Watchmen ??

Sis,catch some of us on the right day chasing clues or researching and you will feel most sane.
If you feel jacks as being tangible by all means watch for them.
Jack of diamonds song had many variants,one early going back to Texas railroad and gambling.
My leaning,only my opinion is jack represents a rank. Access to wealth but not actually the owner.
A status perhaps being yours now. Lots of symbolism in knave of diamonds but that could be over thinking it.
Take care. Plan your next move ahead of time. Keep your cards close to your vest and we,ll cheer for you regardless of what you do down the road.

Sis,catch some of us on the right day chasing clues or researching and you will feel most sane.
If you feel jacks as being tangible by all means watch for them.
Jack of diamonds song had many variants,one early going back to Texas railroad and gambling.
My leaning,only my opinion is jack represents a rank. Access to wealth but not actually the owner.
A status perhaps being yours now. Lots of symbolism in knave of diamonds but that could be over thinking it.
Take care. Plan your next move ahead of time. Keep your cards close to your vest and we,ll cheer for you regardless of what you do down the road.

:) Thanks Releventchair, I've added you as a friend and would like to know more about the symbolism of the knave or jack of diamonds. Maybe you can tell me more by pm rather than cluttering this thread, unless you decide to create a thread about him else where. If you do, please send me the link.

...and I guess I should go buy a pack of regular playing cards the next trip to town.

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One of the oldest tricks in the marker book. Place something that looks like it belongs to everyone else, yet is not, to someone in the know.
Remember I told you, you need to learn to see what you are looking at and listen to what you hear. More then likely you've been seeing and hearing it all, just never put 2 and 2 together.

As for your missing will? Well, don't know if you don't ask. There is the law, and for a lawyer to up and loose something like that, well that can get real ugly for them with one phone call to the proper authorities. And if they don't help, a little blurb on Eyewitness News about it ain't going to look to good when it get's out. Sometimes you gotta get down and dirty when dealing with folks.

Lastly, nah, my blond streak of hair was the straw poking out, at least according to Gramps.

Grand's "missing" Will...? Tell Legal Aid about THAT one... LOL! SIC 'EM!

Wow, ya'll are so cool. While reading a personal message someone said something to me and it just dawned on me what the Jacks may be. The jacks just might be jack handles that are driven into the ground around granddaddy's land. I just remembered them talking about them. Maybe I'm wrong; but I'm not so sure of that either.

The jack of diamonds also has a value (10) ?? Maybe?

One of the oldest tricks in the marker book. Place something that looks like it belongs to everyone else, yet is not, to someone in the know.

Can you explain this just a bit more for me, please?

If there was a livable structure there I'd have moved back.

As for your missing will? Well, don't know if you don't ask. There is the law, and for a lawyer to up and loose something like that, well that can get real ugly for them with one phone call to the proper authorities. And if they don't help, a little blurb on Eyewitness News about it ain't going to look to good when it get's out. Sometimes you gotta get down and dirty when dealing with folks.

Hmmmm...i'm not use to being much more than polite and respectful, that's the way mom and dad raised me. I guess it's time to be another way to those who do not deserve the honor of politeness and respect. Good ideas, thank!

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MASONIC TAROT... check it out!
I can't, I went searching for the Masonic Tarot and there I found the All Seeing Eye looking back at me. It has a pretty eye, not just some plain ole eye, but very lovely and soulful.

The card in the deck is the number 4 card - The Emperor

View attachment 734420

I know that two of my signature cards are The Heirophant and The Empress. In a regular deck my signature card is the Queen of Hearts.

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I can't, I went searching for the Masonic Tarot and there I found the All Seeing Eye looking back at me. This is what the one on the bluff looks like. It has a pretty eye, not just some plain ole eye, but very lovely and soulful.

The card in the deck is the number 4 card - The Emperor

View attachment 734420

I do read tarot cards, generally the RW (though, I don't read them all the time and it has been awhile). I know that two of my signature cards are The Heirophant and The Empress. In a regular deck my signature card is the Queen of Hearts.

And THAT is very significant, being The HEIRophant, the EMPRESS (QUEEN of HEARTS); The ALL SEEING EYE is VERY much a KGC/Freemason thing. What I would do is get a $$$$$$$$$ grant from Feds or private $$$$$$$$ sources (for WOMEN), CONTRACT to build a house of YOUR choosing, on YOUR land (get it in writing)... and MOVE BACK. If you want access to such info, let me know... I am a GRANTS RESEARCHER; I DO NOT write Grants, tho. YOU are the HEIR... and SHOULD be there. "Google" CASH grants for WOMEN; then e-Grants for WOMEN. DO NOT play "games" with Uncle "T"; waste of time; put time/energy into MOVING BACK THERE. BTW, the number 4 is for "GOOD FOUNDATION" as in building a 1 level house; 8 would be SOLID FOUNDATION, as in 2 story house. GOOD LUCK.

BTW, your Grandpa was the IMPERATORE (as in Card 4); it means HEAD of the Clan of SENTINELS in YOUR AREA. USUALLY, just saying your first name, grand-daughter of the IMPERATORE, daughter of designated IMPERATORE (your father) will "alert" other Sentinels & families to RESPECT and help you unconditionally. MORE, later...

