Why do metal detector testers not be honest

Who am I a consumer, who do I represent not a dam company, if I represent anyone its the person or customer. Regarding testers your head in the sand, these testers are qualified by what means. You might know more than them. When you represent nobody you can independently test, show and tell as they say. You can ask these guys to they will answer back. I'd rather ask an honest testers a question than criticism, but most they dont do in depth testing with actual explanations and results. I can tell you anything but aren't you curios why others of decades of detecting show a difference in testing im.open to it.

Regarding testers your head in the sand, these testers are qualified by what means. You might know more than them. When you represent nobody you can independently test, show and tell as they say.

I can see you're upset, but keep in mind that the folks here are not the ones you're mad at.

Testers over-hype the machines they're given to test because that's what they're paid to do. No doubt they push the boundaries with their performance claims, but then again, an experienced metal detectorist should know when someone's blowing sunshine up their wazoo.

Soils and soil conditions differ a great deal. Could be the tester was out on a day just after a good rain, meaning an extra inch or two of depth is not unreasonable at all. The tester has also spent time with the machine, and therefore knows what must be done, tuning wise, to achieve maximum performance.

My suggestion would be for any potential buyer would be to do their due diligence, and research the machine they are considering spending their hard earned cash on. Certainly I'd be asking questions here on Tnet..no reason for anyone to be dishonest here.

The new America, Honesty isn’t the best policy, oh so they use to say differently. That’s ok consumers don’t require much and you will get less. Just terrible how ignorant people can be, and guess what then you will get taken advantage of, I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything..THE FACTS ARE ITS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS, , my question is didn’t you have enough of this fly by night attitude. Gee whiz very important topic, maybe more important than most.

Just terrible how ignorant people can be, and guess what then you will get taken advantage of, I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything..THE FACTS ARE ITS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS,
Yes it has. It's called "advertising". If you think testimonials are rigged or biased, try advertising.

Nope, not interested in deception to make a dollar.

Nope, not interested in deception to make a dollar.
Online reviews of anything.
Don't buy a 5star rated product basically because the reviews are bought.
Then again a rant on a product could be a competitor bought review.
The ones are 3.5+ maybe a 4 a hodge smog of mixed good, ok, not bad.
Stating any issues that one has experienced.
Personal-real life folks are the best.
They're the ones that have gotten to know the product.

Your correct, why is there so much dishonesty in marketing, it reminds me of the biased media, they are more concerned about reporting a story first, THAN REPORTING IT CORRECTLY,

Your correct, why is there so much dishonesty in marketing, it reminds me of the biased media, they are more concerned about reporting a story first, THAN REPORTING IT CORRECTLY,
Follow up I’m not trying to makes humans perfect, but my god does anyone educate themselves or even read feedback on anything. Do you know how many products that are bought are under the bed Orin the closet unused. Again average persons mindset can be manipulated to thinking garbage is good to eat.

Ignorant Americans, overweight, diabetic, , and especially young kids this never was like this 50 years ago to this degree. Point is the people are their own worst enemies when it comes to anything. My friend when it comes to electronics or anything, it’s not that I don’t trust the biased marketing, I take my time for reviews and potential flaws of users testing them, I don’t rush to buy. Manticore and xp deus have deals now, but the price point or mark up in your opinion is what on those 2 models curious, thamkyou

I love watching the testing videos, especially if I'm in the market for a new detector. I always take into account how accurate, they are.

Ignorant Americans, overweight, diabetic, , and especially young kids this never was like this 50 years ago to this degree. Point is the people are their own worst enemies when it comes to anything. My friend when it comes to electronics or anything, it’s not that I don’t trust the biased marketing, I take my time for reviews and potential flaws of users testing them, I don’t rush to buy. Manticore and xp deus have deals now, but the price point or mark up in your opinion is what on those 2 models curious, thamkyou
I waited a few yrs before buying the Deus 1.

Then I waited 10 months after the release of the Dues 2
In those months I watched, read, listened to all the feedback on the Manticore and the D2.

