Whatever. Bad experiences with people?

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Defensive Digger from Any Military Surplus store- Entrenching Tool

I forgot to add, I always carry an e-tool for digging. It is a military current issue folding shovel. One side of the shovel is a fairly sharp edge. If you file that edge, it can be made razor sharp. You might want to carry one of these. I detect Colorado and it is the wildest place you can imagine. I recommend these army tough shovels. Pic below.



.410 #4 shot for the snakes and .45LC for the two-legged snakes. Uh-huh...there it is.:headbang:

My Judge shells alternate between .45 rounds and Hornady Critical Defense rounds (410 slug with 2 35 cal bearings). I also sometimes carry my Springfield .45 XDs or my Ruger LC 9mm, sometimes I will carry more than one but not when detecting.

First off I am not scared period, I carry for my personal protection as is my right.

If the water is rough and I know I am not going in deeper than maybe knee deep then I carry, if I decide I am going to hunt in the water and hunt deeper than knee deep I do not carry my piece in the water, I leave it in my car and I carry my knife. When I hunt beaches at night I always carry 100% of the time, when I hunt land I also always carry. I carry 99.5 percent of the time 24/7, 365 days a year, the only time I am not carrying is when it violates the law as it can jeopardize my CCW license. You can't carry in government buildings, police stations, schools, banks and straight up bars in Florida, but I do carry in all other locations like the malls, theaters, stores, gas stations, grocery stores, church, parks, basically anywhere else I am at.

You do make an interesting topic at the local coffee chat.
General consensus is paranoid, scared, but you have the right.
Query: What is a straight up bar?

I am a card Holding CCW Member and I carry no matter where I go and what I am doing ! That solves the Problems most times before they start ! LOL

Until a cop walks up to you and starts asking questions. He spots your concealed gun and screams "GUN!" to his partner who then blasts you to kingdom come. He'll walk away free as a bird and you'll be 6 feet under.

You do make an interesting topic at the local coffee chat.
General consensus is paranoid, scared, but you have the right.
Query: What is a straight up bar?

By straight up bar I meant a bar that makes majority of their revenue from alcohol sales, restaurants that have a bar I can carry in as long as they make more money on food than on alcohol is the law in Florida and as long as the bar area is separated by some kind of divide such as a rope, planter ect. Red Lobster and Olive Garden is an example.

As far as the general consensus I really couldn't care less what someone in another country thinks about my exercising my rights. Twice people have tried to rob me while I was out, once outside of Chicago, the other in Washington DC, (go figure). Both times it was at night and both times I happen to have a 125 pound boxer with me that they did not see, both times they wanted nothing to do with him once he made his presence known, unfortunately he is no longer alive. I also stopped an attempted kidnapping when I was younger when someone was trying to drag a young lady into a car.

I took taekwondo for 8 years, got my 2nd degree black belt and fought full contact 3 times a week for about 5 years or so in the dojo, believe me I am not carrying because I am paranoid or scared, what do i have to be scared of, I'm armed with a .45. LOL I carry to protect my wife, my family, my life, my property and fellow citizens .

Here is video of a man who was armed saving a police officer's life who was being beaten. Video shows passer-by shooting Florida deputy's attacker - ABC News

Until a cop walks up to you and starts asking questions. He spots your concealed gun and screams "GUN!" to his partner who then blasts you to kingdom come. He'll walk away free as a bird and you'll be 6 feet under.

Armed citizens are stopped every day. If I am stopped and asked to get out of my car I inform the officer I am armed and where my weapon is, when he asks for my license I also give them my CCW license. I have zero fear of being shot by a police officer during a stop, but then again I am smart enough to keep my hands in plain sight, not argue with the police ever and I follow their instruction.

Armed citizens are stopped every day. If I am stopped and asked to get out of my car I inform the officer I am armed and where my weapon is, when he asks for my license I also give them my CCW license. I have zero fear of being shot by a police officer during a stop, but then again I am smart enough to keep my hands in plain sight, not argue with the police ever and I follow their instruction.
Well said. Here in VA if you are in a traffic stop, the Leo knows you have a CCW before he ever approaches your car.
We are not required to tell them we are carrying unless they ask but they appreciate it when you do.
My daughter is an Leo and I have asked her about this. I asked her what she says if someone tells her they are carrying? Her answer is " If you don't touch yours I won't touch mine thanks for letting me know"

Well said. Here in VA if you are in a traffic stop, the Leo knows you have a CCW before he ever approaches your car.
We are not required to tell them we are carrying unless they ask but they appreciate it when you do.
My daughter is an Leo and I have asked her about this. I asked her what she says if someone tells her they are carrying? Her answer is " If you don't touch yours I won't touch mine thanks for letting me know"

Not required to tell in Florida either, if I am not asked to get out of the vehicle I usually do not tell as my firearm is not visible, if I am asked to get out is when I inform the LEO I am armed and I follow his or her direction from there.

