Whats It Going To Take To Have A Garage Sale Find Make The Banner?

If you buy something for $20 bucks at a garage sale and it it worth $100K+ then it is a banner. I'm talking the last item shown on an Antique Roadshow episode essentially. The banner part is when the purchase price outstrips value by 1,000X+ or the rarity is such that it changes scholarly opinion. e.g. President Lincoln had a mistress and this is their love letters, etc...

If you buy something for $20 bucks at a garage sale and it it worth $100K+ then it is a banner. I'm talking the last item shown on an Antique Roadshow episode essentially. The banner part is when the purchase price outstrips value by 1,000X+ or the rarity is such that it changes scholarly opinion. e.g. President Lincoln had a mistress and this is their love letters, etc...

As I said earlier If it were to make People like AP News sit up & notice
& it got the Votes all in a timely manner after Purchase it would be Discussed.

But for example someone purchasing GW Buttons, a CSA Plate, Or even a Diamind ring
at what they consider a "Steal" is worth saying Congrats ! but not bannering imo

We can debate the banner in it's current form, but that's not what this is about.

I've seen misc. stuff go on the banner so if it was something that mind-blowing they probably would consider putting it up. So is this about one or two things a year, or bought finds making the banner in general?
It's about making the banner in general but that (in my opinion) would only equate to the one or two things a year that you mention, if that.

If someone buys an Indian artifact from someone for $100 only to find out it is extremely rare and worth tens of thousands of dollars does that mean it would qualify as banner? For me it would be a nice score but no for banner, it was bought...
Yeah, a good story plus a photo of that same artifact sitting in the dirt would make it a "real" banner find though, huh? Wouldn't take much for an attention seeker to accomplish that.

Someone could start a "Garage Sale/ Thrift Store" finds of the month thread under Garage Sale Forum and members vote on what finds go there...
That's a good idea but it's not on the same level as the banner. It's a good "in addition to" but that's it. What are we anyway, red headed step children, you eat prime rib and we eat bologna?

I have done nothing disrespectful, nor have I called anyone out by name for said disrespectful-ness. I mean no disrespect to anyone here. Ever. If I speak plainly, and it hurts someone's tender sensibilities, then I apologize, but it still doesnt color my opinion that garage sales shouldn't even have a forum of their own on Tnet. There. I said it.

The key word is treasure. You can treasure something that you buy at a yardsale. You can treasure the fact that you paid a dollar for something thats worth thousands... but it doesnt come close to what the fundamental theme of this site is all about: Treasure and treasure hunting.

Also, while I am on my soapbox, I will say one more thing. Its probably going to rub someone the wrong way, but since this debate was started by someone else in this public forum, I will add my opinions. You may not agree with them, but its the world how I see it and I make no apologies for it.

Here it goes:

Its great to get a good deal at a garage sale. We all like it when that happens, but when someone pays a dollar for an item that is worth THOUSANDS, is it right not to share the profit? What if some old woman, who has lived in a house for years, has a yard sale because her fixed income will no longer support her and her home. What if someone buys a piece of jewelry for pennies and its worth thousands of dollars - would it be ethically and morally acceptable not to share that money with the old woman? :icon_scratch:

Why is is that MDers go through lots of research and study to find the owner of a valuable ring they have dug? How many of us have heard tales of class rings being returned to their rightful owners after DECADES of being in the ground? Why are MDers held accountable by their peers to return a ring if possible, and only after you have tried, is it acceptable? Why are garage sale folks not held accountable in the same fashion? Think about it.

That's why I say garage sale finds arent even in the same galaxy as metal detecting and treasure hunting. Garage sales are opportunism. Detecting and treasure hunting involve lots of research and skills, along with a hefty dose of patience and adventure. Garage sales dont even belong in this forum.
Your post is ridiculous and really doesn't even deserve a reply, in all actuality. You are out of touch with the reality of this situation and have no clue about the meaning of the word treasure or hunting for that matter. Not to mention you obviously don't "hunt" garage sales.

Interesting that some of the same people that say nothing that is bought should make banner also think crh finds should be allowed. Lots of interesting opinions, but unless/until a garage sale find has enough votes to be considered it's a pretty pointless discussion.
Which is exactly why I mentioned in my original statement that the next time something that "we" garage sale forum regulars see an extraordinary find with both historical and dollar value, we should put in a vote for the banner on it.

If this is correct, and Jeff is the final decision maker on this, then the conversation is over. He has already said that...

There are absolutely no rules stating that a garage sale find or what have you can not make the banner. I don't believe jeff is the final decision maker in this process. Here is his response in reply number 19...
no matter what in most cases it still comes down to Voting.

We The mods are just the "fail safe" to try & make sure what goes on the Banner is a real
"find" & hopefully not a grab for attention
So in that respect it comes down to voting for a particular item and story.
Here are the "guidelines" again...

While we don't have any firm criteria, we follow these general guidelines...

Finds must be significant, and plausible.
Finds / posts must be RECENT.
Images must be hosted on the TreasureNet server.
Posts with great stories are more likely to be selected.
If the post is one of the members first posts, it is less likely to be selected.
Finds must look good in the banner.

