Whats It Going To Take To Have A Garage Sale Find Make The Banner?

I found this very rare civil war era token in my buddie's cellar last year and posted it on TN. You would think I would have received at least an honorable mention if not a banner. I asked the question of someone (so long now I've forgotten whom). Was told it had to be found metal detecting. View attachment 1060212
My best friend, was showing me his coin collection. Knowing I was into both metal detecting and collecting coins too, he Hands me this cup of old coins, saying "You can have these if you want 'em." Not being too big a fool I graciously accepted them. They were mostly IHC and old wheaties. I checked what I could for key dates. Most were pretty bad off, partly why he offered them to me. A few of them were unrecognizable, so I tossed them all in a rock tumbler. Going thru them this morning I found this coin/token, looked like copper but thicker than a penny. An EBay search didn't turn up anything so I posted on TN, hoping for info. Thanks to Bramblefind for the info he provided on it. Not a metal detector find but I will take it. My buddy would not have given that token to me if he knew the value, so I just returned from his home where we decided to split any money received from its sale.

Easy call, it doesn't qualify for banner, you didn't find it, your best friend did and gave it to you.........

No, it was in a jar of old coins and covered with dirt. He didn't know anything about it. I cleaned it up and put it on on TN. No matter though. Not that important to me.

No, it was in a jar of old coins and covered with dirt. He didn't know anything about it. I cleaned it up and put it on on TN. No matter though. Not that important to me.
You said you didn't know why token didn't at least get honorable mention if not banner, that is why I asked for the link to it so I could research why....

It didn't qualify for banner, you didn't find it you were given it...

I find great "TREASURES" on the last day of estate sales 30min before the sale ends and sometimes with a dumpster out front already being filled with "TREASURES" to be dumped who knows where to maybe be found by a TREASURE hunter some day soon. But wait it came from a garbage sale in the sorry year of 2014, probably just like the garbage sale in the sorry year of 1914 or the sorry year in 1814 when they threw their garbage and junky bottles down the outhouse crapper. But wait again, ah never mind Im done.

This guy is is the one doing the mocking, yet you call me out? Predictable.
Diggum there is no 'in' in your name, I was talking to diggin, the autocorrect on my smart phone added the 'g'....

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Originally Posted by trdhrdr007
Interesting that some of the same people that say nothing that is bought should make banner also think crh finds should be allowed. Lots of interesting opinions, but unless/until a garage sale find has enough votes to be considered it's a pretty pointless discussion.

I understand where you are coming from but I doubt there are enough votes among the people that frequent the garage sale forum AND it's pretty obvious what the metal detectorists think.

Yes, that's a good point, if you put bought finds on the banner I have no question the vast majority of detector people would click a purchased item and think ...big freakin deal, you bought it. It seems even with the debate being held here it's still less than half who are in favor, and this is the place it would have the most support. But like I mentioned earlier the in-favor side is coming from different angles, some seem to be fighting for bought finds in general, where others are talking about an absolutely incredible buy being recognized, so that being the case I'll gladly stick with the status quo of no bought items. And again buying and selling is my world so it's not like I don't understand the argument.

When I hunt for relics, I do it primarily out of love and passion for old stuff, with monetary gain not even a large factor. I keep everything I find. If I never found anything worth anything, I'd still hunt.

When I hunt for estate and garage sale finds, I do it primarily for money, with love for old stuff secondary, and I sell everything I find. If I didn't make money at it, I wouldn't do it, at least not like I do it now.

Yes, that's a good point, if you put bought finds on the banner I have no question the vast majority of detector people would click a purchased item and think ...big freakin deal, you bought it. It seems even with the debate being held here it's still less than half who are in favor, and this is the place it would have the most support. But like I mentioned earlier the in-favor side is coming from different angles, some seem to be fighting for bought finds in general, where others are talking about an absolutely incredible buy being recognized, so that being the case I'll gladly stick with the status quo of no bought items. And again buying and selling is my world so it's not like I don't understand the argument.

I want to be clear. I do think garage sale finds are as valid as a metal detecting find.....I just don't believe there are enough people in the garage sale forum area to overcome the elitism displayed by many of the posters in this thread.

It may have already been asked, but what if something rare and significant came from the "free pile" of a yard sale. The yard sale pirate who "found" it would not have bought it. Would that be eligible by the mods standards?


It may have already been asked, but what if something rare and significant came from the "free pile" of a yard sale. The yard sale pirate who "found" it would not have bought it. Would that be eligible by the mods standards?

I suppose if you took your metal detector, ran it over the free pile, got a signal, and pulled something out from under other things(like digging it out) then I bet it would be eligible.... 8-)

Objections are buying. If you buy an ugly old picture because you like the wooden frame and while removing the ugly picture you found a picture behind it that was rare and valuable, or you found old stock certificates, or you found old genuine Confederate certificates, or what ever then my objection would change because "treasure" was not bought it was discovered hidden inside what was bought. ... Example is the hidden copy of the Declaration of Independence that was hidden behind an old print.

Another example.... You buy antique desk cheap, not qualified, inside desk is hidden compartment with "treasure" inside, treasure is qualified.

I am only 1 of the mods so I am only speaking for myself...