Price point is what it is for us up here, with the value of our dollar and taxes.
So the D2 with remote (XP WS6 also) WSA ll headphones, M-6 pin pointer I walk around with $2835.00 for the 3 pieces of equipment.

Many complain about the cost of detectors.

When I spent a few months in the mental hospital, there was a woman there that said something to me that can be an answer to almost any question, situation, or decision - "It's all bullshit." So many personalities, individual comprehension and mechanical skill levels, perceptions, goals, expectations.

The only real way to get into any field of interest is research. In our case as detectorists we must search out machines that work best in the environment and conditions WE hunt.

How much does the machine weigh? Am I physically able to swing it for two-hours without discomfort or fatigue? So many questions a reviewer really can't answer. Standard nail tests, separation, recovery time, discrimination are all easily demonstrated, but you need to decide on your own by listening to users of the machine YOU want.

I began a site for the Veterans I have turned on to metal detecting StartMetalDetecting.com that simply focuses on beginners, new converts to the hobby. The only sponsor I have is MD4V.org. I think if you follow the better known Brand "Demonstrators," you'll get good info 99% of the time

When I spent a few months in the mental hospital, there was a woman there that said something to me that can be an answer to almost any question, situation, or decision - "It's all bullshit." So many personalities, individual comprehension and mechanical skill levels, perceptions, goals, expectations.

The only real way to get into any field of interest is research. In our case as detectorists we must search out machines that work best in the environment and conditions WE hunt.

How much does the machine weigh? Am I physically able to swing it for two-hours without discomfort or fatigue? So many questions a reviewer really can't answer. Standard nail tests, separation, recovery time, discrimination are all easily demonstrated, but you need to decide on your own by listening to users of the machine YOU want.

I began a site for the Veterans I have turned on to metal detecting StartMetalDetecting.com that simply focuses on beginners, new converts to the hobby. The only sponsor I have is MD4V.org. I think if you follow the better known Brand "Demonstrators," you'll get good info 99% of the time
I agree. I have found that not all detectors are created equal and not all detectors work for me.

When I spent a few months in the mental hospital, there was a woman there that said something to me that can be an answer to almost any question, situation, or decision - "It's all bullshit." So many personalities, individual comprehension and mechanical skill levels, perceptions, goals, expectations.

The only real way to get into any field of interest is research. In our case as detectorists we must search out machines that work best in the environment and conditions WE hunt.

How much does the machine weigh? Am I physically able to swing it for two-hours without discomfort or fatigue? So many questions a reviewer really can't answer. Standard nail tests, separation, recovery time, discrimination are all easily demonstrated, but you need to decide on your own by listening to users of the machine YOU want.

I began a site for the Veterans I have turned on to metal detecting StartMetalDetecting.com that simply focuses on beginners, new converts to the hobby. The only sponsor I have is MD4V.org. I think if you follow the better known Brand "Demonstrators," you'll get good info 99% of the time
Nice, as I always said in a conversation, I don’t mind getting ripped off a little bit but not a lot, there’s know doubt the media is flooded with some much it’s hard, some are trying to make a few extra dollars, some frankly honest giving free information, point is don’t just rely on the so called paid experts, you have many folks on here that that show and tell in simple form try and find them you only need a few. I value honesty to it’s true sense, as they say I’m not looking for perfect just GOOD, THANKYOU

When I spent a few months in the mental hospital, there was a woman there that said something to me that can be an answer to almost any question, situation, or decision - "It's all bullshit." So many personalities, individual comprehension and mechanical skill levels, perceptions, goals, expectations.

The only real way to get into any field of interest is research. In our case as detectorists we must search out machines that work best in the environment and conditions WE hunt.

How much does the machine weigh? Am I physically able to swing it for two-hours without discomfort or fatigue? So many questions a reviewer really can't answer. Standard nail tests, separation, recovery time, discrimination are all easily demonstrated, but you need to decide on your own by listening to users of the machine YOU want.

