When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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Good evening EE: You posted -->You're right. I didn't bother to watch that video. But even if the eye can direct or emit mental waves, it wouldn't have any "control" over anyone, unless the person agreed to it (or "believed" in it).
Hmm, did I mention any control?

You also posted -->Some day there might be long range detection, or there might be unpublished devices right now. But as for current "theories," there aren't any---just the nonsense gobbldygook snake oil blather of con artists.

Theories yes, many ????
incidentally, your irrational fear of Hypnosis has a base in your subconscious, what are YOU afraid of ? Why?

You posted --> You are trying to introduce a non-factual premise in order to attempt to prove a false conclusion.
Is IT?

You posted -->If a person concludes that it is not optimum to walk out in front of a moving truck, does that mean that he has a "fear of trucks"? No, it's just logical
since when does logic appear in many minds, including brilliant scientific ones? Can you explain Agoraphobia or aggravated anxiety complexes through logic?

You posted -->Knowledge is far superior to "beliefs."
Most knowedge is derived from beliefs so ???
You posted -->Upon the Scientific Method. Maybe a few people can be affected by staring at them, but it is not 100% repeatable. Therefore, it is flawed. Which means that something other than what you claim, is occurring, and for reasons other that what you have proposed.
correct to a point, however many scientific posts or theories are not 100% either, in fact many simply say "statistically important", especially in Medicine.
You posted -->Since you have observed the effects of hypnosis, then you can see that "believing" is a form of that effect, in that with both, the subject is guided by something other than his own personal knowledge or choice.
You, my friend, have a lot to learn about medical hypnosis.

you posted -->But psychology has denounced the existence of the soul, and especially that a person is a soul rather than merely possesses a soul.
while I might agree , by 'your 'standards can you prove that a soul exists?

You posted --> Modern Psychology is based on eugenics, and has been from it's beginning, which is thoroughly explained and fully documented in the video I posted some time back (which I'm sure you watched, right?)

I did naturally, not like you , but that is similar to saying that the Nazi purge of the Jews is mirrored the same in every society in the world ????
Many psychologists are devoted Christians??

You posted about Judy-->Probably smoking his stogy somewhere. (You haven't figured that one out yet?)
We apparently have different levels of social development and values, your's is sinking to ted's level, shame on you .

Don Jose de La Mancha

G'night my friends, since I am not improving my mind in here, I am gonna go watch a kiddie porno move to 'elevate' it a bit. he he he he \

see youse bums. :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Apol Ladies for the kiddie remark, not actually, I prefer the bikinis well filled out myself, a la Judy.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Good evening EE: You posted -->You're right. I didn't bother to watch that video. But even if the eye can direct or emit mental waves, it wouldn't have any "control" over anyone, unless the person agreed to it (or "believed" in it).
Hmm, did I mention any control?

No, you didn't. And you didn't even mention hypnosis. I jumped to the conclusion that your video was related to that---And I was wrong.

And yes, I have felt a person looking at me.


You also posted -->Some day there might be long range detection, or there might be unpublished devices right now. But as for current "theories," there aren't any---just the nonsense gobbldygook snake oil blather of con artists.

Theories yes, many ????

Actually no, there are no theories.

First of all, there can't be any theories as to why LRLs work, because they don't work. So that's it for that one.

Secondly, to be called a scientific theory, requires a much higher level than merely being an idea, hunch, suspicion, or even educated guess. The premise must be based on facts. Whereas all the so-called "theories" concerning LRLs are either based on nothing at all, or are flimsily based on other theories. That doesn't work. Third, a theory is something which is intended to be proven. We all know the LRL promoters' track record in that regard!

incidentally, your irrational fear of Hypnosis has a base in your subconscious, what are YOU afraid of ? Why?

You posted --> You are trying to introduce a non-factual premise in order to attempt to prove a false conclusion.
Is IT?

It is said that people fear the unknown. I know hypnosis.