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Sis ,Google the song "Rye Whiskey". It's an old song of Irish origin. More lyrics may reveal some more meaning to you

Last night I did ask for granddaddy and daddy to help guide me as I laid down and I tried and tried to go to sleep. (Generally, I'm one who's snoring as my head hits the pillow) But, since I couldn't sleep I got up and began looking for that tarot deck. This morning I got up and realized that I'd been talking a lot about what's happened and myself; and that I should at least tell you a bit about granddaddy, so here's some of the things I remember of him as an older man.

Granddaddy would go to bed with the chickens most evenings unless for some reason he did not. He would get up very early in the morning - I have no idea when only that it was still dark. I have no idea if he went outside or not. What I remember was that he would get up in the morning, every morning and make coffee in a metal coffee pot on the stove. Coffee so strong that my dad and his brothers would tease him that they could use it to tar a road. It was so strong that all of grandma's melmac coffee cups were darkly stained (She'd fuss about that and try to bleach them out but never could do so well enough to suit her, but she drank coffee too).

Every morning he would make grits, fry eggs sunny side up, fry bacon and great big ole cathead biscuits. (Oh my goodness, they were so dang good - a bit of heaven in the morning as far as i'm concerned. One of the things I do miss is eating breakfast with granddaddy.)

If you weren't up by the time breakfast was ready (and it was still dark) he'd not come to the door and say gently, breakfast is ready - get up. No, he'd come open the door, flip on the light and say loudly, "It's time to get up." lol he left you no other choice but to get up since the light blinded you until you did.

I remember that sometimes, I'd get up before he'd wake up the others and he'd be sitting on the front porch just the other side of the bathtub, and I'd crawl up on the chair beside him. I remember us just sitting there watching the breaking of dawn. Every once in a while a bird would call out. He'd say to me in a hushed voice, "Do you hear that bird?" I'd say, "Yes, sir." He'd say, "That's a whipowill." and we'd sit there and listen for the bird. That's the only bird I remember us talking about those mornings, maybe the whipowill was the only bird up that time of day. He taught me to call like the whipowill.

He also had turkeys and I learned to make a turkey call that sounded just like them, only I had to be outside to do so or get fussed at since, it was so loud as to hurt your ears. (He thought that was pretty cool and say to me once in a while - during the day of course, and outside "Sis, holler like a turkey." and of course, I would).

I've got to make a trip to town, got to get ready and go, be back later.


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Last night I did ask for granddaddy and daddy to help guide me as I laid down and I tried and tried to go to sleep. (Generally, I'm one who's snoring as my head hits the pillow) But, since I couldn't sleep I got up and began looking for that tarot deck. This morning I got up and realized that I'd been talking a lot about what's happened and myself; and that I should at least tell you a bit about granddaddy, so here's some of the things I remember of him as an older man.

Granddaddy would go to bed with the chickens most evenings unless for some reason he did not. He would get up very early in the morning - I have no idea when only that it was still dark. I have no idea if he went outside or not. What I remember was that he would get up in the morning, every morning and make coffee in a metal coffee pot on the stove. Coffee so strong that my dad and his brothers would tease him that they could use it to tar a road. It was so strong that all of grandma's melmac coffee cups were darkly stained (She'd fuss about that and try to bleach them out but never could do so well enough to suit her, but she drank coffee too).

Every morning he would make grits, fry eggs sunny side up, fry bacon and great big ole cathead biscuits. (Oh my goodness, they were so dang good - a bit of heaven in the morning as far as i'm concerned. One of the things I do miss is eating breakfast with granddaddy.)

If you weren't up by the time breakfast was ready (and it was still dark) he'd not come to the door and say gently, breakfast is ready - get up. No, he'd come open the door, flip on the light and say loudly, "It's time to get up." lol he left you no other choice but to get up since the light blinded you until you did.

I remember that sometimes, I'd get up before he'd wake up the others and he'd be sitting on the front porch just the other side of the bathtub, and I'd crawl up on the chair beside him. I remember us just sitting there watching the breaking of dawn. Every once in a while a bird would call out. He'd say to me in a hushed voice, "Do you hear that bird?" I'd say, "Yes, sir." He'd say, "That's a whipowill." and we'd sit there and listen for the bird. That's the only bird I remember us talking about those mornings, maybe the whipowill was the only bird up that time of day. He taught me to call like the whipowill.

He also had turkeys and I learned to make a turkey call that sounded just like them, only I had to be outside to do so or get fussed at since, it was so loud as to hurt your ears. (He thought that was pretty cool and say to me once in a while - during the day of course, and outside "Sis, holler like a turkey." and of course, I would).

I remember being outside with him and daddy and they would be talking about something, I don't remember what; but, what I do remember is that he would have a long stick in his hand, and while they were talking he'd draw things on the sandy ground with the stick. Once they finished talking he'd take his foot and wipe it all away. One of the things he would draw was what looked to me like two hills - other times it's be lines going one way or the other. For some reason the two hills are what I remember most - maybe because I was little and that was the only thing that I recognized - they may not have even been hills. *shrugs*

I've got to make a trip to town, got to get ready and go, be back later.


