Watchmen ??

AND! PROBABLY "broke" The OATH! WOE to him; WatchMen are watching...
Uncle "T" may not have known of The OATH... but "THEY" did.

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Here is just a thought I will share. Uncle T has been in power for approximately 17 years. It has been my observation with the sentinels that I am familar with that they DO have access to some of the funds they are watching over. Several have really prospered over the years. But it has been through hard work. Sawmills going 7 days a week, ranching, construction operations, excavating business...and so on. It is my belief that cached funds were used to start up these enterprises, to purchase land and equipment. No proof, but I believe that they need to pay these funds back, maybe with interest. Or practice tithing. Giving a percentage from the earnings of the business back to the original lender. One of the sentinels which have since moved away but still retain property in the area gave 7 million dollars to a local college. A building is named in their honor. The reason I bring this up is that uncle T has had plenty of time to invest and make a profit on his investments. Maybe he is legitimate in his spending of the funds.

My great grandfather showed up in our area in 1867. He had come out of the civil war as a private. He did not come from a family of money. But he came to our area and started up a general store out of an old corncrib on the side of a barn. He immediately begin purchasing a lot of land in the vicinity. He sent off and got his pharmacy license and from that point on was known as Doc McPherson. He had 7 children and left all 7 children a of these farms is now in my possession.
There was always a question of where he got his money. Grandma chalked it up to him being a good business man. My research has led me to know otherwise. All of this property that he was buying up had unusual topographical features and was used as part of a greater plan.

Sis, I know that this is something that you dont want to hear. I am trying to be objective and share other reasons of why he is spending money after your father and grandfather were so frugal with it. Now how he came into power is a whole other story. He will pay the piper eventually, if not sooner....Steve

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Sis, I hate to say this but I believe Your Uncle Y and yourself are in danger from Uncle T. It seems to me that he done your father and grandfather in and your uncle G. Be very careful of him. Always be aware of his goings and comings and for God's sake stay away from him. Uncle T will pay for what he has done by other sentinels. They know how much was entrusted to him and after 17 years they will hold him responsible for his money spent. Don't be surprised if he up and disappears. Yourself you need to do business as usual and try to get that land in your name. The other sentinels will then contact you, they should know your father and that he was an honest man------they will trust you.
Sis, We know one uncle went off a roof. Were any other deaths suspicious? Could there possibly have been poisoning involved? If so you and your mother could have a body exhumed and tested for poisons. It testing is positive, then the next logical question for authorities is who had something to gain from their deaths?.....Steve

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Sis, I hate to say this but I believe Your Uncle Y and yourself are in danger from Uncle T. It seems to me that he done your father and grandfather in and your uncle G. Be very careful of him. Always be aware of his goings and comings and for God's sake stay away from him. Uncle T will pay for what he has done by other sentinels. They know how much was entrusted to him and after 17 years they will hold him responsible for his money spent. Don't be surprised if he up and disappears. Yourself you need to do business as usual and try to get that land in your name. The other sentinels will then contact you, they should know your father and that he was an honest man------they will trust you.


Sis, We know one uncle went off a roof. Were any other deaths suspicious? Could there possibly have been poisoning involved? If so you and your mother could have a body exhumed and tested for poisons. It testing is positive, then the next logical question for authorities is who had something to gain from their deaths?.....Steve

AGREE! SEE to it!

Boy Sis, and I thought my family was bad.

Ok how I'm seeing it. Sounds like Uncle T is using the old last man standing routine, to get what he thinks is going to be his. If he's the only one left then he gets all the goodies. Ain't going to happen if the sentinels have anything to do with it. They know who is supposed to get what they watch over, if it doesn't happen, it goes away. "Family" will take care of it.

And yeah he knows that you know what he's done. So do the rest of the "Family". Nother old trick, set a trap, feed the rat tidbits, he'll get greedy and want more. The tidbits lead to the trap, and when he makes his move to get it the trap springs shut. Thinking that trap has been set for a long time, and Uncle T has been picking away at the bait. Granted for whatever reason it's taking more to spring the trap then it should have. Too many folks have been used for bait.

For whatever reason those who set the trap, wanted to be sure the rat isn't going to get out of the trap. Thing with a trap, it can be sprung two ways.
You can either wait till the rat springs it himself, or you spring it for him. It's time to spring the trap, could be that's what the "Family" is waiting for.

If something is there it's not going to be handed to you, you have to prove to them you are worthy of it.

