Who has a detector they DO NOT like???

rgalan2003 said:
I hated the first LS INFINIUM for beach hunting.I is very noisy-arratic whit its stock coil and less whit the 8 monocoil.I am very happy whit the goldquest aquasearch v2, more than the deepstar,the conector coil- control box is very weakly.

If you had an early Infinium then you did have a noisy and erratic machine! Garrett did address some of the issues with updates and better shielding for the cable around mid 2007. And while not perfect, a bunch of hunters that had similar issues with the early models have since used the latest version claiming a more stable and better running machine.

If anyone has or purchases an older Infinium, you should contact Garrett with the serial number to make sure updates aren't needed for it.
Also, if you have one and can't get it to run stable, it might have a defective coil cable or connector, which would need to be serviced from Garrett.

bubbadirect said:
Garrett ACE 250--too yellow, too flimsy, too erratic of signals, no depth past 3-4 inches
X-Terra 305-------too cheaply made, too flimsy, hard manual to understand ground balancing, no depth past 3-4 inchs

On the ACE250, once I learned to "read" the signals, I found it quite reliable, and also found things far beyond 3-4 inches. Sometimes got frustrated at digging 8-10 inches on an 8" read, hoping it was wrong, but still found things down there! Since that is the only machine I own, I've grown to love it for amateur hunting ventures. That's all I do anyway. Oh, I do have a White's, 1970 era. I liked it, too, if you weren't selective on what you were hunting. Everything read the same!

Around here, most detectors can only ID correctly to 3"-4" & 1"-2" on nickels.
So, anything that gets a correct ID at 5" is great. The MXT, M6, & XLT could do this occassionally. The XT-70 & F-70 can occasionally do so. But nothing under $600 new price can correctly ID coins at 5". I do have pretty bad ground. HH, George (MN)

I have a Garrett 2500 which i DO like except for the weight. First several years , weight was not a factor but work related tendonitis now makes swinging it for any long period of time difficult. The 2500 reliably could identify to about 6". Really liked the target sized imaging.
Next detector needs to be feather light!

Didn't like my first detector BHQDII, but only 'cause it was hard to pinpoint a target with it. Then bought a Fisher F4, also didn't like it 'cause it was far too chatty, even going off on it's own when set aside. Traded it towards a Minelab Xterra 705. For me and my price range, it is a very good and versatile machine.

I never liked the Fisher 1270.

Ace 250 and the White's new Coinmaster. Both are junk with no depth. I'll never understand the appeal of the Ace. Has to be the low price and the fact new metal detectorists do not know what a good machine can do.

Old Town

KEverett said:
I am not very fond of the Minelab X-terra 70. The depth is marginal at best, doesn't like nickels or gold very much (always gives you a choppy signal even if only 1 inch deep and the VDI is also jumpy on these targets), gives many false signals even with the sensitivity turned down to 8, No one makes in-line probes for them, Minelab doesn't make a 3khz DD coil for them. Cost is far too much for a entry level machine. Just my opinion.

DITTO; got rid of mine 3 years ago for most of the above reasons :protest:

the greek line detectors by teknertics are fine easy to use machines --had a delta 4000 for a year and loved it ( i could tell a 10 k ring /nickle 58 --from most pulltabs 60 from a 14 k ring 67 sweet!!) --

until after i had it about 1 year and one day --opps "no sound" --so I sent it in for repair --5 year covered * --( they said they changed out a part and "adjusted it")---- upon its return -- WTF -- it could not tell 10 k ring/nickles/tabs apart --all were now 58 -- plus she was overly hot --turn her on she would chatter like a chipmunk on speed till you cut it down to 5 on sensitivy --needless to say --i called em up said --hector (the repair dude at teknetics ) this is not right --so they sent me a "free shipping label"---i sent her in and they checked it out --and sent it back "as is" -- he said it checks out "within spec"---aka as "tough dog nuggets -live with it" --for crappy "repair" service i gotta say --delta 40000 ---great lil machine so long as nothing goes "wrong" or needs repair.