You posted -->If a person concludes that it is not optimum to walk out in front of a moving truck, does that mean that he has a "fear of trucks"? No, it's just logical
since when does logic appear in many minds, including brilliant scientific ones? Can you explain Agoraphobia or aggravated anxiety complexes through logic?

Your "since when" question is rhetoric with a negative connotation toward the humans race. I guess that's your opinion of us, including yourself. Logic is logic, and people can use it if they choose, or not. Those who don't are usually referred to as less than smart. Although there are levels above logic, in the creative realm. That is mostly used by artists and adventurers, such as yourself. But I doubt if you make a habit of jumping out in front of moving trucks, or speeding down the wrong side of the street very often.

Yes, I can explain agoraphobia. And the explanation is logical, and based on proven data. No, the explanation has nothing to do with psychology. And no the science of logic, itself, does not contain any information about specific illnesses, so these cannot be explained "through logic." You might wish you hadn't asked me this question, but you did, so now there you are.


You posted -->Knowledge is far superior to "beliefs."
Most knowedge is derived from beliefs so ???

If you want to know what's in a box, do you need to have some kind of belief just to open the thing and take a look? On the other hand, if someone at one time, had a hunch that a big round rock would roll better than a square one, maybe he invented the wheel? And on the third hand, if you are going to build yourself a garage or something, I have found that it helps a lot if you believe that you can!

You posted -->Upon the Scientific Method. Maybe a few people can be affected by staring at them, but it is not 100% repeatable. Therefore, it is flawed. Which means that something other than what you claim, is occurring, and for reasons other that what you have proposed.
correct to a point, however many scientific posts or theories are not 100% either, in fact many simply say "statistically important", especially in Medicine.

That's why they are still only theories.

You posted -->Since you have observed the effects of hypnosis, then you can see that "believing" is a form of that effect, in that with both, the subject is guided by something other than his own personal knowledge or choice.
You, my friend, have a lot to learn about medical hypnosis.

That's what Mr. cigar smoker said about my knowledge of psychology, too. Then I showed him what sickos they really were, with that fully documented video. Just because a person doesn't talk a lot about everything he knows and has done, doesn't necessarily mean that he is inexperienced.


you posted -->But psychology has denounced the existence of the soul, and especially that a person is a soul rather than merely possesses a soul.
while I might agree , by 'your 'standards can you prove that a soul exists?

Well, again...you asked. Yes. But will I argue it?---No.


You posted --> Modern Psychology is based on eugenics, and has been from it's beginning, which is thoroughly explained and fully documented in the video I posted some time back (which I'm sure you watched, right?)

I did naturally, not like you , but that is similar to saying that the Nazi purge of the Jews is mirrored the same in every society in the world ????
Many psychologists are devoted Christians??

So are the Klu Klux Klan. The term "Christians" is so varied in meaning, that it is practically useless. And what makes one particular religion any better than any other? Factually, they are all "beliefs." Psychology, since it is based 99% on opinions, myths, and outright lies, is actually itself a religion.


You posted about Judy-->Probably smoking his stogy somewhere. (You haven't figured that one out yet?)
We apparently have different levels of social development and values, your's is sinking to ted's level, shame on you .

Well, when I mentioned my suspicions, cigar smoker happily admitted to it. I don't know whose photos were posted, or where, but remember this is the Internet. If my assertions turn out to be wrong, I would apologize. But what was said was said, and that's certainly not my fault.

Actually, I was starting to think that you were into the cigars and nylons thing, too. With all the mushy talk between you two, what was I supposed to think?

Don Jose de La Mancha


EE, did you eliminate my post ?? sniff now I will have to re write it for you to answer your last post.

In the meantime, regarding hypnosis and self hypnosis--- I have wisdom tooth that the docs want to do a root canal job on next week. They wanted to put me on pain killers which leave me dopey, - shaddup - I refused, and in five minutes eliminated any pain what-so-ever, in fact it leaves me with 1/2 an inclination to just forget the root canal job since there is no pain from anything, including hot and cold drinks.. Sides I am just as cheap as you.

