Silver Member
Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:However, indirect steps ARE being made by EE's favorites -->
Jose de la HooDoo---
Sickologists are not my favorites.
And there is no power in the human stare. Unless, of course, you "believe" there is. That's why belief without knowledge or reason is one result of your favorite: hypnosis. It's only good to enslave people, which happens any time that a person is not using his own, real, self determined control of himself. That's the only time that another person's "stare" would have any "control" over him.
Sometimes merely persistant, adamant, speech, in an authoritative manner, is enough to convince someone to "believe." Thus the Mystery Religions---and LRL buyers.
Interestingly enough, you are a promoter of both hypnosis and LRLs....
Do you practice staring at people, too?