It does work that way. I recently had to spring the trap on my Uncle. Even in my youth I knew he wasn't to be trusted. He's up there in years, and after blowing his inheritance, he's been doing all kinds of things to get money. He uses the "first born" bit to try and work deals, as he knew of Gramps connections.
He's one that doesn't learn or care, and the family and "Family" has stepped in to stop him way too many times.

Through the "Family" I learned that he had used forged documents and a will to try and sell gas rights to the farm I own, and some other properties that he has no interest in. So I set the trap. I let him run with the bait. Set him up at the gas company. Funny as the gas company is part of Gramp's "Family", so it was easy to do. Trail of bait on the other properties, little bit of cash he got, and he wanted more. Typical rat. The farm was the mother load of properties, the perfect bait. Let him walk into the gas company, deliver the forged documents, sign the papers, accept the money, and then SLAMMED the trap shut.

He walked out of the office and into the hands of the police. I showed no mercy, he'll spend the rest of his life in jail, for the things he did and the people he destroyed.

Sis, watch your 6 as the fighter pilots say, and it's time for you to spring the trap on Uncle T. Don't worry, the "Family" is waiting for you to do it, and will be there when you need them. They set the trap a long time ago, just like any treasure site it has traps for those who aren't in the know. Granted some pretty expensive bait has been used, but you want a trap to work, and if the bait won't work the trap is useless. Get your ducks in a row and go spring the trap.

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Boy Sis, and I thought my family was bad.

Ok how I'm seeing it. Sounds like Uncle T is using the old last man standing routine, to get what he thinks is going to be his. If he's the only one left then he gets all the goodies. Ain't going to happen if the sentinels have anything to do with it. They know who is supposed to get what they watch over, if it doesn't happen, it goes away. "Family" will take care of it.

And yeah he knows that you know what he's done. So do the rest of the "Family". Nother old trick, set a trap, feed the rat tidbits, he'll get greedy and want more. The tidbits lead to the trap, and when he makes his move to get it the trap springs shut. Thinking that trap has been set for a long time, and Uncle T has been picking away at the bait. Granted for whatever reason it's taking more to spring the trap then it should have. Too many folks have been used for bait.

For whatever reason those who set the trap, wanted to be sure the rat isn't going to get out of the trap. Thing with a trap, it can be sprung two ways.
You can either wait till the rat springs it himself, or you spring it for him. It's time to spring the trap, could be that's what the "Family" is waiting for.

If something is there it's not going to be handed to you, you have to prove to them you are worthy of it.

It does work that way. I recently had to spring the trap on my Uncle. Even in my youth I knew he wasn't to be trusted. He's up there in years, and after blowing his inheritance, he's been doing all kinds of things to get money. He uses the "first born" bit to try and work deals, as he knew of Gramps connections.
He's one that doesn't learn or care, and the family and "Family" has stepped in to stop him way too many times.

Through the "Family" I learned that he had used forged documents and a will to try and sell gas rights to the farm I own, and some other properties that he has no interest in. So I set the trap. I let him run with the bait. Set him up at the gas company. Funny as the gas company is part of Gramp's "Family", so it was easy to do. Trail of bait on the other properties, little bit of cash he got, and he wanted more. Typical rat. The farm was the mother load of properties, the perfect bait. Let him walk into the gas company, deliver the forged documents, sign the papers, accept the money, and then SLAMMED the trap shut.

He walked out of the office and into the hands of the police. I showed no mercy, he'll spend the rest of his life in jail, for the things he did and the people he destroyed.

Sis, watch your 6 as the fighter pilots say, and it's time for you to spring the trap on Uncle T. Don't worry, the "Family" is waiting for you to do it, and will be there when you need them. They set the trap a long time ago, just like any treasure site it has traps for those who aren't in the know. Granted some pretty expensive bait has been used, but you want a trap to work, and if the bait won't work the trap is useless. Get your ducks in a row and go spring the trap.


I'd just like to thank you all so very much for lending me your ear and sounding off your voices. I did need this very much and do feel better just by your being here to help me/us.

To be quite honest - I Do Not Care about Money or Things.
I Do Care About Family and Home...

There is something deep inside me that I know I inherited from my father and grandfather and that is that I hate to owe anything to anyone. If I can't pay for it, I don't need it. I work - save and then buy whatever is needed or wanted. They taught me that because that is the way they were.