I have a Minelab Etrac that I got about 2 months ago and absolutely hate it. It is heavy and unbalanced compared to it, my old Whites Spectrum feels feather light , so it has to be the balance. I can't get used to the multi tone target response system. high pitch beeps for coins are really hard to pick out because they are so much quieter than the junk ones. I guess I'm really used to getting good full sound beeps on a target. Also it says for best results you have to swing the coil very slow which is even harder on my back. All I have found so far are surface coins and lots and lots of iffy trash signals. I know everybody praises this machine but after time and time again, going out and using it is so discouraging and frustrating, I wish I wouldn't have got it. I really like my old spectrum and My old Compass x-100 which I used for years before I got the whites. My worst machine ever was my first that I bought new in 1977, a Whites coinmaster 2 DB, It would only go 1 to 2 inches on a coin. Just my opinion, Thanks

Garrett Infinium LS was the worst detector I've owned. Garrett replaced it 3 times, I have on complaints with Garrett costumer service only with the machine. I sold the last Infinium they sent me and replaced it with the Whites Dual field and love it.

Whites Classic 3 - loved it just wish it had target ID.
Coin Strike - Hate it - heavy - poor discrimantion.
MXT - Liked it, never found anything deep, too heavy.
XLT - Hated the endless menu options, heavy.
Fisher F5 - Liked it when it worked.
Fisher F2 - love it, great coin machine, light - swing it all day long, excellent discrimantion, fast recovery, Not much depth, lacks G/B.
Tesoro Cortes - It's OK, not much depth, overpriced.
Ebay China model - junk - enough said.

Fisher coinstrike.....what the hell were they thinking when they designed this POS? has to be worst Fisher ever made.
New Whites Coinmaster Pro.....cheaply built, coil is too big, stem wobbles, meter jumps all over the place in trash, no depth
Bounty Hunter 550D....my first detector. biggest POS made, no depth, hardpressed to find a coin on the surface.
Fisher cz7a pro.....great detector, very deep
Fisher cz70 pro....great detector, very deep
Fisher cz5....love it... my present detector very deep and very stable....perfect detector to me...
Tesoro Deleon...ok detector, not very deep, meter was jumpy in trash, light weight and well built
Tesoro Silver µmax....great coin and ring machine....present detector. will blow the Garrett ace 250 away coin hunting
Garrett gta 350....no depth, felt cheap made. only good for shallow modern coins just under the surface.
Garrett gta 1000....no better than gta 350.. no depth, reads junk as good targets, only good for shallow clad coins in the park.
Tesoro Golden Sabre... good detector, not real deep but worked well. felt a little top heavy but liked it alot.

my list of love them or hate them detectors.....your mileage may vary..........


Garrett Scorpion is overhyped and sits in my garage gathering dust.

I have a GTA1000 I did not care for and now I have an Omega that I truly care for.

I also had a Garrett 1350. It did false a bit but my biggest complaint was how heavy it would become. Good thing these mds can be used with either arm. I have an X-terra now that feels like it weighs nothing in comparison plus uses half the amount of batteries.

Detectorpro Wader: liked it
Detectorpro Pulse: love it
Garrett GTA 500: liked it
Fisher 1280X: hated it
Minelab XTerra 305: liked it
Minelab Sovereign GT: hated it
Minelab Excalibur II: hated it
Tesoro Compadre: love it
Tesoro Silver uMax: like it
Tesoro Cibola: liked it
Tesoro Sand Shark: liked it
White's Dual Field: hated it

battlecat said:
I have a detector I do not like.... Only because its held together with duct tape and has not battery door so if the batteries wiggle it shuts off.
It still finds stuff.. but the boss says I cant get a better one until my clad pays for a new one :-[

What the Hay.......I'd tell the "Boss" that she couldn't get a new pair of shoes till she wore out the others first. Buy her a ring an tell her you could find more of the them if you had a detector that worked better. :laughing7:

Whites 5000D S2 converted hipmount---- Loved it
Tesoro TR detector---- hated it
MineLab Explorer XS--- liked but hated the cheap plastic that broke on everyone.
Whites DFX---- Liked
Garrett GTi2500 -hated it
Garrett GTA 350A -hated it
Fisher CZ-7a Pro---liked
Fisher F-2--- Love it (my GF uses this one and loves it also, nice MDer for the price)
Fisher CoinStrike---Love it
Whites 6000D S3----- liked but was heavy
Whites 6000Di S3 HM----Love it

So far i havent had one i didnt like, but I am glad i didnt buy that POS bounty hunter for $40 at a pawn shop... they let me try it outside and I handed it back to them less than 2 minutes later :laughing7:
I did however trade a whites PRL-1 and some cash for a sovereign XS2 pro. nothing against the PRL-1 I just needed an upgrade from my classic III. Later I got an etrac which is my primary machine

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