Whats It Going To Take To Have A Garage Sale Find Make The Banner?

He was a member since Dec 2004. What exactly is your point?

my point is 4 days after he posted it, He didn't want to be here anymore.
& I don't see any reason is his thread to think it had anything to do with Banner or his Post.

It is this level of disrespect that has me trolling that other dude about waving sticks around.

I have done nothing disrespectful, nor have I called anyone out by name for said disrespectful-ness. I mean no disrespect to anyone here. Ever. If I speak plainly, and it hurts someone's tender sensibilities, then I apologize, but it still doesnt color my opinion that garage sales shouldn't even have a forum of their own on Tnet. There. I said it.

The key word is treasure. You can treasure something that you buy at a yardsale. You can treasure the fact that you paid a dollar for something thats worth thousands... but it doesnt come close to what the fundamental theme of this site is all about: Treasure and treasure hunting.

Also, while I am on my soapbox, I will say one more thing. Its probably going to rub someone the wrong way, but since this debate was started by someone else in this public forum, I will add my opinions. You may not agree with them, but its the world how I see it and I make no apologies for it.

Here it goes:

Its great to get a good deal at a garage sale. We all like it when that happens, but when someone pays a dollar for an item that is worth THOUSANDS, is it right not to share the profit? What if some old woman, who has lived in a house for years, has a yard sale because her fixed income will no longer support her and her home. What if someone buys a piece of jewelry for pennies and its worth thousands of dollars - would it be ethically and morally acceptable not to share that money with the old woman? :icon_scratch:

Why is is that MDers go through lots of research and study to find the owner of a valuable ring they have dug? How many of us have heard tales of class rings being returned to their rightful owners after DECADES of being in the ground? Why are MDers held accountable by their peers to return a ring if possible, and only after you have tried, is it acceptable? Why are garage sale folks not held accountable in the same fashion? Think about it.

That's why I say garage sale finds arent even in the same galaxy as metal detecting and treasure hunting. Garage sales are opportunism. Detecting and treasure hunting involve lots of research and skills, along with a hefty dose of patience and adventure. Garage sales dont even belong in this forum.

I have done nothing disrespectful, nor have I called anyone out by name for said disrespectful-ness. I mean no disrespect to anyone here. Ever. If I speak plainly, and it hurts someone's tender sensibilities, then I apologize, but it still doesnt color my opinion that garage sales shouldn't even have a forum of their own on Tnet. There. I said it.

The key word is treasure. You can treasure something that you buy at a yardsale. You can treasure the fact that you paid a dollar for something thats worth thousands... but it doesnt come close to what the fundamental theme of this site is all about: Treasure and treasure hunting.

Also, while I am on my soapbox, I will say one more thing. Its probably going to rub someone the wrong way, but since this debate was started by someone else in this public forum, I will add my opinions. You may not agree with them, but its the world how I see it and I make no apologies for it.

Here it goes:

Its great to get a good deal at a garage sale. We all like it when that happens, but when someone pays a dollar for an item that is worth THOUSANDS, is it right not to share the profit? What if some old woman, who has lived in a house for years, has a yard sale because her fixed income will no longer support her and her home. What if someone buys a piece of jewelry for pennies and its worth thousands of dollars - would it be ethically and morally acceptable not to share that money with the old woman? :icon_scratch:

Why is is that MDers go through lots of research and study to find the owner of a valuable ring they have dug? How many of us have heard tales of class rings being returned to their rightful owners after DECADES of being in the ground? Why are MDers held accountable by their peers to return a ring if possible, and only after you have tried, is it acceptable? Why are garage sale folks not held accountable in the same fashion? Think about it.

That's why I say garage sale finds arent even in the same galaxy as metal detecting and treasure hunting. Garage sales are opportunism. Detecting and treasure hunting involve lots of research and skills, along with a hefty dose of patience and adventure. Garage sales dont even belong in this forum.

I actually do Disagree with most of this statement.

I do believe attending all types of sales is Treasure Hunting & Does Belong here.
In some cases those who do it are looking for Treasures, Not just cheap items they need.
or feel they need when they see them. :tongue3:

I also disagree on it being the same as Finding a ring & Not Returning it.
Simply Because the seller said $1.00 that's good enough for me.
now If the Seller were a Good Friend, Or I felt a Connection for some reason, I may share
or even educate them in advance.
But anyone on the street 18 to 180 If they say $1.00 I don't care if it's worth 1 Million
they sold it to me, it's mine

Sold is sold.... I also agree, Garage Sales is a type of treasure hunting and belongs here which is why we gave it it's own forum....

In my opinion...no bought item should make it except in extreme circumstances. The site is for and about magic sticks. Just look at the site logo!

If memory serves me correctly, a CRH find made banner around 2011-ish...

If memory serves me correctly, a CRH find made banner around 2011-ish...

I do believe your correct. i think it was on amount of silver found in one days rolls

Coin roll hunting requires searching Face value rolls traded at face Value & searching through them.

or was it a 16-D dime :dontknow:

I know they get votes occasionally but it's rare
they get anywhere near enough.

Most CRH seem protective of the Process & don't want to advertise their big scores

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The poster who insists items that are bought can never be banner finds has a history of being "black or white" with no gray...

Why don't you just come right out and insult the person to their face JerseyBen? Everyone has a difference of opinion,no reason to attack someone in such a passive aggressive manner because they don't agree with you.

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Treasure is where you find it. The banner rules are good here. Members put things on Banner. Jeff makes sure they meet criteria set forth by site rules. Tough job and one that should not have to be defended every week. BTW the banner is always rocking some of the great finds.

