Who has a detector they DO NOT like???

I always try before buying so don't have any bad un's but as a brand I don't like Garrett which were my favourite brand back in the 80's but directly they went to motion we parted company.

To many gimmicks that didn't really work, very expensive in Europe. For years the cheaper models had very poor performance. To much hype with the more recent models that don't really work that well. O and "belltone" "sound of money". I shudder.

Garretts are getting a hiding. :laughing9:

Here's another one. Infinium. When I first got it I thought I liked it, but after a short while it drove me nuts. No, it's not a tough beast to tame (it's easy to use actually), it's just a sħit detector. I have used many detectors, PI's and VLF's over the years, I know what is tough to tame.

It's no good for land or sea.

Stay away, this is a warning that will save you $$$.

White's Classic II: First machine. Didn't keep it long enough to learn it. Thought that I'd be happier with a display machine. So...

Bought the low end Garrett display machine (circa '97 or '98) that I ended up hating because I got all sorts of false signals and I didn't like the touchpad. This got traded in for...

White's Quantum XT: Loved it, loved it, loved it. But folks told me I should really get a Spectrum XLT so I traded my QXT in for...

Spectrum XLT: I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it. I had much, much better luck with the QXT. Eventually sold this on Ebay.

Now one of the two above machines was what I took to my first seeded hunt. The machine had multiple frequencies so you could adjust it so you could eliminate interfereance at contests. Nice idea except "EVERYONE HAD WHITE'S MACHINES".

So I bought a used Sidewinder for contests. Then discovered it was a great machine when I had time to drive 3 hours to the beach and spend all day detecting. I primarily used it as a freshwater beach machine for 12 years. This summer I started using it in the year, tot lots, and parks. I went from liking this machine to LOVING IT.

After reading lots of good stuff and see lots of videos on U-tube I bought an Ace 250 as a back-up unit. Don't love it. Don't hate it. I don't like how the display and tones are all over the place on anything that isn't a nice, pretty coin. It doesn't pinpoint as well as my Sidewinder, but that's getting better with practice. I did buy it when areas have so much trash that I need to be more selective or I might as well till the soil and run it through a sieve. For that purpose it does reasonably well as long as I don't try to go after nickel signals.

The Bounty Hunter Lonestar I started with :-[. Sure am happy with my Tesoro Cortes I own now ;D

The Minelab Quattro that I am using now is very disappointing. Most "good" targets can be scanned in such a way as to make them sound "bad". The depth out here in the California soil is pretty pathetic if searching in the discriminate modes. I have owned older Whites and Teknetics machines and found them superior.

I have a Bounty Hunter Tracker IV and I can say that I do not have any issues with it. I did however have a cheap $30 metal detector I bought some generic one, that I used when shallow water detecting, and it broke after the first few uses. The plastic handle broke..

Had a Micronta from radio shack years ago. Looked cool and would find a few things but basically sucked. But any metal detector is better than no metal detector at all!!

I like my AT-Pro, except for a few issues,
where mine seems stable enough for me in my cluggy soils;; (though I hear that there can be some real dud ones out there !)
I find after swinging it for 3 hours I get a sore arm.
I really hate the proprietary head phone idea, but not as much as I hate the price of the head phone adapter plug.. Over $65 for two plugs and a bit of wire!!! What a &%&$&^##@$$$ profit !!

My Tesoro I like a lot and can swing it all day though, for me,, it had a bit of a learning curve.. I find the discrimination frustrating .

GC1019 a Chinese machine.... Lets just say, I'll never make that mistake again !!

this is a good topic, I too am saving hard and trying to decide on a new machine for Christmas. As I can only afford one so it's a race between
the 705 or Sarfari and the F5 or F70 and the Cortés or Tejón...
Its not an easy choice..

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I ordered an AT Pro last year not long after they came out. It falsed all the time ever at a couple bars sens while holding it still. I sent it in to be fixed and falsing continued at every location I tried it and I have +30 years experience. Doctor Detroit a good friend and TH'er herself bought me a Brand new AT PRO this spring. While it is upgraded the electronics still squeal like a stuck pig at any sens setting. I tried to use it but time is too short to play with a water detector when I have so many great detectors to use at beaches and clean swim areas to earn my fees. None of my crew will used ATP's anymore to clean beaches.

