Seahunter, you stated that you havent found any wood from the ship. Did any timbers get uncovered or wash up onto the beach after the hurricanes we had a while back?

Hello Everyone
I apologize for not responding to some of the recent emails I have received. The "Seahunter" has been out of the water for a bottom job and to rework the blowers for the upcoming season. We are back in the water and finishing routine maintainance. I have included pictures of the work done to the blowers. It required having bushings made for the pivot and pin points to take the slack out of the blowers. I think they are perfect now and I am looking forward to a productive season and meeting and diving with some more Tnet members.


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SeaHunter looks great. I look forward to getting down to see you in a week or two.

Robert in SC

I have tried to send you a message on the board before but i can't seem to get it to register. Let me know when you can get the most use (15 Days max.) Out of someone who has plenty of dive experience but no treasure hunting experience. I am a quick learner and can bring my digital video/photo recorder. Let me know if you need some treasure hunting device and I will try to rent it and have it on sight when I arrive. Alternatively, If you have everything but the money set up let me know what it costs and if I can swing it I will be happy to fund the special eqpt.

While I know he chances are slim, I just want to find the mother load!!!

Yeah, me too CapnJuan
All I really need is some reliable weather forcasting. It seems to change twice daily here. Earlier today when I wrote to Bobinsd the forecast was calling for 2 to 4 this weekend, now it is 2ft or less. Like I told Bob, this time of year you don't know if you are going diving til an hour before you go and even then you need some luck.

Scott, MAN am I dying to get in the water this year! On the weather thing, not sure if this will help much in marine forcasting, but when I flew Ultralights, we could set our watches by what Weather Underground said the wind was going to do. If you go to www.wunderground.com, put in your Zip, and then over on the right hand side there a link called "AVN WeatherGraph". It only goes 3 days out, but if it says the winds will lay down at 1:00, you can watch it happen, they never let us down. Probably the most accurate forecasting on the internet...and we tried them all, I hope it helps you out a bit.

See you soon man, can't wait!


Hi Jason
Thanks !!!!
I think I will try anything. Looking forward to seeing you and everyone else. I always get a little freaked out when someone says they are coming and then the forecast says it will be bad. But then it always seems to work out and we almost always find treasure. What more could a treasure diver hope for? See you soon.


Wunderground gets SOME of their data from NOAA, just like everyone else. All I know is I could look at NOAA, Weather Channel, local forecasters, and any other place I felt like...and would get ten diffrerent answers. Then I'd look at Wunderground...and the graph would show the winds at 15mph until noon, when they were supposed to die down to 5mph. I'd go out at 11:30, and at noon (or whenever they said) the winds would die down. Try finding that from NOAA...Weather Underground may look like just another web site....but look deeper (and test it!) and I bet you'll change your mind. I'm a storm spotter here in Texas, so I'm pretty well versed in weather data...I have an actual NOAA log in like you local weatherman has...but I still use Wunderground.

ScubaFinder,I dont dislike Wundergorund or anything,and find it an easy site to navigate...And I dont compare it to those like "weatherbug" sites or anything and know its one of the best...Mainly I think most of their marine weather forecast is just copy/paste kind of deal from NOAA.Course you can get about the same thing on WX2/VHF,but the active buoy data is a good resource for us up here(sometimes we fish 150 mi SW of here),not sure if wunderground has that but when they say "West winds at 10-15kts,Seas 2-4 ft " then you can look at those buoys and find out real time data.And the wind speed graph you mention is pretty cool.

Anyways I didnt mean to sound like I was jabbing at you or anything :).I love weather,storm spotting is a cool thing to do Im sure Id enjoy it 8)

No worries BullShark...didn't mean to sound snappy in my reply, it's funny how things come out in text sometimes. :D Weather spotting is indeed fun, especially here in Tornado Alley. :D This time of year we stay very busy...on a moments notice. I've seen 3 tornados on the ground over the last 5 years....pretty awesome.

OK, back to treasure hunting! Scott, I'm looking at the week after Easter for a possible trip. I'll keep you posted.

I concur with Jason. I have been getting my marine weather from the WeatherUnderground for years and find it to be quite accurate and reliable.

Lots of wind out of the East is my guess. :D I haven't kept too close an eye on it, but I know Scott has been busy with his business and the weather has not been cooperating. Not to worry though, it's just getting it all out of it's system so it can be nice and calm for our visit in April. :D Lots pf pics and treasure then for sure....we hope. ;)


LOTS of wind right now.....this is how it looks in a calm day.......today the water is reaching the dunes........


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who wants to dive for treasure?..........I DO!waiting to take my open dive at the end of april,then i'm ready.i cook,clean,whatever!how do i get a seat?



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june-july better?

I never noticed the FENCE LINE before. I should get out more often ;D ;D.
Peg Leg

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