Watchmen ??

I just sent a couple of ideas by PM to you.

"Sand Bed" was in your dreams... small structure COULD have been a "COVER" for a tunnel, that only your father/grand-father knew about... "not touching grand-father's pipe in the closet" means something; MAYBE, it had carved cyphers/ciphers on the stem; hmmm... IVORY MEERSCHAUM PIPE "Carvings"/Ciphers! HA! Looking at MY "Green Man" Meerschaum Pipe...
Pipe Bowl COULD be "symbolic" of a "Tunnel Hole" in that small building; the stem "curved up" a bit (tunnel) & the "face carving" or whatever, COULD hold "clues" like the carvings on the pillars of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotlland; the "Entered Apprentice" (EA - FreeMasonry) Pillar is of GREAT interest...

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Thank you Shortstack, and you too Reb.

Quick correction here:

I did not Dream the the sand bed, I was lead to it as a child.

I did literally walk to the end of the road and start to write my own name on the bluff and then heard the voice telling me that was enough and no one else (flesh and blood) around besides myself.

Being lead to the tree and shown the book was in a dream.

Also, the Pipe is a lead pipe - a piece of metal pipe.


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No guys, the pipe is just a piece of pipe like a water pipe, you know to add running water a home.
I never touched it in the closet. It was about 4 feet long or so - just guesstimating here.
He did not smoke from it.
I couldn't say if it were made of anything other than lead. it simply looked like a metal water pipe.
The part i could see from standing outside the closet is that it looked smooth.

No guys, the pipe is just a piece of pipe like a water pipe, you know to add running water a home.
I never touched it in the closet. It was about 4 feet long or so - just guesstimating here.
He did not smoke from it.
I couldn't say if it were made of anything other than lead. it simply looked like a metal water pipe.
The part i could see from standing outside the closet is that it looked smooth.

THANKS for clarifying; sounds like a rolled up MAP inside an Aluminum Tube... KGC did LOTS of THAT!

The Sentinels Wife

i realize now that grandma was doing her best to tear down what granddaddy was obligated to uphold.

Dad left home at 17 after getting into it with her (probably for her telling lies - he hated a liar) then granddaddy stepped in and made him leave in order to keep the peace in his home. He stayed gone serving his country, while visiting when we could until he retired and we moved home. (Although, mom and us kids did live there when he was serving tours of duty where we could not go with him.)

I think she had hopes of convincing granddaddy that he couldn't count on or trust daddy, and then she went about working on me too with the same thoughts in mind. I believe she did her best to tear down the structure, and then replace it with her own desires - her choice of heirs rather than following the pattern already established by the men folk.

And, that is what I believe has happened to have caused such a mess here...

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i realize now that grandma was doing her best to tear down what granddaddy was obligated to uphold.

Dad left home at 17 after getting into it with her (probably for her telling lies - he hated a liar) then granddaddy stepped in and made him leave in order to keep the peace in his home. He stayed gone serving his country, while visiting when we could until he retired and we moved home. (Although, mom and us kids did live there when he was serving tours of duty where we could not go with him.)

I think she had hopes of convincing granddaddy that he couldn't count on or trust daddy, and then she went about working on me too with the same thoughts in mind. I believe she did her best to tear down the structure, and then replace it with her own desires - her choice of heirs rather than following the pattern already established by the men folk.

And, that is what I believe has happened to have caused such a mess here...

And that's the thing; normally, heirs WOULD be "T" after YOUR dad (first born son, who died) would inherit grandpa's stuff... "blood family" rights... BUT! Knights of the Golden Circle has DIFFERENT "system", in terms of being in charge of a CASTLE, Rituals, "Treasure(s)", etc... "THEY" decide. The "family" (aka KGC) may well have decided that YOU are the HEIR, bc of your grandmother's attempt to supplant the "Chain of Command", with "T". YOU have some FAMILY RESEARCH to do... GOOD LUCK!

Reading THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF TAROT by Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone; reviewing MASONIC TAROT DECK... INTERESTING STUFF! It was in the 14th Century that Tarot & Masonic Rituals/MEANINGS "emerged"; YORK RITE (Free-Masons) of "Blue" Lodge, "Red" Lodge, "Dark Grey" Lodge (aka 1-3 Degrees MASTER Masons; 4-7 Degrees ROYAL ARCH Masons; and 8-10 Degrees MASONIC Knights Templar) is KEY as "rituals" of Knights of the Golden Circle. Scottish Rite was MORE Esoteric & ACTIVE in KGC during the CONFEDERATE WAR; Gen. Albert Pike (CSA)... is my "MASONIC Hero"; I "invoked" him in MY "Raising Prayer"... shocking my dad (Mason) & others in the "Lodge"; LOL! I DID become 32nd Degree
Scottish Rite, out of Richmond, Va. & have been to the House of the Temple in D.C. SEVERAL times...

