyone messing around the site. Can you spell CO-OP Prairie?
Sorry, but you who sent PM, I don't answer them. Note:Always read between the lines of anything you read, clues you know.

Stillcounting. It is not strange at all that you do not know me. I live less than 20 miles from the famous Griff and he does not know me either. If I was known as a treasure hunter I would not be welcome at many of the places that I have liberty at now. Most people just know me as an outdoorsman. I hunt both small and large game. I fish alot also. There is no need for everyone to know all the details of my life. Fact is, only my immediate family and a few close friends know who pinwheel is. Like I said, If everyone knew that I am a truth seeker more than a treasure hunter then the gates that I now pass through would be locked. You are right. the company I keep is tight and right. I can trust them with my life. I only have one partner that is a member of this forum. That is OTH and he can be trusted with my life as well. My other Partners do not belong to this forum or any other forum. Neither are they from this region.

I am neither bashful or shy. Anytime you would like to link up for a cup of coffee and talk about KGC or Spanish trails and symbols I will clear my calendar if possible.

I have been to Coop Prairie Many times. I have never had any problem with watchers or anyone else. I do not know how much you know so I will just lay it out . There was a recovery made not far from there in the early 1980's. I will not name the hunter who made the recovery because he is native to this region as well. According to him it was Jessie James treasure. It was worth more than 3 million in 1983 or 1984.

You may have to PM me if you would like to have that cup of Joe. Best of luck


How 'bout this. Work in the KGC is compartmentalized. Consistently. Jesse James has been referred to as the 'comptroller'. Suppose there is a small collection of 'treasure site pickers and designers'. They figure the site out, leave signs like tree carvings or tree manipulations for manual labor end of things that comes through at a later date.

Site choice is a huge consideration for whatever the end goals may have been, as security and recoverability are paramount considerations. On top of that, site preparation takes time and coordination. Jesse and the Boys are on the run, having just robbed a train, bank, etc., and now a posse is on their trail. There wouldn't be time to think out and lay out a site afterwards. You could even compartmentalize further, have the labor boys dig multiple holes, and move on to the next site, while another group places the treasure, while yet the original site designer (who could know where the caches are located, could come back through and change the signs, to keep the location info limited an unable to being passed on to a future person from one of the labor party's son, grandson, friend, etc., being given 'The Key' to decipher the treasure site.

Things like that can explain all of those 'deer hunters' of the 30's that stumbled upon a cache, but could never find their way back. Cache owners would PROACTIVELY guard their locations from the future desires of those (like low on the totem pole manual labor) that may have helped place them - can't just slaughter them and kick them in a hole like the Spanish have been purported to do with some Native Americans.

Trees would not have been used as a long-term site marker. But for a short term, in the manner I described ...

That sounds like a good idea, but the site we are working on took over 25 years for them to lay out. They were adding to it for a long time. It was also very secret among the members of the organization. I believe if they had someone else dig the holes they would have been the last thing put into them on top of the gold. Just my two cents, L.C.

I believe it was one of the Organizations overall most secret treasures, and it was laid out with the help of Albert Pike himself. The level of cryptography used is beyond a common members mathematical and linguistic skills. The operation was started before the Civil War in about 1853 and became very diverse as they years rolled by.....
I am sure there was a certain division of labor within the organization that was used to some extent, but the coding and protection of the medallions was beyond any of their grasp. I often wonder if Albert Pike had his own medallion around his neck, and if so...was it a key?


LOTS of AP's stuff is in the House of the Temple in D.C. His BONES, too! (Crypt in the wall) Been there about 2-3 times.

Pike died in Washington, D.C., aged 81, and was buried at Oak Hill Cemetery (against his wishes — he had left instructions for his body to be cremated). In 1944, his remains were moved to the House of the Temple, headquarters of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite.

Pike died in Washington, D.C., aged 81, and was buried at Oak Hill Cemetery (against his wishes — he had left instructions for his body to be cremated). In 1944, his remains were moved to the House of the Temple, headquarters of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite.

I found it, but the question remains..Did they give him his last rights twice?

Pike died in Washington, D.C., aged 81, and was buried at Oak Hill Cemetery (against his wishes — he had left instructions for his body to be cremated). In 1944, his remains were moved to the House of the Temple, headquarters of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite.

Good info... THANKS!