When I hunt for relics, I do it primarily out of love and passion for old stuff, with monetary gain not even a large factor. I keep everything I find. If I never found anything worth anything, I'd still hunt.

When I hunt for estate and garage sale finds, I do it primarily for money, with love for old stuff secondary, and I sell everything I find. If I didn't make money at it, I wouldn't do it, at least not like I do it now.

Exactly. I near went into that my last post. When I dig something great I get this drug-like euphoric feeling as if I had gone back in time for a moment and grabbed something... where as when I buy something, no matter how great a deal, it's still a rush but just not the same feeling. It's more like holding a winning lottery ticket.... all about the money. I love the thrill of both, but there is a difference.

Great and persuasive arguments on both sides. Me, I'm just happy to be able to learn from the GS forum.

I can see some drawbacks in garage sale finds making banner because we all want photos of the find, preferably in situ. "Here I am pulling up the the double-wide. This is the white-trash fat broad running it. There's a Harley. This is brother Bubba working his way through a second box of donuts. Rats! An open and running lap-top tuned to eBay! And here, behind the framed Golden Corral menu, are the missing pages of John Wilkes Booth's diary! It WAS Stanton!"

(please, no offense meant to weight challenged, assassin harboring motorcyclists living in manufactured housing - I'm almost there myself)

..Then maybe one day we can have a forum of the Best Coupons!! and how much money we save by clipping out the paper gold baby!!!!

Diggum there is no 'in' in your name, I was talking to diggin, the autocorrect on my smart phone added the 'g'....
My apologies, I hadn't had my coffee yet. :coffee2:

Well, if nothing else, I stirred up a hot topic of conversation anyway. Like I said, I've personally only seen one find that would be banner worthy in my opinion. So all in all it really doesn't matter, I just wanted to throw it out there and see what stuck. Now I know how people REALLY feel! Those of us who hunt for and "buy" our treasures for pennies on the dollar, play second fiddle to those who hunt for and "dig" their treasures for those same pennies on the dollar. If you want to get technical, I spend at least a $20 bill anytime I go detecting. I spend less than that (many times) to acquire a couple hundred dollars worth of "bought" treasures. I guess I just look at my dug finds a little differently than most. Probably because I've been detecting beaches exclusively for the last 5-6 years. If it ain't clad, or jewelry, it's trash. Nothing of historical interest coming off the beach for me lately. I have no interest in keeping any of it for display. Now, I do have some dug relics from years ago, but they weren't found in this state. I have to drive quite a distance (100+ miles) to relic hunt any type of halfway decent area. Down here a house is considered old if it was built in the 50's and before 1900 there wasn't much of anything here but Natives and swampland. So I choose to hunt for my treasures at garage sales because that's where the most treasure is to be found down here.

Diggum, no problem I know what it is like without the morning coffee.

It isn't 2nd fiddle, members who buy indian artifacts on pennies on the dollar don't qualify either...

As stated above if you buy something and found something hidden inside that was not visible before you bought it and not talking a box of stuff just thrown together my objections would change and again I am only speaking for myself...

I also garage sale and I have found stuff for pennies that I sold for huge profits so I do understand where your coming from..

I bought 3 wet suits several years ago on a Sunday, last day of garage sale for a quarter each and sold them for $30-$40 each, I bought a rally nice surround sound system you $20 just because they didn't want to move it back inside. I offered $20 they wanted $100, Ivsaid never mind and I was driving off when they flagged me down and told me sold.

I bought my wife a silver fox jacket a rabbit skin jacket, a mink stole and a leather trench coat all in mint condition for total of $20 at the end of an auction because no one had any cash left and the auction was cash only.

I found about 24 action figure collectibles still in boxes for under a $1.00 each and sold them for $30-$50 each on ebay.

I bought couple years worth of entire volumes of Harper's Weekly from civil war years for less than $100 for each years volume a and sold hundreds os individual wood cut pictures done by famous artists as well as civil war scenes and stories. I made lots of money doing it..

Saying this only so you know I do understand things that can be found but 'to me' they wouldn't have qualified for banner if I did so now because I bought them...... And again, just my opinion...

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One of my VERY early finds was a gold charm (thrift store parking lot). It was POURING rain and I was loading a piece of furniture. Looked down...BAMM!!! Nothing like a "free" piece of furniture (the charm paid for the desk I was loading).

FREE - the BEST 4-letter "F" word EVER (in my book anyway)!!

If anyone cares, I'm with diggummup.

I get a bigger thrill out of a real auction score. Sure, digging is cool and all, but someone lost or discarded most of those items. It takes some skill to score at a garage sale, IMO. At the same time, I believe that there is quite a bit of skill in MD work too. Not everyone can find and dig where the Confederates camped in an area.

I haven't seen any real banner finds on the GS forum, but I haven't been on here as long as others. Sometimes though, when reading some of the other MD posts, people will start yelling "Banner!!!", and I am thinking to myself, I picked an old Pontiac carb at an auction yesterday for $1 that is worth for more than what some people are saying is a banner find, LOL.

there was a recentish post here that I think would have been banner worthy somebody picked up a set of candle sticks that we're sterling silver English that dated in the 1700's or earlier

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