What would you do?

Hi, Glad everything turned out for the best. Yesterday I took an NRA multi-state concealed carry class in the hopes that our messed-up state will actually pass a law soon. Our instructor informed us that in "most" situations, had the scruffy guy tried to open your door to get to you, it would have been within your rights under the law to defend yourself. If he only pounded on your window and made no attempt at entry, and produced no weapon to inflict bodily harm to you, you could not take action. I suppose if you had a permit and a weapon and felt threatened, it would have been your right to get it out where he could see it, but not to make any aggressive actions or comments thereby inflating the situation. One thing I certainly learned from the class is that those with permits are held to a higher standard should they take action. I will be much more cautious should it be necessary to pull out my weapon after taking the class. Even if a person doesn't intend to carry, the class is well worth the education.

This is all that's needed.......

A Real Man's Rifle

Didn't see any of these guys jumping up to shoot it a second time.
Put aside your girly-man .458 Win Mag or your wimpy .50 cal and watch
guys shoot a real gun, the largest center-fire rifle ever made, the .950
JDJ by SSK Industries

Only three were ever made. This was the lightest, the carbine version, weighing in at 50 lbs. It shoots a .95 caliber, 2,400-grain bullet at 2,100 fps using 240 grains of powder, which generates 25,400 ft/lbs of muzzle energy and 277 ft/lbs of recoil energy. That's about the same as shooting 10 30-06s at the same time!
Each round costs $40
When you get one let me know so I can watch you shoot it.
(Click Here)
She Kicks Like a Mule!<

ACTUALLY, you have to pay attention to state laws on SELF-DEFENSE; "C", Florida has "Stand Your Grounds" law, which means you CAN shoot in self-defense... BUT! It is NOT that simple; got to determine IMMINENT danger to one-self and/or others, Is your car considered your "castle"...? I KNOW a WHEELCHAIR is considered part of a person's body; DO NOT touch, unless you have the person's OK. Review Florida state laws on SELF-DEFENSE (for YOU);
Florida Statute 776.013.

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So, I just got back from a trip to the Pinch-a-Penny to get chlorine for the pool (you northerners will not understand, so just roll with it.) Anyhow, I'm loading up the last gallon of chlorine into the trunk when I notice two scruffy looking guys coming towards me. One is on a crappy bicycle and the other is on foot. The one on the bike says, "Hey" and waves his hand at me. I do my usual, and without giving him a chance to continue say, "I'm sorry, I can't help you." I immediately break eye contact and open the car door. Well, this really irritates him. By the time I close the door he is within two feet of the car, his friend is now standing behind the car. (Light pole in front.) He starts yelling, "I don't need nothing from you, I don't need nothing from you." I turn the car on and glance over. He reaches into his jacket pocket...and pulls out a wad of dollar bills. Still yelling at me, he starts smacking them against the window. I throw the car in neutral and hit the accelerator. His friend jumps out from behind the car like a scared rabbit. I shift into reverse, pull out, and am gone. The whole event could not have lasted more then 10 seconds. It was one of those pulse from 60 to 180 in 0.3 seconds things (flight or fight.)

As I am driving away, I start thinking, "Man, I really need to buy a gun." Now, I don't own a gun, because guns kill people and I don't want to kill people. I have a samurai sword in the house but I obviously don't bring that in public. Speaking to the responsible gun owners out there, is there any point in this story that you would have pulled your gun out?



Go to a gun shop & buy a "Car Protected By Smith & Wesson" "sticker"... or something. Put it on ALL sides (windows). LOL!

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Onfire, link did not reveal a big gun.

Sounds to me, you were scared. You didn't give them a chance to explain anything....he pulled out money NOT a weapon...maybe he was asking for a ride...who knows. You took off like you had been threatened...could of been somthing nice or simple, but you went off, of there looks and nothing more...I have had, a carry permit for 12 years and had a lot of people walk up to me, and a few looked shady, BUT I have never ran from people, or pulled my weapon unless I was threatened....so your question really makes no since. No one with any since would of pulled a gun out in that situation unless your window was down and he reached in and grabbed you or opened your door...even then I would of just grabbed his arm and seen how good he would of kept up with my car...lol

Oh and GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE....I haven't seen ONE fire on it's own my whole life...its the person HOLDING the gun that decides to pull the trigger and kill a person...

PLEASE..DO NOT get a gun, it will be bad for you and the person you MISUNDERSTAND...

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" I immediately break eye contact and open the car door. Well, this really irritates him. By the time I close the door he is within two feet of the car, his friend is now standing behind the car. (Light pole in front.) He starts yelling, "I don't need nothing from you, I don't need nothing from you." I turn the car on and glance over. He reaches into his jacket pocket...and pulls out a wad of dollar bills. Still yelling at me, he starts smacking them against the window. I throw the car in neutral and hit the accelerator. His friend jumps out from behind the car like a scared rabbit. I shift into reverse, pull out, and am gone. The whole event could not have lasted more then 10 seconds. It was one of those pulse from 60 to 180 in 0.3 seconds things (flight or fight.)