Seriously, with such powerful and extremely useful tools at my beck and call why should I, or anyone, be afraid of hypnosis?

I know that since we were so isolated up at the Mine in Sinaloa, I had to act as the cap doc. Many times on painful injuries I eliminated pain for the worker by simple hyper suggestion, which also helped to calm the injured one down.

So why are you so down on hypnosis? I can honestly assure you that no-one is my slave, female or male. hehehe.

Psychiatrist's, I can understand, and tend to agree with, but harmless Hypnosis ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
EE, did you eliminate my post ?? sniff now I will have to re write it for you to answer your last post.

In the meantime, regarding hypnosis and self hypnosis--- I have wisdom tooth that the docs want to do a root canal job on next week. They wanted to put me on pain killers which leave me dopey, - shaddup - I refused, and in five minutes eliminated any pain what-so-ever, in fact it leaves me with 1/2 an inclination to just forget the root canal job since there is no pain from anything, including hot and cold drinks.. Sides I am just as cheap as you.

Seriously, with such powerful and extremely useful tools at my beck and call why should I, or anyone, be afraid of hypnosis?

I know that since we were so isolated up at the Mine in Sinaloa, I had to act as the cap doc. Many times on painful injuries I eliminated pain for the worker by simple hyper suggestion, which also helped to calm the injured one down.

So why are you so down on hypnosis? I can honestly assure you that no-one is my slave, female or male. hehehe.

Psychiatrist's, I can understand, and tend to agree with, but harmless Hypnosis ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well, I'm surprised that you are asking me that again, since I already gave a detailed explanation of exactly what the drawbacks are, how the negative effects work, and why it's unpredictable. It's all there. I really don't understand why you would repeat the question.

As for emergencies in remote areas, there are other ways to handle those, too, which involve the mind but without hypnosis or drugs. But I don't think it's proper to go into that very much on this forum.

Certain forms of hypnosis are very much worse than others, but there is no such thing as "harmless hypnosis." I already covered that thoroughly, also.

People used to think that "bleeding" was a good treatment, too. I guess it must have shown some kind of positive results, at least some of the time, for them to get the idea that it should be used. Probably just coincidence combined with a strong desire to come up with something that would help. But, of course, there were unpredictable negative possibilities. In fact, it probably never did much good, and surely weakened people, just when they needed their strength most. However, they still practiced it for awhile, anyway, because they couldn't think of anything better at the time, and they wanted to do something.


Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
In the meantime, regarding hypnosis and self hypnosis--- I have wisdom tooth that the docs want to do a root canal job on next week. They wanted to put me on pain killers which leave me dopey, - shaddup - I refused, and in five minutes eliminated any pain what-so-ever, in fact it leaves me with 1/2 an inclination to just forget the root canal job since there is no pain from anything, including hot and cold drinks.. Sides I am just as cheap as you.

Seriously, with such powerful and extremely useful tools at my beck and call why should I, or anyone, be afraid of hypnosis?
Correct again..Self hypnosis is a great tool...Art

Allo EE, you posted -->Well, I'm surprised that you are asking me that again, since I already gave a detailed explanation of exactly what the drawbacks are, how the negative effects work, and why it's unpredictable. It's all there. I really don't understand why you would repeat the question.
nope you have not shown that hypnosis is detrimental other than to yourself though questionable theories and a few possible incidents which if truly known were probably non allied..
You also posted --> People used to think that "bleeding" was a good treatment, too.
HMM curiously enough it is now being revived ?????
You also posted -->As for emergencies in remote areas, there are other ways to handle those, too, which involve the mind but without hypnosis or drugs.
Since I operate in remote areas, I would love to hear of them.


Don Jose de La Mancha

~Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp~
You also posted -->As for emergencies in remote areas, there are other ways to handle those, too, which involve the mind but without hypnosis or drugs.
Since I operate in remote areas, I would love to hear of them.

