good morning EE: Interesting your neg. post on the eye being used to 'direct' mental waves, or is actually emitting them itself?. It shows that you apparently did not either understand or listen to him.
You're right. I didn't bother to watch that video. But even if the eye can direct or emit mental waves, it wouldn't have any "control" over anyone, unless the person agreed to it (or "believed" in it).
You posted -->Interestingly enough, you are a promoter of both hypnosis and LRLs....
Remember, as I have stated many times, I am not here to defend the present generations of LRL"S, but the theories behind them, which are quite valid, but in the still formative stages yet..
Some day there might be long range detection, or there might be unpublished devices right now. But as for current "theories," there aren't any---just the nonsense gobbldygook snake oil blather of con artists.
Incidentally, your irrational fear of Hypnosis has a base in your subconscious, what are YOU afraid of ? Why?
You are trying to introduce a non-factual premise in order to attempt to prove a false conclusion. Terrible. Two false assumption premises, actually. Those being irrational and fear.
People have suffered from the effects of hypnosis, even when well intentioned, for the reasons which I have already mentioned. Facts are not irrational.
If a person concludes that it is not optimum to walk out in front of a moving truck, does that mean that he has a "fear of trucks"? No, it's just logical.
Your false logic is merely a challenge for me to "believe" what you are claiming. Tisk-tisk. Try sticking to facts. Knowledge is far superior to "beliefs."
You also posted ->And there is no power in the human stare.
Upon which scientific basis / proof are you stating that ?
Upon the Scientific Method. Maybe a few people can be affected by staring at them, but it is not 100% repeatable. Therefore, it is flawed. Which means that something other than what you claim, is occurring, and for reasons other that what you have proposed.
Since you have observed the effects of hypnosis, then you can see that "believing" is a form of that effect, in that with both, the subject is guided by something other than his own personal knowledge or choice.
you posted - > Sickologists are not my favorites.
I can't really argue against that, as it is practiced today, but it's basics are correct to a large extent.
If by "basics," you mean the original definition of "psyche," then yes. But psychology has denounced the existence of the soul, and especially that a person is a soul rather than merely possesses a soul. Modern Psychology is based on eugenics, and has been from it's beginning, which is thoroughly explained and fully documented in the video I posted some time back (which I'm sure you watched, right?)
Another mistake , hypnosis does not need eye contact, or any other physical fixation to accomplish.. So no, I do not go around staring at people unless the subject is filling out a skimpy Bikini as it should be filled out.
I don't recall stating that it was based on eye contact.
sigh, where is Judy?
Probably smoking his stogy somewhere. (You haven't figured that one out yet?)
You posted -->Sometimes merely persistant, adamant, speech, in an authoritative manner, is enough to convince someone to "believe."
So I have noticed from your posts, and if that fails, into personalities.
No, I only state either facts or my opinions, and I make that clear.
...And in the same sentence, you accuse me of attacking personalities? Wow!
In fact this is why I do not come here daily, I can leave for a week and when I return it is bk to personalities after a normal post or two, so I miss nothing.
I won't claim that I've never called Art a nut case, but I will say that I have refrained from doing so for a long time now.
You posted --> Here is what's up. This whole topic tries to use the premise that since there are some things which Science can't explain, that it means that LRLs work. It's total non-logic, first of all.
Hmmm Why? Can't explain the universe either, yet it works
Same concept, so my response to it is the same.
snicker he he he
Hi swr
Don Jose de La Mancha