I began a site for the Veterans I have turned on to metal detecting StartMetalDetecting.com that simply focuses on beginners, new converts to the hobby. The only sponsor I have is MD4V.org. I think if you follow the better known Brand "Demonstrators," you'll get good info 99% of the time
C'mon guys! I have been in this game for 54 years. Terry S comes in there pretty close too. If you haven't figured it out yet, you never will. Most TESTERS are paid salesmen (salespersons? Sorry you transgender people out there... a Freudian slip). They get paid to say what they do... for profit. Yes, there are some honest testers out there. Let's also consider that if you give a certain machine to ten people, you will get twelve different answers to its abilities. IT'S NOT THE MACHINE. IT'S THE OPERATOR that determines what the machine can do! Always was, always will be. ╦╦C

C'mon guys! I have been in this game for 54 years. Terry S comes in there pretty close too. If you haven't figured it out yet, you never will. Most TESTERS are paid salesmen (salespersons? Sorry you transgender people out there... a Freudian slip). They get paid to say what they do... for profit. Yes, there are some honest testers out there. Let's also consider that if you give a certain machine to ten people, you will get twelve different answers to its abilities. IT'S NOT THE MACHINE. IT'S THE OPERATOR that determines what the machine can do! Always was, always will be. ╦╦C
I beg to differ, you are right 54 years ago, but with Youtube hitting the scene, you get a wide range of reviews. Hell in the past ten years, I have seen some of the most honest assessments of metal detectors as well as other tools being tested or used my hobbyist and not lobbyist. I'm familiar with some of the posters and don't doubt their veracity especially when they end their testing with pro's and con's of the machines they are testing. Some of them are supplied with the machines to test out due to the amount of views or hits they have received on their Youtube channel and will usually abmit to that when they begin their assessment.

I beg to differ, you are right 54 years ago, but with Youtube hitting the scene, you get a wide range of reviews. Hell in the past ten years, I have seen some of the most honest assessments of metal detectors as well as other tools being tested or used my hobbyist and not lobbyist. I'm familiar with some of the posters and don't doubt their veracity especially when they end their testing with pro's and con's of the machines they are testing. Some of them are supplied with the machines to test out due to the amount of views or hits they have received on their Youtube channel and will usually abmit to that when they begin their assessment.
Mike, tnx for the reply. I am not at all saying reviews are wrong. Nor am I saying they are absolute. My direction only emphasizes that what works for one person, may not hold true for another. That is to say HOW you use a machine is more important than brand or cost. Today's machines are getting more and more expensive and are getting "bells and whistles overloaded". Yes, they are much better than the BFOs of 54 years ago that I started with but let's not lose sight of the fact they are still built on the expectation that the target will be a coin, P I machines excepted. I still stick to my statement that the person using the detector makes it what it is. ╦╦C

Mike, tnx for the reply. I am not at all saying reviews are wrong. Nor am I saying they are absolute. My direction only emphasizes that what works for one person, may not hold true for another. That is to say HOW you use a machine is more important than brand or cost. Today's machines are getting more and more expensive and are getting "bells and whistles overloaded". Yes, they are much better than the BFOs of 54 years ago that I started with but let's not lose sight of the fact they are still built on the expectation that the target will be a coin, P I machines excepted. I still stick to my statement that the person using the detector makes it what it is. ╦╦C
So true, I can put me and my wife in a field, beach or park with the same machine and she will smoke me every time.
She has hunted primarily with her CZ5 for the past 20 years, while I have tried every detector known to man just about. But I'm more methodical detectorist than she is, I go at a slow pace, even searching in a grid pattern, while she is out there swinging away. I've mentioned to her, she should slow down a bit to really search the area, she responds by showing me her finds and asking to see mine. It becomes a mute argument at that point hahaha.

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So true, I can me and my wife in a field, beach or park with the same machine and she will smoke me every time.
Well I would watch her for a bit and see what she does differently than you.

Same machine-different results.
Operator or machine

Have for just a giggle switched machines.?

I had a machine that wasn't great, and it was the same as another person's machine.
They would recover deeper, and smaller recoveries.

I drove from Vancouver BC to Sweethome Oregon.

Mr White made it right, added some pre-release stuff even.
This was all done free.
They just don't make folks like him anymore 😔

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