As non treasure hunters they have no way to understand the problems..I have dredged for gold in some of the most isolated spots in California..In those 6 month operations you had to know first aid and any other methods to eliminate pain..The only help that you could count on was the next supply trip from the Helicopter Service...Sometimes it was a two week wait for the scheduled drop off...Art

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Allo EE, you posted -->Well, I'm surprised that you are asking me that again, since I already gave a detailed explanation of exactly what the drawbacks are, how the negative effects work, and why it's unpredictable. It's all there. I really don't understand why you would repeat the question.
nope you have not shown that hypnosis is detrimental other than to yourself though questionable theories and a few possible incidents which if truly known were probably non allied..

Like I have always said about discussions on this, I'm not out to prove anything, but merely being polite enough to answer your questions to me. Just between friends---I've seen enough evidence of my statements to substantiate them, or I wouldn't say what I've said. I have no burning desire that anyone be convinced merely by what I say, however. If a person were to really search for the actual behavior and charactor of the human mind, he would see for himself what's what. Psychology has failed miserably in this respect, but instead has only managed to name a bunch of symptoms, and feed people drugs and hypnosis (which, incidently, are closely related in their effects and aftereffects on the mind).

You also posted --> People used to think that "bleeding" was a good treatment, too.
HMM curiously enough it is now being revived ?????

I don't know about that. I do know that every once in awhile they try to bring back electro shock (running a few hundred volts through the grey matter), and also LSD.

You also posted -->As for emergencies in remote areas, there are other ways to handle those, too, which involve the mind but without hypnosis or drugs.
Since I operate in remote areas, I would love to hear of them.

The truth is out there.



Don Jose de La Mancha


Geeze EE, you left me waiting at the alter:
Like I have always said about discussions on this, I'm not out to prove anything, but merely being polite enough to answer your questions to me. Just between friends---I've seen enough evidence of my statements to substantiate them, or I wouldn't say what I've said. I have no burning desire that anyone be convinced merely by what I say, however. If a person were to really search for the actual behavior and charactor of the human mind, he would see for himself what's what. Psychology has failed miserably in this respect, but instead has only managed to name a bunch of symptoms, and feed people drugs and hypnosis (which, incidently, are closely related in their effects and aftereffects on the mind).
Hmm being polite to me eh? k. But as for the rest, I am diametrically opposite from you in my experiences and findings. is it possible that we both are right in the over all picture?
Regarding handling pain etc in remote areas You posted -->The truth is out there.
sigh I know it is, but had hoped that you had a bit of information to share.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Geeze EE, you left me waiting at the alter:
Like I have always said about discussions on this, I'm not out to prove anything, but merely being polite enough to answer your questions to me. Just between friends---I've seen enough evidence of my statements to substantiate them, or I wouldn't say what I've said. I have no burning desire that anyone be convinced merely by what I say, however. If a person were to really search for the actual behavior and charactor of the human mind, he would see for himself what's what. Psychology has failed miserably in this respect, but instead has only managed to name a bunch of symptoms, and feed people drugs and hypnosis (which, incidently, are closely related in their effects and aftereffects on the mind).
Hmm being polite to me eh? k. But as for the rest, I am diametrically opposite from you in my experiences and findings. is it possible that we both are right in the over all picture?

We are both right. You are right about the mind having much more ability than is commonly thought. And you are right about hypnosis being able to enable the use of a few of those abilities, in some people.

What you have never noticed, apparently because you have never looked for it, is the unwanted after effects of hypnosis. And what you have never thought of is that, enabling a few limited abilities, has lead you to figure that it's as good as it gets.

So, by promoting hypnotism as "the" answer to non-drug mental health and increased abilities, you are placing drastic limits on the considered potential of the mind, and at the same time ignoring what are sometimes severely detrimental results which can occur long after the "treatment."

And like blood letting, people will continue with it until there are enough bad effects, and they are severe enough, that it becomes obvious to all that it's overall performance is non-optimum.

