When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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PuffDaddy said:

If you have not believed my past accomplishments--How could I possibly convince you of any future successes...even if I were to locate the Dutchman. Has Jeckel and the rest of the"World"signed onto your proposal? Would Carl and Randi accept my word,that I had not just stumbled onto the Dutchman? If so,please submit their consent in writing--with affixed signitures,duly notarized.

The readers of this thread,know that you have check-mated yourself...that you do not want to see a serious,and true test of my technology. Which is fine,if you want to take refuge in your chicken-suit.



You asked me to name a treasure for you to find with your LRL.

I did.

I told you what proof would be valid for me.

Now you are trying desperately to make believe that your challenge to me was something different than what it was. That's called "trying to weasel out of it."

Quit being a cry baby, and go find that treasure!

Be sure to bring plenty of water.

Have fun.

Good luck.

Write when you have found it.


The readers of this thread,know that you have check-mated yourself...that you do not want to see a serious,and true test of my technology. Which is fine,if you want to take refuge in your chicken-suit.
You have his number...the way he goes around in circles you have to assume that he has a foot nailed to the floor..Art

PuffDaddy said:
aarthrj3811 said:
The readers of this thread,know that you have check-mated yourself...that you do not want to see a serious,and true test of my technology. Which is fine,if you want to take refuge in your chicken-suit.
You have his number...the way he goes around in circles you have to assume that he has a foot nailed to the floor..Art

I guess that's as good a way for Heckel to jeckel out as any. I knew the minute that he assigned me to the Superstitions,where there could be no witnesses,that he had been corraled,and that he had donned his Chicken Suit.
A chicken foot nailed to the floor,didn't keep Heckel from "winging it" did it?!


PiddlePoofer and Con Artie---

No circles here, just straight forward.

Poofer asked for a known treasure to find with his LRL.

I gave him one.

Then he backed out, and tried to blame it on me.

This does sound familiar, though---"The LRL works, you just don't know how to use it!" Yeah, that's where we've heard that pattern before. Always blame it on the other guy, huh? :laughing7:

Cluck, cluck, you were a sitting duck. Your whole idea of having me name a target was just one big Straw Man diversion, anyway.

The original point being that LRLs don't work, and you will never be willing to attempt to prove to the World that they do, because you know that you will fail. And you will always try to substitute an argument for actual proof---because that's all you can do, when your promoting something that is fraudulent. Well, that and spew nonsense endlessly. As you are doing now.

Which still makes both of you, your own best skeptics.

Keep up the good work.

P.S. How have your referral commissions been lately?


The original point being that LRLs don't work, and you will never be willing to attempt to prove to the World that they do

Could you please tell us how many people have taken any of these two test that you are begging us to take?...

Do you know how many people have agreed to take these two fake test and were not allowed to take the tests?...It is always good to know the “rest of the story...

P.S. How have your referral commissions been lately?
Ask and answered many times....Art

aarthrj3811 said:
The original point being that LRLs don't work, and you will never be willing to attempt to prove to the World that they do

Could you please tell us how many people have taken any of these two test that you are begging us to take?...

Do you know how many people have agreed to take these two fake test and were not allowed to take the tests?...It is always good to know the “rest of the story...

P.S. How have your referral commissions been lately?
Ask and answered many times....Art

Like I already said, just a few posts back, I'm not begging anyone for anything. I know that no LRL promoter has any intention of ever submitting to a scientific test, any more than Bernie Madoff would have voluntarily submitted to an audit!

Your responses are all diversionary nonsense, because you cannot confront a scientific test of your fake devices.

You are your own best skeptic.


Could you please tell us how many people have taken any of these two test that you are begging us to take?...

Do you know how many people have agreed to take these two fake test and were not allowed to take the tests?...

Like I already said, just a few posts back, I'm not begging anyone for anything. I know that no LRL promoter has any intention of ever submitting to a scientific test, any more than Bernie Madoff would have voluntarily submitted to an audit!

Your responses are all diversionary nonsense, because you cannot confront a scientific test of your fake devices.

You are your own best skeptic.