Crispin was polite told them he could not help them and got into his car, you will notice he says the man stated yelling and then beating on the window......... As I said I would not have pulled my pistol and pointed it at them, but I would have revealed I had one if "I felt threaten", no one on this thread knows if he felt threaten but him..............

My friend it is your decision on if you want to get a license to carry, when I am out, my concern, my primmary concern is safety of my famuly, they depend on me for their safety......It is your right as an American citizen to protect yourself and your family, owning a gun is a choice only you can make, there is a huge responsibility to it, but if you go to a gun store in your town, take shooting lessons, take the course for fire arms safty, I have no doubt you could handle yourself if something ever happen and you had to.......

Would a taser gun be a better option? Less permanent damage.

I agree, but just don't get a gun cause your scared, because it WILL be used wrong. Get a gun because it is the right thing to do and it is your right if you feel you need protection....learning how to use it correctly is more important than even getting a gun period and if he had to ask a forum of people what would WE of done, he isn't ready for that responsibility...

Keep in mind.....when its to the point where one American wont help another American, thats when the government can tare us apart...united we stand divided we fall...there is NO reason NOT to help a fellow man...

So to say I CANT HELP YOU...not knowing what it was all about anyway was WRONG from the start...everyone is so wrapped up in the own daily crap that really doesnt matter, that they cant see the bigger picture and this is a perfect example..

If thats how the founders of this country thought from the begining...we would not have the constitution or be how we are even today, helping a fellow man is the right thing to do...

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Would a taser gun be a better option? Less permanent damage.

Those are good, if some one grabs you, if your state allows them...some states you need a carry permit to even have one of those also

Did you feel your life was threatened? Would you have shot them?

At that distance deciding to pull your gun is to late. If someone is less than ten feet fromyou, they can get t you before you get your gun out and fire it and kill them. Just becuase you shoot so,eone doesnt mean they will stop, they may keep on coming. Removing yourself fro, the situatuon is the best way to go. You removed yourself from the situation and no one got hurt.

Did you feel your life was threatened? Would you have shot them?

At that distance deciding to pull your gun is to late. If someone is less than ten feet fromyou, they can get t you before you get your gun out and fire it and kill them. Just becuase you shoot so,eone doesnt mean they will stop, they may keep on coming. Removing yourself fro, the situatuon is the best way to go. You removed yourself from the situation and no one got hurt.

Question is what if he couldn't have removed himself, what if his car was blocked if, it is always best to remove yourself from a dangerous sititutaion, problem is you can't always do that, that is the time when you need personal protection...

Crispin asked the question here because of the 2nd amendment debate....

I also took Martial Arts, took Tae-Kwan-Do for 8 years, earned my 2nd degree black belt..... They taught us to try to avoid confrontation, but they also taught us what to do if you can not avoid confrontation..... We were taught all the kill points on the human body, we were taught how to end a fight quickly if you felt threatened there was no other option, and it did not involved fancy, pretty spinning kicks, it did involve nasty stuff and it is something once taught you never forget who to do...

Treasure_Hunter said:
Question is what if he couldn't have removed himself, what if his car was blocked if, it is always best to remove yourself from a dangerous sititutaion, problem is you can't always do that, that is the time when you need personal protection...

Crispin asked the question here because of the 2nd amendment debate....

I also took Martial Arts, took Tae-Kwan-Do for 8 years, earned my 2nd degree black belt..... They taught us to try to avoid confrontation, but they also taught us what to do if you can not avoid confrontation..... We were taught all the kill points on the human body, we were taught how to end a fight quickly if you felt threatened there was no other option, and it did not involved fancy, pretty spinning kicks, it did involve nasty stuff and it is something once taught you never forget who to do...

I am not saying their isnt a time to use force. I was merely trying to tell him he did the right thing and was able to remove himself from the situation. I live in the only state in the union that doesnt allow concealed carry and would if i could.

gerryk said:
Did you feel your life was threatened? Would you have shot them?

At that distance deciding to pull your gun is to late. If someone is less than ten feet fromyou, they can get t you before you get your gun out and fire it and kill them. Just becuase you shoot so,eone doesnt mean they will stop, they may keep on coming. Removing yourself fro, the situatuon is the best way to go. You removed yourself from the situation and no one got hurt.

Jerry, I think you make a great point.

In what type of situation will a criminal or mugger make their intentions known when they are yards away from you or minutes before they plan on assaulting you? Obviously if you have that much warning of a situation you should just remove yourself.

What is the situation where having an unloaded gun in the car/truck going to help? If you have the time to get out and load it you obviously have the time to drive away. Seems like the weapon is as likely to just get stolen and used in a crime as it is going to protect the owner?