Regarding handling pain etc in remote areas You posted -->The truth is out there.
sigh I know it is, but had hoped that you had a bit of information to share.

The information is easy enough to come by, if you look for it. But if a person is certain that no better way exists, then, just as though they were hypnotized, they will not look for it---and if they did stumble across it, they will not see it.

And as long as a person is certain that no better way exists, it does no good to tell them about it, or try to convince them of it, because they will never think that what you are saying could possibly be true.

Don Jose de La Mancha


PuffDaddy said:
No...! He ain't got no information...! Just a plethora of benighted convictions,that keep him strapped to his imaginary wheel-chair,in the basement,of his imaginary laboratory.

Once again, you must resort to childish name calling, because you have no data to offer.

You're just mad because I called you on your stupid challenge, and you had to renege.


PuffDaddy said:
SWR said:
PuffDaddy said:
Ever since I have acquired this technology...

The technology you speak of is fraudulent. At this point, you are simply a dowser making outlandish claims. :dontknow:


This technology is only fraudulent,if one uses it for a fraudulent purpose--such as going onto some-one's property,to steal the gold or silver,that has been determined to be hidden there.

Actually,I have proven to be quite successful with both systems: Dowsing--Meta-Physical;NMResonance Frequencies;and another,which is physics based...which,does not suffer from frequency fluctuations--as do all frequency-based LRLs.

I am sorry that you have to be so insecure--but,you'll have to pardon me,while I continue to have great success...and great fun...!

At any time,you could break out,of your self-imposed prison. All you have to do,is admit that you do not know everthing that there is to know.



You have a lot of fanciful stories, and maybe you even believe that they are true. That's fine.

But if you thought they were true, and if you even imagined that you were actually finding stuff, then why would you be trying so desperately to convince others? Just believing in your own stories should be good enough.

Why would you need the reassurance from others to bolster your confidence? If you really were finding all of those miraculous treasures, you would be too busy out hunting, or basking on the beach in the Bahamas, surrounded by bikini girls. What would you care if anyone believed you or not.

Your story just doesn't float.

Neither do the stories of any of the other LRL promoters.

And there are no LRLs.

The harder you try to convince people, and the more you toss insults at those who point out the holes in your stories, the more you are your own best skeptic!

So, as far as I'm concerned, you can just keep up the good work.


Hi EE you posted -->We are both right. You are right about the mind having much more ability than is commonly thought. And you are right about hypnosis being able to enable the use of a few of those abilities, in some people.

What you have never noticed, apparently because you have never looked for it, is the unwanted after effects of hypnosis. And what you have never thought of is that, enabling a few limited abilities, has lead you to figure that it's as good as it gets.

So, by promoting hypnotism as "the" answer to non-drug mental health and increased abilities, you are placing drastic limits on the considered potential of the mind, and at the same time ignoring what are sometimes severely detrimental results which can occur long after the "treatment."

In every treatment, from aspirin on, there are possible detrimental draw backs, I agree. I would appreciate it if you would post a few actual ones
from normal medical hypnosis.
You posted --> And like blood letting, people will continue with it until there are enough bad effects, and they are severe enough, that it becomes obvious to all that it's overall performance is non-optimum.
I will let competent medical authorities that are accepting it, work that one out.
Regarding handling pain etc in remote areas You posted -->The truth is out there.
sigh, I know it is, but had hoped that 'you' had a bit of positive information to share, rather than just negative or possibility neutral information..

Don Jose de La Mancha

PuffDaddy said:

I would be surprised if you even have any feathers left,considering how much wing-flapping,and squawking you've been doing over my break-throughs. If you only knew how many laughs you and Heckel have provided for me,and the readers of this thread. I always wanted to be a "professional rassler"--but,at only 6'2",I knew that my dream could never be fully realized--So,immersed myself in "Science" and "Philosophy"--And for the likes of you,"Psychology". It's been a great challenge,and great fun.