Does anyone remember the post where someone found a large grouping of WW2 items from a specific vet, maybe a pilot, there were a bunch of photos and I believe his jacket and medals etc.? It ended up displayed in a museum. Wasn't that an estate find or something? Or maybe it was found in the trash or during a house clean out, I forget, it's been several years. Anyway, that would have been a banner find for me. I've looked for it but I can't find it.

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Does anyone remember the post where someone found a large grouping of WW2 items from a specific vet, maybe a pilot, there were a bunch of photos and I believe his jacket and medals etc.? It ended up displayed in a museum. Wasn't that an estate find or something? Or maybe it was found in the trash or during a house clean out, I forget, it's been several years. Anyway, that would have been a banner find for me. I've looked for it but I can't find it.

I remember it vaguely. Not sure if it received the Votes or Not.
I do Remember when Marc was here he stated the Item must come from the Ground,
but there were exceptions.

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Yeah, a good story plus a photo of that same artifact sitting in the dirt would make it a "real" banner find though, huh? Wouldn't take much for an attention seeker to accomplish that.

Someone could just as easily post picture of something they bought new at an auction of a store going out of business and say they got it for pennies at a garage sale.....

I found this very rare civil war era token in my buddie's cellar last year and posted it on TN. You would think I would have received at least an honorable mention if not a banner. I asked the question of someone (so long now I've forgotten whom). Was told it had to be found metal detecting. image.webp

Honorable mention is for items returned, unless you returned it to someone it wouldn't qualify. I couldn't find your original thread, can you send me a link to thread?

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I found this very rare civil war era token in my buddie's cellar last year and posted it on TN. You would think I would have received at least an honorable mention if not a banner. I asked the question of someone (so long now I've forgotten whom). Was told it had to be found metal detecting. View attachment 1060212

That as an actual Find would have been Eligible by My standards,
at that time, with the Proper Banner Votes.

Not sure why you would think Honorable Mention ?
for Honorable Mention by My Standards,
It would have to be a find With Identifying proof it belongs to a particular person and
you returned it.

Being that had no direct line of Ownership :dontknow: not Honorable Mention.

again another Moderator May have different Standards on what is Honorable :dontknow:

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I remember it vaguely. Not sure if it received the Votes or Not.
I do Remember when Marc was here he stated the Item must come from the Ground,
but there were exceptions.
Marc is no longer the owner though, so that point is moot. I guess I can be like the newbie detectorist and ask you to show me the "law" against metal detecting (or in this case against yard sale finds being on the banner). That way when you find out there isn't actually anything written against it in the Tnet rules and regs., you all can go ahead and make an official "law" against it? Kind of like our adversaries in local government do when it comes to our asking to detect parks and schools and such.

Someone could just as easily post picture of something they bought new at an auction of a store going out of business and say they got it for pennies at a garage sale.....
Exactly, another moot point. Same "could" (edit) be said about 9 out of 10 items on the banner right now.

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There is no call to insult the banner or the finds on it...

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There is no call to insult the banner or the finds on it...
I changed the word "can" to "could" . It wasn't meant as an insult, it was a hypothetical example. Besides, I didn't know you could insult an inanimate object.:icon_scratch: All i'm saying is that (hypothetically) anyone can say anything they want about any find, yard sale or out of the ground, and we all know NO ONE lies on Treasurenet. I've seen jeff write that dozens of times throughout the years when someone questions the authenticity of another member's finds. Right?

..Then maybe one day we can have a forum of the Best Coupons!! and how much money we save by clipping out the paper gold baby!!!!
Do you really think that is called for? Your bring ridiculous and you know it. Grow up!

When I said insult I meant attacking the banner and the members whose finds are there...

Digging please stop the mocking...

Maybe what needs to be reviewed is whether or not garbage sale....sorry garage sale finds need to be on the site at all. We could all vote on that....?......

Maybe what needs to be reviewed is whether or not garbage sale....sorry garage sale finds need to be on the site at all. We could all vote on that....?......
Stop the mocking....

If mods felt the Garage Sale forum didn't belong here we wouldn't have made the forum...

Honorable mention is for items returned, unless you returned it to someone it wouldn't qualify. I couldn't find your original thread, can you send me a link to thread?

That as an actual Find would have been Eligible by My standards,
at that time, with the Proper Banner Votes.

Not sure why you would think Honorable Mention ?
for Honorable Mention by My Standards,
It would have to be a find With Identifying proof it belongs to a particular person and
you returned it.

Being that had no direct line of Ownership :dontknow: not Honorable Mention.

again another Moderator May have different Standards on what is Honorable :dontknow:
Guess I just need to read the rules.

Originally Posted by trdhrdr007
Interesting that some of the same people that say nothing that is bought should make banner also think crh finds should be allowed. Lots of interesting opinions, but unless/until a garage sale find has enough votes to be considered it's a pretty pointless discussion.

Which is exactly why I mentioned in my original statement that the next time something that "we" garage sale forum regulars see an extraordinary find with both historical and dollar value, we should put in a vote for the banner on it.

I understand where you are coming from but I doubt there are enough votes among the people that frequent the garage sale forum AND it's pretty obvious what the metal detectorists think.

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