Wow, this is an awesome thread, I just wish I would have read it before buying of bunch of different types of detectors. I started out with a brinkmann sensor 5000, was my first detector back in 1983. It found metal but the meter jumped all over the place, it didn't have very good depth and discrimination, I am sure this detector could discriminate between trash or treasure. I took a long break from detecting until the last few years, then I started with the garrett ace 250. I never really liked the machine too slow on response to targets, and no depth. Also didn't like the bright yellow and if u got it wet the display would fog up and eventually quit working. Don't waste your money on one unless thats all you can afford or u r just a beginner. Next machine a few months later was a fisher f2, I like the fast recovery speed but didn't like the discrimination and for some reason it wouldn't play sound out of external speaker only use headphones. Next machine was fisher f70, I really liked machine as it was a coin killer but on beach it was terrible, and it would false alot on beach and in wet soil conditions. Next was the minelab explorer se, heavy machine never quite got used to target id numbers, probably just didn't give it enough time. Next was fisher f75, great machine fast, but same problem as f70 false signals on beach or wet soil. Next whites dfx, great machine, still have it but way too many settings to adjust and it just didn't detect targets past 6 inches confidently. Next fisher gb2, I don't know what I was thinking when I bought this, guess I just wanted to see if it was as sensitive as everyone says it is. Its a trash hound. Next and final machine was the minelab ctx 3030, all I can say is its by far the best machine I have ever used. I am pulling coins out of hunted parks that I have never saw before. For instance just this week I have found a standing liberty quarter, 1920 buffalo nickel, an 1872 shield nickel, a bunch of wheats and a couple other cool relics! All I can say is if you have one of these and you are in the right place omg you will love this machine. I know I do, I am selling all my other machines to pay for this one!!