I remember that some of granddaddy's favorite snacks. I as well as the other children had taken my turn at sitting on the flour barrel right next to granddaddy at the table. He loved to mix a little dark syrup into some peanut butter - I suppose this was his sweet snack. He also loved to eat sardines on crackers. I miss him & daddy...

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My father died from Agent Orange Poisoning as far as we know. His death certificate - reason of death explanation took up all three lines well as the space between the lines. His military issued medical records just disappeared shortly after.

Granddaddy was in his late 80's I believe and had already survived colon cancer.

I've already explained my feelings about uncle G.

It was told to me that grandma told everyone that uncle M died of brain cancer; but, it was also told that he died from syphilis and grandma just told her story to cover. (I'm not sure what happened to him - all I know is that now, where ever he sits, he cries - "T tricked me, T tricked me" - so, considering where he may be right now - it must be so.}

Lots of folks think Dead Men can Tell no Tales - but, that is not true...
Sis, I am a little curious. Do you consider your "gift" a blessing or a negative in your life? The things that you have seen in your visions have given you much to think and worry about. And you also have spent much time and thought on how to act on this knowledge, that is why I ask...Steve

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I'd just like to thank you all so very much for lending me your ear and sounding off your voices. I did need this very much and do feel better just by your being here to help me/us.

To be quite honest - I Do Not Care about Money or Things.
I Do Care About Family and Home...

Well, ya see, being a daughter/grand-daughter of a FreeMason/KGC "guy" meant YOU were family; we promise to help/aid/assist ANY member of the FAMILY (no criminals), "BLOOD" or not, w/o material ($$$$$) injury to ourselves. THAT was in "THE GOOD OLD DAYS". YOU gave certain signs/words that alerted "us" to respond; from Virginia, keep watching the turtle.

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There is something deep inside me that I know I inherited from my father and grandfather and that is that I hate to owe anything to anyone. If I can't pay for it, I don't need it. I work - save and then buy whatever is needed or wanted. They taught me that because that is the way they were. I believe this is why granddaddy did not touch anything or very little of it if he ever did or not...

I remember that some of granddaddy's favorite snacks. I as well as the other children had taken my turn at sitting on the flour barrel right next to granddaddy at the table. He loved to mix a little dark syrup into some peanut butter - I suppose this was his sweet snack. He also loved to eat sardines on crackers. I miss him & daddy...

There is NO death; taught in the 3rd Degree. YOU can visit with them in YOUR "dream-world".

Sis, I am a little curious. Do you consider your "gift" a blessing or a negative in your life? The things that you have seen in your visions have given you much to think and worry about. And you also have spent much time and thought on how to act on this knowledge, that is why I ask...Steve

It can be BOTH; thus, "THE TEMPTATION". MANY fail...

Ordo Aurum Solis

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Sis, you wrote that your Daddy's military medical records disappeared. You should be able to get copies of his medical records and regular military records from the depository in St. Louis, Missouri. When military members get discharged or retire, their original records are sent to St. Louis and only photo copies are sent out to their new doctors or medical facilities. You could go to a VA center and get help to get copies of his records sent to you OR YOUR doctor. Since he was affected by Agent Orange, you have a right to his records so your own doctor can investigate to see if any medical problems YOU may have could be connected. It's a legitimate reason for YOU to get his records. That goes for any VA medical records originated AFTER he got out of service and was receiving med care from them.

Again, you can get copies of ALL of his records. I was in Vietnam from May 1968 til Sept. 1969. The Ranchhand squadron who sprayed the Agent Orange were based at the same base I was at. I was assigned to a Special Operations Squadron of fighter jets. The Ranchhands were situated on the other end of the entire flightline from us. I went with a buddy of mine who was an aircraft mechanic specializing in sheetmetal fixes. He was to go to their ramp one afternoon to repair bullet holes in one of their aircraft. We'd no longer got there when a VC sniper started shooting at us from a Buddhist Temple off base. We figured it out after a few bullets "zinged" off of the concrete and we finally actually SAW one hit. LOL Very interesting. I told my buddy that I didn't need to use my day off to get shot at by Charlie. We did that all the time down on OUR end of the ramp. LOL

There is NO death; taught in the 3rd Degree. YOU can visit with them in YOUR "dream-world".
I try - sometimes all it takes is relaxing - sometimes relaxing isn't so easy.

I do know now that I can astral project and have been doing it unconsciously since, I was a kid. I just don't know How to Control it. It just happens.