Here is the definition of treasure:

Main Entry: 1trea·sure
1 a (1) : wealth (as money, jewels, or precious metals) stored up or hoarded <buried treasure> (2) : wealth of any kind or in any form : riches b : a store of money in reserve 2 : something of great worth or value ; also : a person esteemed as rare or precious 3 : a collection of precious things

Hunting obviously means to search for. Seems to me this site is all about treasure and the different ways to search for and find it. We also share the treasure we have found on this site regardless of how we found it be it metal detecting, crh, shipwrecks, dumpsters or garage sales.

If the banner is to showcase the treasure that has been found by members of this forum, then that should go for anywhere it was found regardless of how it was found. Unless it is specified as a banner for only metal detecting finds. Which if it is, then I am fine with that. But if we are going on just treasure finds, there are garage sales finds that fit the definition of treasure. We have seen money, jewels, and precious metals; items of great worth or value; rare or precious items; and collections of precious things all found at garage sales.

Interesting that some of the same people that say nothing that is bought should make banner also think crh finds should be allowed. Lots of interesting opinions, but unless/until a garage sale find has enough votes to be considered it's a pretty pointless discussion.

Treasure is where you find it. The banner rules are good here. Members put things on Banner. Jeff makes sure they meet criteria set forth by site rules. Tough job and one that should not have to be defended every week. BTW the banner is always rocking some of the great finds.

If this is correct, and Jeff is the final decision maker on this, then the conversation is over. He has already said that...

I have done nothing disrespectful, nor have I called anyone out by name for said disrespectful-ness. I mean no disrespect to anyone here. Ever. If I speak plainly, and it hurts someone's tender sensibilities, then I apologize, but it still doesnt color my opinion that garage sales shouldn't even have a forum of their own on Tnet. There. I said it.

The key word is treasure. You can treasure something that you buy at a yardsale. You can treasure the fact that you paid a dollar for something thats worth thousands... but it doesnt come close to what the fundamental theme of this site is all about: Treasure and treasure hunting.

Also, while I am on my soapbox, I will say one more thing. Its probably going to rub someone the wrong way, but since this debate was started by someone else in this public forum, I will add my opinions. You may not agree with them, but its the world how I see it and I make no apologies for it.

Here it goes:

Its great to get a good deal at a garage sale. We all like it when that happens, but when someone pays a dollar for an item that is worth THOUSANDS, is it right not to share the profit? What if some old woman, who has lived in a house for years, has a yard sale because her fixed income will no longer support her and her home. What if someone buys a piece of jewelry for pennies and its worth thousands of dollars - would it be ethically and morally acceptable not to share that money with the old woman? :icon_scratch:

Why is is that MDers go through lots of research and study to find the owner of a valuable ring they have dug? How many of us have heard tales of class rings being returned to their rightful owners after DECADES of being in the ground? Why are MDers held accountable by their peers to return a ring if possible, and only after you have tried, is it acceptable? Why are garage sale folks not held accountable in the same fashion? Think about it.

That's why I say garage sale finds arent even in the same galaxy as metal detecting and treasure hunting. Garage sales are opportunism. Detecting and treasure hunting involve lots of research and skills, along with a hefty dose of patience and adventure. Garage sales dont even belong in this forum.

I was not saying you are treating me or anyone with disrespect. You are treating what we do with disrespect. Doing well in garage sale hunting take a great deal of research, and broad based knowledge. I've often gone to a sale, hours after everyone else had gone, and pulled a gem that everyone else missed. You can't just buy everything, or even everything old and hope to make it here. You need to know what you are buying. When MDing, do you bring home everything that you find that is not a bottle cap or other trash? do you check the bottle caps, some are quite collectable, and could be worth a lot. Do you know off hand which ones are good and which ones are trash, or do you just dump them all? That is our skill. Going through several thousand pieces of garbage and pulling out the gem. It is not pleasant to be told we are the "red haired cousin," which is what you are Jeff have done. We'll stay because this is the best board around for treasure hunting (including OUR form of treasure hunting). It's just nice to know that we are and will be second class citizens and I will take that into consideration when it comes time to pay for another year...

Im going to talk to my girlfriend....less drama!

I was not saying you are treating me or anyone with disrespect. You are treating what we do with disrespect. Doing well in garage sale hunting take a great deal of research, and broad based knowledge. I've often gone to a sale, hours after everyone else had gone, and pulled a gem that everyone else missed. You can't just buy everything, or even everything old and hope to make it here. You need to know what you are buying. When MDing, do you bring home everything that you find that is not a bottle cap or other trash? do you check the bottle caps, some are quite collectable, and could be worth a lot. Do you know off hand which ones are good and which ones are trash, or do you just dump them all? That is our skill. Going through several thousand pieces of garbage and pulling out the gem. It is not pleasant to be told we are the "red haired cousin," which is what you are Jeff have done. We'll stay because this is the best board around for treasure hunting (including OUR form of treasure hunting). It's just nice to know that we are and will be second class citizens and I will take that into consideration when it comes time to pay for another year...

No offense but your charter membership has already expired it looks like. :dontknow: I think most members would agree bought items should not be bannered. I know I have made some amazing deals at yard/garage and estate sales.But where would you stop at bought items? Motorcycle flipping in the motorcycle section or how about the place for silver cobs people buy? Never heard them ask this question
We are a treasure hunting website not a treasure buying website….. my two cents worth.:3barsgold:

I was not saying you are treating me or anyone with disrespect. You are treating what we do with disrespect. .

Coming from the guy that was talking shiii about metal detecting....'Member? :P

So I buy a a rare Indian artifact for $200 because I know it is rare and worth a 100 times that then that is banner worthy? Not in my book, I still bought it and I have an artifact collection and I wouldn't consider it an insult because it isn't banner worthy...

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