Not required to tell in Florida either, if I am not asked to get out of the vehicle I usually do not tell as my firearm is not visible, if I am asked to get out is when I inform the LEO I am armed and I follow his or her direction from there.

I didn't realize that you are stopped so often TH.
It must be 15yrs since I was pulled over.

Not required to tell in Florida either, if I am not asked to get out of the vehicle I usually do not tell as my firearm is not visible, if I am asked to get out is when I inform the LEO I am armed and I follow his or her direction from there.
Do you need bail money?

I didn't realize that you are stopped so often TH.
It must be 15yrs since I was pulled over.

LOL, it isn't like I am stopped often, maybe 3 times in the last 15 years, last time was over 7 years ago for doing 41 in a 35, before that I was stopped for seat belt violation and before that was speeding doing 61 in a 55 zone on a county road in the country. Been stopped when police were doing spot checks for drinking but since I hadn't been drinkin I just showed them my license and on my way.

if you saw T_H's car you would see why he gets pulled over

Look out for Treasure Hunter. He needs to get another big dog from a shelter and name it Sam.

I decide I am going to hunt in the water and hunt deeper than knee deep I do not carry my piece in the water, I leave it in my car.

Since I don't know anything about your laws, how does one store their gun in a car? Just thinking it takes a perp. seconds to open a car, and then they have a free gun to rob or sell.
I would fell pretty crappy knowing my piece that I believe keeps the peace was used in taking somebody's life(s)

Virginia has more concealed carry permits than any other state I believe; this fact must weigh on bad guys minds,,, "is he packing or not?" I've never had a problem but I am confident that a lesche shovel is an awesome weapon against man or beast.

Previous post is right about visibly packing; it gets too much attention and would make many permissions impossible.

Since I don't know anything about your laws, how does one store their gun in a car? Just thinking it takes a perp. seconds to open a car, and then they have a free gun to rob or sell.
I would fell pretty crappy knowing my piece that I believe keeps the peace was used in taking somebody's life(s)

Under Florida law it can be stored anywhere out of view, glove box, console, under seat, behind seat, in trunk, car is also alarmed. I have zero concerns about it being stolen at the beach, 2 of the beaches I hunt you can park on the beach.

A couple years ago I got permission to metal detect a farm field, bordering another farm field that I didn't have permission to metal detect. I stayed only on the land I was allowed to metal detect, and was enjoying the nice weather and somewhat decent finds. Then from nowhere a big dog runs from the farmland bordering the place I was metal detecting and starts barking and chasing me. It is now completely on the other property, the one that I have permission to metal detect. I had a head start of around 100 feet, and wasn't far from the car, so I ran as fast as I could, and got in the car right before it met up with me. I never went back to that farm field after that. Not only were the dog's owners irresponsible for having their dog loose where it could run to the road, people walking on the sidewalk and people working in the other farm fields, but they also let their dog trespass on another person's property.

The worst dog experience I have ever had was when I got permission from the owner of a horse farm we used to go to. I had been allowed to metal detect around the property and on the horse riding trails , with one trail being an old abandoned road. They told me that trail borders someone's farm field, and to stay on the trail there. I got to work on the old road, and found a King George II Halfpenny the first time I was there, my second copper ever. When I went back a second time though I was met with an unpleasant surprise. I was metal detecting the trail, when I saw the owner of the farm field that borders the trail out with his guard dogs in front of his house. I didn't think much of it until he looked at me, and decided to set his dogs on me! I saw them running at me, and ran as fast as I could back to the horse farm, looking like a total idiot, while the guy sat there doing nothing. My guess is that he didn't like seeing me metal detecting so close to his property, and decided to get rid of me. I then talked to the person who gave me permission and he told me that his dogs will occasionally run after people on horses, and people walking, and that the owner doesn't really care. I was quite shocked that to owner of the horse farm hadn't complained to the town about this, with this being such a regular problem for them. Either way, I haven't been back there since.

I don't carry concealed, as I don't feel the need living in such a small quiet town, and now most of my metal detecting is in the woods away from people. The wild animals around here are also pretty harmless and wouldn't bother me unless I bothered them. On the other hand, I can definitely see how carrying a gun could be important while metal detecting in a rough neighborhood or big city.

Never had any real bad experiences out detecting. The only bad experience I had out in the woods was on my own land! In short...Walking up on an armed man. :laughing7:

along with the rest of the thread....I do carry on occasion, just kind of depends of where I'm going or who is with me. I'm more likely to carry when detecting if my wife or child is with me as an example. I don't worry so much when I'm by myself. I do like having and exercising that Right whenever I feel I need to, not when someone else THINKS I need to or not.

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