So far, only the LRL promoters have failed to show up for tests. The only sure way to avoid any disagreements on the results of tests, or on how the tests were conducted, a complete statement of agreement to the test protocols should be signed beforehand. Scientific protocol has been offered, and even the opportunity to modify it by the LRLer as long as it remains Scientific and both parties are in agreement about it.
But, even after agreeing to an exact test procedure, no LRLer has ever signed the final agreement.
Yet the LRLers who refused to sign an agreement, have still accused the tester of "failing to show up for the test," even though he agreed to go far beyond is original offer, and
travel to where the LRLer was. Why should the tester go the trouble and expense, and take the time, to travel out of state, if the LRLer won't even sign a simple test protocol agreement?
This type of thing seems to be just a set-up, to be able to say that he "didn't show up." That, in innumerable other cheap tricks, have been pulled by LRL promoters, resulting in zero credibility for them.
And yes, there have been schematics posted on here for at least two popular LRLs, and
nobody has ever been able to give a step-by-step rundown of how any of the circuits work. In fact, a couple of knowledgeable electronics people have shown how they could never work---with "circuits to nowhere," and several other impossibilities.
And it's not just some kind of "new science," as some of the LRL promoters claim, because it has been shown that even their Science Fiction explanations of how various LRLs work, have always proven out to be impossible.
The only way that the LRLers could possibly convince anybody, at this point, would be to do a Scientifically Controlled Random Double Blind test. This is something that any functioning piece of equipment could easily pass. Just for example, a common metal detector could easily pass a test very similar to the one set up for LRLs, every time, no problem.
The only possible conclusion is that LRLs simply don't work.
And, since anyone passing Carl's Challenge, would win $25,000.00, and
still nobody is even willing to take his normal, standard, fair, Scientific test; drives the last nail into the LRL coffin.