If you really had any "breakthroughs" in technology, you wouldn't bother trying to convince others that you have some "secret" super machine. You would either patent it and put it on the market, or be completely silent about it and just use it yourself. You are doing neither of those options. Your behavior about your claims shows only that they are fantasies. And you are your own best skeptic.

As for psychology, I guess you never viewed the video I posted, which exposes the true nature of it, complete with verifiable documentation. So here is a link to it. Be sure to click through to the other 9 parts.

Possibly you will still like psychology after viewing it. Right now, I give you a 50-50 chance on that.


PuffDaddy said:
Notice quotation marks...! We are in agreement on that one...!

Oh. It was the "And for the likes of you" part that made me think otherwise.

Glad to hear that you are not a eugenics promoter.


If you really had any "breakthroughs" in technology, you wouldn't bother trying to convince others that you have some "secret" super machine. You would either patent it and put it on the market, or be completely silent about it and just use it yourself. You are doing neither of those options. Your behavior about your claims shows only that they are fantasies. And you are your own best skeptic.

Again you show your complete lack of knowledge about this subject...there is a thing called the FCC who controls what you can sell...From what I have read I know that PuffDaddy’s device would not qualify under the present rules. I know a few guys who have made these devices and yes they work very good..
Just keep on posting and yelling “I know nothing”..Art

PuffDaddy said:
Modern Psychology,is just about as wacked out,and off the rails,as Theoretical Physics.

I've never specifically studied Theoretical Physics, but I've read some stuff now and then, where they are basing theories upon other theories, which are based on earlier theories, and so forth. If that's what you mean, then it might be fun to play around with, and it might even lead to something that eventually proves out. But when they start acting like their remote theories are fact, then yeah, that's really whacked out.

The English word theory
A classical example of the distinction between theoretical and practical uses the discipline of medicine: Medical theory and theorizing involves trying to understand the causes and nature of health and sickness, while the practical side of medicine is trying to make people healthy. These two things are related but can be independent, because it is possible to research health and sickness without curing specific patients, and it is possible to cure a patient without knowing how the cure worked.
science the term "theory", or "scientific theory" is generally understood to refer to a proposed explanation of empirical phenomena, made in a way consistent with scientific method.
science the term "theory", or "scientific theory" is generally understood to refer to a proposed explanation of empirical phenomena, made in a way consistent with scientific method.
Theories are analytical tools for understanding, explaining, and making predictions about a given subject matter. There are theories in many and varied fields of study, including the arts and sciences. A formal theory is syntactic in nature and is only meaningful when given a semantic component by applying it to some content (i.e. facts and relationships of the actual historical world as it is unfolding). Theories in various fields of study are expressed in natural language, but are always constructed in such a way that their general form is identical to a theory as it is expressed in the formal language of mathematical logic. Theories may be expressed mathematically, symbolically, or in common language, but are generally expected to follow principles of rational thought or logic.

There is another meaning to the word "theory." It is common for military equipment, at least electronics stuff, to come with two manuals, one being and Operating Manual, and the other titled "Theory of Operation."

The word is used in that title, even though the piece of equipment is known and proven to work.

In this sense, it means "how something works." The Theory of Operation manual describes each component in a circuit, and tells what it does, and how it does it, and it's relationship to other components in it's circuit. This is explained for every circuit in that piece of equipment. This manual is usually combined with a Troubleshooting Section.

So far, none of the LRL promoters have been able to describe a complete Theory of Operation for any LRL. The only time the word "theory" has been used by them, is to describe some general, disjointed, and irrelevant ideas, based both on other unrelated theories, and on science fiction.

Like I stated earlier, in order for a concept to rate being called a real scientific "theory" it must meet certain strict requirements established by the Scientific Community.

However, many ideas have come out the the modern Scientific Community lately, and passed off as facts, when they don't even come close to rating as theories. Since most of these are "hot topics," and are not related to LRLs, I won't list some of them. But a few do pertain to treasure hunting and prospecting, and the most obvious in this category pertain to dredging rivers.


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