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Yes two elaborate ceremonies took place. The first one was in 1891 where his body lay in state in the Old Scottish Rite Temple. In 1944 he was interred in the House of the Temple in Washington,D.C. Guess who the President and Vice President was at that time. F.D.R. Pres. Henry A. Wallace V.P. some one was hoping for 33rd. and never got it. Here is a quip about that and my favorite picture of Albert Pike. Albert Pike - Freemason Network

Senior Deacon

P.S. No last Rites for Pike. He was a trinitarian Christian period.

L.C. In my area here is what I have found...there are both below and above ground markers. All doing the same thing, leading to the cache. In case of natural disaster then the organization could still locate the cache using the iron markers underground. They located this marker with a compass needle or a spanish dip needle, they knew the distance to each marker. This topic has been debated on this forum years ago.
When a cache has been removed in my area they either chopped off the end of a nearby pointer rock...or carved a rectangle into a tree. The rectangle signifies an empty box. I have found fresh shavings on the ground directly underneath the carved rectangle. In one area...where I got too close. I found 4 freshly carved rectangles at different locations. But all within a half mile proximity. Also I have found freshly broken off "pointer" stone with empty holes or cubby holes close by...Steve

Are they left for whoever Is chosen, or just lucky?
Trees, rocks, and iron markers in the ground. Nothing noticably
appearing broken. Not much deception, right close at the cross road... :cross:

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When it comes to the age of trees you can not go by experts they are always wrong. Age of trees is one catagory I know for a fact they are wrong. A beech tree three feet in diameter is over 400 years old------fact. Holly trees are older than what the experts claim also. I saw one that was 20 inches in diameter had writings or carvings on it dating back to 1883 that is over 130 years since the carving ----- making the tree well over 150 years old. I have also seen larger holly trees. The one claimed in Atlanta to be the oldest is not true either. The size of a tree depends on water table and soil factors.

I found one large beech tree that is over 535 years old and has a carving by William Byrd II that surveyed the Virginia and North Carolina border in the early and late 1720's. This tree has his initials and the date 1733. There are beech trees in Bedford County Virginia that have carvings in the 1680's. Some trees found in WVa had carvings by D. Boone in 1760's. So I can safely say that a beech or a holly tree is a good way of preserving a treasures location for four hundred years or more.

Some really Old Oaks, and Blackjacks, apparently carved along
by Jesse James, that don't appear to be that old, for stunted size.
They had been shocked, severely traumatized from their deep long
carvings. Drought stricken, lightening crashed and burned, and with
entire tops broke out, laying nearby where they fell, several years ago.
They had been interestingly, nicely shaped. Some few however, appear
to still be doing really very well, all healed and grown up good and tall... :cross:

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Are they arranged in this fashion, as on the Flag of Edward England?:

View attachment 1035386

Although I am not a Roman Catholic, as you suggested, nor a Christian of any denomination, you mentioned that there are RCs that are Masons. Of course there are, at the Vatican as well. I bet they feel comfortable in D.C., for they are quite used to the veneration of Saint Relics [read: body parts] ...

View attachment 1049164

View attachment 1049158

Of course there are, and much of Europe, their ol' stronghold?...

Lookin' for the most interesting way to post these tres relevant pics... :cross:

View attachment 1049166

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The fact that the carved trees were left for anyone to find eludes to the fact of how hard they are to decode. Some people would not recognize the marks as anything more than art or graffiti. This would lead one to believe that the carved trees were left specifically for the person that was initiated by certain knowledge and they could break the codes and ciphers. This in it's self is a lock on the door that would keep the masses outside looking in.


In my experience the Knights were just as deceptive with every single thing they were involved in. The United States Government was infiltrated by the organization long before there was a Civil War (which the K.G.C. is mostly associated with), and their key players from the organizations foundations may never be known. The founding secret society or organization may never come to light, although most intellectuals seem to be leaning towards the Freemason / Templar / Illuminati....:laughing7:

Just my two cents,L.C.

very informative thread. i've just been reading about the kgc on this forum since i found some interesting tree carvings earlier in the week. i didn't have a camera on me to snap a photo of them when i came accross the tree, but i can do a quick sketch of the carvings if anyone would be interested in sharing opinions on them. i'll check back to this thread to see if anyone would be willing.

very informative thread. i've just been reading about the kgc on this forum since i found some interesting tree carvings earlier in the week. i didn't have a camera on me to snap a photo of them when i came accross the tree, but i can do a quick sketch of the carvings if anyone would be interested in sharing opinions on them. i'll check back to this thread to see if anyone would be willing.


If you post sketches, you will likely
get a response, as the post will be seen... :cross:

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