Since you just keep on begging I will keep asking questions. Would that not be part of the discussion about LRL’s?...How many fraudulent LRL’s have you bought?...How many LRL’s have you used?..Is 5 questions enough for you to duck and dodge?..Sorry about that..I will make it 6...Art

Hey LongRanger...I have read reports that the Lost Dutchman was in fact a KGC site and not a mine....Who knows what the original story was...I have saw photo’s of KC markers for the Lost Dutchman on the internet..I have saw reports that the treasure has been found and removed..Only the group that claims to have found it knows the truth....Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Since you just keep on begging I will keep asking questions. Would that not be part of the discussion about LRL’s?...How many fraudulent LRL’s have you bought?...How many LRL’s have you used?..Is 5 questions enough for you to duck and dodge?..Sorry about that..I will make it 6...Art

Since there is no such thing as a "Long Range Locator," it would be impossable to buy or own one. The only products currently on the market, which come close to your question, would actually be "FLRLs" (Fake Long Range Locators), and apparently you have been suckered for a few of those, and want others to become victims of that hoax, too.

You are trying to divert attention away from "the requirement of proof," by asking irrelevant questions, as always.

I'm not asking you to prove that your LRLs work, because I know that you can't.

I'm merely pointing out that your claims are bogus, because you have had ample opportunities to prove them, but you have always failed in that.

Forums are good for discussion of real things, because people can learn from each other, and it's fun, too. But when someone continually insists on trying to inject fraud, and to make false claims, and recommends that others buy into their imaginary devices, it is no longer interesting or enjoyable.

LRLs don't work. They never have. Some day there might be such a thing available to the public, but not using the current non-technology hoax.

You are your own best skeptic.


PuffDaddy said:
The promiscuous squawks continue from Heckel's coup--but what happened to Jeckel...?!

Some day,I would enjoy a trip into The Superstitions--If I could get Heckel,and Jeckel to help me carry my equipment--and protect me from the dangers,that have befallen many-a-soul,who ventured there-in.
But,odds are,they'd be as frightened of a Horn Toad,as they are of my Long Range Detector.


Where did you find your other two supposed "miracle treasures," in city parks, where there are no mountain lions? And did you need to have other people carry your equipment, and protect you from the squirrels?

What a tenderfoot!


Could you please tell us how many people have taken any of these two test that you are begging us to take?...

Do you know how many people have agreed to take these two fake test and were not allowed to take the tests?...It is always good to know the “rest of the story...
Since you just keep on begging I will keep asking questions. Would that not be part of the discussion about LRL’s?...How many fraudulent LRL’s have you bought?...How many LRL’s have you used?..Is 5 questions enough for you to duck and dodge?..Sorry about that..I will make it 6...Art
color=red]Since there is no such thing as a "Long Range Locator," it would be impossable to buy or own one.[/color] The only products currently on the market, which come close to your question, would actually be "FLRLs" (Fake Long Range Locators), and apparently you have been suckered for a few of those, and want others to become victims of that hoax, too.
You are trying to divert attention away from "the requirement of proof," by asking irrelevant questions, as always.

I'm not asking you to prove that your LRLs work, because I know that you can't.

I'm merely pointing out that your claims are bogus, because you have had ample opportunities to prove them, but you have always failed in that.

Forums are good for discussion of real things, because people can learn from each other, and it's fun, too. But when someone continually insists on trying to inject fraud, and to make false claims, and recommends that others buy into their imaginary devices, it is no longer interesting or enjoyable.

LRLs don't work. They never have. Some day there might be such a thing available to the public, but not using the current non-technology hoax.

You are your own best skeptic.
Thank you for the answers. So you have made almost 3600 posts about a device that you believe does not exist..How do you explain that 1000’s of people own these devices?..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Thank you for the answers. So you have made almost 3600 posts about a device that you believe does not exist..How do you explain that 1000’s of people own these devices?..Art

Your unsubstantiated assertions of people using FLRLs have no bearing on the fact that you can't prove your ridiculous claims that they work.

Your statements and questions are diversions away from the actual point of it all.

You try hard to prove your claims by convincing people with cheap talk. But you will never be able to really prove to the World that your LRLs work, because they don't.

You are your own best skeptic.


SWR said:
I always get a chuckle reading about these guys using fraudulent instruments to chase a fantasy "treasure".


Yeah, I know. They can just say anything that drifts through their heads. And the more elaborate, the better.

And if someone happens to know people they refer to, or check up on government documents, or anything like that---they can simply come back with, "Oh, I was mistaken, it was really New Mexico," or "I remember now, it was actually Bob, not John, who was with me that day," or whatever. And on, and on it goes.

They will say anything to change the subject away from the point that it would be so simple to just prove their claims about LRLs to the World, and get it over with (if they actually could!) :laughing7:

PuffDaddy said:
Me too! It appears that we have that much in common,at least!



My favorate is your excuse for not doing a scientific test, because your "special" LRL is so secret that you don't want anyone to see it. Man, that's a dilly! :laughing7:

In reality, if you didn't want it to be seen, you could just hold it inside a cardboard box during the test. Duh!