Lets use crispins example, at what point does he pull his desert eagle. After the person pulls his gun and he knows he is in danger? Whoops a little too late then isn't it?

For one of the gun owners, if a mugger had a knife to you or a family member and asked for your wallet would you give up your wallet or pull your gun? What if the assailant had a gun already pulled and asked for the valuables - you pulling or giving them up? Would love to hear theoretical opinions on this situation.

Question is what if he couldn't have removed himself, what if his car was blocked if, it is always best to remove yourself from a dangerous sititutaion, problem is you can't always do that, that is the time when you need personal protection...

Crispin asked the question here because of the 2nd amendment debate....

I also took Martial Arts, took Tae-Kwan-Do for 8 years, earned my 2nd degree black belt..... They taught us to try to avoid confrontation, but they also taught us what to do if you can not avoid confrontation..... We were taught all the kill points on the human body, we were taught how to end a fight quickly if you felt threatened there was no other option, and it did not involved fancy, pretty spinning kicks, it did involve nasty stuff and it is something once taught you never forget who to do...

Why do you sound like it was automatically a bad situation...the dude could of had an emergency of some kind....he could of smacked his window with the money to show no weapon and willing to pay, if you treat people like that.....don't ever expect anyone to help you if the time ever comes..

Why do you sound like it was automatically a bad situation...the dude could of had an emergency of some kind....he could of smacked his window with the money to show no weapon and willing to pay, if you treat people like that.....don't ever expect anyone to help you if the time ever comes..

Blu go back and read my posts, I said if it had happen to me I would not have pulled my pistol, I said if I felt threated I would have revealed I had one, I also said no one but Crispin knows if he felt threated or not, he was the only one there,......Having a weapon and knowing you can defend yourself will most times waylay the fear you feel that not having one causes...

Point is it wasn't a bad situtation this time, but it does not mean it couldn't be a bad situtation down the road one day..... Every adult should think what they would do if that situtation ever arises, you don't wait till it happens to wonder what you will do....

My question to Crispin was what would happen if it happened and his wife and son were with him and it was a hostile situtation...These situtations happen everyday across this country.....

Blu, I personally know Crispin, I am asking him to think what would have happen if it HAD BEEN a hostile situtation and he had his family with him.............

Blu go back and read my posts, I said if it had happen to me I would not have pulled my pistol, I said if I felt threated I would have revealed I had one, I also said no one but Crispin knows if he felt threated or not, he was the only one there,......Having a weapon and knowing you can defend yourself will most times waylay the fear you feel that not having one causes...

Point is it wasn't a bad situtation this time, but it does not mean it couldn't be a bad situtation down the road one day..... Every adult should think what they would do if that situtation ever arises, you don't wait till it happens to wonder what you will do....

Treasure Hunter,

My friend, thank you for the well thought out posts. I definitely have some thinking to do on the subject. For those of you have never met me, I am almost as well trained in Martial Arts as Treasure Hunter is. I am by no means intimidating to look at but neither do I look like an easy target. I have lived in the ghetto of Albany, NY for several years. I have had a knife pulled on me and been attacked by somebody with a snow shovel. Both times, they were random people who just walked right up to me...much like this guy was doing.

When I was younger I was completely invincible. I had no fear of death and knew that nobody could kill me. I was pretty sure that even if I did get shot it would be easy to survive. Once I got married my mortality became evident and my sphere of area that I needed to protect grew significantly. Two years ago when I was in San Francisco a random man grabbed my wife at a stop light at a busy intersection. In the half second I saw it to when I responded I was able to recognize he was a homeless schizophrenic. That recognition saved him a couple of broken bones at the minimum. I disengaged his hands, his speech was garbled, and he was clearly responding to command hallucinations...sad.

My wife and I had our first child four months ago. All of the sudden, I am feeling less and less invincible. Now, I think I have fallen into be down right mortal. Now I have another extension of myself to protect. Kind of makes you think...


Treasure_Hunter said:
Having a weapon and knowing you can defend yourself will most times waylay the fear you feel that not having one causes.....

or can also potential give you a false sense of security that puts you into a bad situation that could otherwise be avoided?

Crispin was polite told them he could not help them and got into his car, you will notice he says the man stated yelling and then beating on the window......... As I said I would not have pulled my pistol and pointed it at them, but I would have revealed I had one if "I felt threaten", no one on this thread knows if he felt threaten but him..............

My friend it is your decision on if you want to get a license to carry, when I am out, my concern, my primmary concern is safety of my famuly, they depend on me for their safety......It is your right as an American citizen to protect yourself and your family, owning a gun is a choice only you can make, there is a huge responsibility to it, but if you go to a gun store in your town, take shooting lessons, take the course for fire arms safty, I have no doubt you could handle yourself if something ever happen and you had to.......

STILL gotta go by state "Self-Defense" Laws...

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