Reading this, I can not help but think how much romantic hype and help we give to the KGC. I can not but help to think how much beter and harder real members of the KGC, ( if they are real!) do not have to work at it. As we all do such a great job doing it on our own. Think for a min. With the world population exploding with people sense 1850's on? Do we all not consider that that type of fortune will not even be safe in caves and graves? Or Hidden on Goverment Reserve Park land, or Mountain Caves and or Faults etc...

People approach private land by droves in natural population explosion world wide, and national progression year to year will go on for ever. Hidden Land as romantic as it sounds would be the wrong way to protect that what is hidden, because it can not be protected. Laws of the Land is a fickle protection.

I am starting to believe we are approaching our search's incorrectly? We fall into perfect answers. It is to easy to suspect a romace tale. a rumor and or lie, or historical lie- rather than seeing what are true "natural physical human facts" that are right in front of us..

That may be why we do not find it, maybe we make it easy for the KGC to keep it hiden. I can not help to think after much searching, that maybe they know about the psychology of humans much better than we do?

Reading this, I can not help but think how much romantic hype and help we give to the KGC. I can not but help to think how much beter and harder real members of the KGC, ( if they are real!) do not have to work at it. As we all do such a great job doing it on our own. Think for a min. With the world population exploding with people sense 1850's on? Do we all not consider that that type of fortune will not even be safe in caves and graves? Or Hidden on Goverment Reserve Park land, or Mountain Caves and or Faults etc...

People approach private land by droves in natural population explosion world wide, and national progression year to year will go on for ever. Hidden Land as romantic as it sounds would be the wrong way to protect that what is hidden, because it can not be protected. Laws of the Land is a fickle protection.

I am starting to believe we are approaching our search's incorrectly? We fall into perfect answers. It is to easy to suspect a romace tale. a rumor and or lie, or historical lie- rather than seeing what are true "natural physical human facts" that are right in front of us..

That may be why we do not find it, maybe we make it easy for the KGC to keep it hiden. I can not help to think after much searching, that maybe they know about the psychology of humans much better than we do?

The "Psychology thing" may well be correct; Gen. (CSA) & "Supreme Head" of the Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction) Albert Pike, was "well-versed" in Eastern & Western philosophies, psychologies, histories, myths, etc. that "psychology of humans" was easy! Read his Morals & Dogma; GREAT BOOK! VERY "heavy", tho. He was also "Head" of KGC after the CONFEDERATE WAR.

THANKS for clarifying; sounds like a rolled up MAP inside an Aluminum Tube... KGC did LOTS of THAT!

Was a time a man could walk near a river carrying a rod case and not arouse suspicion of more than fishing.Were a child to mention case(pipe) in closet and a warning to leave it alone ,people would agree with hands off,making it a good place to secure whats in it when most would expect a fishing rod which could still be produced from case while anything lining could remain.
My gramps carved/scratched his initials in metal butt cap of rod to i.d..should have asked his name in my youth as its not always agreed on and initials confuse. No, he was not watching anything for any one!.Far as i know.

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Was a time a man could walk near a river carrying a rod case and not arouse suspicion of more than fishing.Were a child to mention case(pipe) in closet and a warning to leave it alone ,people would agree with hands off,making it a good place to secure whats in it when most would expect a fishing rod which could still be produced from case while anything lining could remain.
My gramps carved/scratched his initials in metal butt cap of rod to i.d..should have asked his name in my youth as its not always agreed on and initials confuse. No, he was not watching anything for any one!.Far as i know.

THAT is a GREAT "metal" tube! My dad was on home town council and had "TONS" of maps & tubes... I used one in my younger days to store my crystals & other gem-stones in; WONDERFUL rattle, too. (Redneck Boogie!)... HA!

I believe there has been an ongoing and long-lived conspiracy by the planet's elite to rule the world from behind the curtain. I don't know who they are or whether they are the good guys or the bad guys. I think these guys have used a number of groups to help carry out their deeds - the Masons, the Mormons, the Corporations, the KGC, the Church, and probably many more, probably all of them unaware of the other guys' work. They're all 'useful idiots', ala Stalin's name for supporters who are used to accomplish things for the 'greater good', but unaware of who's on top pulling the strings and why.