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I ordered an AT Pro last year not long after they came out. It falsed all the time ever at a couple bars sens while holding it still. I sent it in to be fixed and falsing continued at every location I tried it and I have +30 years experience. Doctor Detroit a good friend and TH'er herself bought me a Brand new AT PRO this spring. While it is upgraded the electronics still squeal like a stuck pig at any sens setting. I tried to use it but time is too short to play with a water detector when I have so many great detectors to use at beaches and clean swim areas to earn my fees. None of my crew will used ATP's anymore to clean beaches.

Sounds like that ATP really doesn't suit, I recommend dumping it on eBay, though doing that to something that was a gift may prove a bit of a "political" rough spot.
I want to dump my GC as well as some others. But the GC is soo bad it could put other enthusiasts off the sport haha.
Am thinking that if I sell some of my detectors I could put that money towards getting a gruntier beast too..

GTi2500 (Garrett) - hate it. Heavy machine. Slow response time. Wish I never bought it. Anyone want to buy it from me?


If you sell it for $300 I might.

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Anyone willing to sell the one they don't like?

I once owned a Fisher CZ5 that I had a love hate relationship with. It loved deep rusty nails and I hated digging them. :BangHead:

Sorry couldn’t help myself.:laughing7:

I hate Minetrash products flute music is really irritating, my Garrett GTI 2500 is a great machine,it is only heavy if you are a whimp.I really like my Fisher coinstrike and Goldstrike and my Whites TDI love P.Is they work great. I have owned a Minetrash Eureka gold HATED it had no real power missed alot of gold my Fisher Gold$trike nailed, an X-Terra 70 minetrash I just do not like the way they were designed or function. Really reminds me of a BH Pioneer 505 with manual ground balance actually my 505 finds everything my X-trashmaster 70 unit finds. say it loud MINETRASH SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS

I hate Minetrash products flute music is really irritating, my Garrett GTI 2500 is a great machine,it is only heavy if you are a whimp.I really like my Fisher coinstrike and Goldstrike and my Whites TDI love P.Is they work great. I have owned a Minetrash Eureka gold HATED it had no real power missed alot of gold my Fisher Gold$trike nailed, an X-Terra 70 minetrash I just do not like the way they were designed or function. Really reminds me of a BH Pioneer 505 with manual ground balance actually my 505 finds everything my X-trashmaster 70 unit finds. say it loud MINETRASH SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS

so tell us how you really feel lol

are the Garrett AT PROs really that bad? my GTI 2500 had some programming problems when I first purchased it, after the repair it did work like a champ, then on the beach I thought I was getting false hits but after using my trusty rare earth magnet I found the source of all my false signals small pieces of rusty iron picked up by my magnet,with the 2500 in the coin mode the GTI should have ignored those small targets but then again none of my other detectors ignore rusty iron, my 2500 never stops amazing me at the extremely small targets it finds, and small pieces of placer gold that my Minelab Eureka gold missed no matter what setting it was in.But Garrett does have some quality control problems at there plant, I have read numerous complaints about there products having the same prob time after time!:occasion14:

Rick60 said:
are the Garrett AT PROs really that bad? my GTI 2500 had some programming problems when I first purchased it, after the repair it did work like a champ, then on the beach I thought I was getting false hits but after using my trusty rare earth magnet I found the source of all my false signals small pieces of rusty iron picked up by my magnet,with the 2500 in the coin mode the GTI should have ignored those small targets but then again none of my other detectors ignore rusty iron, my 2500 never stops amazing me at the extremely small targets it finds, and small pieces of placer gold that my Minelab Eureka gold missed no matter what setting it was in.But Garrett does have some quality control problems at there plant, I have read numerous complaints about there products having the same prob time after time!:occasion14:

Depends on who you are talking to ive had absolutely no problems what so ever with it I think for the price its one of the best out there

Man, I have owned so many machines through my 30+ years detecting. Most had some redeeming qualities and I can't say I ever owned one that I downright hated , but disliked:
Minelab Soveriegn
Sorry, hate to say this but EVERY Garrett I have ever used
Fisher CZ-5 (loved the target ID and depth...loved iron and deep nails too much
Teknetics Omega...good machine except half the places I would try and hunt with it EMI problems made it practically unusable

Now, the machines I love:
First and foremost...my Teknetics G2...best detector for me EVER!
Tesoro Sidewinder...great little machine made some outstanding recoveries with that bugger.

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