But, more importantly, if you were afraid that someone would somehow guess what's inside your device, just by seeing the outside of it, the best way to keep your "secret" secure would be to not mention it on a public forum, to begin with!

Apparently, the obvious is far beyond you, however.

You are your own best skeptic.

P.S. Remember to send a postcard from the Supers.


Your unsubstantiated assertions of people using FLRLs have to bearing on the fact that you can't prove your ridiculous claims that they work.

Your statements and questions are diversions away from the actual point of it all.

You try hard to prove your claims by convincing people with cheap talk. But you will never be able to really prove to the World that your LRLs work, because they don't.

You are your own best skeptic.
Could you please tell us how many people have taken any of these two test that you are begging us to take?...

Do you know how many people have agreed to take these two fake test and were not allowed to take the tests?...It is always good to know the “rest of the story...
Since you just keep on begging I will keep asking questions. Would that not be part of the discussion about LRL’s?...How many fraudulent LRL’s have you bought?...How many LRL’s have you used?..Is 5 questions enough for you to duck and dodge?..Sorry about that..I will make it 6...Art
Thank You EE for showing that you have no intentions of backing up your posts..Art

PuffDaddy said:
There is no way,that I'll be venturing into "them there" Superstitions....

Then you lose.

So it's back to square one.

LRL promoters used unrelated mysteries, in an illogical attempt to "prove" that their fraudulent devices work, because they can't simply pass a scientific test, because their fantasy machines are a hoax.

The more you try to change the subject, the more you confirm that you can't make your stuff work!

You are your own best skeptics!


aarthrj3811 said:
Your unsubstantiated assertions of people using FLRLs have no bearing on the fact that you can't prove your ridiculous claims, that they work.

Your statements and questions are diversions away from the actual point of it all.

You try hard to prove your claims by convincing people with cheap talk. But you will never be able to really prove to the World that your LRLs work, because they don't.

You are your own best skeptic.
Could you please tell us how many people have taken any of these two test that you are begging us to take?...

Do you know how many people have agreed to take these two fake test and were not allowed to take the tests?...It is always good to know the “rest of the story...
Since you just keep on begging I will keep asking questions. Would that not be part of the discussion about LRL’s?...How many fraudulent LRL’s have you bought?...How many LRL’s have you used?..Is 5 questions enough for you to duck and dodge?..Sorry about that..I will make it 6...Art
Thank You EE for showing that you have no intentions of backing up your posts..Art

LRLs don't exist. So what's to back up? "Nothing" is merely nothing. And that's an accurate observation, not a claim. Use your dictionary, con-Artie!

Your repetition of the same irrelevant nonsense, over and over, is proof that you can only provide cheap talk, and will never be able to prove to the World that your fraudulent devices actually work.

You continue to be your own best skeptic. Keep up the good work!


PuffDaddy said:
Yeah,they'll even offer to use their LRL,at their own expense--on one of your hottest treasure leads--and even offer to split it equally,should he recover it with his LRL. "Why,if that ain't a travesty,I don't know what is!" Jiminy Cricket!

Yup....And then they back down like little whimps, because the treasure, like most treasures, is in a remote area. (Duh!)

Maybe you can get your mommy to help you, so you won't be scared. And she can calm you down when you have nightmares about being attacked by a little cricket.

When will you quit your blubbering and whining, and go find that mine with your "magic fairy tale machine"?

And remember, you can keep it all. Just produce a sample of ore which matches the mineral signature for the LDM. It's as simple as that!

Oh yeah, if you are afraid of monsters in there, just use your LRL to locate them! Shouldn't be a problem, right?

Drop me a line when you've found it. I can hardly wait!

Good luck!


HI: sigh , as I mentioned I can leave for a week and nothing changes, except for the level of the vocabulary goes lower. It almost appears as if the main purpose of posting here is simply weak ego satisfying.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI: sigh , as I mentioned I can leave for a week and nothing changes, except for the level of the vocabulary goes lower. It almost appears as if the main purpose of posting here is simply weak ego satisfying.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Heh-heh. That's a nice example of massaging your own ego, RDT. I think I'm embarrassed after seeing it!


PuffDaddy said:
I did not know that you were a paraleptic,when I characterized you and Jeckel,as intrepid argonauts. Nor would I have compared you to that majestic beast,the burro.

Once again: Skeptic good--Cynic bad...! Got it this time...?

As usual, all childish name calling, and no responsive data whatsoever.

Of course, there is nothing more you can say after whimping out on your own challenge!

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

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