Re the caches: I believe there was a great deal of activity in the 1930's - new caches, old caches relocated, new clues, etc. The reason? FDR's Gold Confiscation Act of 1933 made it illegal to own bullion and/or specie. Large amounts of gold coins were therefore taken out of legal circulation and hidden rather than turn them in to the traitor in Washington DC. The older caches (pre-1930's)? I don't know who, why or where, but it seems like the caching has been going on for a long, long time. The KGC may well have taken their turn at it, I don't know, but IMO they were also being 'useful idiots' for folks higher up. The motivation for all this? We can't know, but you can bet it will be interesting if we ever find out. Sentinels? Yeah, maybe to some extent, although I believe the big caches are 100% secure from those who are not in the club.

second and third generation investors L.C.

I don't believe there has been a post like this one but if there is just bare with me because I haven't found it yet.

Now I know not everyone believes in the K.G.C. and I respect their thoughts on the matter, but for the sake of this post lets say there are these "watchmen" in these areas, not saying they are K.G.C. or any old secrete order or anything, just men with a purpose or a belief; who infact do guard "something" of value to them. That said....

I wanted to know the opinions of everyone regarding the "watchmen" (that is for the sake of this post) of certain strategic and remote areas throughout the U.S. (or the world) in regards to who they "might be" and "what their ultimate goal is".

Do you believe their are watchmen or do you not?
Do you think that they may still carry long lived ideas and values past down to them? or do you believe its just some lucky schmo who came across a"gold mine" and wont trust the banks or maybe the government to know of it; so they only take what they need and guard the rest from generation to generation?
Do you believe they are infact a form of the late K.G.C. who watch the sites?
Do you believe they are the original group who may have buried or found gold/silver deposits and just continue to guard while changing their purpose with current technology and events?
Do you believe that maybe its a corporation of some kind?
Do you believe it is the government?

Please I'd really like for this post to take off and hear what you guys and gals have to say about it, negative or positive!
Thanks, and please be respectful of others thoughts on the issue.

If I were a K.G.C. / O.A.K. "King PIN"...and I was put in charge of watching over a 100,000 acre area that was a cache sight.......

1# I would have hired cowboys to watch over my cattle and instructed them to also "keep all "co****, ea*** ******** and those that trespass on the property away...if they didn't listen we will have to dig a hole for them.....8-)"
2# That is all I would tell them..........
A cache hunter that was caught looking by these men would be asked nicely to leave the area as they were trespassing.... THE WATCHER would have taken care of business for me without ever knowing what he was actually protecting.
3# The hunter would now have a story to tell about how the K.G.C./ O.A.K. was still guarding the cache....:thumbsup:

Just my two cents, L.C. Baker......

If I were a K.G.C. / O.A.K. "King PIN"...and I was put in charge of watching over a 100,000 acre area that was a cache sight.......

1# I would have hired cowboys to watch over my cattle and instructed them to also "keep all "co****, ea*** ******** and those that trespass on the property away...if they didn't listen we will have to dig a hole for them.....8-)"
2# That is all I would tell them..........
A cache hunter that was caught looking by these men would be asked nicely to leave the area as they were trespassing.... THE WATCHER would have taken care of business for me without ever knowing what he was actually protecting.
3# The hunter would now have a story to tell about how the K.G.C./ O.A.K. was still guarding the cache....:thumbsup:

Just my two cents, L.C. Baker......

YEP! Gotta watch for the COWS! NOW! Let me explain the difference: WATCHERS watch over the area in general; SENTINELS know where the "Lodge"/"Vault" is, and guards the "door" & allows NONE to pass NOR re-pass (return) w/o M's permission. So...

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Rebel the working tools of the R A? Well maybe I have a pass and that they will let me repass. I will watch out for the COWS! It is taking a left turn downward at this point. I got the tow. Pull left or right. I got your back. Just don't get your feet wet. Good one, very nicely done.

Senior Deacon

Rebel the working tools of the R A? Well maybe I have a pass and that they will let me repass. I will watch out for the COWS! It is taking a left turn downward at this point. I got the tow. Pull left or right. I got your back. Just don't get your feet wet. Good one, very nicely done.

Senior Deacon

LOL! Well ya see... I AM the Sentinel of my RA Chapter; in my "Blue Lodge", I am often requested to be Tyler by the WM... with a drawn sword in my hand; SO!

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