I can tell you after 40 years of metal detecting, using Whites, (V3i, Spectrum, Eagle pro, IDX, etc.) Garrett (2500, 1500, 1350 All the grandmasters, CX,etc.) Compass, (Can't even remember all the Compass machines I used! Been too long!) Fisher ( The 1266X and all the other X's!) Tesoro Lobo and Super Trac, Treasure Baron GoldTrax/CoinTrax. And many others that don't come to mind, I have finally settled on one detector, that is super lightweight, very well balanced, uses 4 AA batteries that last, seems like forever! Can use multiple coils from 3 KH up to 21 KH and automatically adapts the coil to the machine! Has all metal and disc., auto ground balance w/manual GB, adjustable grunt on iron, or turn it down, or off completely! Has Algorithms, you can make it sound similar to a Minelab, or just about anything you like! Goes deep, a foot,. or more! And has a meter that tells you basicly what is in the ground! And I gotta tell you at age 65, I love everything about it! Some people will tell me it stinks because it comes from Russia! Some people will tell me I am "un American" ( I am a Vietnam Vet, go ahead, try it!) But, I will tell you this, " in my opinion", it puts all those other detectors, above, I have used all these years (40 plus years!) in their place! It is the Sorex Pro and I am sure there are "deeper", "better" "American made", detectors, out there, but I can't find one that fits me like this one does? Very smooth operation! EMI is not usually a problem, but even if it is, there is an "EMI Filter", also a "Bad Ground" filter! I could go on and on, but I won't. It has, fast, medium and slow recovery too! Before you badmouth it, you guys need to look into it and try it!.....Made by AKA, The Sorex Pro and no, I am not a dealer, nor do I sell them. I just enjoy using it! I think there is a guy who offers them for sale here on TreasureNet? Or Google it, or FaceBook maybe? Worth a look fellas, really!.....Dang good detector! Big Red