Whoops,looks like I punched a bunch a holes in the commie propaganda.Tisk,tisk.
And your point is? This is taken right from your link, so it just shows more = more.
Whoops,looks like I punched a bunch a holes in the commie propaganda.Tisk,tisk.
I walk through the woods all the time with my dog off a leash of course now if my dog attacked you about the worst thing that would happen is your shoelaces might get untied but he does alert me to Critters and other potentially dangerous situations I do have to say I own my wood so I don't expect to run into anybody but I do get creeped out sometimes out there by myself so I take my 4lb. Wildebeast for security reasons
...and that's your choice, Coinman. That's what I love about this country...freedom of choice. I guess people in these other country's don't mind being un-armed serfs. I would much rather die a free man, than to exist as a slave.
...I don't care to be insulted by serfs insinuating I'm "scared", just because I carry in certain situations. Your opinion on firearms is irrelevant to me.
You insinuated that "people" that carry while metal detecting are "scared." Don't be splitting hairs.