Whats It Going To Take To Have A Garage Sale Find Make The Banner?

as I and a few others suggested, it would need to be the deal of the Century.
The type that AP news sits up and takes notice to.
and Musicians would write songs about you,
in order to get noticed enough to receive the votes.

Or someone PM'ng everyone & begging for Banner votes,
Which would automatically disqualify it if we catch Wind or realize how Obvious it is :laughing7:

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I can see where GS ect. for the sole purpose of resale can be considered a business deal but taking into consideration going through tons of crap and finding that special item that one maybe looking for to add to a collection is a find.

Not even in the same ballpark....Not even the same sport!

no matter what in most cases it still comes down to Voting.

We The mods are just the "fail safe" to try & make sure what goes on the Banner is a real
"find" & hopefully not a grab for attention
So it's the amount of nominations for banner that is the deciding factor for the banner? Not the mods? The members who voted (for example) for the guy that dug up a sword, wrapped in cloth, 3 feet deep, in Jupiter, Fl. are the reason that particular find was nominated? No one person has the final say so?

I guess our finds aren't really finds then because they didn't come from the ground for free? That about sums it up, eh?

BTW- Talk about craving attention. Who in their right mind would send out pm's asking for banner votes? That's a pretty lowlife move in my opinion.

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As example if someone buys an ugly landscape at a garage sale and finds a copy of the Declaration of Independence hidden behind it I would considered voting for it for banner as it wasn't what was bought but was discovered hidden, but buying a specific item that is under valued at a thrift store or garage sale I would never vote for banner...
So if someone bought an item that they thought was just a reproduction then find out it's the real deal, would your opinion be the same?

all banners are Chosen by Member Votes.
occasionally, but it is Rare, one may be refused by Mod discussion & decision
if we feel it doesn't fit the rules.

The Sword Received more then Twice the Proper Votes, & you see how that turned out :(
Yes I make mistakes too :unhappysmiley:

Garage sale, Ebay, whatever... yes they are finds however they are also Purchases

No different then ordering a 1916-d Dime out of a Catalog Then calling it a find & expecting Banner imo

Now If you purchased an old cash register, and that 1916-D dime happened to be under the Drawer,
and there is no 1916-D Dime showing up there at the moment.
Votes could get it bannered. If it receives the Proper number of votes.

If you purchased a Hand full of coins, & found the Dime in them,
Or bought it for a Quarter, I don't Know. It would need to be Discussed if the situation arose where it was getting votes

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Your a funny guy, don't quit your day job.

I'm here all week !

Don't forget to tip the waitress's

But not with a 1916-D dime she may be the one to get the Banner.

then again-- it could be considered a gift if not found on the floor

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Obviously a garage sale find would never get the votes to be a banner, but riddle me this. Why is it somehow more "special" to be the lucky person that pops a find out of the ground? Sure it takes research, knowledge & perserverance to be in a position to make a find......that just happens to be the exact same traits required to make a good find at a yard/garage/estate sale.

Now we are going in Circles :laughing7:

Because a Purchase is not a banner worthy find,
Unless the Purchase happens to be a very big surprise.

anyone with enough cash can Plunk down $5,000.00
for a rare item.

So if someone bought an item that they thought was just a reproduction then find out it's the real deal, would your opinion be the same?
I don't believe something bought belongs on banner.

Example, the bowl I found in a thrift store retails for over a thousand new with out the lid, the lid retails for over $500 and mine came with the lid, for me it doesn't belong on the banner and I would refuse it even if it got the votes because I bought it even though I got it for just a few bucks...

I don't believe something bought belongs on banner.

Example, the bowl I found in a thrift store retails for over a thousand new with out the lid, the lid retails for over $500 and mine came with the lid, for me it doesn't belong on the banner and I would refuse it even if it got the votes because I bought it even though I got it for just a few bucks...
TH .. Yes i have to agree with you on that...

Obviously a garage sale find would never get the votes to be a banner, but riddle me this. Why is it somehow more "special" to be the lucky person that pops a find out of the ground? Sure it takes research, knowledge & perserverance to be in a position to make a find......that just happens to be the exact same traits required to make a good find at a yard/garage/estate sale.
Good point.

Now we are going in Circles :laughing7:

Because a Purchase is not a banner worthy find,
Unless the Purchase happens to be a very big surprise.

anyone with enough cash can Plunk down $5,000.00
for a rare item.
Buy not everyone can can find that $5000 rare item for $5 now can they? That takes knowledge, research, and commitment to the search. The only difference is the $5 it took to buy the same $5000 coin someone happened upon (by sheer luck) in the dirt.

Obviously a garage sale find would never get the votes to be a banner, but riddle me this. Why is it somehow more "special" to be the lucky person that pops a find out of the ground? Sure it takes research, knowledge & perserverance to be in a position to make a find......that just happens to be the exact same traits required to make a good find at a yard/garage/estate sale.

Just like Jeff said....Because ANYONE can buy it..So technically, its not really "Found" when its sitting on a table with a price tag

Abut 5 years ago, I found a guy on Ebay selling 12v Vaccum pumps for 10 bucks a piece...I ended up buying about 80-100 of them and was selling them back on ebay for 75-100 bucks..the only thing I "Found" was a person that didnt do thier research on what they were selling

Ok, so I'll go bury my silver hoard, relics and antiques then someday someone will find it then it will be found.

Gotta love semantics.

It's just that there have been and will be notable finds by pickers and it would be nice that these items could have a place on par with those that the banner recognizes. For me personally, the value of the item is icing on the cake. The search and learning as much as I can about it is my primary reward.

Obviously a garage sale find would never get the votes to be a banner, but riddle me this. Why is it somehow more "special" to be the lucky person that pops a find out of the ground? Sure it takes research, knowledge & perserverance to be in a position to make a find......that just happens to be the exact same traits required to make a good find at a yard/garage/estate sale.

It seems the real issue is one of luck vs. Skill. Detectors wave their sticks around and if they chance upon someone else misfortune, or a geologic anomaly than banner is awarded. No matter our skill in pulling a treasure out of mounds of dirty baby clothes, used kitchen equipment, and so on, than banners are withheld because we bought them. Skill is not rewarded but sheer luck should be.

I don't think buying an item is banner worthy.......

I have gone to many garage sales and bought items for pennies and sold for hundreds and I still don't see it as worthy of our banner.....

There is as much skill in detecting as their is in garage sales, just like their is as much luck in garage sales as detecting...

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It seems the real issue is one of luck vs. Skill. Detectors wave their sticks around and if they chance upon someone else misfortune, or a geologic anomaly than banner is awarded. No matter our skill in pulling a treasure out of mounds of dirty baby clothes, used kitchen equipment, and so on, than banners are withheld because we bought them. Skill is not rewarded but sheer luck should be.

Luck vs Skill?...Are you seriously talking shiii about detectorists? I wouldn't discount that you can find great things...But to say Detectorist finds are all luck is Pure BS

Its obvious you don't detect at all. And seriously...Whats the "SKILL" you have finding treasure in Baby clothes?...Because you know something of value that is mixed in?

Most the time its something obvious..its old and its cheap.."buy it"...Great Skill!

Not everything is about the Monetary Value of an item....But the fact that it was an Item thais rare and was a piece of history and is now unearthed.

Now Im sure if someone found some Rare photos of Celebs, or Politicians..that would seem to be banner worthy. But buying a 5k dollar item for a Nickle is a little different.

If you look at about 95% of the Banners....they are RARE Items...not just high dollar items

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My first post on this site was a garage sale find that, knowing what I know now, could of been banner worthy. I just figured that since it was my first post there was now way it was gonna happen

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