I have a friend far away, someone I've never met in flesh - she's a sister Cherokee. We've talked online and she told me that sometimes I scare her a bit because she isn't expecting me and turns around and there I am. Most of the time I'm sleeping - Sometimes, all it takes is planting my feet on the ground while sitting and closing my eyes.

No, there is no death. It's like wearing a glove. The glove is the body - the hand is the spirit.
Dropping the glove is like dying - laying down the body to rest.
The glove lays there with no hand inside.
The spirit keeps moving and is rarely still.

Good Reb, I know that no matter from whence my father's came * that my mother's were carried on to live somehow... and not travel that trail of tears. I miss knowing them and their secrets.


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Sis, you wrote that your Daddy's military medical records disappeared. You should be able to get copies of his medical records and regular military records from the depository in St. Louis, Missouri. When military members get discharged or retire, their original records are sent to St. Louis and only photo copies are sent out to their new doctors or medical facilities. You could go to a VA center and get help to get copies of his records sent to you OR YOUR doctor. Since he was affected by Agent Orange, you have a right to his records so your own doctor can investigate to see if any medical problems YOU may have could be connected. It's a legitimate reason for YOU to get his records. That goes for any VA medical records originated AFTER he got out of service and was receiving med care from them.

Again, you can get copies of ALL of his records. I was in Vietnam from May 1968 til Sept. 1969. The Ranchhand squadron who sprayed the Agent Orange were based at the same base I was at. I was assigned to a Special Operations Squadron of fighter jets. The Ranchhands were situated on the other end of the entire flightline from us. I went with a buddy of mine who was an aircraft mechanic specializing in sheetmetal fixes. He was to go to their ramp one afternoon to repair bullet holes in one of their aircraft. We'd no longer got there when a VC sniper started shooting at us from a Buddhist Temple off base. We figured it out after a few bullets "zinged" off of the concrete and we finally actually SAW one hit. LOL Very interesting. I told my buddy that I didn't need to use my day off to get shot at by Charlie. We did that all the time down on OUR end of the ramp. LOL

Mother asked for his records soon after his death. They told her that they The VA hospital had "lost" his records. She gave them the look and asked them how after 20 years of service could they just "lose" his records after following him around all those years. I'll tell her to check out the depository. Thank you!

Dad was there too, not sure of the dates - but, I'm thinking he was there for 2 or three years. When he got there the bed he was to take was the bed of a man who was suppose to go home the next day only the man was shot/or killed by shrapnel while he slept there in that bed or spot- If I remember correctly (It's been a long time).

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Ok how I'm seeing it. Sounds like Uncle T is using the old last man standing routine, to get what he thinks is going to be his. If he's the only one left then he gets all the goodies. Ain't going to happen if the sentinels have anything to do with it. They know who is supposed to get what they watch over, if it doesn't happen, it goes away. "Family" will take care of it.

And yeah he knows that you know what he's done. So do the rest of the "Family". Nother old trick, set a trap, feed the rat tidbits, he'll get greedy and want more. The tidbits lead to the trap, and when he makes his move to get it the trap springs shut. Thinking that trap has been set for a long time, and Uncle T has been picking away at the bait. Granted for whatever reason it's taking more to spring the trap then it should have. Too many folks have been used for bait.

For whatever reason those who set the trap, wanted to be sure the rat isn't going to get out of the trap. Thing with a trap, it can be sprung two ways.
You can either wait till the rat springs it himself, or you spring it for him. It's time to spring the trap, could be that's what the "Family" is waiting for.

If something is there it's not going to be handed to you, you have to prove to them you are worthy of it.

Sis, watch your 6 as the fighter pilots say, and it's time for you to spring the trap on Uncle T. Don't worry, the "Family" is waiting for you to do it, and will be there when you need them. They set the trap a long time ago, just like any treasure site it has traps for those who aren't in the know. Granted some pretty expensive bait has been used, but you want a trap to work, and if the bait won't work the trap is useless. Get your ducks in a row and go spring the trap.

Last man standing - that makes sense.

I would if I could - but, I don't know what the Trap Is...


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"THE TRAP"...? SIMPLE! Claiming YOUR land... posting NO TRESS-PASSING signs... building YOUR house, on YOUR land; THAT is "THE TRAP".

AND! Being a "EMPATH" IS hard. You become a "Spirit-Magnet". BEEN THERE.

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