Whats It Going To Take To Have A Garage Sale Find Make The Banner?

Most the time its something obvious..its old and its cheap.."buy it"...Great Skill!

Hahaha. Yeah. Just find something old. Ignorance is bliss. And yes, most of detecting is just luck. You may not like to hear that, but it is true.

Hahaha. Yeah. Just find something old. Ignorance is bliss. And yes, most of detecting is just luck. You may not like to hear that, but it is true.

...Guess the Luck didnt work out of you. You show me one thing that would be "Banner" worthy that has been found...I would constitute buying silver for a little over half its worthin the hall of fame.

Treasure Hunters dont BUY thier treasures

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...Guess the Luck didnt work out of you. You show me one thing that would be "Banner" worthy that has been found...I would constitute buying silver for a little over half its worthin the hall of fame.

Treasure Hunters dont BUY thier treasures

They trip over them following their electric sticks? Show some skill and leave the detector at home. Research the locations and start digging. Real skill doesn't require an electric stick.

They trip over them following their electric sticks? Show some skill and leave the detector at home. Research the locations and start digging. Real skill doesn't require an electric stick.

Your right...Real skill starts by driving around looking for yard sales in your car because you couldn't figure out how your electric stick works.


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Sounds like a pissing match to me. I won't argue that it takes skill to properly research certain areas to detect and that there is a small learning curve to properly use a metal detector. I will argue that it doesn't take skill to find treasure at a yard sale. Yes, I said treasure Diggin, treasure that we buy, with money, yes. You may not consider our finds treasures but we do. Not all of them are but every now and then we find a real treasure. Kind of like detecting mounds of bottle caps and bits of aluminum foil to find that one piece of silver or gold. I research everything, starting with the address of the house that is having the yard sale. Then the owners of the house, how old are they, how long have they lived in the house, what's the value of the house, any recent obituaries, etc., etc.. Not to mention the amount of research that goes in to learning what to look for and buy at these sales. When it comes to that, it's much more involved than metal detecting. Not to mention, you will learn a great deal more from yard sailing than you will metal detecting. I have detected for years and occasionally I still do (at night). But when you have 4 squamous cell carcinoma's removed from your body in a years time, you tend to get a little apprehensive about walking around on the beach in the Florida sun for hours on end detecting, especially when your a fair skinned lad such as myself. So I choose to treasure hunt in a different way that keeps me out of the continuous sunlight for extended periods of time. For me, the rewards have been much greater not only from the financial aspect (100 fold) but from the knowledge gained in learning the history of all the various items that I find or search for. So, though I respect a dedicated detectorist, I don't disrespect someone because they find their treasures without a metal detector.

I have had several pieces of skin cancer cut off of me, luckily all were basal.... Dr told me odds are all were caused by sun burns from many years ago...

I now take a bath in sun screen SPF 50 anytime I'm going to be in the sun plus I wear a hat and long sleeve surfer shirts rared SPF 50...

The truth is it takes skill for both detecting and buying if you want to be very successful because no one is lucky all the time. But it's also true that some people just go wherever to detect, and there's certainly no shortage of times I've read on this forum someone missed out on a great deal because they didn't want to spend an extra $5! That still doesn't change anything because you should not be able to buy your place on the banner, but if you want to do something have a top 10 garage sale finds for the year... sort of like what the T___ d___ did, or used to do for the best coin, relic, and jewelry.

The truth is it takes skill for both detecting and buying if you want to be very successful because no one is lucky all the time. But it's also true that some people just go wherever to detect, and there's certainly no shortage of times I've read on this forum someone missed out on a great deal because they didn't want to spend an extra $5! That still doesn't change anything because you should not be able to buy your place on the banner, but if you want to do something have a top 10 garage sale finds for the year... sort of like what the T___ d___ did, or used to do for the best coin, relic, and jewelry.

Buy your place on the banner?

Come on man... You know as well as I do that banner posts get there because the find and story were truly "amazing" and people have to vote on them. How many finds have you seen posted that should have been banner? How many have you seen that shouldn't? It goes both ways.

You know as well as I do that a few times a year, someone in the GS forum posts something that is a mind blowing score. Something that stands out from all the other posts.

Do you really think such a find doesnt deserve banner?

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I was just reading an archaeological book last night on historical archeology at battlefields, and one of the most important factors in getting the big picture was the skill of the person running the metal detector. They controlled for it and found that they needed people with 20 and 30 years experience finding stuff or they didn't get good data.

The funny thing is I have no clue where this "banner" you all are talking about even is. I went to the home page (which I never do, I have this page bookmarked) and didn't see it, but I also have java and flash turned off so that websites don't serve me irritating animated ads and self-starting movies unless I want to see them.

Purchases should never make Banner imo

I am in complete agreement. If I bought an old painting at a yardsale and it turned out to be a lost Picasso, would that be a banner? No. We have to draw the line somewhere.

I am in complete agreement. If I bought an old painting at a yardsale and it turned out to be a lost Picasso, would that be a banner? No. We have to draw the line somewhere.

Are you kidding me? Unbelievable...

Here's a hypothetical scenario. I go to a yardsale where they are selling a MD. While testing it to see if it works I pass over a box I get a strong silver reading. Digging into the packed box I find a rare silver coin. Then take picture without purchasing it and then posting it. It would not qualify for a banner because it's not free?

If I bought an old painting at a yardsale and it turned out to be a lost Picasso, would that be a banner? No. We have to draw the line somewhere.

I have been watching this thread and while I do respect each sides opinion I do believe this statement is taking it a little too far. Yes, if you buy an old painting and it turns out to be a lost Picasso, then yes I do believe that would be banner worthy! Otherwise, if you really focus on the spirit of the "banner" you can see why there are so many not wanting Garage Sale Finds up there.

Buy your place on the banner?

Come on man... You know as well as I do that banner posts get there because the find and story were truly "amazing" and people have to vote on them. How many finds have you seen posted that should have been banner? How many have you seen that shouldn't? It goes both ways.

You know as well as I do that a few times a year, someone in the GS forum posts something that is a mind blowing score. Something that stands out from all the other posts.

Do you really think such a find doesnt deserve banner?

Here's a hypothetical scenario. I go to a yardsale where they are selling a MD. While testing it to see if it works I pass over a box I get a strong silver reading. Digging into the packed box I find a rare silver coin. Then take picture without purchasing it and then posting it. It would not qualify for a banner because it's not free?


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Just following the rationale of the previous arguments against inclusion.

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