Sis, are you writing all of these memories down? Perhaps it would be a good idea to keep a diary of your thoughts and memories about your Daddy and Granddaddy.

As far as your Granddaddy's bedtime and rising time.......he was "old school" and that is how their work days went.

As for your Uncle T.......the reason he is trying to pay the taxes on your land is that in most states, if a person pays the taxes on a piece of property for 7 years and puts the face on as it's owner, he can file for ownership and USUALLY GET IT. Sooooo, if you can do as RebelKGC suggested.......move back there and build a home on your place, it would definitely put a stop to THAT angle from good ole Unc. Besides, even though he might have found you Granddad's "handy money", he knows that there is a vault somewhere in the area and THAT is his goal to find. What kind of astonishes me is that fact that the other sentinels in the area have allowed him to get as far as he has. Seems like he would have been stopped long before now.

I know that it is so easy for RebelKGC and me (and others) to suggest that you do this and that.....move here.......move there, but you have to do what's RIGHT and good for yourself and any close family you have now. If you live in the part of the country that has the group of folks known as the Melungeons; this will present another angle to beware of. Do a Google or bing search on that name. You'll discover some interesting things. If you are a Melungeon, I mean no disrespect.

Sorry it took so long, my car broke down on the way home. It managed to keep going until I was able to get it into a parking lot (thank goodness) rather than having to leave it on the side of the road. Didn't want it towed until I can get someone over there to fix it or tow it home for me. So, besides the pain of walking around on concrete and becoming overheated I've been weak as a pup since, laid down to rest and just got back up.

Anyway, granddaddy was a Scorpio, he loved all of us dearly, and we all knew better than to get on his bad side. He had beautiful piercing blue eyes and a wonderful sense of humor and he loved to pick and play. By the time I came around what hair he had left was gray, but I think at one time he was red headed, though I'm not sure what shade of red. He was a short, man and sometime after we left home and then came back I'd over-grown him. I'm just shy 1/4 inch being 5'9 and think I'd have been taller if not for breaking the back and the neck as a teen. I think he might have been about 5'4 or so.

My dad was a lot like him in that if they liked you they would pick and play or tease you, but if they did not like you - you'd never be picked at or teased. You'd be addressed sharply or not at all. I remember one time listening to my dad and his brothers talking about buying granddaddy a monkey. But, they decided that granddaddy would aggravate the monkey to death or make it so mean that the kids might not be safe with a perturbed monkey about. Mom says that granddaddy would pick and play, (tickle) with us kids so much that before it was over we'd all be hollering and crying, and then he'd turn to his daughter-in-laws and say to them. You need to do something about these kids, grin and then leave to take care of whatever he was to do outside.

i don't know what anyone else may have thought of my granddaddy, but he was the best grandfather I ever had. I knew the man loved me. He never said or did anything to hurt my feelings, but he'd tear up my tail if he thought I needed it - and I'm sure for whatever reason I did - though I don't remember ever being whopped by him - but I was a good girl anyway. I know he loved me, I know he loved us all.

Oh, I do remember something else - My father told me once that when he and his brothers were boys that if any of them got into an argument or fight that granddaddy would make each of them go cut a limb and then he'd make them whop each other. Who ever was the winner would then get the next whopping from him. So, both boys got whipped.

Time for supper...


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Just a note to tell you I have enjoyed your posts more than any others lately. SS n the others are giving you some good help. Some of the family names you mentioned relocated to Texas (do not remember which thread you mentioned them on) Be careful....stay yourself.



Just a note to tell you I have enjoyed your posts more than any others lately. SS n the others are giving you some good help. Some of the family names you mentioned relocated to Texas (do not remember which thread you mentioned them on) Be careful....stay yourself.

Hi Oddrock, thank you as I was wondering if folks might be getting tired of listening to me talk. I needed this so much more than anyone might realize.

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Also, since T is spending a lot of money for building on to his home, brand new cars and other stuff, why wouldn't any of the other sentinels notice? Seems like they would have known granddaddy and know that he did not do those sort of things that some type of red flag would go up for them that T isn't acting "proper" as a sentinel.
Sis, I think that the main reason is that your granddad and dad were at the top of the foodchain in their "castle" Possibly there is nobody to police those whom should be policing everyone else in that area. Just a thought....Steve

Sis, I think that the main reason is that your granddad and dad were at the top of the foodchain in their "castle" Possibly there is nobody to police those whom should be policing everyone else in that area. Just a thought....Steve

Actually, all I want is that granddaddy's will be acknowledged and executed as he saw fit.
Everything disappeared for us/grandchildren. left us without a Home. All I want is home...

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Sis, I think that the main reason is that your granddad and dad were at the top of the foodchain in their "castle" Possibly there is nobody to police those whom should be policing everyone else in that area. Just a thought....Steve
I beliieve that he has to be held accountable to someone. It just may take a little while for him to have to "pay the piper". There has to be a chain of command, Even for the heads of castles....Steve

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