No more attacks in this thread from anyone........
There's not much market for Christmas turkeys around here right now . They are a little too full . Someone else can 'splain that to ya if ya ain't country enough to unnerstan .Sounds like somebody is overly paranoid. Someone looks scruffy and says hey and he gets all scared. It is insulting someone to say go away, I don't have any, to somebody who hasn't asked for anything. Maybe they just wanted to ask a simple question like directions or something. A lot of self-defense enthusiasts chime in about some inane imaginary circumstances about what if your baby was in the car. If you carry a loaded firearm you are looking for trouble. That is how people get shot over minor misunderstandings and it happens all too often. I travel often in NY City, have been in bad neighborhoods and never felt the need for a firearm. I am a skinny guy and don't look like a fearsome bada** either. Most shootings are tragic, and most are senseless. Mace is a good alternative for paranoid people, but maybe spending some time with folks who aren't just like you and learning that although they may be poor, a different race, or speak a different language, they aren't going to actually threaten your life. Most folks want the same thing all of us want, peace, tranquility, kindness, respect, and dignity. Respect others and they will respect you.
Slow learner here too. But learned well. Don,t lean into left hooks,and there is all ways some one out there that can whup your butt.
Time i learned how to end a fight quick it was time to retire from violence much as possible.
Funny thing is it took me forever to learn that it took more guts to walk away from a confrontation than to stand up and fight.....
Probably a zen thing...maybe Rebel can jump in and explain.
Regards + HH
TN: Nowhere did I say that caused me to need a gun. Please go back and read the thread and show me where I said that I now need a gun. TH suggested I get a gun and I replied that I had to put some serious thought into it. What I said was that the thought came to me, "Man, I need to get a gun." That was just a thought. It was a reaction to being confronted randomly in a parking lot. Also, it was primed by all the discussion on gun control in the news. Kind of like deciding you want to go to Disney World after watching the movie Aladdin. I, in fact, do not want a gun at this time. I just wanted to know what people who are responsible gun owners would have done in that situation. I was asking for opinions from people I respect. I was just trying to gather information...
At home I have a can of left over bear spray by my bed. I figure if it stops bears it stops criminals, or the wife if she gets too frisky!
Had i learned that earlier i would have been better looking!
Would it have been a false sense of security? In that situation I'm not sure the gun would have helped that much. It is a tough decision to take on the responsibility of owning a gun...that is for sure.
Crispin, you weren't even close to needing to draw a weapon. First of all, the guy behind you was not a threat, you actually had the advantage over him. Second, the guy at your window wasn't even pounding on the glass with his hand, just paper.
What I'm totally taken back by is you, of all people, stereotyping these guys because they looked "scruffy" and one was riding a crappy bike. Simply because of that you figure they are in "need" so your action is to tell them you can't help them even though they never asked for help. Maybe they simply needed directions, who knows. Does someone have to be well dressed, clean shaven and mounted on a new Schwinn to ask you anything? Just wondering.
Still havnt seen anyone post a realistic potential scenario when a gun would be pulled for self defense?